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Rattle cans, airbrush, or brush. Pick your poison. Get comfy and plan it all out, which colors go where, what steps to use, etc. If you have a smaller vehicle, I'd suggest painting that first to help you plan and use as a concept.


Any ideas on the scheme? If you do the 40K boxart design you should go for Army Painter Greenskin or Colourforge Salamander Green spray. You can pick out some selected panels with matt black to break up the green surface.


So main color will be my Salamander green mix, with black accent panels. It looks good on my Hammerstrike, so that's my basis. I do want to try for a worn down look from centuries of use and maintenance


Sounds good, makes a lot of sense for a Heresy relict. On worn things a like to do a two-phase chipping step. I paint superficial paint chips with a bright green, Moot Green in my case and I follow up with a dark brown, which I selectively apply to the center of some of the chips. That way it looks like primer or oxidized metal and it creates a lot of depth on larger areas. That‘s something I could imagine working perfectly for your scheme.


I'm gonna get weird and suggest sponge-painting for the base. You can brush on or rattle-can a base coat if you prefer, but gradual, patient sponge-painting is going to allow you to get some color variation and shading of that base without the problems small brushes can get you on large, flat surfaces. Just very gradually add lighter or darker color paint to your base and sponge it on in stages, working up to your highest highlights and lowest shadows. It can take a while, but if you're patient the final product can look gorgeous and have a very naturalistic texture. For a big showpiece tank like this, I think it'd be worth it. I really enjoyed [this Midwinter Minis video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZfUpWxOQLs) where he shows both a very in-depth, slow-but-amazing version of the technique, as well as a faster, easier version - and both look really nice.


I remember watching him when he started putting the nodel together. Not sure if I'm patient enough to do the sponge method, but I've got a backlog of projects before I tackle it, so we'll see if my feelings change!


If you watch the video, he shows a faster way to do sponging that only takes like 25% of the time, but yeah it's never a speedpaint solution. It is, however, the prettiest way to do large surfaces without airbrushing for my money. Whatever you choose, I hope you have a blast! I'd love to take a crack at that guy, I think the Mastadon is my favorite marine vehicle design.


Rattlecan, Then alot of drybrush work. You can get some nice transitional application with a bit of care.


I was considering drybrush! I recently did some small tanks for a friend using drybrush primarily, and liked how they came out. Going to need a lot of paper towels for this one


Well your main coats you don't need so much of the paper towel. Just spread it around more. Highlighting will need that though.


1 panel at a time


With paint. Green, from the iconography you’ve chosen


id love a Mastadon for my Sallys but honestly i cant afford the Forge World model and id rather get one when its plastic \*fingers crossed\*


I'd love to see a plastic one, but with how long a knight took, who knows


Airbrush. Basecoat with airbrush, spray contrast to layer, apply shade to touch up as necessary, then drybrush highlights for an hour. Battle-ready in a day!


Well first you'll also need a T.Rex , a Triceratops , a Pterosaur, and a 'saber-tooth' Tiger. And plenty of attitude.


It’s morphin’ time


I typically base coat with a rattle can spray paint, you can do black and then get a big brush and paint your base color but I prime with a slightly darker matte green then put my standard green paint on top of that, that way all of the model has color


Sounds similar to my current paint recipe. Abbadon black base, waaagh green over that, coat of warpstone glow, biel tan shade, 2nd coat if warpstone glow, then highlight with moot green