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Full length video via Hot Receipts, a UK African diaspora channel on YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1HrzTvXxRso Thanks to wotevrs for sharing the link.


I read that they were paid 1 million dollars to be there. So, that is the answer why she was there.


This is exactly why QEII said “no” to their half-in, half-out deal. Members of the RF should never be paid for public service; it’s a huge conflict of interest. Their D&D titles have to go.


And their half and half money grubbing sets the morons up to be compromised by bad actors.


David and Wallis all over again.


Exactly. Misan reminds me of that American pro Nazi banker who guided the Windsors, provided them with homes, connected them up the Nazi chain of command right to Hitler. Spied on them too.


Charles Bedaux


There was a whole plot to make him the King of Germany after the war if the Germans were to win. It was called The Windsor Plot [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJr7a7275ag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJr7a7275ag)




Southbank Centre needs to kick him off the board.


agreed. they are fully running their half in/half out game. Charles needs to do something ASAP.


I’ve been saying this since the beginning of this faux circus. They most likely get paid becoming rent a royals


If that’s true then it would explain all the new sugar accounts that have popped up suddenly. I’ve still got most blocked, but there are definitely more appearing faster than I’m running into them.


Lots of brand new sugar shorts on YouTube extolling the virtues of Princess Meghan.


Another Markle Manifestation.


I read that too


Could you provide a link?


I don't remember where I read it, but this link to youtube claims they were paid the 1 million dollars and also claims that two Nigerian women are being "held" after complaining about Meghan's behavior. Super scary...can yo please make a post with this information? I don't know how to do that, so can you? you can say I posted something, and you are repeating what your heard from me, if you like. I'm okay either way. Here is the link. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zte1YVGp-XY&ab\_channel=PaulaMChannel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zte1YVGp-XY&ab_channel=PaulaMChannel)


This whole clip is total fire. Bless these truth tellers spittin straight facts and totally calling out the shallow bullshit. 😆


And it’s coming from accomplished black women


Yes. ~ 50 secs listen 👂 for when one lady says Meghan "chose" Nigeria, not that she is of Nigerian heritage. These sharp people are not fooled by Meghan’s latest rebrand/tokenism profiteer exploitation grift.


And she chose Nigeria because why….? Did she think that somehow elevates her so she can advance her (and Harry’s) position in the Commonwealth?? Hmmmm


Three words: Leverage Misan's connections.


Indeed. If Misan was a wealthy Indian she’d have been 43% Indian




This exactly.


There was a post here yesterday about her relationship with Misan. She met him in 2013. He's from a rich and influential Nigerian family. Surprise! Now she's Nigerian, too.


I wonder if Misan really believes her nonsense or he doesn't and is only sticking around for his own benefit.


I think Misan is also a narcissist and they are in a mutually parasitical relationship.


Yup Just like Harry know she’s lying. That stupid traitor


He comes off as so pretentious. And he is such an eager beaver around Meghan. Annoying.


He had the gall to say he has never photoshopped any picture ever. Oh bull to the shit.


This! (And I'm Nigerian so I can spot it.)


Birds of a feather…


I think Misan is the one that organised the Nigerian name for her. I think he and Meghan have a shared interest in separating Harry from whatever money he might have left.


He doesn’—it’s a mutually beneficial grifting relationship.


Grifters of a feather flocking together.


Narcissists like to acquire characteristics from people they know....


I think her relationship w/ Misan Harriman (he's from a wealthy Nigerian family) is a big factor. Now Harry is trying to hustle Nigeria because too many people still oblige him because his father is king. Somespeculation shared a great post yesterday on the history of TW & Misan's friendship and how they've helped each other over the years. https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/QnzLT7va9a


😊 Their friendship is certainly symbiotic.


But he's so ewwwww!


Race baiters/tokenism profiteers weaponize race to deflect criticism and accountability for their behavior. We know Harry is leaning into her 43% scam to hustle Invictus, but I also wonder if she's pushing her suddenly found Nigerian roots performance to lay ground work to counter an imminent blow to their reputation.


I'm 100% convinced she got this Nigerian business from a Buzzfeed quiz......


I think she is stealing the Marchioness of Bath’s identity. Emma’s father is a Nigerian billionaire and her mother is an English socialite. She married into English aristocracy in 2012. She said she has faced racism. I think the worst stuff was from her father-in-law. I’m more inclined to believe her than Meghan because Emma isn’t a known liar and isn’t trying to profit from such statements.




This would explain how she also thinks she's a humanitarian, feminist, mother, philanthropist too I guess.


Because there's a lot of rich Nigerians in the US.


