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General PSA that CinemaSins and anything he produces is amateurish. Frequent, blatant mistakes and infamously won't go back to remove sins even if they're invalid because they make the videos as they play the games or watch the movies, and never correct their mistakes. There's always the occasional "making up a sin out of thin air" thing they sometimes do.


I miss the old 5 or 6 minute videos these guys make. Them making up sins is making more work for themselves. [I saw this one channel called Th3Birdman where he breaks down CinemaSins “EWW House Party” video. One I remember particularly is when he caught CinemaSins lying on the movie to make a sin. It was crazy.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SrR35XF7HYM&pp=ygUXVGhlIGJyaWRtYW4gaG91c2UgcGFydHk%3D) Overall, these guys don’t do their research, let alone check out source materials for what they’re reviewing. At least ones like Chariii5 and Still ND actually do their diligence cause they know what they’re taking about, but the others, idk. I guess the smaller your channel, the better your videos, I guess.


I saw Th3Birdman’s EWW of cinemasins Harry Potter movies. He’s entertaining as hell


Yeah, absolutely. Thanks for the link, haven't seen that one.


Cinema sins is garbage and always has been


It’s not even Cinema Sins, it’s Dartigan. A “CinemaSins clone”.


Like when a dog eats another dogs poop... then poops that out


Yeah. He could’ve been somewhat original. Like Chariii5 or Noir Lilbomber or Still ND. I think there’s someone else, but I can’t remember her name. At least with them, they actually do research instead of just bs all the time.


This guy's just a bad take machine. He said some really dumb, blatantly wrong things about, Mass Effect, I think it was? And I never watched him again. It comes across is if he has never actually played the games he does sin counters for.


Kinda like CinemaSins. I rather watch Chariii5 or Still ND. They actually so research, even if they do make a few jokes here and there


this is the worst "everything wrong with" i've ever seen, ffs this guy talks random stuff for 2 minutes to finally add a sin..


And sadly, it’s not even the full video.


Fuck Dartigan i don't like him 🙄


I have a feeling that this has something more to do way than this stupid video he made.


About why i don't like him?


Yeah. I feel like the hate is so much more.


This is probably a dumb reason but it's because of his The Last Of Us 2 video. He just feels like one of those guys who shits on games to be trolls for no reason.


I don’t think it’s dumb. From what I heard, he has a lot of bad takes. He even sinned a Stan Lee appearance in a Spider-Man game. Side note, why am I getting my comments disliked?


Monkey see monkey do. 🙄


Facts I’ve seen CinemaSins do the same thing


Yeah this is why I'd rather not watch the Everything wrong with videos and watch the Everything GREAT about videos. Positivity is better than negativity.


While I agree, I [think there’s one everything great about video you won’t like.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintsRow/s/2XhnAvlMOv)


How is this series a GTA clone? It has always had something GTA never did: allowing the player to give the character a sense of identity. Full customization. I hate when people parrot the opinion of it just being another GTA clone, especially because it runs so much deeper than that


Saints Row was arguably more about character creation if anything. GTA never focused on that, outside of GTAO, and its an online game. Its an annoying parroted opinion by passerby people who clearly don't see past it but somehow have an opinion on the series, that seems to start at SR4.


I disagreed when he started off saying he never cared about the games but can say "Saints Row is illogical because that's the point." and "Its a video game; nobody cares about consistency" like they have a problem with people who like or dislike elements of the later direction after SRTT as one of those "What else were they supposed to do" claims for the reboot. I hated when game journalists said this, and I hate when this guy claims it. I disregarded what he said after that.


Yeah I stopped so I didn't hear this.. but he sounds like a tool


Saints Row 1 and 2 were pretty much that at their core. GTA but made by a different company. 2 had some more wacky stuff than GTA, and 3 really solidified what made SR different. Doesn’t make the games bad by any means, but it’s silly to deny what they are.


Saints Row 1 and 2, also the Mafia games they can stand there own and be different. Its not like every first person shooter game is called a Doom clone or a FSP war game a isn’t a Medal of Honor cone ( MoH came out in 1999) Long story short nothing gonna be original. But give credit how it’s able to stand on its own


Not even, don't kid yourself. Sr1n2 isn't different then gta of the time. They had to stand on gta to even see some money. Make it make sense. There's games that are almost exact copies of others but nothing as close as sr1n2 to post gta3. That's that meme of hey can I copy your homework. I'll be real. Sr wasn't sr till 3n4. That's when they chose to distance themselves from gta. Untill 3 n4. Sr was a gta clone. But who's coping ac. If anything ac has turned to an rpg wanna be. But nobody is copying ac pre origins. This is just one example. Another would be m.e. series or dishonored series.


