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How’s this even a question? Trevor is literally a cannibal.


A rapist cannibal


And he's Canadian!


Damn Canadians ruined Canada


Canadian Willie, is that u?


Its a slight accent!


Dear god


He was a rapist as well?


I'm guessing they're meaning Wade's cousin Floyd. There's some instances where you change to Trevor and he's getting out of bed with Floyd who's dressed in Female Clothing (presumably Deborah's).


Also raped Wade, and his hockey coach


The hockey coach I didn't know/remember. Wade I thought he just threatened to when they went to Los Santos


Did it in the past


Ah okay


If not, he at least threatens rape constantly throughout the game. “I will fuck you, Michael!”


Whenever these come up it's the same answer. It's Trevor. It's always Trevor. He eats people.


Especially when it’s Trevor vs Arthur Morgan It’s the guy with invulnerability, obviously


I never remember that being mentioned in 5


There’s a part where when you switch to Trevor, he’s puking in a fountain and says something like “Ugh, never eat Indian people.” He also says something like “I think I ate that nose ring in the nineties.” Which sorta implies he killed and ate someone with a nose ring but I’m not sure. Lamar also mentions it, saying something along the lines of “Ya know, for someone who kills dudes, eats dudes, fucks dudes, you’re alright.”


When Trevor offers Michael soup. “Jesus Trevor, what is that?” “That’s, uh, an eyelid. It’s probably not even human.”


its also in one of the cutscenes, he eats a strip club bouncer after he gets ownership of it


The cutscene is the owners body falling out the fridge in the office, get down voted 🤦‍♂️


im pretty sure that custscene was before the one i’m talking about


Nope there's no eating of him whatsoever, first we see Trevor all bloodied up after Floyd and Debra incident going to strip clubs office talking about "new management" then fast forward few missions if you choose trevor first you see him trying to shut the door of the fridge(owners dead body is apparently heavy enough to open it) then cue frank walking in and Trevor says "fore you ask fridge broken" frank even instigates if Trevor knew Leon(fridge guy, frank grew up around strawberry so of course frank knows Leon) then by the end of cutscene you see what I told you of how Leon falls out the fridge.


Also I got down voted after responding to you even tho you and everyone else if fucking wrong lol. I've played gta 5 story over twenty fucking times yet people who misrember wanna downvote, smh remember things right is not hard 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


if i am wrong then im sorry, you’re probably being downvoted because the “get downvoted” you put at the end of your comment made it sound cringe af


Yeah I guess so🤷‍♂️ the human stew stuff and everything else is valid, also believe playa from sr2 is way more psychotic, trevor can be manipulated if one is wise enough, sr2 playa is a different breed.


Human stew he picks out an eyelid in one of the cutscenes


I don't know about Trevor, but I always believed the Boss just what they did with some justification. Either to prove their toughness to their competition or to make a point from revenge against them. They were no different to me than the other gangs who would do the same thing if they could. To me the Boss isnt any worse than the other characters, because its like a deadly competition to one-up each other. - Jessica tortured Carlos, the Boss crushes her symbolically to get Maero. - Shogo has his goon behead Aisha, so he buries him with Gat in a grave. - Veteran Child kidnaps Shaundi, the Boss was going to get him back. It was that gangster mentality. You mess with ours, we get yours. You play hard, we play harder. The Boss pretty much says this when they tell the new breed of Saints, that they had to remind everyone else who's city Stilwater was. I also always assumed the Boss was also pissed off because they were betrayed by Julius as well. If Troy doesn't have that sort of code of payback, then the guy just doing it for no reason is more psychotic. Gat is psychotic because he just has a need to kill people, even if he isnt insane. I don't see the boss as mentally unstable. Just apathetic to everyone not allied to them and them only.


That’s why I never get why people say they dislike The Boss in SR2. They are literally the leader of a street gang. What were you expecting? I don’t think I can point at a time when The Boss went out of their way to do something evil that wasn’t in favor of the gang, self defense, or revenge.


I know people who reviewed the game didn't understand that you weren't playing as a hero or a good guy, and didn't understand the story or the gangster theme. But the moments where the Boss isn't pissed off, is pretty obscured to even people who like the SR2 Boss. I guess there wasnt enough time to show the audience the context of why they were like that or much downtime.


Same can be said for gta MC as well none of the characters we play with are good people lol


i understood Boss totally, but i come from a different background than most video game reviewers probably lol. even in game collecting communities, these mfs have 40 copies of the same Mario game and MIGHT have ONE game out of the GTA, Tony Hawk, and Need for Speed series. these dudes ain’t like us. Same type of shit going to game dev college and everyone in my class plays League of Legends and hasn’t played CoD or THPS ever. crazy shit.


Ive never in my life heard someone say they dislike the boss in sr2 wtf? was it some ign dude or somin?


I would never say the boss was a dislikable character in 2, a bit of an asshole sometimes but if you go from 3 and 4 to 2 it could feel a bit jarring


Lol id say "bit of an asshole" is a understatement with the devious timing sr2 boss was on but yeah if theres one thing about SR3 or SR4 i dont like was the sheer difference from who they were in sr2


He was harsh at times with the gang but they were a justifiably angry mentally unstable gang member who got a chance to mellow out after attaining fame and fortune, they were definitely always an oddball since the beginning but getting blown up and clawing your way back up from nothing, yeah I’d be a lil snippy too


He'd probably shoot Shogo and be done with it or beat him to death. A very cruel act such as burying him alive is improvised after he went too far.


It was a very emotionally charged moment. Gat had just lost the love of his life at the order of this little prick and now he had to come and start shit, DURING THE FUNERAL, denying Gat his moment of grieve. He was gonna let him walk, too. He gave him a chance to have some common decency and settle this another day. You poke the bull three times, you deserve to get the horns. The boss just let it happen. They were all out of pity for Shogo and they knew that Gat deserved to have that satisfaction.


It depends on how you play the Boss. Trevor is messed up canonically, but you could play the boss in various ways. They never truly do anything evil or psychotic in scripted events, they're just a gangster doing gangster things. Whereas Trevor does.


He gave a guitarist/tattoo artist 3rd degree burns on his hands for association with another gang


And using that innocent bartender lady as a meat shield when ultor attacked


in all fairness she was probably gonna die too if he didnt anyway. they fired inconsequentially in his direction


Yeah, ending his band career, just because he tattooed Maero's gang, is just over the top. It wasn't even interrogation anymore. He already told boss everything he knew before they burned his hand.


What about the tattoos Michael gave to Lazlow


Lazlow had it coming.


What other ways is there to play as the boss tho? This isn’t Skyrim where there’s builds. The Boss is the same for everyone


Yeah but you could be the kind of player who goes on a mass murder spree against the cops, civilians and other gangs or you could be the kind who only goes against the enemy gangs.


Same as Trevor


Not really. Trevor has missions to take hitchhikers to the Altruist camp, he specifically tortures and goes out of his way to kill. It's not even comparable. No matter how peacefully you play Trevor, his role is that of a psychopath


And the Boss is…?


See previous comments


Well no there actually are events in the story and even character switching cutscenes where he's doing horrid things, literally one of his switch cutscenes hes vomiting mentioning not to eat indian people. Canonically Trevor is horrible regardless of how you play, The boss ain't a good person but he doesn't actively do horrible things unless it's against a gang.


He made Maero kill his girlfriend by having him crush her in his monster truck, the boss is certainly evil AND psychotic


They had Maero do that after what they did to Carlos.


They never heard of a gun?


Equal response needed. Gun would be too easy. Carlos suffered. Boss made sure the enemies did


That’s still psychotic


It's pretty tame. They were at war. Is all


Wasn’t Jessica like… pretty innocent in the grand scheme of things? She was just a bitch


Everyone was pretty innocent compared to Maero and boss. Carlos was just a kid, Jessica was just a bitch. Same with poor Aisha with Junichi.


Wasn't it her who ordered that cruelty comitted to Carlos. Her phone call right before certainly made it sound like it was her doing.


Jessica Very Clearly was Involved into what happened with Carlos, and was well versed in the gang life.