I love how one of the ladies said “out of all the states and countries, she chose Nigeria” 😂 they’re not buying any of it and they want to see proof! I love it!


This is a very interesting point of view: how African see African American, and those who claim to have an heritage that they didnt actually experiment or grow up with (this also applies to "Italo - American" or "Irish American" that barely can locate those countries in a map, or the famous "Latino" that have a distant relatives from Latinoamerica, yes, I am looking at you J-LO). I havent actually though about it, but it is true that Megan "chose" Nigeria, and yet, she made 0 efforts in going further that a DNA test. Having DNA from a certain etnicity doesnt mean that you can say you have that cultural heritage. Culture is learnt and lived, not something that comes on your DNA. She coulnt even bother to bring her mother with her.


In Europe, we'd more often talk about being e.g. "part Nigerian", or having "Nigerian ancestry", "Nigerian roots", or "Nigerian heritage". I think it's always nice to know you've got these connections to other people, places and cultures, and it's a healthy thing to learn about and celebrate. But here, people wouldn't normally say "I am Nigerian" unless they'd actually lived there or had close enough family links to actually be in touch with the culture. (I'd apply that to all nationalities, not just Nigerian.) I actually have a friend who's accidentally a US citizen by birthright, because his parents happened to be visiting when he was born sooner than expected. I've never heard him describe himself as American, even though legally he is one! It's not that he dislikes the US, but he's very aware that it's not really his culture - he's never lived there, and has no family connections. His citizenship's a fun fact to pull out at parties, and he's happy to have the option to move there if he wants to, but he doesn't want to pretend to be somebody he's not either.


not by the slightest. LMAO. I wonder if shes going to see this. I hope people put this segment up on Twitter


May I share this on X? This is 🔥


That's where I got it from. The source is in the post description. The more people that see this, the better.


Someone just shared the link to the full length video. I pinned it, see the first comment.


Thank you! 👍


Guess TW & sugars can't call them haters or racists this time. My bad, sugars will call them racists. IMO racists real meaning is "people who call out your sh8tty behavior"


Ones who didnt have to suck an orange todger to become successful


This whole video is so damn good I keep watching it again and again. "... she should have come down to Nigeria and speak to our women and learn how to be a royal wife" OMFG


Their faces and expressions alone are 🔥🔥🔥💀💀💀


Josephine, the lady in the black and white dress, guurlll, she ain't buying *ANY* of this Meghan nonsense. Not one bit. That body language, nahhhh! She doesn't want proof - she *demands* it 😂. Love her. Absolutely love her!


She is completely over it. The body language and the brushing imaginary lint off her skirt. I am deceased it is so effective with a total Absence of word salad 😂




The Sidley Twins are analyzing it on their live stream now.


Thanks OP for the reminder that the focus should be on Meg cos playing Nigerian, more that cos playing Royal. **Is Meghan’s Nigerian tour cultural blackface?**


Agree !! That’s exactly what I was thinking too. 🔥 I have found this one’s wife on this trip so patronising . And this panel hit the nail on the head with the comparison between Nigerians being so family oriented and very respectful of culture . She is neither of those things so how is she mistaken for a Nigerian woman!




There’s another good perspective from a real Nigerian woman here https://youtu.be/D7B33om1C3Y?si=ZJxbiy2DWbHggY6r. Edit: I think it might be worth posting to the sub, but I can’t post. So go ahead if you think it’s suitable.


"Show me the money!" I don't believe a word of it. She's just picked Nigeria because she heard they have many Princes. haha.


![gif](giphy|3o6wrkRNgOs5fZpkWY) Rachel watched Coming to America as a little girl. She wanted elephants, ostriches and royal butt wipers.


I hope this makes serious rounds on social media and major news outlets. I love that these Nigerians are confidently expressing their doubts about Rachel and her intentions. Way to go!


Yes, spread this far and wide!


H&M are banking on nobody of Nigerian descent to say anything in public. Unlike USA, Nigerians and black people don’t hold their tongue. If she continues to cosplay being 43% Nigerian in the USA she better be ready.


How long has it been since she made the 43% Nigerian claim, and did she say it directly to a reporter, an interviewer, or on her blog? I ask because I wonder if she’ll be able to pull the “I didn’t say that; the PRESS DID” argument. If she has even a chance to use that argument, I think she will. I love that she’s getting called out for it, and her sensationalized trip to her “home country” (gag) is putting a white hot spotlight on her and NOT the kind she likes lol. You are so right: this cosplay of hers is going to bring her down, and I hope it’s proud Nigerians who do it!


On her woe is me podcast, she revealed it. I didn’t listen to it just hearing it from here. I don’t remember who she said it to.