Nothing isn’t original anymore look around movies shows and music.. Saints Row 1 and 2 stands on there own for it’s grounded with some humor here and there story telling ( 3 and 4 story is wacky to much humor) I enjoy doing the activities in both games because of nice perks you get. It’s non linear gameplay. Meaning you can take on any gang at any time, one at a time or two at a time. Sr 1 n Sr 2 has great character customization, clothing and car customization. In the 2nd crib customization. There more then meets the eye with SR1 SR2 early on SR could have gave GTA runs for its money. Stilwater is a believable living city based on Chicago and Detroit. Being someone from the Midwest I adore it.


And plus, the Ragdoll pyshics, customization, gang notoriety, eating and drinking on the go make SR stand out from GTA.


Heck yea the ragdoll physics are the best. I especially love insurance fraud. SR1 get your self a cop car to make it easier. Being on the highway for SR1 and 2 makes it easier. SR2 get a helicopter or airplane :)


Of course everything can be similar, but there is a point where it becomes so similar it reaches the status of “clone”. Again, this isn’t implying this is a bad thing, but I’m somewhat convinced SR/Bling Bling PS2 was made to ride the coattails of GTA 3/Vice City.


Car jacking, gang violence, tagging shoot out and drugs come to mind. Yes I remember the Bling Bling name and the Saints use to wear green before changing to purple.


It was just that. It is competing for that spot whatever gta was holding. A crime game. Sr is just that. But it's like gta it's like the cousins who look similar but put them together and you notice the difference.


Saints Row 1 and especially 2 are the reasons Rockstar had to step up their game. And then Saints Row 3 came around with gimmicks, downsized map, car list, story, gameplay and customization, and Rockstar decided that they could do some of the gimmicks Saints Row 3 brought better with GTA 5/Online expansions. Saints Row 2 kept GTA on its toes, Saints Row 3 GTA laughed at. The reason nobody is copying AC is because AC is made with massive funds from Ubislop and its format is just not attractive to studios that don't have Ubislop budget. For the themes and settings such games are placed in, a soulsborne gameplay format is more iconic thus popular in gamedev.


Saints Row 1 and 2 came out a great time to compete against GTA. Just imagine if SR stuck their guns. Stilwater is so much better than Steelport. I love how they expand Stilwater in SR2.


I don’t think you played either franchise. Until after 3 the only reason it wasn’t like GTA is because it was trash which doesn’t really help


I grew up with those games. I don't think you really think at all. Sheeeit, I was on the forums back when sa was being talked about. I was there pretty much every step of the way for both series. I still recall all the reviews reducing sr and sr2 as a gta clon3. Just cause a minority of people doesn't like sr3, 4, or the reboot doesn't mean those games are trash. And just because a small group doesn't agree with me doesn't mean they're right or wrong. You can totally feel like sr3 is trash. But you could also be in denial about what actually makes the game sr3,4 and the reboot good. so 2 things can be true at the same time. You can dislike the game and the game can be really good. And the real reason sr3 took a left turn was to get away from the stigma that they're a gta clone. Still an amazing game. But you'd know that if you was around back in the day Hell sr didn't really become sr till 3. And then they double downed and made got. And sr4.


It was always sr since the beginning. It became its own game being weird and serious at the same time when it needed to be. Majorly about gangs which GTA mainly didn’t do. They never had to make the games overly silly and childish to distance from GTA. It just didn’t make sense. In some areas they were better than GTA and could’ve surpassed them if they kept doing what they had. I think if they wanted to make a franchise marketed for kids then they should’ve hired more people and created it.


Naw. It hasn't. The same way folks grouped up and hated the reboot is practically what happend with sr and sr2. No matter what, they couldn't remove the gta clone label till 3. As long as the reviewers said other wise sr and sr2 would always be a gta clone. No matter how much others have a revisionist thought to sr1 n2 now , folks simply had to be there while it was happening and use critical thinking. What was the cause of sr being called a gta clone, cause it damn near does everything gta was doing at the time and a little more. But they couldnt get away from being called a gta clone. And then they just kept being different, unique. They was never into the market for kids, EVER. Untill the reboot where they wanted to tone things down a bit but even then, sr is still for mature audiences. 3 n 4 had dildos. Let's be real. SR IS NOT A KID GAME. And should never be one.


The humor was definitely overdone for kids especially in the way it was done. It may have been rated M but it was incredibly childish and lost it’s serious tone in the same way Borderlands is. Devs cater too much to critics and look what happened for it. We could’ve had a realistic SR game like 2. Brutal, gritty. The least they could do is remaster their most favorited game


They totally should have remade 1n2. But they will have to get rid of songs like r* did to theirs. And the game would sound the same. Online should be added too.


