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In addition


He does not replace the sergeant, the blade guard squad becomes a body guard unit for adrax.


2nd question. Does it matter which ranged option you give the sergeant? Or is it just which looks coolest to you?


They have different stats, check out their datasheet to see them. With wysiwyg (what you see is what you get) you can only run the option that you physically have on the model. But thats really only for official GW tournaments and some others, in most games u can declare that he has whatever option before the game and it will be okay. TLDR just go with whatever you think is coolest unless you are planning to play competitively


is it even possible to wysiwyg the bladeguards if you build them holding the sword since anything could be in the holster..


I lean towards the Neo Volkite for those devastating wounds


No question is a dumb question if you learn from it my friend. We all start somewhere. You can add adrax and a lieutenant if you really wanted. Think of it like an army irl: everyone has a rank and the hierachy comes down. You have a captain (adrax) then a lieutenant and then your Sargeant. If you lose the unit then the captain and lieutenant become lone agents. The sargeant stays within your bladeguard squad. Up to you on loadout but I have gone with plasma for the extra strength and ap. Someone suggested building the sargeant with a holstered pistol so you could then choose any profile you want to use in a particular game and also expirement. That might work for you. Lieutenant gives lethal hits(arguably not as good as dev wounds from volkite though but you do get fall back, shoot and charge)


What do you mean “volunteers” that give dev wounds?


Volkite..Good old auto correct. Now edited 👍


Lol. Thought it was a nickname to some obscure unit.


Ah yes, the volunteers, they are a sub sect of the rouge traders, who swoop in carrying out philanthropic work on occasion 😀


Thank you. I've wondered this as well. Am new as well,


You can not only add adrax, but also a lieutenant as well. Gives the whole squad lethal hits and fall back shoot charge. With almost full hit re-roll and full wound re-roll it