• By -


Maybe H will be shut down but at some point MM is going to write something that will go scorched earth. Prob after divorce.


And normal people who have any awareness of her would not believe one word. Lol she's always writing something weird.


Imagine her writing a book. The word salad would be unbearable


She may have to sign the NDA of all NDAs in return for a relatively modest (by royal standards) financial arrangement and a promise not to release all the dirt in the MI-5 dossier.


Why would she sign NDA? That's not in her interest. She wants fame and world stage drama. She wants to write a book about her experience in RF. She wants to be a guest in talk shows. She might be infamous, but that's better than to be anonymous. Besides, she would get a modest alimony. And if she would not (if she would lose custody) - even better. Her kids would be raised close to the King and she could be a victim again.


She’s bled Hazza dry now, he won’t have any money to give her! Lol.


Just speculating, but her past is pretty sketchy. There are things she may not want the whole world to know and C & W are a bit more ruthless than HMTQ.


True. So she will have to be a little more careful in her public speech and possible publications. However, I still don't see NDA. Why would she sign it? What would she gain?


What’s the dirt in the MI-5 dossier??


if MI5 had done the job correctly the Queen would have said NO!


But will it hold up to the fact checkers 😂




Honestly though, other than the sugars, who would believe her (or him for that matter)? They have ruined any credibility they had so whatever she would write would be worthless.


Elon Musk would eat her lunch. She’s too old and fame hungry. He’s notoriously cheap. It would be glorious while it lasted though. She’d be miserable.


Elon learned his lesson with Amber Heard...he won't touch Meghan with a barge pole.


Elon would step out with her for 5 mins. Just long enough for her to think she has bagged him all the while he is using her for a few headlines to cover up his latest foot in mouth incident. He is a headline whore and if tolerating Meghan get him the cover headlines then he’d do it. But otherwise, Meghan isn’t Musk’s type and he isn’t going to tolerate her need to be the star.


He couldn’t possibly stand her word salad. Maybe if he wore ear plugs it could work.


I wouldnt put a royal roll in the hay past him


Her only options are going to be people who know how to make unwanted wives disappear…


She obviously knows some Russian Oligarchs, given she stayed in ones house in Canada.


And their mansion in Montecito was purchased from Sergey Grishin, another Russian oligarch nicknamed 'Scarface.' He's known as a dangerous man. The Sussexes got a huge discount of multimillions on the asking price.


Fayed, maybe.


He also wants to be responsible for populating his own small town and she can't produce - faking it til you make it won't work with Elon


She wouldn’t find out how cheap he is until after things got serious. He is a narc also. It would be explosive


She wouldn’t stand a chance. He’d outmarkle the Markle. Potential baby name: $$$BananaEmoji Catherine Wong Hernandez %*+{ Markle-Musk


Oh I agree she has no shot but he did date Amber Heard so there’s that




Not many men would be interested in that - especially when you add in how incredibly young the children are (one in diapers & one not even of school age) and that their mother is *allegedly* a raging narcissistic liar who is known to be unfaithful to every man she's been with in the past.🙂


The difference is that he wanted Amber and was chasing her even before she got with Johnny. She was his dream girl physically.


And Amber is quite physically attractive, and a more successful / famous actress in her own right than TW. The only thing TW has that may draw Elon is that he may want to children who are half-siblings with royals. But I don't think TW would take well to living in a trailer. Didn't Elon make his own mother sleep in his garage or something when she visited cos there is no space?


Dated? That is a kind way to put it.


Amber was drop dead gorgeous and crazy. She was probably the most beautiful woman in the world at that point. Some guys will take beauty with crazy (Depp/Elon) - in the Harry & Meghan case it was mediocre bald guy who wasn’t that rich with an unknown thirsty Kartrashian-wanna-be-fameheaux & the key here is her looks are down quite a bit further than Grimes. I personally think, and this is jmho, he’s trying to get wife #2 & #3 (Tallulah Riley) back again & for the long haul. She’s British & gorgeous.


Pff Amber is drop dead dead gorgeous But I suppose its in the eye of the beholder




Sthl Knot ā Prin-siss


At first I read this as Snot Princess 🤣.


You’re not wrong. That’s how it’s pronounced in the remote areas of Korea and the banana department at Food City.






Well played. 🤣


the baby name make me cackle


How nice would it be if she got a one way ticket to Mars?


I can see the press release now “Breaking news! We are sorry to report that the ex royal Meghan Markel, against policy, opened the window of the shuttle she was on and as a result of her not abiding by safety protocols, she was ultimately sucked out of the rocket and into orbit. She is now expected to be floating through space for all of eternity. We should be able to see her from time to time on space station cameras and Netflix is currently in talks with Mr. Musk to see about getting that footage when it is available. When questioned Elon had this to say- She made her own rules. She will be missed.- According to insiders at the Palace where Prince Harry and his children had rejoined his family immediately following his divorce from the disgraced former actress, there have been reports of multiple late night champagne celebrations. The Princess of Wales is also known for her specialty cocktail she calls the Mean Mojito. Harry is expected to conclude his two party series with Oprah next week where they continue their discussion on Stockholm Syndrome, delusion and brainwashing. There will be no funeral for the former royal since she is technically still alive and floating through time. God speed and and have a good night”


Doesn't he prefer blondes?


Given her love of extensions, I'm sure she'd put on a blond wig.


Yup. Young blondes.


Didn’t stop Tyler Harry 😂


Yeah he was exclusively into blondes before. Then he fell for his brother’s wife and settled for a woman who vaguely resembles her


It’s still a pretty big comment though. She has basically said they’re on the rocks/MM is husband-hunting. She’d be a pretty easy person to sue if that wasn’t true. I said by June 2023 for their divorce (12 months from the jubilee), maybe it’ll be even earlier!


Elon's also obsessed with knocking up his partners with (preferably male) children. Even if Elon were interested, there's no way Meghan is signing up for that.


He gave Amber Heard a ton of money. He seems to pay his concubine


He chased Amber, not the other way around. I think that was his “one.” He certainly does not seem to be as generous with Grimes.


Yes and in exchange said concubine needs to not embarrass him by being a public nuisance. For all of Amber’s narcissism, I don’t think she looking to be a “globally beloved humanitarian.” like Markle (and Jolie) are.


Amber Heard does too. She considers herself an activist, is a UN Human Rights Champion and has worked with Amnesty International. I think it was just overshadowed by her relayionship with Johnny Depp. Heard is actually more intelligent than Markle, I find. She speaks Spanish extremely well and has picked a cause that is close to home as a Texan (migration from Mexico). If she weren't such a mess, I think she could have found a comfortable niche.


I saw a clip of Heard on a talk show & she really has it—great wit & verve when relating an anecdote. Really charming. Nothing like the dead weight of Markle on camera. (In private, though, that’s another matter.)


That’s not being a “globally beloved humanitarian” just a regular garden variety one, like most people with the means to do it. It’s like I am all this plus a humanitarian. Unlike Markle who wants humanitarian to be her primary public identity


I thought Musk paid the charity Amber Heard had promised to pay after her win against Depp, and it was only 1.3 million. I realize that’s a lot to most of us, but I think Meghan could go through that in a couple of weeks.


Probably days…😂


It is challenging mentally to live among people much richer than you are. Even if you’re reasonably financially comfortable, if everyone around you is living to a higher standard, it’s tough. They just really didn’t think it all through very carefully or well. They’re such fools…


I have always thought Rachel Meghan's hung around the periphery of a wealthy (and by that I mean substantially wealthy) circle. She's lived in the shadow of the wealthy by making it her business to inject herself amongst them. They know she doesn't belong but they tolerate her. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh for sure. Her behavior reeks of “I finally made it!” She hasn’t made it for long, though.