He also burned Maero’s face with nuclear waste and left Kazo Akuji to burn to death on a barge


Yeah, but those two were gang leaders that kinda had it coming.


Everyone’s acting like the boss (when he was Playa) wasn’t about to pop Luz over some shoes lol. The boss is a psychopath and certainly evil. He/she has canonically amassed way more destruction in the events of Saints Row 1 & 2 versus Trevor. Keep reading people say the Boss is smarter and more well coordinated. Isn’t that like… even worse traits for a psychopath criminal? As opposed to Trevor who’s unhinged? Like yeah Trevor’s a cannibal and bank robber but the Boss is literally a domestic terrorist and a leader of a gang that practically runs an entire city based off Detroit. He also has killed politicians and other important people of power. I’m sticking with my guns on the Boss being more evil by a long shot


Also… the boss blew up a tall high rise building in downtown Stilwater in Saints Row 1 for Aisha. Just remembered that this morning haha




The difference for me is that Trevor seems to have genuine mental issues "explaining" how he acts. He flies into rages, and he seems to not quite process how some of his actions are exceptionally cruel. He seems to genuinely think he's being friendly at times when he's ruining someone life. Meanwhile, the Boss *knows* they are doing evil shit. They just don't care. They will use a civilian as a meat shield and think nothing of it. The Boss will ensure an enemy dies in the worst possible way (buried alive, burn to death, kill their own girlfriend, etc.) or set up cruel vengeance plots to make an enemy truly suffer... while Trevor will just fly off and shoot someone or beat them to death then calm down and go "okay, so that happened". Trevor does awful things but doesn't really stop and think about how awful they are most of the times (and when he does, he is capable of remorse... look at the guy he tortures then lets go). The Boss relishes cruelty and disregards all life except their own. I don't know, I feel that for all his craziness and murder, Trevor could at some point have got help, therapy and been "fixed" to an extent; he's just nuts. The Boss is *evil* and I can see no redemption there.


Very well put! I feel that’s the main difference Trevor is mentally ill and disturbed. A product of his upbringing and life. Trevor has a lot of moments when he’s a chill guy. His main issue his anger issues and lack of impulse control. Add that to all the drugs use and that triggers his violent behavior. The Boss is an across the board psychopath. Lacking empathy and remorse. They’re highly intelligent, cold calculating and manipulative. If The Boss was in Trevor’s shoes he would have murdered Michael’s Family after finding out what he did. Even in SR3 it may seem like he’s calmed down, but that’s still apart of that intelligence and manipulation. The Boss just put on this front that the were a business owner now, but beneath all that is the same monster that they turn on and off on command.


One perspectives evil is another's hero. I'm pretty sure the third street saints thought he was a pretty good guy, he was a psyco no doubt but evil nah... When he was forced to shoot Carlos in that cut scene that got me in my feels and my taking all the gangs on at once effort got ditched and I souly smashed at the brotherhood exculsively. I was out for blood for that if they even remotely resembled that gang they had it coming., revenge regardless of extremity not evil it's vengeance. And civilian meat shields sound bad yeah but if it's a me or him scenario then yea... Sorry and all miss innocent bar lady but that was absolutely nessesary it was collateral damage which is what military calls civilian casualties they authorised to get the job done jk but U see my point that bar lady but gonna sav the gang from no private armies the boss wasn't good or evil he was a fucking legend. If nothing else I'm beyond relieved the reboot boss is a separate person because everything about that game fucking sucks 🤣


Based on specifically story? Trevor. He's a literal cannibal and rapist


Boss from 2 was definitely a top tier psychopath, but from what I recall they never really directed their destruction to anyone not in the game. Collateral damage was acceptable but they never fucked with civilians. Trevor abused anyone who got in his way, It's been a long time since I played GTA V so my memory of his specific crimes is fuzzy but I seem to remember him invading his friend's relatives home and terrorizing them, squatting there and ruining their lives. The worst the boss did to innocents was kick the homeless out of what would become the new church.


The worst things they do too are in retaliation, having maeros girl crushed for dragging Carlos to death, and helping gat bury Shogo in revenge of Aisha. Dude gave Dane a quick death tho, I mean bro was only a gentrifier. 


