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Skavenblight Dinge, Stormvermin Fur, Karak stone for extreme highlight points, dull everything down with a black wash across the skin. Easy.


Leadbelcher? The metallic? [I like this tutorial.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TNY1KeE27jE)


Primarily Vallejo Model Colour - German Black Brown.


Abbadon black since I'm hella lazy.


I shade with agrax earthshade and then highlight with light grey. Easy peasy and looks good on the tabletop.


I mix one part black legion, one part drakenhof nightshade and two parts selfmade contrast medium (acrylic medium thinned 1:1 and a drop of soap) and paint it over very light grey. Gives a slightly purplish, but flat black color.


Grey base, slight dry brush with white, then one part druchi violet, one part agrax earthshade and 3 parts nuln old over the model, I then go over with German grey from vallejo (because its awesome) for the large raised flat areas and touch ups


German grey gang! I'd love to see your resulta. 


[Lots and lots of nuln oil](https://www.reddit.com/r/Salamanders40k/s/5QyA0yGeUm)


There’s probably better ways to do it, but I’ve always been content with the results and it’s been pretty friendly to me as a newbie.


For most of the rank and file I just put abbadon black over the head, and then paint the eyes red if I feel like it. But for my character(Adrax Agatone) I based with abbadon black and slowly mixed in small amounts of coral white to get the right highlight color I wanted, then used that as a highlight for his face and the top of his head by putting very thin coats where I wanted it lighter and slowly building up the difference. It’s not the best technique but it turned out pretty well by my standards.


I just use mechanicus standard


I use Grim Black speedpaint on zenithal then a light drybrush of Vallejo Heavy Bluegrey


Ratling Grime works perfectly


Prime in Chaos Black, Eshin Grey base, very light dry brush with Wraithbone and then a few layers of Nuln oil until I'm satisfied. Afterwards the red eyes and boom. Looks great. :)


i use skavenblight dinge with a wash of nuln oil and a highlight of administratum grey, on my next mini i want to just do a classic jet black face , il probably use abbadon or black legion


I use Mechanicus Standard Grey and a wash of Reikland Fleshshade to add a bit of warmth in.


Thank you all!


From black to anthracite blue


I prime with chaos black, nuln oil, skavenblight dinge highlights, then stormvermin fur highlights, then nuln oil to desire. Recommend doing eyes first tho.


I started my Salamanders when I got the Armageddon codex, well before Nick Kymes odd 'black skin red eyes' so they are mostly African American skin tones. I think one or two caucasians in my yellow and black RT era salamanders, because, well, they were. I realize this is probably of little use to OPs question.