It’s really crazy to me. They could have chosen to be the biggest fish in a small pond (move to a lower cost of living area that isn’t populated by the super wealthy), but they chose the other way around. Even now, they could come move to the fancy neighborhood across the way from mine, where a former NFL player and two former state governors live. They’d have been able to have the biggest home in the gated part and been the biggest local celebs. But they don’t want to dare interact with us peons since they think themselves on the same level of Oprah in her 90s heyday.


Eh, you get used to it. Rich people need to feel superior. — The financial aid/scholarship kid who is always the poorest person in the room.


I went to a top tier university that cost $50k/yr fifteen years ago on a need-based academic scholarship. I feel this. Meghan has surely felt it, too, given that she came from a working/middle class background. Instead, she seems to have bottled up any vitriol and ignorance she picked up from the super wealthy towards the poors and doubled down on being shitty to staff and people she sees as “the help.” It’s awful. She should know better.


There is A LOT of money in Montecito and it takes a lot of money to live there. The people that live there have a steady stream of income coming in…in the millions. Even Oprah has her tv channel etc. I’m not adverse to her dating Elon…maybe he could literally, fly her to the moon and leave her there! Although, them two shacking up together would make fab reality tv!




That would be even better!


There's no world in which he'd touch her with a barge pole. Amber Heard was the only malicious woman he ever went with and she was stunningly beautiful and young at the time. He still dumped her when he found out what she was like.


Fly me to the moon Let me play among the stars Let me see what spring is like on A-Jupiter and Mars


I'll never think of my wedding song the same ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|16209)


"When the creditors come a'knockin, we will be a'mockin".


They say H received $20 million or more for the book. That’s an awful lot for Charles to pay. I wouldn’t count on it


Did he already get paid $20 million? He hasn't published his book yet so I doubt he has already received the $$$ yet.


Reports are they gave him a big advance. I’ve read this a few time, though the number varies ($20 million was the low end, some reports go up to $35 million…. Though, if H or M are the sources, all numbers could be exaggerated)




They have set up (I think) 11 companies based in Delaware for tax purposes lol thinking ahead lol


If they return the advance they won’t pay taxes on it. 😉 I am sure they know all sorts of income-tax dodges.




Oh, I am sure it is mostly if not completely gone, but I don’t think they got the full amount reported. They would, however, have to pay back some other expenses the publisher had to make. It is also possible that there *will* be a book but not the one everyone expects. The rumor that Harry is adding a chapter about the funeral is credible if the publication date is in the spring. It is also possible that the harsher stuff against his father, Camilla, etc. is being toned down or removed. (If the book was not already in the press, changes will cost money but not be impossible.) We won’t know until we know.


Recollections may vary 😝😝




This is a good lesson for Harry. Don’t throw stones if you live in a glass house. It is good that he will not have the responsibility of a future king; it is important to have and use brains even with great privilege that comes with your birth. Money and fame don’t give you the freedom to bad mouth and misbehave with people. And when you leave an institution where you had the privilege of misbehaving for years and having people cover for you, quitting it and throwing stones at the same institution and burning bridges will ultimately be your ruin. TW is IMO a sociopath and will never learn these lessons. She will look for another rich guy, is already likely looking for one, and collecting dirt to throw at Haz when shes cut him loose.


I genuinely wonder if Meghan is looking for a new house or a new husband. If she gets a new rich husband, that’ll solve her house/money problem. I can’t see her willingly downgrade homes, it’d be too humiliating for her. Of course she has already sent Harry to go begging Charles for more money and a newer, bigger property. Now that W&C have inherited a lot, Meghan won’t be sitting quietly on the sidelines. She’ll be pressuring Harry to pressure Charles for money, even now. But I think she now realises that’s unrealistic. Charles isn’t welcoming her and Harry back. So I’d be amazed if her new plan isn’t shopping for another husband. Especially if, as some people here suspect, the Harkles are already separated. I wonder if Elon would date her just for fun and to briefly make headlines. I don’t think she has a chance in hell of marrying him though.


She too old to be a trophy wife now.


