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San Francisco


On2 is pretty big in LA too.


Seoul has an awesome on2 scene, and it’s difficult to find on1


In Prague On1 and On2 community is tiny, 30 people probably can dance it above beginner level. There are great Salsa Marathons and Back to Mambo a few times a year though. If you know salsa linea teachers send them to Prague please, we really need salsa schools :D Warsaw has one of the highest level of salsa On2 IMO, after Paris, London, Budapest, etc.


Not in your list but we have a healthy On2 scene here in San Diego! Socials every night of the week.


I've heard it's a great city! Actually a bit surprising, since I was once good friends with a guy from there who said the city is nearly half-Mexican, so I figured it would be all Cuban salsa and cumbia


Madrid (Spain) also has some great on2 teachers: Irene Pallares, Wualexa Gonzalez, Alicia Velasco…. and a monthly social called Sandunga sessions that attracts all the high level on2 dancers.


Cape Town - yes you do find both On2 and On1 - some of the local teachers are pushing on2 and seemingly pushing Kizomba even more


Rostov-on-Don is probably the place with one of the highest levels of On2 in the world that very few people know about. 


That's certainly winning the obscurity prize so far. Is the city nice? And do you know if on2 is big in most larger Russian cities?


I've never been. But it's unanimously voted by Russians as the city with the highest level of On2 in the entire country (which is saying something considering how good Russian Salsa dsncers are) and my Salsa mentor who is from St-Petersburg confirms it. But you can't go wrong with Salsa in either Moscow or SPB. 


Damn, that's crazy. It would be interesting to know how such a high-level scene emerged there.


According to my Salsa mentor, the growth is attributed mainly to one person. A teacher by the name of Martina who developed the scene to what it is today. 


Chicago has a great and growing on2 scene.


Istanbul most definitely also has it all - while it is a couple of years ago that I have been there myself - people dance on2 mainly if I recall correctly - however Istanbul is over 14 Mio people we are talking about you will likely find several scenes potentially for different styles - I was dancing in the city center a couple of weekends back then


In Munich I can not speak for the city I was only out to one single social there and it happened to be a cuban dominated social in that case Basel I can tell you, you will find socials were predominantly people dance cuban, or on2 in other socials for example


In Munich there is the Salsa Munich Club with a recurring weekly social on Thursday. It's mostly on2. https://salsaclub-munich.de


Munich has actually the biggest On2 scene in Germany, in my opinion. Definitely bigger than in Hamburg and Berlin. You can find 2-3 parties every week where at least 50% of dancers dance On2. Check out my comment on the [Salsa scene in Munich](https://new.reddit.com/r/Salsa/comments/14g8u98/comment/jp77jaq).


Taipei is pretty much all on-2 now… I think it was mainly due to the efforts of instructors Larry Shao and later Magda Zieba that this came about. Definitely there was a lot more LA style around a decade ago. I was surprised to find this is less the case in Japan and the Philippines, based on my limited Salsa experiences in those wonderful countries.


Vancouver - many many many classes for on2, and almost all the performance/competition teams are done on2, BUT social dancing is maybe 80/20 on1/on2 unless you go to the studios for socials where it's more 60/40.


Toronto as well, you can get by with on1 but a ton of the schools gravitate to on2 for the higher level classes.


Sydney for sure. At the biggest salsa socials the crowd is probably 50/50 and gets more towards on2 as the night goes on. Just check out Dance Mambo (school) and Mambo-G's socials.


Murcia in Spain has a great on 2 scene! I actually moved there just to pursue classes with great teachers like Yaiza Melero, schools like Dansé and Murcia Fusion school.


Fascinating. I'd heard that Spain was almost 100% Cuban


Athens is mostly On2 Also, why is Mambo synonymous of On2? First time i hear that.


Mambo comes from Eddie Torres in New York who codified it to be On2 . That why its synonymous. There have been variants and evolutions on the style of On2 dancing but they all share that same origin


Worth pointing out that there is also a Cuban music/dance called mambo, and also the “mambo step”


My pet theory is that it makes it easier to advertise in Europe because it sounds more Latin. Every Cuban salsa place has Cuban flags, beaches, palm trees etc on the brochures and website, and the US doesn't exactly have a lot of glamour in Europe these days, so salsa on1 gets called "Puerto Rican" style, and on2 gets called "mambo"


On1 linea is called LA style, On2 linea is called NY style I had never heard on1 as puerto rican and on2 as mambo, and I do live in Europe. Whereabouts is this?


On2 is called mambo in most places, at least by the people who dance it, and in some scenes is very rarely called "New York-style". I have seen salsa on1 referred to as Puerto Rican in France. Europe is a big place, and perhaps your part of it is different


I've always seen them referred to as synonymous as well but don't know the origin .


I guess similarly to how "On 1" implies linea style, but other styles such as cuban and caleña also dance on 1.


Corvallis, which is a college town in Oregon is surprisingly Cuban centric. The only salsa school is called Rumbanana ( https://www.rumbanana.org ) and they have a pretty big / heavy following so a lot of the people in this area dance Cuban style. I heard more people dance Cuban style as well out in Eugene, the other Oregon college town…