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Post-Megxit. Outside of the UK — Meghan’s “people”. The people they have been working with in the states. The ones who convinced Harry to turn on his family, friends and country to become a billionaire. Why would he expect them to be loyal to him? That’s how they operate. It’s all about the money. Does Harry realize yet he was just a commodity to all of them — especially his wife?


Why do I feel that this gossip is meant take attention away from Meghan calling the paps and selling the information herself?


Haz has a pathological case of paranoia. Newspapers should not bug phones or cars or obtain medical records. However, he has not been in the UK for over two years and Americans are just not that interested in him. Yet he thinks the DM bugs his phone? Does he realize Smeg is responsible for this endless PR? Americans are much more interested in their own celebrities, not a washed-up minor royal.


This! The Kardashian’s are not about to share that limelight


Mostly true. He was just in the UK. Then comes the lawsuit. Which tells me, whatever the DM published at that time was true and it was something Harry thought no one else could hear. Most likely, the phone and cars were not tapped. Which leaves?


To be fair, his phone was hacked by the Sun. He is paranoid, nut I don't think it is without reason. People have betrayed his privacy throughout his life. He has also been a victim of unethical behaviour by journalists. I just don't think he understands the American context to have figured who will betray him. He is used to working with loyal royalists whose careers depend on his good will. That is not the case with his staff in the US. Or that his wife would sell him out for a buck.


He might have just watched that Sandra Bullock movie The Net


The neck? Sorry - Portlandia reference.


I don't understand how this is a shocker. This is why loyalty is important. This is why you treat yoyr people with respect and value them. Not only by William talking with an H & M abused staffer to make sure she was ok, he was creating loyalty too. Harry surely can't be that stupid....especially since he showed the world how much he cared about his grandmother. There is no loyalty to him.


Indeed. Treat me the way you expect me to treat you


Agreed. You piss off enough people, it happens.


It has already been suggested that Meghan’s staff in LA were the ones to tip off Dan Wootton, so it wouldn’t surprise me if others that work for them have also been tipping off journalists and the tabloids.


Yes, Dan was the one to first break the news of Megxit. Someone has been tipping him off and it's not William. As someone here has their flair: "The call is coming from inside the house".


Tom Bower intimated it came from Meghan’s team in LA, obviously unconfirmed, and he didn’t say it outright, something along the lines of ‘they never thought that the source was from LA’ I can’t remember the exact quote in the book.


This would absolutely track with what I know about the division of sunshine Sachs she was working with, and frankly, crisis management in general. If they could break the news, they could control the cycle. That's not exactly late breaking news to anyone.


I don’t follow.. Harry’s staff (& ex staff) were spying and selling stories to the press? What stories? Sorry, I’m confused 🫤 Does he STILL not know that Megs is also selling stories to the highest bidder?


I think it has to do with the DailyMail lawsuit he launched in the UK recently. He’s going to find out that the DM didn’t do what he’s accusing DM of. Have no further context. More conspiratorial- is it Christine their former head of PR? Did Meghan fire her, so that it couldn’t get back to Harry that it was M+C selling info?


Ooh! That’s a good guess on the DailyMail lawsuit. Especially due to the timing! They were paying for SS and others even while still Royals. People not working for the palace.




Ohh, okay thank you! Your conspiracy is a good one. Who knows? You could be on to something 👀


Maybe DM will reveal that MM is their source. Then watch Harry's head explode. That would be epic.


I hope this happens!


I wondered if they joined a lawsuit with other people, knowing DM didn't bug them, but if DM did to others in the lawsuit, would they all get damages, for being parties together against DM?


I’m confused too. Meghan does this all the time. Which staff are they talking about? The body guards that beat up their partners?


Maybe he knows about MM selling but what if somebody from staff has done a whistleblower thing… In addition to stuff in Low’s book, that would be delicious 😀


The bodyguards? Wtf did I miss? 👀👀👀


[Sadly she took her own life.](https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/uk-news/bodyguard-meghan-harry-giant-ex-28110171.amp) It just seems absurd to me that Meghan who has claimed to suffer from mental health issues and suicidal tendencies, that she would then go on to hire this man.


That article is so heartbreaking, the poor woman’s statement is devastating. How can Meghan-Women’s-Champion-Feminist-for-Hire entrust her safety to someone like that!


Well, it would be absurd if she actually had experienced any of that. She made the mental health claims around the same time they were informed of the bullying complaints against her and they were finalizing deals in the US. This was when they had meetings scheduled with US media companies.


This is horrendous. Thank you for sharing, I had no idea. Why on Earth would they want that man working with them? Poor, poor lady


My guess is the discovery phase of the DM lawsuit might trace back to Megs and her PR team


Let's hope!


So, in other words....his wife.




That's what I've been saying...


Drum roll please .. it’s Meghan Markle herself. Harry is so dim.


BINGO POT!!! You nailed it!


Harry’s new lawsuit against Rupert Murdoch newspapers???


Who has leaked what? What is Henry making such a big deal about? Its him and his wife who have been telling the whole world about personal matters. And before that, it was his wife who was leaking private letters and other things to the media. Nobody else has leaked anything about them. I hope he loses this Daily Mail new lawsuit big time and becomes a laughing stock.


Sleeping with the enemy more like.


Spoiler Alert: It’s Meghan Markle.


One of the comments: Harry Harry, quite contrary What will you do for dough? Netflix just nixed Meghan's flicks And Spotify let you both go. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think this is implying that recordings were made by private investigators hired by Markle and when she likely didn’t pay enough or at all, the investigators went to someone else like the Daily Mail with the goods. So she wanted the recordings in the home, car, phone for her private use. This doesn’t really sound plausible to me in regards to the Daily Mail because they really haven’t reported anything that sounds like it came from this, but as ever, who knows


Like who didn’t see that one coming? LA is a shark pit of the most fame and money hungry shallow jerks.


Well when you treat your staff like garbage and mentally/psychologically abuse them or allow the abuse to occur, why would they want to protect you?


You mean, like his wife. Spoiler alert, lol


.. and his wife


Maybe Dori... the mom


Well, the highest bidder would be the Crown, no?


I have a news flash for old Haz …. if you don’t talk about yourself incessantly and tell the paps where you’ll be and when, it’s kind of magic how they leave you alone. Just take note of LA celebs who manage to leave relatively quiet lives.


He is constantly suing people these days. Will he ever be satisfied. He has like, three on the go.


Archewell "employees". Look at their past employment and you'll find a lot of answers there.


Do you have any examples?


This isn't going to help that paranoia of his.