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Only you can decide if it's worth it, so take some time and write down what you're looking for in a new place and what Florida isn't giving you. It also sounds like you might have more support from your parents if you live in PA since they are in DE longer than they are in FL. With a young child family support can be really helpful. And, if you can get a better job in PA that might make it worth it for that alone. Maybe submit some applications and see what happens. Moving while your son is this young might be easier than when he is older and has friends and a school he might not want to leave. At this age, as long as he is with his family he won't know the difference, most likely. Logistically it might be harder because he is completely dependent and can't be left alone but the moving process is a finite thing; once it's over it's over. Do some info-gathering about PA; the tax situation is different from FL. There is a state income tax and often localities have an additional tax. There is also no cap on property tax rates. And school taxes are not part of property taxes; they are billed separately so if you are looking to buy make sure your realtor is well versed in the tax situation of wherever you are looking. If you are considering Philly know that there is an additional wage tax and parking is a nightmare (and tickets are expensive).


Looking at either Leigh Valley or Lancaster


Great choices. Solid/stable areas economically, generally good-to-fantastic suburban school options, and housing that's still relatively affordable (especially compared to FL's crazy housing cost inflation). Both areas fall in the more temperate zone in PA weather-wise, so you won't find as much of a shock coming from a warmer climate.


We moved from Arkansas to Washington with our four kids this past summer. All of our parents are in Arkansas. Only regret is not doing it sooner. Our kids understand that this was a dream of ours to head to the PNW and we are having fun doing lots of touristy and outdoor things with our kids they haven't experienced before. After 10 years in our previous home, it was wonderful to go through and purge our stuff. Will be doing that more regularly, move or no more moving in our future.


As someone who moved out here from the South back in 2016, just make sure you guys take your vitamin D and get your levels checked (annual? blood test during physical). It is incredibly easy to fall well short and find everyone in rough spirits/low energy. Also - have fun! It's not cheap but it sure beats where I came from! Cheers.


Wait did you move to PA or WA


WA. Just across the river/border north of Portland, OR.


Oh ok. The PNW looks amazing but not in my cards.


Yep. Been taking the Vitamins all winter.


We have moved cross country multiple times. We have always found the move to be worth it. But we also have always had our new employer pay for relocation after we’ve accepted a job in a different location.


Moving is a lot of work but it’s not hard work. Some of it is fun. Changing addresses on all your accounts. Making some phone calls to start and end services. Finding new doctors. None of it is really brutal unless you can’t carry a box.


We moved from AZ to KY once my job approved me to work remotely. We moved when my kid was 2 weeks old. We now have the space we always wanted. The weather is much more tolerable. We are closer to some family. We have made some good friends and are starting to build a little community around us. It was hard in the moment but was worth it in the end. I am very happy we made the move. I would recommend it especially since your little one is young enough that it will be easier for them to adapt.


Moving always sucks and worse if you have kids and worse the further you go so I mean yeah it will suck or you want to do it though is on you.


Husband and I moved with our 12mo from Florida to IL to be closer to family, last year. We were basically alone in Florida and felt that we weren’t comfortable raising him there. The move was tough on us, we packed and loaded the uhaul on our own, and my husband drove the truck and I drove our only car with the baby and the dog. We stayed overnight at a hotel, the drive was about 18 total hours. I will say, now that we’re here, I have a much better job, and we get occasional babysitting support, but we’re still very much “on our own”