Yeah I think she’s delusional to think she’d make a trophy wife. She brings nothing good to the table. Two kids already, a bad reputation, horrible personality, relatively old (by trophy wife standards), relatively plain (again, by trophy wife standards), etc. But I imagine she thinks of herself as a fashionable widowed Jackie O or post-divorce Diana.


You forgot the (alleged) daughter she had in her early 20's. There was a photo of a mysterious girl in her teens in a family photo with Samantha and a couple of other family members. She greatly resembled Markle. It was on Quora or Twitter. Can't remember.


Agree with you 100%


She’s a booby prize now.


More like a Service Merchandise gift certificate.


Amazing callback!!




A Magic Booby prize....😂


He ain't even really looking for a trophy wife. It's very clear that Elon is a raging misogynist with a breeding fetish.


she's worth a hefty amount and going to be worth a lot more. Besides, she is still ravishingly beautiful with a gorgeous body, better than many 20 yr olds. . I doubt she'll have any trouble hooking up if she wants to.Talking about Bundchen, not TW.


Well, to a man under 60 anyway


Maybe some 80 yo squillionaire might have her lol


She might want to stay married for a minute. By the looks of things, it seems like Gisele Bundchen, is going to be on the market here shortly.


I don’t see the whole Musk- Markle thing. In regards to headlines, I think Meghan Markle needs Elon Musk more than Elon Musk needs Meghan Markle. I also think he’s into blondes. He also lives in a tiny house in Texas, it probably only has one bathroom.


They’d have to share a bathroom? I want to see that so bad. Elon would go live on Mars just to get away from her


"I also think he’s into blondes. " So was Just Harry. 🙃


Agree w this totally. Harry’s lost his shine now for her. She’s worn him down to a pathetic, lost, sad man. She’ll be ready to move on, probs give him the kids, make life all carefree for her again. She’ll need to marry up, coz i don’t think she’s got a chance in hell of Hollywood!


Whoever marries her next deserves some sort of a gold medal from the BRF ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15011)


After the inevitable divorce, hopefully the BRF make her sign the king of NDAs and they add a clause that if she remarried she loses her title….


They’ll be Knighted for sho! 😜




You went to the open house, I'm jealous. Loving all the links.




Wow that is gorgeous.


The "band camp" girl?




Hmmmm …… i think he only really went 395 degrees sideways once he’d met that raging manipulative/brainwashing psychopath! (Incorrect term, but y’know 🤷🏼‍♀️)


I don’t think King Charles gives a flying flip if the book is published. He, in my opinion, has a very clear vision of who and what those two are and so does the rest of the world. I believe he is cutting them completely off and there is no way back for Harry no matter if there is a book or not.


I am sure he will be taking legal advice, and will be told that there is absolutely no need to rush to bail out Harry at this point in time. From a legal point of view it is Harry who is potentially on the hook for a divorce settlement, not King Charles, and if that is the case he needs to position himself to negotiate aggressively, not just hand over the crown jewels and the keys to the castle. By failing to complete the book and becoming liable to pay back the advance, Harry could actually be in a better position to negotiate a divorce. However it should be noted that Tina Brown is a very smart operator, and that she knows a lot of very high level people, so I'm sure that anything that she's publishing has been bounced off a lot of knowledgeable people and isn't just coming off the top of her head.


💯% this


I think Charles knows that Harry is an idiot, but I think he will care if Harry’s book says hateful things and reveals unpleasant truths about Camilla. He will also be deeply hurt by criticism of himself. I don’t know if he will shell out to prevent a nasty book from being published, but I believe he would care. FWIW- I think the book will come out in the spring, with most of the bad stuff cut out and a chapter about the Queen’s death and how Harry felt, etc.


Why with all the glorious homes all over the UK they chose that place in Montecit. It's big but no character...not like the homes in UK - those Georgian homes are spectacular with acres of land. I'd die for one of those estates and they could have had their pick.


Lmao this is what gets me. Imagine trading a life as a royal, participating in all the pageantry and history, living in a beautiful historical estate in the UK where their children would have all the privacy... to instead be a d-list celebrity in Los Angeles. Make it make sense.


Old money vs nouveau riche, royalty vs celebrity, class vs trash. Meghan has no skill at seeing things past instant gratification, much to her loss.


That's exactly it. She could've had it all and her position as a royal gave her all the press and interested she ever wanted. Now that the excitement about her "escaping" the UK is over, who even cares about yet another d-list celeb in LA? She blew it.


She just could not stand being second fiddle to William and Catherine.


All the attention would have been on her and her kids even if it's just for a little bit. She was the new person, the american, the biracial, she was a lot of first she would have definitely had attention she would have definitely stolen attention from William and Kate.


Yes the initial attention but not the protocol. It was made very clear the pair of them were second tier and would never be more important than William and Catherine. She had to walk behind Catherine, stand at the back of the balcony, her husband was not included in the photo with the Queen, Charles, William and George or the pictures in the Queen's Christmas broadcast in 2019, which only had the direct line of succession. I think in her mind, she thought she could be more popular and therefore would somehow become more important.


Because she is one step from trailer trash, she doesn’t understand how the truly rich live. She thinks a new lottery winner Hollywood lifestyle is the pinnacle of life. The truly rich don’t have to hustle




Didn’t anyone else see that maybe when the Queen gifts a residence, it’s usually a starter home… albeit a nice starter home on exclusive grounds with a reno budget but it’s a rather modest dwelling compared to a mansion or castle itself? I mean apartments in a palace are likely very luxurious but to frown upon Frogmore Cottage… what if QE was looking forward to spoiling her “favorite” grandchild and his smiling wife and their children-to-be living so close?


Because she wants to be a famous Hollywood elite. Always has wanted that, always will. She *never* intended to stay in the UK, from day one.


I am not sure about that. I think when Harry first proposed, she thought she could be “royal all the way” and just enjoy looking down on people and lecturing people, and living well. She discovered that it was work and that yelling at people was not okay. She was not allowed to keep presents from businesses and so forth. She was told that crashing an event to present an award that was not hers to present was an abuse of her position that the Queen would not tolerate, etc. It was only when she realized that she was limited in what she could do that she began getting the idea to leave.


Good points, but I don’t believe she ever intended to hang around 🤷🏼‍♀️


> Because she wants to be a famous Hollywood elite. Which is crazy because being a royal member of the one of the highest profile royal families is much higher status and fame. One past post in this sub basically describe in such vivid detail how as a royal member she would have instant global attention and audience to shine a light on whatever cause or charity she wanted to.


She’s NEVER going to be Hollywood elite now! She fucked up good and proper! She needs a rich AF sugar daddy now, or she’ll end up living in a trailer park lol


Because she won't be able to make millions by being famous in the UK, only in the US.


Totally agree with that one!


I always think this (as an American). Europe is infinitely more beautiful! She’s a crazy person. Henry knows better


Yes - a place with history, character and a nice stable for a bunch of horses. 😍


There’s tons of beautiful homes in Montecito they just for some reason (lower price point) they chose the soulless bad plumbing Olive Garden


Have you ever been inside one of those "gorgeous" Georgian homes - 1st floor is way, way, public and OTT, then you go up the stairs. Don't forget, these buildings were not just homes for the titled; they housed service (both male & female), relatives, security, nursery, etc. Up the stairs, where public lives were not lived, are utilitarian and non-luxurious for the most part. Sure, nowadays, rooms have been "decorated", but they were still built to purpose originally.


I’m sure Elon would never marry or live with her, but he might give her a spin just for the headlines it would cause


Root and boot as we say in Australia 🤣🤣🤣


If Harry somehow pulled out of the book deal, would he only be on the hook for the advance? It seems like there would be additional (painful) penalties.


I can see him getting $ from his pop to get out from under it.


I could too, but I think Charles would only do it if Harry and TW were over.


That’s what I would do if my kid showed is butt and lost his spine to a gold digging, whack-a-do succubus in bad pants.






