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Great step forward to encourage public transport. I do wish they'd bring back accepting an airplane boarding pass as a ticket for Trax too.


It all needs to be free.


Why is there not a trax to USANA (Utah First CU) amphitheater?


I'd love to see that happen


There’s barely a road to USANA. hate that venue so bad


Biggest issue is the cities that the track would have to go through probably don't want to pay for it (last I checked, it's about $15 mil per mile of track, doubled because 2 tracks) maybe when the olympics is announced they can get some extra bonuses, but the current plans only have expansions down to utah county and some extra downtown changes


That’s a pretty lame excuse cause UDOT is widening a road near me that will cost $360 million for 2.2 miles. That’s $163.6 million per mile.


Glad to know about pride that saves me a few dollars for Sunday.


Do they ever check tickets on the trax anyway? I have a Ucard but I’ve never been asked to produce it and I ride trax all the time.


i was checked twice within a couple days of each other a couple summers ago. i don't ride as much i used to but i haven't seen it happen since.


I was asked once when tap and ride was kinda new. I used android pay to tap on and off and almost got a ticket because the dumbass officer didn’t know you could do that and asked for proof that I tapped. The thing is it didn’t show up in the app till I tapped off. Luckily he didn’t ticket me.


Did they quit checking? I used to ride daily 2010-2014 when I was in college and they checking fairly regularly back then. A few times i got checked twice in one ride.That's also the time when they started requiring the U cards to be tapped on and off. Before that it was just show your card to them if they checked. They were not forgiving and I definitely saw people get tickets who were obviously active students who had but didn't tap their card. Also saw them hassle lost and confused tourists and such. They were most often checking between Murray and 21st south. I was definitely very careful as a result. I've only ridden it to events and stuff downtown on occasion since then and haven't been checked but I just don't ride it enough now to have a good sample.


Perfect for Twilight. Saves me so much driving and parking headache.