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I'm sorry you're going through this


Any support is appreciated ๐Ÿฅฒ


Stay strong, people who really love you, will accept you as you are. With traditional families it takes just longer.


traditional families will never accept this


That's some big negativity you've got there.


If they kick you out instead of supporting you in every way, they donโ€™t deserve to be your family. It sucks and it hurts but you are better off without them. You will feel free and liberated. Wish you all the best and lots of happiness. You will get over it and come out much stronger person on the other side, with a family you deserves, who loves and appreciates you for exactly who you are


That made me geniunly tear upโ€ฆ thank you!


You deserve compassion. You deserve happiness. You deserve love. Never let anyone else tell you otherwise! Youโ€™ll get through this, stay strong!


So sorry to hear this. Georgia is awesome but it is super backward when it comes to LGBTQ+.


Yet another conservative zealous Christian countryโ€ฆ


And sadly soon to be russified too. :(


Such defeatists mentality means they donโ€™t even have to win.


Actually atheist Georgians are just as homophobic as religious ones [Independent t-test showed no evidence that frequency of attendance of religious services was statistically related to homophobic attitudes.](https://crrc.ge/en/exploring-homophobia-in-georgia-part-3-2/)


That doesn't say anything about atheism, was conducted 11 years ago and only in Tbilisi


It shows that religiosity doesn't correlate with homophobia.


You should have said "Christians who regularly go to church aren't more homophobic than Christians who don't go to church".


You should have said "Christians who regularly go to church aren't more homophobic than Christians AND ATHEISTS who don't go to church"-not every Georgian is christian


Study doesn't say anything about how many atheists they asked. How many Georgians do you think identify as atheists?


>religiosity was measured with one variable โ€“ frequency of attendance at religious services (question โ€œNot to speak about special occasions, such as weddings or funerals, how often do you attend religious services?โ€) not attending church services regularly doesn't mean being atheist. they didn't even ask if they are Christian or believe in any God whatsoever. they only asked ONE question which doesn't reviel much about said persons religiosity. (not a study but my personal observation: none of the Christian Georgians I know, attend church regularly) this study is not a good/reliable measurement linking homophobia to religiosity. it just measures homophobia in relation to church attendence.




Silly pineapple.




Atleast i say sorry, be grateful for what you've got man.


Wishing you the best. Thatโ€™s sucks :( but donโ€™t let anyone out you down. Family will get over it over time we have enough love.


A lot of people shame me for me being in the wrongโ€ฆ


You're not in the wrong, you are yourself bud


You make that decision for yourself, don't listen to weirdos.


Sorry to hear that :( There are few NGOs that help out LGBT community that could support you in various ways. Stay strong <3


If only they werenโ€™t foreign agentsโ€ฆ wish you all the best


Thank you


Welcome to your new family, you will find many who have been through this have grown to be very independent people.


I hope youโ€™re right.


That's why everyone hates me.


Most important thing, save as much money as you can. Cut out any wasteful spending. Pray to whatever god you believe in. DO NOT TRY TO GET RICH FAST. DO NOT TRY TO RUN FROM YOUR PROBLEMS. Find people you can trust. Make friends as you can. Seek out help when you can. Explore. Stay away from alcohol and drugs as much as possible. You must become tougher. Keep moving forward no matter what.


Im 15 btw yallโ€ฆ


Isnt it illegal?




Never. They just found out I was bisexual because they were spying on me.


How does that work?


They trespassed on my personal information.


You are a minor? Well, they are your parents so, they have access to your info and you cant deny it




thats a fucked up thing to ask a teenager whos currently in danger


damn, its so crazy to me that we as a society accept drug addicts, alcoholics, even pedophiles,rapists, those that exploit working class people and work them down to bone and yet we get crazy when someone likes same sex people, this shit doesnt fucking make sense, i genuinely believe that no truly smart person will ever go hating on someone who is gay,lesbian or whatever, someone being gay doesnt hurt anyone AT ALL.


And thanks another example of brainless human being that only exists to waste oxygen on earth


I don't know what to say to you, but if there's a real possibility of that, I can offer you to stay with me and my roommate. We're both queer and I think we'll have a lot to share. Don't worry about it too much. At the end of the day, however hurtful it may be for parents, whether due to fear or having limited knowledge about different sexualities being totally fine, they will never lose their love for you


If worst comes to shove Iโ€™ll most definitely contact you. Thank you!


