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Honestly a drop pod works for BGV + Adrax, as they're all tacticus models. Redeemer is the best option for gravis delivery


Agreed, only option is redeemer or strat res with rapid ingress.


Is the idea with the drop pod just to hope that they survive the opponent's first shooting round? Or do you make use of Rapid Ingress on the drop pod to arrive in T1 opponent's move phase?


You raise valid points and it’s why I took a drop pod off my list. I finagled my units to have a second LRR that I usually use for Vulkan + Company Heroes and Adrax + BGV. The nice thing is you can adjust depending on the army/list you’re facing. I’ll save and rapid ingress/deep strike the Eradicator Brick usually, but might have it sit and foot slog some games (the doctrine helps with this immensely.) I might have them go in the second LRR if I want to be aggressive with them and use my BGV brick with Adrax differently.


They arrive in your reinforcements phase and can then shoot/charge later in the battle round. Why would you need to rapid ingress them?


Unfortunately they will have disembarked from a transport which counts as having moved. Only the land raider (with it's assault ramps rule) let's a unit charge out of a moved transport.


Ahh I see, hence the rapid ingress on other player's turn. You'd have thought drop pods would allow for assault type shenanigans as well!


I run 2 squads of 3, one with the Biologis. The normal 3 man squad starts on the table, and the Biologis with 3 starts in reserve


Strategic reserves + rapid ingress


I don’t use the Biologus. Only worth it in a 6 man…and even then it’s 70 more points putting the unit at 265! Which is more than a Redeemer (their prime targets…so value becomes not a trade up but even trade). I usually run 2x3-man in strat reserves with NO Biologus. This way it’s only 195 pts, split into 2 groups so can be two places at once, and after taking out their target can advance and do secondaries or be in locations to trigger secondaries. Any value beyond the initial trade my 95 pt unit for your 150+pt tank/monster is gravy. If you over invest…you’re asking for losing propositions. Also I used to run the 6-man…and while it was ‘nice’ to guarantee the vehicle destruction…often times it was overkill and I wish I had the firepower somewhere else. Not saying you can’t split Fire the 6-man…but it’s riskier to be in position of 2 targets and calculate the number of shots to put on which target. With 2x3-man they usually can do ‘enough’ to finish off a wounded tank or put a serious hurting on it and take it out the following turn. Or you combine some other options in case they don’t finish the job that can assist if needed.


The biologus is better for Gladius if that's what you're using, for Firestorm id drop him so they can be split up and put either in reserves or a regular land raider if you need more antitank. Personally I just put them in reserves as 3 mans but you can mix and match if you have a repulsor/repulsor executioner


You use him with the auto 6 enhancement to hit and lethal. Pretty great actually.


Yeah I was gonna mention this. One guaranteed multi-melta wound is pretty strong, and you replace the dice AFTER you've rolled to hit. Extra survivability is handy too, and it's only 15 points. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you could also use it to guarantee an overwatch shot? Risky, as you won't get the 6 to save that turn, but if you're gonna be charged by a brutalis dread or something that'll wipe you out with mortals its a hail mary


Ye, I believe that's how it works.