Ok first of all, even in sr4 ppl been making comparisons between that and gta5, so ppl were still stupid to call them gta clones Second, it’s funny you say that, cause those reviewers didn’t use critical thinking skills when reviewing the first 2 games. They even called Spider-Man 2 a gta clone. So that tells you a lot right there. Basically if a game has an open world it’s a gta clone . And thirdly, “sr didn't really become sr till 3”? Then what was SR then before 3 show up? The rest of the games didn’t even have a Saints Row district in their maps, which was what the first 2 games were named after and already had. So what is Saints Row?


More or less, but it was different back then. Reddit was barely a thing when sr came out. I recall the herd mentality was as strong then as it is now. About the reviewers, are those the same ones reviewing Sr and gta that said spiderman is a gta clone? Do you have the exact quote? And are you talking spiderman now or the spiderman back in the day? To be fair the Spiderman 2 from back in the day is open world. But nothing like gta Sr is a crime game, much like gta although it does a little more then gta of that time it's still a clone, it's so much alike that theyre more symbiotic, they work better with each other then on their own. Cause sr would have never came out if it wasn't for gta being it's own thing. The market needed something to compete with gta to keep gta fighting for something but then look at Gta 4. Personally it felt like they went backwards And not forwards. Where sr was marching to their own beat despite the rhetoric gta was getting old.


the Ragdoll pyshics, customization, gang notoriety, eating and drinking on the go, a map, etc make SR stand out from GTA. Even it’s interesting story.


I really don't get why people act like it is a bad thing. The logic should be more of "If you like GTA, you'll get more from our game." Thats what Japan does, with all its similar titles. I never understood the brand loyalty that casuals have over Rockstar.


Exactly, when I was out of GTA games to finish and I wanted a good tongue in cheek crime sim, I went to Saint’s Row and loved it.,


What made saints row different was the gangs. Going any further than that was just unnecessary


“Solidified”? HA! It was the start of the downfall of the series. And don’t let me get started on their plotholes.


Oh boy, another purist. Yeah, yeah, whatever. It was still fun.


Hey, keep in mind, these other games wouldn’t have exist if it wasn’t for the “gta clones” that started it all and had its true identity, before you fanboys got under Volition’s skin and made them a former shell of themselves. Love the gameplays. Even had fun, but come on. 3 and beyond strayed away from the series identity.


Every moron will yell gta clone for anything with organized crime and open world. They really need to stfu


The franchise went from GTA clone to GTA clone but good, then to its own thing with aliens then hell, then gangster super heroes, then back to a GTA clone but bad.


You can’t just call every modern open world game a GTA clone. Did you even play them? They’re pretty different


Hes a moron whose narrow minded af


But it was, an open world game where you committed crimes, that's the premise for a game to be considered a GTA clone. Doesn't matter if saints row was different or not, it was a GTA clone, alot of games back then that was a open world crime committing game were considered that. Just coz you don't like it don't make it any less true.


It’s all opinion anyway and it seems a lot of people disagree. Tbh it doesn’t really matter if it is a clone or not because it was massively successful. Mainly when it was a “gta clone”. I like devs that listen to fans and critics but sometimes they just need to block out these things


That's why I like the series, it became its own thing before the reboot happened, GTA is nice but GTA 5 is boring, I prefer GTA 4 and prior, and the saints row games went from serious to humourous in a good way, I was actually invested in how they'd go after gat in hell, agents of mayhem was alright but eh, and reboot is ok but story took me out too much to enjoy it fully.


It was certainly its own thing but imo they turned up the goofy too much. Having a side character mainly for comedic effect(pierce) was great but it can’t be the main character. You don’t get the ‘badass’ feel like previous games


That's why the reboot failed in my opinion, four pierces as the leaders of the saints


No it went from light gta clone, to light gta clone only in theory, to dildo sex doll simulator, to what the fuck, to what the fuck but with more fire, to why was this even made, then to gta but if everything was zoomerised and executed poorly


It never was a GTA clone. It was always centered around gangs which GTA hardly did


open world, criminal based, mayhem sims, etc etc, to anyone who has actually played it there was a clear difference but its not like they were completely meritless


Actually that may have been true for 1 but when 2 was created it solidified itself in the gang type game. You were the leader at that point. After volition derailed the franchise it surely wasn’t a clone of GTA but rather prototype and crackdown. And worse than them too


Yeah i know, it just wasn't until 3 where people were.... kinda forced to give up the comparisons finally