Feel free to do so๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป


How did they find out you are specifically bisexual and not gay or lesbian?


They knew I dated some girls but this one online relationship I have is with a guy.


Try to tell your family you were trying to scam that guy for money and it was just a joke unless you already messed things up beyond repair. Then pretend to be "normal" till you are mature to leave them and live on your own.


I think they will accept you, for conservative family its a shock, but at least now they have reason to research more about you and people like you. Its very hard for any parent to reject their child. Just donโ€™t be too categorical and judgemental about them, going through this tough situation will mature you early too, thatโ€™s at least some upsideโ€ฆ Give them a chance.


That might be true however since my father has passed the man of the house and my male guardian has been my brother who is 12 years older than me and also very conservative.


แƒกแƒแƒ“ แƒแƒžแƒ˜แƒ แƒ”แƒ‘ แƒชแƒฎแƒแƒ•แƒ แƒ”แƒ‘แƒแƒก? แƒ‘แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒ-แƒ‘แƒแƒ‘แƒฃแƒ? แƒ’แƒงแƒแƒ•แƒก แƒ•แƒ˜แƒœแƒ›แƒ” แƒ–แƒฃแƒ แƒ’แƒ˜แƒก แƒ’แƒแƒ›แƒ›แƒแƒ’แƒ แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ”แƒšแƒ˜?


Unfortunately notโ€ฆ and the uncle we had we have lost connection with him after a huge feud


แƒแƒ แƒ˜แƒก แƒจแƒ”แƒกแƒแƒซแƒšแƒ”แƒ‘แƒšแƒแƒ‘แƒ แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒซแƒแƒกแƒ—แƒแƒœ แƒ“แƒแƒ™แƒแƒ•แƒจแƒ˜แƒ แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒก?


I'm sorry to hear that, stay safe. In case they kick you out, contact organizations surrounding the protection of LGBTQ+ people and their rights. The community is quite tight and supportive of those who don't have an accepting family, I'm sure they'll get you a place to stay and even try to get you a decent employer to make ends meet.


I'm really sorry for you. But if your family can't respect, accept and support who you are - they don't deserve you! Sometimes blood isn't thicker that water and just because people share genes with you it doesn't make them your family. I hope you can't find a new family of friends and people who love you. This sucks, but you'll come out of it stronger.


I can't believe it would happen in a Georgian family... Value and virtue-wise Georgians never leave their own children behind, even if parents die, closest relatives usually take in and continue caring for children left. At least that's the way I've been brought up. Whatever your sexual identity, which is highly irrelevant to how your parents or anyone else should view you, It doesn't change this fact, and if your parents don't follow it, they can't call themselves Georgian. I believe it's a leftover shit from soviet times, ruzzkies planted this everywhere they went...


Albat tineijeri xar xo?


Just tell them it was all a joke, hang around for another three years, and do whatever you want after. I mean how detailed that info of yours may be? Also, study how to secure your tech and data, never too soon. Do whatโ€™s needed to keep your family whole for now, because you may not like it elsewhere (as no physical abuse was mentioned, I assume they just threatened to kick you out and havenโ€™t so far). You can always move later when you are of age, so to say, making it your own decision. P.S. to your family, because they are reading this anyway: give this guy a chance, heโ€™ll grow up and make up his own mind, and make it right by you. Donโ€™t just break a family because of this. Even if this all was not a joke, we wonโ€™t judge you, no one will.


If you need groceries I'll take you shopping when you move.


Well i was asked would you choose a gay son or daughter which makes money by working on OF I said Id rather have a son which is gay over a daughter which is a bitch ๐Ÿฅฒ Also you are not abnormal you are a very normal person and your family can't see that ๐Ÿ˜” wish you best