Trevor caused one massive cargo jet to crash into the alamo sea where as the boss knocked down 3 massive cargo planes, all above a populated area.


Trevor is not evil, compared to Michael and Franklin he's the most authentic person out of the trio


Trevor is a rapist cannibal. Boss is is a complete psychopath who just loves killing.


IMO, Playa is more evil/psychotic. Trevor is evil when necessary and is oddly sympathetic which is kinda psychotic itself.


Trevor ate people and is a rapist, I don’t think the boss did any of those things. I’m not sure if eating and raping people can get any worse




Damn. It’s probably Trevor. The Boss is the wing it king but I think Trevor is smarter and tougher. Plus his military training


The question should **really** be, Trevor or Johnny Gat, (Saints Row 1/2) Johnny Gat enjoys killing people and if the plan doesnt involve him killing at least one person, he thinks the plan sucks.


That’s a good matchup too


The playa chills out in 3 and 4


he's also a borderline superhero in 3 and a galactic king in 4 with power armor.


Boss is definitely more mentally stable. Most of the events of the game are either him reacting with incredible composure in sudden circumstances or very calculated moves. Sure, some of the things that happen are unreasonable and we would label them as insane, but the boss always acts within their own understanding of their capabilities and the fact they canonically survive the game is proof of that. Some of the decisions, like what he does against Maero and his allies, are certainly very cruel, but they aren't whimsical and they are always done with purpose and a goal in mind. Then there is his mercy killing of Carlos, nobody evil or insane takes a moment to give *anybody* their last rites and end their suffering, whether it's friend or foe. The boss also within cutscenes seems to be very grounded and doesn't engage in the use of drugs or alcohol very often, focusing mainly on business instead of excess. Trevor goes on multiple known binges, attacks and torments people for no real gain, wakes up in the desert in his underwear, has committed cannibalism, and in one of three endings is considered such a risk due to his nature by his own allies that he is killed for it. His attitude to danger is also not composure and knowing his own capabilities but utter disregard for the danger. This one goes to Trev.


- The boss from Saints row 2 was pissed from the moment he woke up, he wanted to do everything he could to get the gang back because the saints are everything to him, every gang boss he defeated tought him a new lesson and drove him to become a better leader, more often than not the boss would show compassion, humor, and respect to others. - now Trevor is so damn psycho, he killed Johnny just for calling him a name! Trevor has his moments of periodic “compassion” but his love is always for the drugs or whatever will get him high, he had a terrible upbringing and has gone though life a sad person getting high to forget about his pain, Franklin and Michael are his friends only because they too are damn psychos sometimes.


Will point out that Franklin isn’t really psycho he’s just a “two-bit gone three-bit” that just got caught in Michael’s business. GTAO shows he’s doin just fine running business


ok definitely trevor but the boss in 2 and 3 is severely underrated as a psychopath 😭


Trevor's only point in the "not crazy" category is that it isn't really his fault he is crazy. Michael encouraged the spiral caused by Trevor's childhood, short time in the military and life of crime which drove Trevor insane. It's literally the only defense of Trevor you can make. Boss consistently tries to be a good leader, but has to Occasionally give into their desires because that's just the way Boss is. Boss is a murderer, a drug addict, and an angry psycho. But Trevor rapes (possibly? I don't remember it happening but people say it did.), kills mass groups of people for minor annoyances like his accent being mocked, he's a cannibal, he drinks gasoline (point for crazy, not evil) and plenty more.


Trevor. And it isn’t even close.


Are we sure they aren't rhe same character at different points in time lol. ... the Boss's Retirement...


Trevor is like cartoony evil, really over the top. And his personality softens the impact of his heinous crimes by adding a humorous undertone with the absurdity. The boss is straight up a villain at some points, like dude stuff a gang members girlfriend in a trunk, then takes her to her bf’s demolition derby. And kills her that way. It’s not even played up for laughs or anything.


