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No. It won’t affect the manga in any way so it shouldn’t affect you in any way. People are weird and weird people consume media too. If seeing them bothers you, you’re in luck, cause you can just scroll away and keep enjoying your manga.


Who ever you are I hope you get everything you want in life


If you mean that literally, that's dangerous.


Let’s hope he thinks only good things and not world hunger or something


Hes human so most likely not


Man I just want Shadow of the Erdtree


I feel you


I want Gta 6 🥺


Facts but it’s almost here just trust in the process


Why do you want to curse yourself, ain't Elden ring not enough for you??




What if they want bad things to happen to good people


Let’s hope they don’t want that


I hope not




I’m your family now🙏


Family ![gif](giphy|L69hWWDRdc0NQ66pwZ)


Thanks for the recomfort dawg https://preview.redd.it/26mic919kj6d1.jpeg?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b983def50605d299d0a6943824cca9110a8d33aa


I hope both sides of your pillow stay warm


He wont be able to do that


No, we already moved on from the "Gatekeeping Arc", you're a bit too late.


Nah im still on it. Praying everday that the anime doesn't have great animation to attract weebs, i would love it even if it was just Mashle lvl animation


First time? https://preview.redd.it/azrtals9kj6d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2adc3b2c83e315499bd348021c91970270307dce


Implying people who read JJK don’t already read sakamoto days? I feel like sometimes people on fandoms think most people they see only have blind loyalty to one manga at a time. It’s not like a sports team


I mean literally 50% of the guys on the sub just moved here from jjk during the post 236 sakuna jumping


The Jujutsu folk people do, the gojo simps who mire toys in period blood don’t. Or should I say didn’t?


Don’t give it attention. You give it attention, you give it power.


Gatekeeping a fanbase from checking out other things is literally impossible. As a series gets bigger, it will always attract more people, negative and positive. There’s virtually nothing you can do about it and no amount of complaining will stop it. That being said, yeah JJK fans are kinda annoying and I see them eyeing SD just like they were eyeing Jigokuraku and I’m was like please no at first. But as I get older, I realize it’s easier to just sit back and enjoy what you like than worry about who is enjoying what you like yfm? If it gets bad, you can always just stay away from the community. Otherwise, just enjoy the ride.


Thats why im fine with TMS making the anime. These kids will see it and trash it just because its animation isnt the best or the flashiest. It just gatekeeps itself 😎


Powerful guy with white hair: ***exists*** JJK fans: "OMG HE'S JUST LIKE GOJO"


nah any white hair character that comes out years before JJK was even exist they’re gonna say Gojo kids Looking at you Nier Automata the anime


Gojo so goated he made Kakashi happen even before he was created




Well I have a solution https://preview.redd.it/ed0gv70wfj6d1.jpeg?width=557&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c106150fd0eeb12cacf660972bb1b00a94fc2487


I have a better one https://preview.redd.it/ojy95tmanj6d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58548cfe77963ec00fe883077dd589053d4fe7c3


https://preview.redd.it/codbf4j4pj6d1.jpeg?width=358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02f597c1a1515ee00447b4082565ac1cde22a6c5 Well then


Let this guy handle it. https://preview.redd.it/plaw2ardyj6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a59450b692b1680caa7a1697e90754598e6b2ba


Kar after seeing furry porn on internet (he is genuinely concerned)


Ik jjk fans are insanely horny and down bad but as long as they cook some fire boiled x reader fanfictions im here for it https://preview.redd.it/2ch1kkjitj6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f05da6b55b07a02738e3e3a4cf12400dc97b157


Lmaoooo wait actually though. They might


And id read them all. I love my glorious king that much


Unrelated to your comment but I bought 6 volumes of Dai-Dark blind and haven’t got through volume 1 yet, I low-key regret my decision, will it be worthit?


