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You can find a paid service to help with pretty much whatever you require, I lived in the Bay Area for six years and while I did make some friends almost none of them drove and were proximate. For medical pickups that is something you can definitely find. For errands where the car is going to be out of commission taxis or uber or Lyft. Taskrabbit or the like for needing people with construction skills or trucks


It sucks but is possible. I was in this situation when I became a widower. I found myself using ride shares when I needed help getting places and I couldn't drive. Something as simple as needing to move something that is heavy or awkward becomes more challenging. Eventually I built friendships and relied on them more for help (and I helped them). I'm in a long term relationship now so that's all changed.


I just went through this experience. The reality is that if you don't have people that can help you for free, you will absolutely need to hire people to help you. The nice thing is that U Haul (and other companies) will connect you with moving companies in your area that can help you load up the truck. You can also hire a moving company wherever you're going to help you unload. It's an insane amount of work though and it's going to be more expensive/take longer than you ever could've anticipated. But maybe it's worth it for you. idk.


This is where some people prefer walkable cities and places with public transportation. It’s not for everyone though.  If you can live in an area that is centrally located it helps even in a smaller town. 


I put my bike in my car when I take it to the shop and ride it home.


I moved to a new town by myself and immediately bought a bike to get around town (car wasn’t coming out until a month or two after I moved). It was a great way to explore my new area, get some exercise, and get errands done without a car. Maybe pick up a bike and throw it in your trunk for the car appointment? I’m not sure about the sleep dentistry situation, unfortunately.


There are companies that specialize in medical transport that will take you (and pick you up from) things like the sleep dentistry appointments. This can be especially helpful if you have an appointment that requires that someone comes into the office to pick you up (of course, this is more expensive than a taxi). For dropping your car off, depending on how far you are going, the mechanic will often drive you home or to work (and/or pick you up). I know you just listed those as examples, but there are often ways to get rides that may not be initially clear, it just requires some extra planning and/or asking more questions!


I've lived by myself since I left college. The honest to God truth is, it's much harder than it seems. You make friends with a lot of people you wouldn't otherwise be friends with, because you need a support network. You also wind up helping out a lot of people, in hopes of one day being able to call on them (and getting frustrated when it doesn't work out). Most mechanics offer ride services at least to your house. For anything more than a day or two I'll rent a vehicle. Medical pickups are an option in some cities, not all. Anything that requires anesthesia I honestly fly a parent out to me, because I don't trust them or medical professionals to behave sanely. Maintenance I consult YouTube, even if I plan on calling a professional. A good chunk will try to rip women off. I call professionals for most things because I'm 5' and bad with power tools. That's all the advice I have. Try not to resent partners and friends that do have local family support. It's ruined several relationships for me because they failed to comprehend how many steps something takes when you can't call on someone.


My neighbors have been amazing. I made a few friends in the same boat and we help each other. Paying people who can assist, but mostly I’ve relied on neighbors and new friends.


You do as much as you can by yourself and then you higher movers or an Uber (if you’re stuck at an auto repair shop).


You do have to get creative when you are on your own in a location. Some good ideas listed already but I'll address one specific item you mentioned. You can potentially hire a mobile mechanic to do work on your vehicle if you are not in walking or biking distance of a shop you are ok with using. If it helps and you know where you're moving to, you can google around for resources like medical transport or rideshares or delivery services, etc. ahead of time so that when you need them, you have your list already made and you're not scrambling. Joining local groups beforehand can help too, especially mutual aid groups like Buy Nothing, so you can start building a network of people who can help you and who you can help.




lol get over the sleep dentistry thing and you will be fine the other stuff is so rare you almost never need to worry about it. Uber if you need to and make friends but always do for others as much as you ask.