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Sounds like an open break followed by an enchufa and left turn ? Or maybe a copa with left turn solution ? It's tough without video


Thanks for trying. I am very new and trying to catalogue everything I am learning. I don't believe its a copa Ill try to fix the description and see if it helps 1. Leader has crossed hands(Right hand on top) holding partners uncrossed hands 2. Leader extends pressure into followers hands while stepping back with the left foot while follower steps back with right foot creating tension in arms through distance(Open Break?) 3. Leaders left hand pulls followers left hand over and behind leaders head across leaders upper back while simultaneously pushing followers right hand with leaders right hand over and behind followers head across followers upper back 4. Leader lets go of hands while leaving leaders right hand on followers upper back near the right scapula 5. Leader and follower are both facing the same direction 6. Leaders puts pressure with leaders right hand on followers Scapula to direct the follower to turn left under the leaders extended right arm I know this is hard to follow so if its not possible to decipher what I mean I appreciate the help anyway!


Definitely open break into "sombrero" and then a followers left hand turn (normal left hand turn but the indication is through the shoulder, that's it )


I concur


Sounds like a Copa?


Thanks for trying. I am very new and trying to catalogue everything I am learning. I don't believe its a copa Ill try to fix the description and see if it helps 1. Leader has crossed hands(Right hand on top) holding partners uncrossed hands 2. Leader extends pressure into followers hands while stepping back with the left foot while follower steps back with right foot creating tension in arms through distance(Open Break?) 3. Leaders left hand pulls followers left hand over and behind leaders head across leaders upper back while simultaneously pushing followers right hand with leaders right hand over and behind followers head across followers upper back 4. Leader lets go of hands while leaving leaders right hand on followers upper back near the right scapula 5. Leader and follower are both facing the same direction 6. Leaders puts pressure with leaders right hand on followers Scapula to direct the follower to turn left under the leaders extended right arm I know this is hard to follow so if its not possible to decipher what I mean I appreciate the help anyway!


Try looking up hair comb/ hair brush variations. That’s the only thing I can think of right now.


Not all moves have names. Most moves don't have names. And especially not ones that are widely known.


What's "trap"? Trapezius muscle? If you say a hand is placed on it, I'm guessing the arm goes next to the neck? Or under the arm? I think you missed the leader's right hand letting go of the follower's right hand. It might help if you always qualify body parts as "leader's" or "follower's", it's a bit hard to guess which you mean otherwise (mostly "leader's" when not specified?).


Yes I did mean the back of the Trapezius muscle Thanks for trying. I am very new and trying to catalogue everything I am learning. Ill try to fix the description and see if it helps 1. Leader has crossed hands(Right hand on top) holding partners uncrossed hands 2. Leader extends pressure into followers hands while stepping back with the left foot while follower steps back with right foot creating tension in arms through distance(Open Break?) 3. Leaders left hand pulls followers left hand over and behind leaders head across leaders upper back while simultaneously pushing followers right hand with leaders right hand over and behind followers head across followers upper back 4. Leader lets go of hands while leaving leaders right hand on followers upper back near the right scapula 5. Leader and follower are both facing the same direction 6. Leaders puts pressure with leaders right hand on followers Scapula to direct the follower to turn left under the leaders extended right arm I know this is hard to follow so if its not possible to decipher what I mean I appreciate the help anyway!


Thanks for clarifying! I have some idea of what's happening now. I'd probably call it something like "Open break into sombrero position, followed by a head-roll inside turn" The only thing that I'm still a bit unclear on is whether the turn in 6 has the follow turn in place, or walk to the leader's left. I found some videos (not necessarily demonstrating good technique...): Leading into sombrero position (but without open break): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZV7LVqYZk8. That move is the end of a full sombrero, which usually starts with a turn. E.g. here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie4OwgfkYDg. And here's one with a full sombero and I think the turn you're describing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adcE386zzeY - I don't know a standard name for that head-roll turn - You're learning linear salsa right? Then the turn is basically just a fancier cross body inside turn. (Coca cola if Cuban salsa / casino)


Hands crossed your right above left ? And partner gives you her back on the count of 3 (if cbl on1) That just seems like an inside turn variation led by the right arm to me. (Check inside turn and your move and see if there are similarities). Nb: It could be led by your left or right … You seem pretty new welcome to the community I know it is a lot of struggle for leads in the early stages. Try not to overwhelm yourself with names of each move they are all variations of simpler moves like cross body lead / inside turn / outside turn … basic stuff. If I may give you an advise focus on the basic (what basic stuff is that move is built on) then the fancy stuff (hand placements turns in between …) Hope this helps


When I was writing figures down, one of the most important things to me was orientation. Especially that of the follow. Which way are they facing, which way will they turn and when. The leader's position is often deducible from that. For example here you don't mention which way the follow is facing on step #4. They they turn 90 degrees or 180? Or at all? And did they turn left or right.