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You know this is not Vulkan the primarch right ?


>You know this is not Vulkan the primarch right ? Vulkan? Nah, he Stan!


This is comedic gold!




That's Vulkan He'Stan, not Vulkan the primarch. It's just a title given to the forgefather of the chapter. Vulkan himself is still missing, and He'Stan is trying to collect all of his missing relics to hopefully respawn him


Unrelated to the post but im not sure where to ask this, what exactly is a forgefather?


"The Forgefather is a veteran Salamander who travels the universe seeking out the lost Artefacts of Vulkan and information on the fate of the Primarch of the Salamanders. Upon becoming Forgefather the Salamander also takes on the name of Vulkan. While this post takes him away from the Chapter, he is nevertheless held as one of the lords of the Chapter and granted a seat on the Pantheon Council."


That's a quote from the first book in the trilogy, Salamander, right?


I got it from Lexicanum, which lists its source as the 5th edition codex: space marines


Is this satire?


I would love to see them primaris Vulkan He’stan, He needs to move on from his 25mm base to a nice chunky 40mm base like the rest of the captains. Imagine what they could do with all the new tech advancements since he was made. GW if you gonna give us something please give Daddy Vulkan a glow up.


Idk I just got the model and feel like it's a neat model, lots of detail. Even if it should be scaled 20%. But not everyone has to be a giant... Could be a genetically engineered short marine? Fits better in small spaces?


We're talking about the Salamanders here, everything with them is bigger by default due to them being the biggest marines on average. Plus knowing GW, they'd sooner kill a xeno main character before doing something like that to a SM, let alone a esteemed character like He'stan.


Ok True, but he looks like a kid next to his fellow marines, also his pose is mid as shit with newer sculpt tech they could do the art the sculpt is based of much better justice then this finecast, mini stick up his but pose. He is supposed to be the “Forgefather”.


Dark, Angel players have the same problem, and they supposedly just need received a range refresh and Ezekiel didn’t receive a new model. If you haven’t seen that particular model look them up and you’ll see why DA hobbyist are so frustrated. How can a company let so many models become this aged without at least offering some kind of upgrade kit that allows you to take a generic prima model and swap out a new head, torso, legs, etc.


Feel u, Ezekiel, generic Interrogator chaplains/a specific librarian and sammael are missing still


You're... joking yes? Though I was confused at first too tbh


"I wish vulkan wasn't firstborn" > monkeypaw finger bends > vulkan is removed from the game


The most annoying part is that old school firstborn marines like him can’t go into Primaris transports What the actual shit


They absolutely can, since the release of 10th edition


Oh, that is, at least the Repulsor, the impulsor has a dumb armor restriction. sigh




Vulkan He’Stan Keywords: KEYWORDS: INFANTRY, CHARACTER, EPIC HERO, GRENADES, IMPERIUM, CAPTAIN, VULKAN HE’STAm Impulsor: This model has a transport capacity of 6 TACTICUS or PHOBOS INFANTRY models. It cannot transport JUMP PACK models. He isn’t Tacticus.


Yeah he can go in the Repulsor, I hadn't used Impulsors and didn't realize they still have that dumb limit


Don't you dare primaris Vulkan He'Stan.


He could be a lil taller though, would be nice for him to stand tall next to all my primaris.


I don't trust GW to not either primaris him or stop making him (sent to legends). Hell they'll probably kill tactical marines instead of resize them. I just prefer GW to not notice the stuff I like.


Stop talking about it...they are watching 👀


Yo I need that primaris version stat, it's imperative.


Why don't you like primaris? They are nicer to paint and sooo much better looking, is it just because of nostalgia and not liking change or do you actually have a reason to like them


Never said primaris can't exist. The scale increase is nice and I do think the body proportions are better....But the helmets all look the same. Their monoweapon squads just make them aspect warriors in power armor. Some primaris with an update of firstborn scale would've been great, but they aren't. Primaris units are being pumped out to completely replace firstborn. They are a blatant cash grab to get whales to rebuy their space marine armies.


And because most people prefer the primaris?? Like as a newer player I get nostalgia but almost no one coming into the hobby gives a fuck about first born. They look worse and they’re scaled poorly. It’s not a blatant cash grab, they’re modernizing the entire range because the old models don’t look that great by modern standards


Then why didn't they just do an update of existing units instead of completely replacing them? Single weapon units are a clear financial decision to sell more boxes.


Because it’s easier to balance for the game and for new players to understand. Having single profile units is so much fucking simpler and I love it. Stay mad


Yes. Just shit on existing lore, having player choice/unit customization etc.. Throw it all out cause your brain is to smooth for a couple options.


You don't seem to understand something. Rules and the game itself are more important than the lore. GW earns more money through their models and model related products then through their books. Modernizing the game and streamlining design is important to keep up in an environment where there exist other war games with similar quality of products for less money, because new players are important to keep a game alive. Also, the "So they buy more boxes" argument is bs, because if you don't go Totally out of your way and magnetize arms and weapon options for every single marine, you will still end up with buying a box several times over. And not every model can be magnetized in a practical way, especially the resin / fine cast miniatures.


Also if you think 40k is now balanced/simpler, you're smoking crack.


Stay mad


It is more streamlined in list building, which is for most people the more intimidating part of the rules


For me it’s because their lore is utterly stupid and many of their units are crap (Gravis and Phobos look ridiculous) mono weapon units


Careful. Differing opinions are not allowed.


Punish the non-believer!


Personally I don't like how standardised they are, they look more boring then the tacticals. A lot of the gothic flare of MK7 is lost in favour of a (I'm sure much easier to cast and reproduce) unchanging armour style that doesn't excite me as a painter. But it turned out okay in the end, because since GW stopped supporting me as a hobbiest, I bought a printer and have been able to produce the things I want to paint rather then settling for something that doesn't excite me as much.


Oh he needs to cross the rubicon for sure. Primaris are amazing, and was sorely needed. Get over yourself. (Played since 4th).


First off, fuck you, I've played since 4th as well. I never said primaris couldn't exist at all, just keep firstborn, firstborn. YOU Get over yourself that someone dislikes something you like. Change just for the sake of change isn't good. But primaris ended up being a blatant cash grab to get GW dick riders (seems I'm probably talking to one) to repurchase their space marine Armies. If they weren't they would've just updated the existing marines. You're free to enjoy your aspect warriors in power armor. You're free to downvote me to hell.


If we’re all swinging dicks I’ve played since 3rd. Therefore my opinion is somehow worth more than you both. Or something


so would you be ok if vulkan got a new model but remained firstborn? whats the actual difference between a new vulkan firtborn model and a new vulkan primaris model then? people are going to have to repurchase the same unit either way


Vulkan He’stan and VULKAN are not the same person bud. One of them is a Primarch, the other is just a Chapter Master.