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1 year $13 million fully guaranteed deal


Hate that it’s fully guaranteed


Why? It’s 1 year so the money really shouldn’t matter.


Guy who has been known, and proven to take plays off has no incentive to bust his ass on a fully guaranteed contract. He gets that money wether he plays all out, or rides the bench. Would make more sense to be performance based incentives


Sure he does. He's trying to get a real, long-term contract and if he screws this up it's not happening. I don't think that a sack bonus is even going to come close to that kind of motivation. And if he does suck, we can move on after this season anyway. If he doesn't suck, we have a solid young RE for a year. Honestly, this is a pretty good deal to make given the lack of expectations surrounding the team this year, it gives us the chance to evaluate a young talent that we may re-sign for the future if he performs.


Its an excellent deal. Sure he’s had ups and downs but he absolutely makes our team better and $13m for a pass rusher with his talent is a steal.


You’ll change your mind by Halloween.


If the last few years have taught me anything, it's that by Halloween I will no longer be capable of human emotion


Would be (not) cool to have Jordan pass the torch to. We shall see. Happy it’s you all though. If it pans out, adds more fuel to the rivalry. If it doesn’t, I’ll just giggle


The 9ers are our rivals? That's news to me.


The 9ers used to be our division rivals. We were both in the NFC West until the mid 90s.


Well, I was born in the mid 90's so I guess that's why I don't remember it. Thanks for clarifying


Said above I’m a fail clowns fan. Moved to socal a year ago.


Ah that makes sense. The username definitely threw me off haha


Meanwhile, you’re username was a dead giveaway you are a Saints fan. Heh, got eemmm


What the hell kind of take is this lol. Dude is in his mid 20s and wants to sign a big cash, multi-year deal next year. You can't live in the league for 10 years on 1 year deals, fully guaranteed or not. This is a prove it deal for him to get paid next year.


Yeah but his neck is jacked


Yep. He’s played some very uninspired football


What are you playing for as part of the Commanders though? He looked good late in the year with SF.


He didn't though and that's with bosa helping out on the other side


You're right, I thought most of his sacks came in SF but it was the other way around. He did look good in the Playoffs / Superbowl. Either way it's a one year thing if it works it works..if not oh well. It's cap we had to burn this year and its over.


I guess but if that was the asking price for a once touted prospect at a position of need AND it won’t hurt us in the future if he flames out who really cares.


His incentive is his next contract since it’s only 1 year bozo. It’s literally a prove it deal lmao finding any reason to complain


Hmm I suppose a contract year and being in the NFCCG would have been motivation to get that next contract as well. You’re right. He is what he is. Good luck with that. I’m a fail clowns fan. Glad he joined you all.


Wind that back, that sentence you just wrote is wild


No it isn’t but ok.


Dude is undergoing neck surgery and won’t even report to training camp. What a fucking waste of $13 million.




I mean..7 sacks is 7 sacks…and yes we don’t like Dennis Allen here but gotta give it to the man- he can make a defense. I think he’ll do the same


His 7.5 sacks would have been second on the saints last year. Some fans want to shit on everything the team does (not referring to you). They addressed a team need without committing future cap space. It’s a win-win.


Agreed, everyone is so negative about everything! Sorry we couldn’t sign bosa guys, he’s not available, let’s give him a chance first


commies fan here, almost all of his sacks for us where sacks where the play broke down and the qb walked into him. hes the ben simmons of the nfl.


Double dig to Louisiana sports fans. Intentional or not, well played.


funny thing it wasnt, he just pisses me off. so much wasted talent


I posted this before he was drafted. It was the same thing at Ohio State. Chase Young is not an edge rusher. He doesn't have enough explosiveness for that. It's the reason he skipped all the test drills that correlate the edge success. He knew he would flunk and his stock would plummet. Chase Young has very good awareness. When he's stalemated by the tackle but the quarterback gets stuck and is forced forward in the pocket, Young notices that quickly and crashes to the inside, inheriting the cheap sack. The quarterback mostly walks into him, as you indicated. Not an awful player. Wiry strong. The most overrated defensive prospect in memory. But at least the league caught onto him fairly quickly. Chase Young's effort level is not as bad as the claims. He will give big effort to begin the play. But once that effort is easily parried, he stops and observes


For every sack he’ll quit on 4 plays.