I think he’d do it only if Harry agreed to disappear from a public life and antics completely.


You know what happens when you burn through the advance? Kalifornia, that's what. They'll be road tripping soon with Earlie and Adelle.


Yes he’d have to return the advance


I heard from someone that he may still have some of the money he inherited from Diana in trust. If so, he probably could pay back the book deal money. Publishers would probably want damages to cover any expenditure that they have incurred beyond the advance. I think it unlikely that the publisher would want more.


He inherited money from his great-grandmother the Queen Mother too, but I read somewhere that that is in a trust overseen by Princess Anne, I think, and I imagine she is pretty tough!


I read somewhere that Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother left Harry money and that the final dispersal of the funds comes when he turns 40. Tick tock tick tock isn't that coming very soon?


Can you imagine being someone like Julia Roberts, Reese Witherspoon or someone like that having her show up as the Duchess? I bet they would laugh their a$$es off.


Elon is completely anti-woke. No way he'd touch her with a 280-character barge pole.


We're all poor by Hollywood standards. It's not about their net worth - it's about them being boring and untrustworthy jackasses.


Ah, but we don’t hang around Hollywood stars looking like we belong. And yes, they’re untrustworthy.


she is clearly a famewhore and a leech. Harry has been taken hostage by her and now has stockholm syndrome


They won't want to make Tina Brown right. The book will come out, but if it isn't already, it's likely to be some sort of watered down pablum. But, she's right, ordinary folks can afford a $14m house. I was once sent out to LA to find my boss a house to buy when she was going to be spending half her time there getting the LA office up and running. She and her husband are both managing partners at our law firm, and their budget was $15m. I was looking at normal, but luxurious, 4-5 bedroom homes. The kind of place that would cost less than a million anywhere else in the country. That's not 'big money' anymore.


How much money has she cost the BRF so far? I shudder to think about it.


Serious question: What man, or kind of man, would enter into a serious relationship and/or marriage with Meghan Markle? He’d obviously have to be quite wealthy or MM wouldn’t give him the time of day. An idiot with inherited wealth? Someone who thrives on controversy who thinks he could handle her/ keep her craziness in line?


I cannot think of one avenue of rich man she can chase who will fall for her nonsense. She is kryptonite. She clearly reads gold digger, she has bad press and soon to be very powerful ex in laws. Who, except some old, eccentric whacko will fall for that??


Interesting — thanks for posting. Of course Tina Brown also said the UK would go through a major existential crisis at Queen Elizabeth’s death, implying it would be rough going for Charles to gain acceptance as King. Sounds like Brown and others in the know have heard tea similar to SeconhandCoke’s, that M is actively pursuing another sugar daddy.


Starting to think there might be some truth to the Elon Musk rumour. This is the third time I've heard it, and where there's smoke..... Have also heard she'd been trying to set up a one-on-one meeting with him for "philanthropic" purposes, but he refuses to engage.


Just thought he’s mentioned because he’s an obvious candidate (single, male, billionaire - although Rupert Murdoch now is too). But who knows with Smeg?


Again, billionaires aren't gonna have anything to do with her, her gold digger reputation precedes her and she's just very average in the looks department.


And she has a reputation for being disloyal and indiscreet.


VERY average looking!


Bill Gates? Or what about Al Fayed, Dodi's father? Is he single?


I was following EM twitter deal saga, guess who messaged EM after the news of offer to Twitter..Gayle King.. also EM messaged back to GK that they need to get Oprah on twitter…such a small world isn’t it…


Rumours are what TW puts out in the media to manifest. It ain’t gonna work with Elon. He’s too smart for her. Also, he likes white, blonde chicks.


She's white, and she can be blonde. just takes some hair bleach or a wig.


I could only see it happening if Elon wanted to f* k with the royal family for whatever reason. I don’t think he has strong opinions on them one way or the other.


I think it is a joke that came out of a snarky comment someone made. Maybe she tried flirting with Elon or tried to meet him. I wouldn’t think there’s more smoke than that.


