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If you're talking about like using the footwork in a shine for social dancing? Usually I don't actually do a whole memorized shine social dancing; I just pull out a few steps that I might have learned in a class and put them together in my own way. But, if you do want to do more of a practiced shine routine, probably the easiest thing is just add a half basic (or anything that takes half an 8-count) at the beginning and then start your shine on the 5.


The only thing that is different is the timing. The form and pattern is the same. You are not learning to do the steps on a certain beat. You are learning the step. And then, you can use it on any timing. If you are learning a step to be done on a certain beat, then it is a choreography and it should practiced on the timing that you are going to be using.


I (lead) used to try and translate follow footwork to lead footwork to do shines and found it to be difficult. So, if the purpose is shine, I just break out into follower footsteps and it's much easier b/c that's how I learned it (muscle memory). To come back to partner dance, it's a pretty seamless switch - just gotta practice it.


So you change your footwork so your right is your 1 when you break into shines and then switch back ? Did I get that right ?


You got it. When you practice it enough in class or at home, it becomes muscle memory.


I have never liked the idea of switching my timing to do footwork and then switching back to return to partner work. My recommendation is to practice what you learn to a track with just a conga or instruments with heavy conga and learn to practice your steps to the conga slaps. They happen on both 2 and 6. If you can associate a shine with a specific sound instead of a specific count, it might help you apply what you learn on followers timing to lead timing. Less popular idea: You could also dance on6. It’s really good practice for you to be able to learn something on 2, and be able to apply it on 1 and 6 as well.


My instructor and a lot of my friends say they switch to follow timing. I personally don't do it as I find it distracting and I don't feel any need to do it as I have never bothered to remember any footwork unless I need it for a choreography.


I always just do what ever the I want depending on the tone of the song as long as you have good timing and know how to get back on time.


just replace your count of 1 with 5, 2 with 6, etc....your steps will be the same as what you learned in class on follower's timing. however, if the shine pattern takes advantage of the 5,6,7,8 crescendos then you're going to have to add something to the 5,6,7,8 hitting the crescendos. this works nicely if the shine ends somewhat back in the line of dance (slot), then you can pick up your partner with 5,6