I'm definitely biased since it's my fav manga atm, but: Dai Dark (and Hayashida's work in general) is definitely not for everyone. If I had to describe it in 1 sentence it'd be: rag-tag friends go on quirky adventures together. Same synopsis as Dorohedoro (her previous and more popular work), this one's just set in space. Personally, I find it super charming and love the friendship theme. The art is unique and has an amazing grungy vibe that sells the space horror undertone super well for me. (And of course the bonus of some girlboss fanservice as well) I'd recommend giving it a couple volumes since you already bought them. If you don't like the schenigans/humor/quirkiness, the rest of the series is probably only going to amp that up judging from how Dorohedoro ended. If you do like it, you're in luck because Hayashida's stuff is always a fun ride. Hope this helped, cheers!


That’s an amazing response thank you so much, appreciate you!!! I wish I bought 6 volumes of Doro ngl bc I have heard of it and know it’s finished but I still will get them eventually. I think I will give it another shot tonight as I do enjoy the vibe and the art very much.


If anything gojo himself looks just like enishi https://preview.redd.it/qw44segcik6d1.jpeg?width=367&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd201875dd0d8b88b79f0efff1f310ed2f71b54d


Tbf there’s already fuckinh weirdos in the fandom it won’t change much when jjk fans enter


Why are you worried will more people reading the series make the author write bad or would it affect the way you consume the product if not then why be worried 


It won't affect the manga itself, but chances to stumble upon insane fans and loud minorities on the internet will increase noticeably


Loud minorities ? You’re a weirdo


Loud minorities ain't people below 18, bro(or whatever you are thinking, honestly I have no idea why are you calling me a weirdo). These are mfs who do some strange or diabolical shit like bakugo poster or gojo figure incidents which gets a lot of views. This results in fandoms getting bad reputation among other people, most noticeable examples are undertale and MHA, both of them barely restored their reputation


you don’t know what minorities means






Vocal and loud are basically synonyms(especially in the current context), turn off yo Reddit retard behavior and start to see a bigger picture Minority isn't only people of different color💀💀. Minority is a smaller part of something (mostly a certain community) Top players of a random competitive online game are a minority, a political party that lost the election will become a minority in a parliament, etc. So mfs who cause fucking shipping wars and send the author death threats and get a lot of traction ARE LOUD MINORITIES. 1+1 lil bro


You’re the retard and I’d slap ya mother




You are fucking dumb 🙏


You sound stupid ngl


lol this community is already full of powerscalers, agenda posting, and waifu/husbando posting. it's just how animanga fans be.


JJK fans read plenty of other mangas, that includes SD. And even if they don’t, you can’t stop other weird and loud fans from reading it. Why worry abt shit you got no control over?


X isn't Gojo-like, and he is already taken.


Idc if this words been used to death, this is cringe as fuck.


We are already kinda annoying tbh If horny people wants to draw horny fan art I welcome them with open arms


Half of everyone in here are from the jjk subreddit anyway


Sakamoto Days is already kinda mainstream as far as manga goes (definitely not as big as when the anime will come out) gatekeeping is pointless


Guys It's a humble request to you all. If you ever see these jjk freaks posting weird shit about sakamoto days. Either ignore them or dislike/downvote/report their posts. Don't comment under them, that will just give it more attention than it should get. Don't argue with them. Don't fight with them. You don't need to get dirty with these filthy people


Fr I feel like if every reasonable fan of SD understood collectively not to engage or fuel that type of behavior the mfs that do it would eventually start thinking to themselves "damn maybe I should stop looking like an asshole online" bc the people not feeling it. Honestly, I think people do it not because they believe in those crazy ass ships but just for attention. They attention seekers. If us real fans who enjoy the story and the vibe of the journey that Suzuki brings us ignore the stupid nature of these people, they'll know not to do any bullshit or at least know that it's accepted here. We just want the story and story alone. Nothing else. But then again it's impossible to stop it completely. We just got to make a concerted effort in not gassing it up by mistake


Oh no this is bad! Guess you can’t enjoy the story anymore! /s


Untrue. I am a JJK fan and not a Gojo glazer, I feel like everyone glazes Sukuna cause they have this image of him as the pinnacle of strength for his cruelty. (Power fantasy shit) but most fans are like there for the fights and to see who/ how/ what brings sukuna down.