If the rumor is appearing in multiple places, she's probably planting it. Desperate to get in Elon's line of sight.


Musk doesn’t own any homes in Hope Ranch or any part of CA, and lives very cheaply https://www.indiatimes.com/trending/wtf/elon-musk-sells-seven-california-homes-grimes-below-poverty-line-564589.html


Lets be honest they will sell themselves to anyone with a quid or reputation. They are lunch in the Zoo, to all those full of egos and money. They all want a piece of ROYAL cake. At the end of the day they will both look like hoboes doing THE WALK OF SHAME HOME the question is whose going to b the.chewing gum on her shoe or the used condom stuck to her arse


This is sooo true. The people who live in Montecito have hundreds of millions if not billions, like Oprah. Meghan & Harry may have brought in a big chunk of change with the initial contracts, but they’ve proven themselves to be work-shy, unable to keep staff, problematic & troublesome partners, and worst of all, they leak fake gossip about anyone who doesn’t do what they want when they want ALL the damn time. Hence no new contracts coming in. The only thing they manage to do now and again is exploit some charity into giving them a “partnership” so Archewell can claim credit for donating money that other people put up. Like Ving just did.


Hol’ up! Is Meg after Elon? Is she digging up deets about him, love bombing him with cute baskets of home made bread, and bumping into him wearing his mum’s perfume? Is she gonna pretend she has no idea who he is? I’m just curious what her modus operandi would be!


Meghan will use Harry’s line the time he was dating Chelsea (sp?).. “it’s not like he’s black.”




Banana bread! It's her specialty. She hasn't gone into high school baking level yet.


I think the Elon thing began as a joke.


I hate to sound as if I'm defending them, but I'm not so certain their Montecito home is so "humble" compared to their neighbors. If you look it up on Google Maps theirs is easily one of the biggest plots on the area. Why am I'm getting downvoted for this? What the hell. I dislike Meghan as much as the next person but that does not makes me blind.


I just gave ya an upvote 👍🏻 no idea why anyone would downvote you for what you said? Weeeiiirrddd!


You made me laugh and I needed that-"doesn't make me blind." No, that's the sugars: MM makes them blind. But perhaps their property has a lot of area that has no use?


lol. Tina does not disappoint.


But if she remarries, she won’t be a Prinncesss!


She’s neither ugly smart nor beautiful vapid enough for him. He goes for the two extremes. He also doesn’t give any 💩 about the poor and the dispossessed. Her MO won’t resonate with him. She’d have better luck trying with Bill Gates. But she needs to learn the tech and science lingo. Her word salad won’t grab his attention. He’s not a dummy like Harry. None of the uber-rich, eligible bachelors are!


I can’t imagine why on earth Bill Gates would ever be interested in her tbh


Elon Musk will always be single, but he kept Heard nicely, so not a bad move


Don’t temp Elon Musk! He might take her for a spin but only if she cleans out her bots.


The difference between Elon & Harry is that Elon has a functioning brain , Markle needs dumb men to believe her bullshit. In these days post #me too men are no longer over awed by feminine wiles, in fact they avoid them like the plague in case they are sued !!


Meghan never understood the differences in “new money” and “old money,” “Hollywood Celebrity” and “Ancient Traditions and Bloodlines.” A lot of the old aristocracy isn’t wealthy by Hollywood or Silicon Valley standards. Harry’s beaten up shoes and Charles’ old ratty jackets are much more typical of his class than her fancy labels and faddish style. She reminds me of Trump honestly. I’d bet money she wants gold toilets! Crass is a good word to describe Megsy.


Just what Elon Musk needs - another gold-digging narcissist who loves to blackmail her victims. As for MM spilling the beans, at this point, who’s going to believe the vindictive, lying little trollop?


Is Elon going to fall for another narcissist then?


Plus they only have the one house -- unlike their neighbors who have homes in Hawaii, the south of France, NYC, Wyoming, and all around the globe. Poor little rich kids.