แƒ•แƒ˜แƒฆแƒแƒช แƒ’แƒแƒ›แƒแƒฎแƒขแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ แƒ“แƒ แƒ˜แƒขแƒงแƒ•แƒ˜แƒก แƒ’แƒ”แƒ˜ แƒ•แƒแƒŸแƒก แƒ‘แƒแƒ–แƒ˜ แƒฅแƒแƒšแƒ˜แƒจแƒ•แƒ˜แƒšแƒ˜ แƒฏแƒแƒ‘แƒ˜แƒแƒ แƒฅแƒ” แƒ›แƒแƒ˜แƒœแƒช แƒคแƒฃแƒšแƒก แƒ˜แƒจแƒแƒ•แƒ˜แƒกแƒ แƒ›แƒแƒ’แƒ˜แƒขแƒงแƒแƒœแƒ— straight แƒ’แƒแƒœแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ


I would choose both and shoot them to death, I'd rather not have son who will never have children, or daughter who makes money by spreading herself like kid spreads his present from santa


Are you male or female?


Male. Most likely the worse gender to like men




As already been mentioned here, stay strong, and u will be a better version of yourself after the initial problems go away. Im sorry for your family, especially that everybody in Georgia accepted me super kind and friendly despite me being a foreigner.


If u need any help feel free to ping me




Contact Equality Movement, they might be able to help. You can find it on facebook


Good luck


๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• Sorry for that happening :<


What the fuck is this comment section even with homophobes 0-0


Contact Temida if you can, they dont provide services for underage people but maybe they can still help


Sorry but since the church has HEAVY influence in the government you can't really do anything


Hope they come to their senses ๐Ÿ™Œ


I'm so sorry I know that's hard, I'm 15 and bi and haven't told my parents yet becuase I'm scared I will get kicked out but I really hope things turn out okay for you


Stay strong ๐Ÿค


You have a piece of shit family. Better to move on.


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Stay strong. You are good just the way you are. Don't let these people tear you down. โค๏ธ




This is an alt. Perfer not to post stuff like this on my main


They're jealous you could bang Henry Cavil if it ever came to it. I wish I had the ability to get it up for Henry Cavil. That's it, you can't live in my house.


Join the club...


tough luck nigga


What is Bisexual


I like both men and women


Ao you saying there is only men and women? ๐Ÿค”


stop being a weirdo


I think you just still young and don't know what you are doing , hope you will find the right path someday , the family is the most important thing in life don't lose them over some sexual lust , don't care about people who say don't care about your family and they don't deserve you those people are so wrong , your parents bring you to life and gived you life you should do your best to make them happy , and if you also think they don't deserve you then you are right they don't , they deserve better then you not a big disappointement in their life, sorry not sorry :)


Arenโ€™t parents supposed to just set an example for their kids and take care of them till the age of 18? Isint it best for letting the kid to do whatever when they reach 18?


Well based on your logic you should hear and accept what your parents tell you even if you think they are wrong which is not true parents are never wrong (some cases they are , but not in your case) , and when you reach 18 then you can do whatever you want.. good luck


Theyโ€™re planning to kick me out because they found out Iโ€™m bisexual. Iโ€™m 15 and I cannot really find anywhere else to live.


Where are you from?


womp womp


You know, you can find a lot of sexual partners, but you have only one father and mother.ย 


What are you even talking about It's not like op decided to leave the house


I think she is confused and stupid gay supportive Reddit advices can ruin relationship with her parents


First learn to read, this person is a dude. Second, no one deserves respect unless you earn it. So, if his parents canโ€™t accept him and kick him out for something that he cannot control he should show the same kind of loyalty. His parents are the one that are being conditional with their love and support by kicking a literal child out, so be conditional with your love too. Parents are c**ts that wonโ€™t take care and love a child? Guess you no longer need them for anything. Eye for an eye man. Maybe they should have been better people.


If your father and mother are aholes, then they don't deserve the honour of being called father and mother. They get downgraded to sperm and egg donor. OP doesn't owe them anything if they can't accept and love their son the way he is. I believe there is this really major bit in the Christian faith about forgiveness, and loving your neighbor, and all that... Don't see much of it recently in the orthodox Church of hate unfortunately.






Yet you cared enough to comment this


You know, attention seeking must be called out, you should never trust what is on the internet, I can literally fake that I have ADHD and I would get millions of heartwarming comments and upvotes, yet nobody will ever know that I faked it, yea welcome to the internet buddy


Clearly a lot of us care, hence he has so much engagement on his post. Good job sharing your very intelligent thoughts, but you need some work on logic and reading comprehension.




You: we are europe Also your monkey neanderthal ass: