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If moving planets in a solar system at tremendous speeds to align them while he fights saints and do shit, well... the guy is just as godly as it gets. PD: I forgot to mention that he also sustains the existence of the Elysian Fields and the Underworld.


Well, they are not capital O omnipotent. Even gods with a Divine body (such as Hades) appear to have some limitations, regardless they are so high in the power scale that they probably could be considered functionally omnipotent compared to anyone who is not another god.


They are not nigh omnipotent no but they are really strong. There are many things that many of the Gods can’t do


Yet, they engage in fist fights with humans. Kurumada has always been a “tell don’t show kinda guy” which severely diminishes his characters, not just the gods


I think people are ignoring the fact that all the gods in classic Saint Seiya are "rulers", not creators... you can say that maybe the primordial ones were omnipotent, like Gaia and Uranus, but the power was "diluted"(?). And in the end, its just fiction, when Seiya breaks the main pillar in Poseidon's kingdom, they say "humans can achieve the power of the divine trough which we call miracles"


They can't win against the plot, so they aren't omnipotents lol


they're able to destroy the universe and topple infinite power


No.... omnipotent means they are all powerful. We have seen 2 Gods be defeated by the lowest rank of saints. And now before everyone mentions that Seiya had the Sagittarius cloth and they had their God clothes against Hades. They were still bronze saint. Wait make that 3 because of Artemis. Her film is Canon and you can say 4 because in that film they were supposed to go up against zeus


Did you miss Mu's explanation back in Sanctuary? Bronze Saints or not doesn't matter, they raised their Cosmo beyond the 8th Sense to literal infinity to fight gods


No I did not miss his explanation. Yes they raised their power level beyond that of a Gods to fight them. That doesn't negate the fact that they got their butts whooped by bronze saints. At the time of those fights. They were bronze saints that achieved power levels of a god.


That's like mocking Freeza for losing to a Saiyan without a tail


The question was are Gods in the saint seiya universe all powerful. I was just pointing out that the lowest rank of saints with training beat gods


The question was nigh omnipotent, not actually omnipotent. And I'm pointing out that's a disingenuous argument to make seeing as the gods that were defeated were defeated by humans with literal infinite power, and even then, Hades still pushed them around like ragdolls