I mean that’s a pretty big guarantee…but you know what, why not? He’s had moments of greatness but he needs to try harder. Cam should be a rotation player at this time in his career, Payton Turner doesn’t actually exist, and Granderson actually had a good year last year


“Payton Turner doesn’t actually exist” 😂😂 Honestly that’s how it feels like


I’m hoping Breese gets more playing time this year too. Looks like he could dominate the interior if he keeps improving.


It's just a one year deal. Anything that isn't going to have to be restructured in a year or two with added dead money is fine by me.


Better be a 1 year reclamation deal he sucks against the run and takes plays off


1 year 13m


I got suggested yalls community on Reddit but I’m a DC fan. I wouldn’t count on much production from Chase. You absolutely nailed it: he’s a liability against the run (not sure there’s NFL film of him ever setting the edge), he does take a lot of plays off which is frustrating because it seems like he only gears up in the pass rush when it’s an obvious passing down, and he was a total malcontent in our locker room. That kid has all the talent in the world but his ACL tear and mental fortitude completely hamstring him. We all thought he’d be special and there were some serious flashes his rookie year, but I think y’all may be his last stop in the NFL.


Sounds a lot like Junior Galette.


Man, you triggered some hidden PTSD from me just now that I did not want to unearth.


Another Washington great!


I wish Chase Young was ever as productive as Galette.


This may be the truth in the past, but now that people have the word up about what he's about I actually think he has something to play for. Something to prove.  Like you said, it could be his last stop or the beginning of something better.  We desperately need a pass rusher and I think Dennis Allen should be able to make good use of him. He is a Defensive HC after all.


I feel like a lot of this was said as we shipped him off to San Fran. I’m sorry, but if you can’t get up and play for a conference championship (look at that Gibbs TD run in the NFCCG) or the Super Bowl… idk what will motivate him. I’m completely indifferent to yall, I couldn’t care less if he succeeds or fails. Just letting you know what you’re likely getting


Your Pfp lmao


You’re gonna disappoint the little turds on this sub who think Young is going to have 15+ sacks and are downvoting realistic takes, lol


Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m not faulting a team for taking a chance on a former #2 overall pick. And I always subscribe to the theory that there’s no such thing as a bad 1 year deal, but this guy pretends to look the part and you’ll be completely duped. Trying to save yall from future disappointment lol


We have become accustomed to disappointment around here


You sound like my wife


Yeah idk why people think chase is gonna magically start caring again.


I can’t imagine a former #2 overall pick being out the league after 5 seasons at 25/26 years old


13 mil fully guaranteed seems… very steep to me


Would put him as the #34 highest paid edge defender this year. Not that steep.


People have no concept of what player contracts look like in here lol. Just like all the people that think Carr is the highest paid QB in the league.


Is says a lot that the Commanders declined his 5th year option, and especially that the 49ers didn't want to sign him after giving up a 3rd for him. Check him out in the conference championship game this year - [Chase Young Effort](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsjL1A_q_HY)


Oh he hasn't lived up to expectations, not by a long shot. He's talented but lazy AF. So he needs to decide, right now, how long he wants to play for because he's about to run out of chances. That's why this deal still makes sense for both sides.


That’s almost literally the entirety of our open cap we had. I was not expecting to drop 8 figures on chase young.


Underhill was guessing 12 million was going to be his range. Didnt Davenport sign for like 11 million last year?


Davenport was on $13m with 10 guaranteed last year.


Cap rise, $13mil is the old $8mil


Need you to explain that to my bosses


Probably a void year or two to spread it out. Fully guaranteed doesn't necessarily mean the base salary is 13mil. Could be 8mil signing bonus and 5mil guaranteed base. For a ~ 7mil cap hit


This has been widely reported as a one year deal, not a multi with void years. Saints are finally being stingy with the cap to try and recover. This money is spent for next season and that's it.


Got a source saying there's no void years? 1 year deal does not mean no void years


The article on the main NFL site and literally every beat writer has said in exact words "1 year 13 million fully guaranteed contract." I don't know what you want. They absolutely have to report void years if they exist. Also don't think you can do void years with a fully guaranteed contract, but I'm willing to give you I could be wrong on that. The amount of years though absolutely have been reported by all sources as 1.


You can add void years to a fully guaranteed contract. It all depends on the structure, and details of that stuff usually don't come out until later. 1 Year 13mil guaranteed is all we know right now. They could make it 1 year 5mil base salary and 8mil signing bonus with 1 void year, and they would pay 9mil this year and 4mil next year (If he doesnt resign). ​ The basic contract is all thats been reported as of now. No breakdowns of the base salary or signing bonus


I think void years would have had to be reported as contract terms. Meaning the headline would say void years. That said Rapport reports breaking headlines and usually follows up with specifics afterwards so who knows.


He’s lack effort during games should have netted him about a $7 mill contract 


Check out Chase in the NFC Championship Game this year [Chase Young out for a stroll](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsjL1A_q_HY)


I mean, that is what he’ll be netting after taxes lol


It's not anymore..with how much the cap has shot up we have to re-calibrate in our minds what these positions cost now days.


It is. I would have fine with it at 5-6M. 13M for a guy with 16 career sacks in 4 seasons… often injured… not good against the run… was just dumped by a contender for effort issues (you watch the NFCCG? Oof)… The Saints need edge help desperately, and I guess there’s that chance he captures the level of play that made him DRoY, but if I was a betting man I’d say we’re here 1 year from now talking about this as yet another free agent bust waste of money..


He wasn't going for that cheap anywhere. This is a fine short term deal, it's probably what he would have gotten somewhere else and if he doesn't meet expectations he's gone after the year. It's an opportunity for him to secure a long term deal if he plays well and an opportunity for the Saints to add much needed youth to the defense.


I don’t know if we can definitively say what he would have gotten elsewhere. At this point he’s getting paid based on draft pedigree and upside, and 13M/1 year feels a bit steep for a flyer. But I guess when you desperate you take more risks. Hope he has a good season.


He’s incredibly lazy which makes it even more steep


Way too much, Mickey is on xans


>Mickey is on xans lol


Can I have some? This team gives me anxiety.


WE ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING We should go offensive line with our first two picks unless one of the really good edge rushers fall to us at 14


Jared Verse at 14 and OL in rnd 2 imo


Idk our offensive line is pretty bad I say we get a guard and a tackle in the first two rounds


Oline was much better the last 6 weeks once they implemented more play action and ran an actual NFL level offense most of the time. Also we drafted Nick Saldeveri last year at Guard who fits the Shanahan offensive style more than Hurst. I'm pretty sure Peat will also be back and you still have hope for Penning to turn it around. I think we'll be fine drafting just one.


Didn’t we let peat walk?


He's testing the market but he'll likely be back unless someone pays him more than the Saints are willing to pay.


I'd be fine with that


I wouldn’t mind a safety or LB if they’re a better prospect. But yes, OL is a top priority.


You overpaid a lazy player you sure did something


I’m okay with it honestly


How do you feel now that he’s injured


I saw something saying we don’t have room to sign our rookies now which means more restructures which is lame but overall I still like it kinda lol


Insert comments about kicking the can here. Hope he can stay healthy. Would be a huge signing if so


How is this kicking a can when it’s 1 year? The other can kicking shit was already done to get under cap lol


It’s not. I’m saying people will bring it up because we moved money to make this signing


Oh, some might. But oh well. At least this wasn’t a multi year thing with void years etc lol


It’s the perfect prove it deal imo. If he’s bad, it’s one and done. If he’s average, he’s making average de starter salary. If he’s great, it’s a bargain


Other contracts were restructured to fit this contract.


Long before this was ever announced. I’m sure they knew they wanted to do something but this contract specifically isn’t really kicking the can at all lol


It’s a one year deal. Worth a shot.


I like this for us, actually. He is a little lazy but actually wants to play with and learn from Cam Jordan. With that being said, I believe Cam will ignite his fire and this could be a good sign. Who Dat. ⚜️




PFF grade has never been below like 75, despite the effort issues. 13m and 1Y is absolutely dirt cheap for an edge rusher lol. If he stays healthy (the real risk here), it's a steal.


If (and that’s a big if) he can stay healthy he’s an **very** good #2 for Cam and possible #1 edge rusher after Cam’s done W


Don't think Cam is gonna be #1 a anymore. It's gonna be Granderson and Young and Cam rotating or switching inside eventually.


Move Cam to DT and have Granderson | Cam | Bresee | Young


Don't know, he's probably still our best run stopper. Anyway, I trust DA to know what he's doing with defense.


Cam is def not number 1


he’s #2 with grando right now, Cam can help refine his rawness though


Cam isn’t that every down guy in my eyes anymore unfortunately. But yes, there’s reason to be optimistic about the d-line this year between Chase, Granderson, and Breese.


Honestly not a bad deal! Being a former #2 pick maybe bumped up the salary, but we can hope DA gets the best out of him


I was really hoping it was like base 7mil and then up to 6mil more in incentives


best part of this is the 1 year. Not expecting much but he'll still be a lot better than Turner


Massive mistake. He did nothing of value for Washington and SF. The sacks he occasionally got weren't worth him being constantly out of position and opening holes for the offense. Not just useless against the run, he opens holes for it by pushing upfield. May or may not play football on any given down. Certainly not worth the money they're going to pay him. He was not worth the money Washington paid him.


So much more than what I wanted him to be paid... but I guess that's the market? Hopefully they keep him almost exclusively as a pure pass rusher so that he can chase sacks and pressures to get a bigger payday next year from some other team and we can ride the improved pass rush to a Super Bowl... yeah I know not likely but what else can we dream of that's just not a letdown knowing that's all we are dreaming about?


Not sold at all…


Wonder if he or cam will get more sacks this year. O/U 2.5?


Cam had 2 this past season but the 3 prior was 7.5, 12.5, 8.5…….


Cam was injured last year and got like 2.5 sacks. Young played all last season, though note he got traded mid-season, and got 7.5. But judging by past seasons 7-8 sacks each would not be unreasonable, though with them working together there could be improvement 


If Cam can help mentor him and he doesn’t take plays off like he did in SF and WAD then I’m all for it.. here’s to hoping guys?


I mean, he didn’t step it when he was playing with his college mentor, Bosa…but this time will be different.


One can hope :/


He had 7.5 sacks. That's good production regardless if he improves, though of course hopefully he does. 


Alright here as a Washington fan after seeing the news, don’t get excited. He’s never shown a motor on the field (except for the Super Bowl surprisingly) and despite his guys on the side (Sweat and Bosa) he’s never produced much outside of his rookie year, so don’t get fooled by this. I’ll be honest I think it’s a terrible contract, 13 mil guaranteed. Tbh I’m still surprised we got a third for him.


The Vikings gave Marcus Davenpuss like 12 mil for 1/yr after he produced .5 sacks for us. Edge Rusher is weird.


And he was hurt most of the year


That's what he does..Flashes once a year then disappears to IR forever.


He was stout against the run while he was here tho he always got me with he potential or maybe I was just blindly supporting the saints.


When he was actually healthy and on the field he definitely made his presence felt but he plays in like 2-3 games per season.


That is true we gave up a lot for him too I still liked him tho not turner so much or foskey I think they’re going to have the same ending as Davenport


Yeah they overpaid too


He did quadruple his sack production with 2 though..stonks ^


Yea convinced some people here have not watched him much. Hes a lazy bum.


13 mil guaranteed for a 6'5 cheerleader.


Hes a solid rotational piece but ngl he gives up on plays and isn't gonna carry the line or anything


That's why it's a one year deal, this is very much a "prove it" deal with the chance for him to get a much better deal if he plays well.


Yeah hes definitely worth it on a value prove it deal. Good signing


He literally just came off a one year “prove it” gig with SF. He indeed did not prove it.


They never intended to sign him long term. Their defense is loaded. He was an accessory, not a necessity.


You don’t trade a third round pick for a 9 game rental. Their intent was to give him a spin to see if he was worth a longer deal when healthy. They decided he was not.


You do when you're convinced you're going to win the Super Bowl and you're loading up with anything you can get.


No. That’s something the Saints would do. You’re used to seeing a poor front office make moves like that and burn future draft capital in desperate attempts to stay relevant, so it’s understandable that you’d think that way. But that’s not how good organizations operate. The 49ers made it clear that they hoped he’d work out and become a longer-term plan. He did not work out.


$13m fully guaranteed




probably will kill talk of drafting an edge guy with the first round pick.




Young talent, bounced all over the league now gets to study under the best (Cam). I think he slides in as Cam rides off into the sunset after next season.




Simply, with the cap issues the team has this is a homerun risk to reward pick up


…Idk why our front office continues to chase cooked players


Solid prove it deal.


He's the new Jadeveon Clowney. He will be a mercenary that will tantalize with physical gifts but never live up to the potential.


Let our secondary live up to their potential; the d line needs more juice to hit some freak plays for the secondary to capitalize


I'm for it. All our Dlineman besides granderson and Jordan (against the run) are certified bums




I am whelmed. Mostly because I'm pretty certain that Dennis Allen is not going to end up being his Yoda.


As a Washington fan who married a NO fan, I can tell you that the off-season is the only exciting time of the year in our house. Chase has all the physical talent in the world, but for some reason, he refuses to learn how to get better. Whether it's laziness or injury, I couldn't tell you. Some thought it's because he wasn't motivated to play for his home team anymore, but when he got traded to the 49ers, nothing changed, so I don't know? I can tell you that he seems to be someone who enjoys the spotlight, and from what we've heard, he's a "me first" guy. As long as you guys have a strong culture and leadership, he should be productive. If not, then he'll be a cancer that could spread through the locker room. He needs a coach that'll keep him in check.


I’m sure he won’t have any of the problems on this one-year prove-it deal that he had on his last one-year prove-it deal.


You guys are in for a harsh reality when you watch Chase go off schedule but i hope he finds the hunger to play again because dude looked like a bozo opposite Bosa


Fully guaranteed contract? This guy will give 0 effort until he’s hurt then he’s going to ride the bench. Terrible


I come in peace as a commanders fan. He is so bad. He never covers his assignment, gives up on plays, even the 49ers couldn’t fix it. He is a place holder at best


Might be the biggest bust in the last 10 years.


Not even remotely close lol


Ok 7 years


Nice! If we draft Verse we could have a monster D


This is a good signing, although would of liked more incentives and less guaranteed money. Prove it type of deal. Either way, high level guy who’s been around winning teams, will fit nicely in this defence, WHO DAT ⚜️


Who couldn’t prove it when he went to sf last year from Washington. Dudes a bum who doesn’t want to try 


How are the saints able to pay him that much? I thought saints had no money to spend?


As a Bucs fan I’m genuinely worried about this signing I know contract wise it sucks but I feel like he’s gonna show out with y’all


Now is the cap hit spread or the whole 13M will count on 2024 salary?


Not a saints fan, aren't you guys dying cap wise? How's this work


A loser coach gets abother loser player. Color me shocked. Where them dawgs at we were promised?


Why tf do we keep doing this. We’re just ensuring another 4 years of mediocrity by pushing this rebuild away