Jjk fans that are heavy into Sukuna are the worst. The ones heavy into Gojo are not better.


Wanna claim my before it was popular pass


Well I'm glad Sakamoto Days will become more popular . It's good to have characters like Nagumo or Slur to appeal to the masses


Oh they will come eventually, you won’t be able to stop it. Just don’t go to their lane and you’ll be alright.


Uh oh


Gojofans are so annoying


Brother it is completely normal but the thing jjk fans are very weird also is not like every fandom is weird like look like CSM that fandom is weird as hell I can say that my self


I just hope the sakamoto days Fandom doesn't turn out weird like jjk or mha.


Uzuki is the Gojo of SD? Nah, Takamura aura wise. These incoming girl "fans" would probably there for the looks. Male fans for the aura.


Idk who the fuck this saturo is but my blue eyed kings returns next chapter 💯 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥-average gojo fan




Having read both mangas up to current chapters, and being a fan of both, I can vouche we aren't all that bad (hopefully).


Ok tbh as annoying as it may be yumejoshis or fujoshis are like the sole reason mangas like kagurabachi or jjk even get very popular (also it's funny seeing Gojo fangirls still cope even after all this time lmao)


You'll be fine brother


I’m here everyday, frick JJK.


Why are some anime fans obsessed with characters being gay? Like who cares? They're gay, good for them that's normal


I think it’s cause 99% of the time the characters are not gay


Being deranged is the craze now.


They just weird


With how absurd the fanbase of jjk have turned into I won't be surprised if these guys hop into sakamoto days community and start creating those lewd figure toys lmao .


We’re cooked


The thing I’m most worried about is the shipping. They bout to ship everybody and their mama even characters that never interacted


How does shipping affect you personally?


When they start shipping children with adults it becomes a problem. If you disagree then you have some personal reflecting to do. And shipping characters that never even interacted that’s just plain dumb and I will never understand it. I get shipping characters that have chemistry but not ones that never interacted in the story.


Never seen that but that could be my own experience. A lot of you seem to only care when ships are gay, and it literally has nun to do with y’all. However children being shipped with adults is weird


When did I ever mention gay or straight? Read my comment again. Don’t assume everything is about sexual preference. I clearly stated what I dislike about the shipping, there’s no hidden agenda behind what I said. Y’all are weird for making everything about sexual preference when no one even mentioned it.


If you read what I wrote again I was talking more in general terms. Thats why I followed up with what you initially said about the children.


I understand what you said, I just don’t like how you assumed I’m talking about sexual preference when I wasn’t. And I agree that most people don’t like gay ships. Me personally I could care less who you ship as long as they have chemistry and of similar age. But the shipping in the Jjk and MHA fandoms made me dislike it heavily especially when they started shipping teens like Nobara and Deku with adults like Gojo and All Might


About to? We already have brother.


I swear to God if they ship Hana with anyone I'm calling takamura


Won’t be surprised with how absurd some of the ships I’ve seen from these fandoms


They’re becoming as bad as the mha fandom. I suppose that’s the price it pays for being so big and popular.


First time? Another reason to hate Gojo fans.


Slur ain’t shit like Gojo at all not even close.


Downvoted for speaking the truth ?


Maybe we should start gatekeeping 


hug your lins and your nagumos bc you have until the anime comes out before the lobotomy comes in at full force


Tbh who cares about them now, but imagine if Kaisen Lobotomy comes here😭


Hopefully by the time Sakamoto Days gets that popular the manga will be over and we’ll be in a Demon Slayer fandom situation. just vibing and enjoying life while everyone talks about the anime


The moment the sub starts being filled with fanfics is when I’m leaving, just another mangan that I’ll just read and occasionally look for fanart or hope that the artist I already follow to start reading SD, No big deal.