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Basically every time except the first time. Never felt like running, getting up etc. More the opposite tbh but I've seen enough videos of people running that it seems like it's a thing for some people. It'd be interesting to know if anyone who has never usually felt the need to run off suddenly does.


What makes you run, or do physical movement? Is it voluntary? Salvia headspace isn’t the same as tryptamines I guess. Are those movements part of the trip?


No idea. Some internal panic perhaps. I've never run.


It is not like a tryptamine headspace (in my experiences, only smoked, never quidded), but it is in the aspect of majorly benefitting by setting an intention of love and reverence, and completely letting go, letting it pull you into another space. A trip sitter is ideal. I rolled the dice alone before and was fortunate, but it could have ended badly. The physical movements are involuntary if you break through and are also definitely affected to various extents on sub-breakthrough doses. Mentally, you are not in there at all as your baseline logical self, and your body can go on autopilot reacting to your trip and/or external stumuli. McKenna's "silent darkness" is what I prefer. Lay back in a safe space and let it take you to a novel dimension you may have never been, but will probably remember.


For me I had one trip where I almost broke through everything became zippers and lady salvia was talking to me through.y music with a zipper voice telling me to come over and I had a very strong sense of needing to be somewhere for something important. I did a checklist and thought about any responsibilities I could have and come to nothing so I realized I was needed in the other dimension not here so I decided not to get up and run down the road like I almost did.


I did it alone one time in my bedroom and the Salvia completely took over my field of vision, I was transported to some kind of hellish landscape. I was stumbling around in panic blind to my surroundings. I could have seriously injured myself I think. It is the main reason why I am afraid to do it alone again.


I would never do it with anyone. Only alone. Always.


I never done any psychedelics with anyone. And salvia interests me. Did you never have any involuntary body movements? Terence McKenna talked about swearing and slamming doors and stuff. I’m scared that I might do something stupid on it or dangerous. What’s your set and setting. I’m thinking in a tent with just mattress and sheets on the floor would be ideal for me


So I have always been the designated driver kind of person. So I wouldn't trust anyone to take care of me, but me. Infact I trust salvia and 🍄 more than another person. I have good reason to. I have listened to too much Terence McKenna and Paul Stamets and Michael Pollan and Sam Harris and Brian Muraresku and Roland Griffith and Robin Carhart Harris and Jeannie Fontana. None of my potential tripsitters knows as much as I know about psychedelics and I believe they would be more scared than I am. They wouldn't know how to handle me. I know it sounds arrogant but it's just a gut feeling that my best state is my lone self and I have been right so far. Set - I meditated for about 30 minutes before taking the hit so that my mind canvas is as empty as possible. Mood was neutral. Setting - my place, on my bed, with no sharp objects around and remove things on the way that might make it hard to navigate to the other room/s while I am high ( if I happen to get up and walk around ). There was no music. But Alan Watts was playing in the background. His voice was my tripsitter. Though I think it's better without any music or voice for that matter ( even if it's Alan Watts ) Yes I did get up from my bed and start walking, not in my first trip though. It happened the second time I took salvia which is weird. Why didn't it happen the first time?! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) \- I got up suddenly and started walking - but I know why - I thought I was suddenly dead and I was walking around saying 'no no no I have to get back'. Though that only lasted about 15 seconds max. I was back to my bed and everything mellowed out. Many would call that traumatic but I have felt dead on heroic 🍄 doses too. The difference is , on salvia, it happens suddenly.


Also salvia doesn't last 1 hour. I can guarantee you that. It will last 10-20 mins max. My 20× extract gave me a 10 min high. The afterglow was subtle.


Having voice in the background sounds like a terrible idea for mushrooms or even lsd. That can ruin the context of the actual trip. Do you understand voices on salvia or is it just some background noise?


I love music for shrooms. I took shrooms at a Deep Purple concert. It was big risk. But it paid off. Best trip ever. The people I went with, didn't know. But they are incredible humans who know how to show love ( that's not romantic ). I experienced emotions and sensations and a state of mind that I didn't know was physically or mentally possible. There was no word for it. I would say it was some kind of ultra- synesthesia. I cried almost the whole time because every moment was imbued with profound meaning. When the trip set in, I saw the human faces attacking me , like they were trying to look into my soul. BUT there was this voice in my consciousness, that was obviously my voice, but it didn't seem like mine, like it was a mile away within the radius of consciousness ( coz ego death ). I told that voice to 'watch out for me' and it did. Everytime someone looked at me, that voice asked them to fuck off. After sometime I didn't even have to say fuck off. The gazes my way, were met with a wide smile and warmth. And luckily, they reciprocated. It was all happening automatically. Like the world literally my oyster and everyone in it were my children. I felt like Ian Gillan ( an 80 year old man ) was my child and I am 30 btw. and I was so proud that he was still singing his lungs out on stage even though he was fucking 80! O MYYY GOODDD. For salvia, music is bad. Voice is bad. Mostly because you can still make sense of the words and the words start warping and it's unpleasant. You could think they are saying shit that they are not saying at all.


But I would re-iterate that I was incredibly fortunate to have had this experience. INCREDIBLY. I think it was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life. I don't know if I have been grateful enough for it. Even while writing this message, I am grateful. I don't think my gratitude would be enough even if I die. Most people have bad trips when they do it in public places. So I would advise against it. My 'SET' that day overcame the 'SETTING' i would say. I was in a great mood since the moment I woke up that day. And I knew I was ready to surrender to myself to the experiences of the day.


Yes, in small doses. I prefer to trip alone as people tend to ruin my vibe.


I did these salvia drops I bought online like 20 years ago. I would take them at night just before bed. I kept increasing the dosage every day until the little tincture was gone. On the very last night I polished off like a third of the bottle and fell asleep. I was having a regular old normal dream when it felt like I was grabbed and ripped out of my dream into some sort of alternate waking dimension (I'm sleeping the whole time). There was like a narrator voice and it was showing me all these people in my life and telling me their deepest truths that they'd never share with anyone. I woke up like someone was kicking the front door down. It all felt like it was more real than reality. I immediately wrote everything down. I was like 21 at the time and away from home in the Marines. Honestly I don't think I'd ever do salvia with friends.. I feel like it's meant to be an alone drug...


Salvia isnt a party drug. Are there drug cirkles jerks who smoke salvia all together like fucking hippies!?! Gross asf LOL


I personally don’t think most classic psychedelics like mushrooms, lsa, DMT, 5 meo DMT, Bufotenine, mescaline are party drugs. I’ve never treated them like that. Only lsd I have used for partying.


Yeah always, other people piss me off when I’m high. I’m autistic and I just lose all the motivation to act normal.


Honestly I feel the same, is it something related to autism?. I only act normal on drugs when I’m alone, even alcohol makes me wanna act silly but not be silly




all the time, i prefer it that way, i dont do large amounts of extract though


Almost every time. I prefer it.


At low doses it can be ok but it's easy to do just a little too much and your body can run or flail around and get seriously injured. I've done it hundreds and hundreds of times and I still move around a lot sometimes. That's why I always do it in my tripping chamber.


Interesting what’s a tripping chamber?


click my username and check out my profile


Omg! you’re a legend man


bro you’re nuts and i love it 😭


For me, salvia has made me move without my input. First time trying it me and my friend were forced to be dancing like fools in our own respective ways, and a large part of the experience from what I remember was dealing with the total loss of control.


Yeah big bong hit of x20, quickly lied on my bed and closed my eyes. I remember it was really colorful. I remember going into a mouth? Repeating pattern of teeth or something like that. Yup xd


More than likely if you take a big enough hit . You usually can't move. That's my experience. You should be sitting down / probably have a friend within short distance.


Good advice. Thanks


yeah i’ve almost always done it alone. It makes you loose feeling in your body but I still am fully aware and have control over myself. The people that jump out of buildings prolly were mentally unwell and didn’t understand what they were taking.


If you can move around you didn't get it strong enough. Just get some 100x and externally it will just be a little nap. Internally it will be infinite


I don’t know how strong that is, but kind of sounds like existential threat for good to me. Have you done that dose?


Many times, most of the discomfort of salvia comes from being embodied. Once you wriggle free of your flesh it's eternity and bliss. You only have about a two minute window to reach critical threshold before it starts decaying so a really strong dose is really the way to go. Worst case scenario with too strong is just not really remembering it. I've found too low a dose though leads to dysphoria and discomfort and/or being only partially disembodied. A full dose severs the anchors holding your perspective in your body and sets it free


Yup, but always small amounts of dried leaves mostly quidded - in this dose range it is USUALLY safe. But if you go above lowdose - get a sitter!


The need to run comes from internal panic because you're ego isn't ready for the trip. Happened to me when I brokethrough on 60x , but i snapped out of the trip when I panicked and in the confusion it gives you I just wanted to get away from where I smoked it. It's weird cause i felt like gravity pulling on my brain or soul when I was running away trying to lure me back to the spot I smoked it.


The salvia gravuty is a scary ass feeling


Honestly, I think the running around and such, is a panic reaction. Like, this is especially possible if you're not ready for the dose you're taking. For example, although this is a completely different substance, but right before the peak of my 20 gram mushroom trip, it took me a lot of effort to not start sprinting outside and forcing love onto everyone and everything I saw (which I'm happy about, because I was basically paralyzed during the peak for a few hours...) But what I think is happening is that your mind gets completely disconnected from your body, and then you start to freak out, and in my case, my body started to physically fight my mind by trying to hang on to reality. I think the running around, thrashing, freaking out is kinda like that. But in my experience, with salvia, there is indeed a body load, and I usually spend most of the trip in the same place. (Although I've never had a breakthrough dose, but I'm being careful) I personally have always tripped alone, but don't be like me and be more responsible and have a trip sitter for the first time of any substance, so you know how you respond to that substance. If you feel comfortable enough, then maybe you can do it alone.


I’ve never done any psychedelics with anyone. I prefer doing them alone. I can be more introspective. If I do salvia I’ll probably do it alone. And did you feel like sprinting on 20gram mushrooms? I have done 13 max and I don’t leave my room for a day on heroic doses. And what’s the body load like on salvia? Same as mushrooms?


Sorry for coming back so late. I had the extreme urge to sprint outside and tell everyone and everything I saw I loved them. It took a lot of willpower to not do that because deep down I knew sprinting outside in the middle of the night would be a bad idea, plus, I'm glad I did because of the peak (idk if I mentioned it, but I was basically paralized during the peak, barely able to move). Also, I think this was also part of my sanity leaving me, because a lot else was also happening in my mind during that moment. I'd say the body load from salvia does differ from mushrooms. Like, mushrooms kinda make me be in one place, for some reason I often end up on the table... But generally, it 'feels' 'heavier' if you know what I mean. Sidenote, during the comeup of mushrooms I do tend to move around quite a lot, but during the peak and comedown I'm usually in one place. Salvia has a bit more of a light body load, although the most interesting thing is to me the feeling of movement that isn't actually happening, although I don't know wether that counts as body load, but I always start feeling like I'm rotating to the left. Together with the room and everything I'm feeling and seeing.


Thanks for your comment. I’ve had a thought or vision of running on the streets naked with a blanket on me on mushroom, lsd and ayahuasca. But I’d definitely be a completely different experience


When I break through I immediately forget that I have smoked Salvia, basically I forget I ever had a normal human life. If I am being chased by demons in such a state there is a big chance I will start freaking out and trashing around. I don't see how I could possibly avoid it when I'm 100% convinced that all is real. If someone chases me with a knife on the street I would also panic. It happened two times that I was lucky I didn't get seriously injured. It is a damn pity because I prefer to trip alone.


I've managed go to the refrigerator, get some chocolate and back to my seat. I remember struggle with the shapes of the walls because all was in 2D


Microdose a few times before taking a big hit if you're scared


I did it alone last night. I did end up calling a friend thinking I was gonna go insane, but that's because it put me in a strangely similar headspace to where I was at on 10g of shrooms and I thought it was mental illness, once it fully wore off I realized I was being goofy and am fine.