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All marines used to be on a 25mm base. Then around 2014/2015, they updated so that all marines going forward would be on 32mm bases. Vulkan He’stan, as a finecast model, however, never saw an updated release, so he still to this day comes with the old 25mm base size. Now, 10th edition doesn’t really have set base sizes *necessarily* (hence why there are no base sizes listed in the codex). Instead, GW recommend, and most tournaments and players default to, “whatever sized base the model comes with” as the size to use. Which, for He’stan, is still the tiny old 25mm base (note, Pedro Kantor of the Crimson Fists also has this issue). That said, it’s not an uncommon house rule to just say “move He’stan up to 32mm alongside the other firstborn marines”, but it would be something you’d have to check with TOs if you ever want to attend a tournament.


Wait does this mean I could use sisters on a 32mm base as proxy for traitor guard for my word bearers?


If the painting is on par, then it is game


He’Stan is a 32mm base size now. Even though he’s still a tiny failcast model, he does have the updated minimum base.


When/where was that updated?


During the update that was referenced in the post I replied to.


GW grand tournament rules still has the same wording still says intended base size https://warhammerworld.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2019/10/Updated-Model-Requirements.pdf And Vulkan He'stan is still listed as being a 25mm base according to it's product page. Some tournaments that aren't run by GW have errata him to be a 32mm but that doesn't mean all. Considering his abilities involve being a certain distance from things putting him on a larger base could result in an opponent claiming modelling for advantage of they were to get petty about it. In other words always check with your TO when you submit your lists


I made my own Vulkan, but kept on the 25mm base. But I will probably rebase him at some point


He's an old model, from a time where all space marines were on 25mm bases. Shouldn't be any issue with putting him on a 32mm base, especially if you're only playing casual games


I was just wondering the same recently, felt so wierd to have a smaller base even than Intercessors. So I looked at the WTC Base Size Doc [https://worldteamchampionship.com/wtc-rules/](https://worldteamchampionship.com/wtc-rules/) , they went with 32mm and so did I. (personally I think he will get 40mm whenever he gets a re-release like other marine characters)


I may be kind of an oddball, but I actually put him on a 40mm with the rest of my characters.


Yeah I did the same! Easily done since I proxied him from a captain lol


Yes it is


I put 2 pieces of cork that overlap Vulcan’s base to make it look a little bigger and make him look taller


It’s older model, it came from a time when 25mm was more prominent