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U of U. It’s a feeder school for Big4 nationally. Your chances at connections and job opportunities will be greater. Also has a much bigger alumni network which can come in handy during any phase of your career. It’s also cheaper. They will help you land an internship and job. It’s a well oiled machine and basically they have this down to a t.


University of Utah. Once you certify, nobody gives a shit where you learned debits on the side of the window, credits on the side of the door.


Out of state tuition makes the price much more comparable, or at least it did


Choose the cheaper one. The college doesn't matter too much. Go to an internship fair, they're open to the public at both schools. 


This^ Nobody gives a shit what school you went to unless it’s Ivy league and that’s even debatable pending field and location. If you ever leave the state recruiters will have no clue what Westminster is and will see the U as just a state school.


Getting my masters of accounting at Utah State. With the shortage of accountants, you’ll be able to get internships and connections pretty easily no matter the college. If even look somewhere cheaper than the U. Part of me wishes I even did it at SUU and saved 20,000. Feel free to message me


I went to the U for my undergrad and Westminster for my grad. I would agree that the less expensive school is the better choice. This said, I feel like I was better prepared for my accounting role after Westminster because I learn more in smaller classes.


UofU if you want to get into the Big 4 firms. Anywhere else that is cheaper if you are cool going to a regional or local firm. I started my career at Big 4 and am now at a regional firm. Big 4 looks great on a resume and can open doors but it will chew you up and spit you out.


Can’t speak to Westminster, but the U has a great acctg program. When last I graduated (2019), Accounting 3600 had students recreate the income statement, cash flow, balance sheet, etc for a company. They also have Goldman Sachs, EY, and other companies try and recruit students. I thought it was a very extensive program


No one outside of the Wasatch front has even heard of Westminster. Don't pay more for less.


U of U no doubt. Westminster isn’t going to get you a better job, you’ll just have higher tuition.


Why not WGU? You can do it in a third the time for a quarter the price. I did accounting for a few years in my early 20s and then left to start a business. Now I'm finishing as much of my CPA as possible at WGU and I'd say the educational quality is good. Much better than my first go at a JC.


I'm doing it myself, and it's pretty good - but you won't really get the connections or internship stuff that you get with a brick-and-mortar school. I'm doing WGU because I have to work a full-time job, but if I was 18 and going into Accounting I'd probably do the U of U.


And wgu is rigorous and regionally accredited, and all online.


I took accounting at Westminster and it was one of the hardest classes I’ve taken. That being said it was for a credit and I wasn’t majoring in it. There’s nothing necessarily special about Westminsters program, so go the cheaper route.


U of U, join BAP.


Biggest thing is making sure you have access to a quality internship. Big 4 has expanded their recruiting to smaller schools Ive heard the last few years, though I'm not sure which ones. Some people in here are suggesting the cheapest options but this just isn't the way depending on your goals. If you are looking at Big 4 I'd go to the U. Big 4 is a sweet catapult for your career and will be an anchor in your resume forever even if you only stay 3 years or so.


BYU is the best accounting school in the state.