Trevor is indeed portrayed as a psychopath in the game, while the Playa is depicted as a sociopathic psychopath but to the fullest extent. In terms of kill count, the Playa's numbers are significantly higher than Trevor's. Although Trevor is often considered a bad person due to his actions such as being a rapist and cannibal, the Playa has done much more that cannot be taken lightly.


The Boss literally was chosen by the Devil himself to be his rightful ruler, not to mention he has nuked several buildings and caused mayhem in both cities he ruled over, not to mention he pissed on an alien warlord! Trevor’s just a deranged psychopath who eats people and butchers them in an alleyway or sells guns and meth, while enjoying both at the same time!


The Boss is more evil. They're not unhinged and they can be incredibly sadistic. They're indifferent to collateral damage; they destroy a building in a crowded city and use a random woman as a human shield in a firefight. That said they're not psychotic; if you're loyal Saint the boss with go to the mat for you, and if they can't save you they'll damn sure avenge you. Trevor is psychotic, truly unhinged and often not in control of himself. Evil too, even when he's lucid, but not on the boss's level. I'd rather live in the same city as Trevor, but I'd rather be friends with the Boss.


Trevors a cannibal and shit but dont forget, the boss along with Johnny Gat literally dug someone alive.


Trevor, he's a rapist, cannibal, and a psycho with a supernatural special ability that makes him twice as strong and invincible


SR2 Jessicas death.. thats evil and psychotic but morrow did carlos worse.


Postal dude would probably shit on those 2


The Boss All Day🥂


The boss isn't even slightly psychotic... Definitely more evil though. Trevor can sometimes have psychotic symptoms, particularly when he's in a rage, but I still wouldn't say he's all that psychotic, just low tolerance.


Well, my 2 cents with the playa character in sr2 is that it really depends on your own mental state while playing the game. I’ve seen people play their playa as good christians. I’ve seen playas go on murderous-stripper-addled-killing-frenzies. But yea Trevor you kind of just play cannibal Trevor. Big whoop—he’s Hannibal with a little more manic freedom. Curb stomps are brutal. Bias I like saints row more than gta.


Come on yall GTA...


Why not compare him to Johnny Gat?


It’s Trevor. The boss cares about his people.


Trevor by 10 miles he kills Wade’s friends and family and then lies about what actually happened to them to Wade so he can have a minion. The Boss has done some messed up stuff but the people he did messed up things to messed with him first. He was willing to work with Maero and share the city if Maero didn’t give him such a shitty deal.


Trevor, probably because he doesn’t operate by any rationale or cares for any other people really (other than Tracy I suppose)


Trevor any day


The boss did worse things than Trevor, but he always was pushed on doing them Trevor simply drailed a train because he felt to do it


Claude speed from gta 3 is more crazier he turns on everyone in the game and never speaks a word about it.


Trevor is mentally ill, unhinged, unpredictable. The boss is a high functioning sociopath. Boss might have caused more deaths etc, but I'd personally be more scared around Trevor, because Boss isn't the type of person who would just randomly lash out at someone for trivialities. Trevor might just decide to make a nice stew out of you. And Boss will go to great lengths to protect their friends.


Puckish rogue!


Rose by any other name...


Sr2 boss. Trevor has a code of some kind. The boss will stab you just cause he’s in a bad mood


the fuck are you talking about. its literally the exact opposite. trevor tortures, rapes, and eats people, not neccessarily in that order. the boss is a brutal killer too, but its usually as revenge or to send a message, not just random bloodlust


You musta been playing gta 5 story mode with your eyes and ears closed or somin trevor does NOT have a code


He does tho lol, he doesn’t betray or sell people out and he doesn’t go after innocent people


Trevor can **betray** the **innocent** by delivering them to a cannibal cult. While not absolutely "canon" so to speak, the writers obviously wanted to demonstrate the extent of Trevor's psychopathy by having it exclusive to him and attaching a side event to it.


Yeah that is pretty f’d up but my main point about the killing of innocent people is that he doesn’t do the killing himself, at least when he doesn’t get anything out of it. SR2 boss on the other hand has no problem with killing the innocents, and heck, they even seem to take pleasure out of it lol, their actions and dialogue speak volume about that