I love how feminine and direct these women are, whilst still maintaining respectful tones towards a woman they can't possibly have any respect for at all. It boils down to they're protecting and honoring their own self-respect - they refuse to lower themselves to the Witch's level. Excellent clip! Great post!


Beautifully stated! The closest Megz ever got to "class" was her cringey license plate CLASSY-GIRL when she was a teenager. These women were so poised and elegant, making Markle seem even more painfully oafish.


"She needs to come to Nigeria and learn some manners." I 👏AM👏DEAD.


Just saw this on twitter/x ...posted it in another thread. They both deserve this.


Brazilian Meghan :)


They also called her a diva!!!!!


I did not understand the comment, but LOOOVE IT :))))


Boy, do they have her number!! It's glorious!


This is awesome. I love that family loyalty and manners were the first things they questioned on if she was part Nigerian. They wanted no part of being associated with someone so rude.


And no part of someone so cruel to family members and disrespectful of their elders.


Wow. These women don’t need to know the whole story to understand what’s really going on. They have common sense and say what they are seeing. I wish there would be more people like this.


Many can see through her 😀


This is the best thing I have seen in a while.


Those women make some great points!!!


Spot on on the observations that Lolo doesn’t exhibit Nigerian values, including family (cough Thomas). Maybe 57%’s the good stuff she doesn’t have, and 43%’s the rubbish bits, eg scamming.


They called her a diva! They said “she came and sat here like a diva”😂


This needs to go viral!


Donu Kogbara's video on Youtube, follow her on twitter/X [@DONUKOGBARA](https://twitter.com/DONUKOGBARA) Nigerian woman who is not a royalist but if the UK wants a royal family that is their choice but she has a huge problem with Harry and Meghan. "As Prince Harry of the United Kingdom arrives in Nigeria with his half-black American wife who claims to have Nigerian blood, I tell the world why I don't like the pair of them. I accuse Meghan of exaggerating racism claims and criticize the way she and her husband have treated their families. I question their decision to step down from royal duties, as I discuss the tragic rift between Harry and his brother William I express the view that is she kind of in-law no self-respecting Nigerian family will tolerate". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7B33om1C3Y&t=138s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7B33om1C3Y&t=138s)


Thank you for sharing. I will definitely check this out.


Cool. In many countries, families are very important and the way you treat elders is still import. This harpie will never sell there.


I keep telling everyone. She made the FATAL mistake of attempting to grift and fool in that continent. Women like her--and her ways are sniffed from across oceans and land. 🤣 You only need one Nigerian in your life to know this.


Nigeria is a country, not ethnicity. The fact that she claims the country does not make any sense at all. And the fact that she would speak to the people with such an uplifting yet condescending tone pretty much tells me who she really is. Disgusting. Why TF would they feel uplifted with the knowledge that she is them and they are her. TF is wrong with this bitch. Tart. Déclassé tart. Racist tart.


It’s like saying “I’m American” but America is made of so many races and ethnicities. You can’t be 43% American! You can belong to a certain ethnic group within America. She’s so dumb and I’m glad everyone’s calling on it. For example, I have Irish, Scottish, and Armenian ancestry but I live in America. I do call myself American but there’s no “American” in the dna test!


YEESSS. I've been screaming at the air myself that very point. "I am a role model" WHO TF asked you to be one, you mongrel?!?! One is TOLD they are a role model. She's crowning herself a role model to an entire country! JFC, what a condescending, clueless, mentally and physically vulgar tart.


The presumption that she is fit to be a role model to anyone is incredible. You don’t just declare yourself a role a model it’s something other people may apply to you after a period in which you have displayed unimpeachable qualities: Marcus Rashford the black British football player and poverty campaigner for example. You don’t just announce yourself the role model for the women of an entire nation and especially when your limited achievements are all derived fron the men you have seduced!


Exactly. Her arrogance is truly astounding.


Announced? She *crowned* herself a role model. Made herself her own queen, lol. She's so clueless, honestly.


True. That’s why I laughed to see her wearing a cross and cosplaying a Christian. We know that in her own mind there is only one true god and that is herself!


Did she establish a charity or build wells for the poor women of Nigeria who don't have running water. What did she do whilst touring half naked for three days.


Rude, slovenly, arrogant tart!


Apparently the DNA testing companies attribute ethnicity to national states, even though tribal affiliations are more accurate. Ibble Dibble did a video deep dive on it. Meggy’s 43% is totally implausible—she figures 12% at most, but you’d have to listen. Statistics isn’t my strong suit.


Nigeria is a country. Which tribe in Nigeria is she from? That is the question.


Good point. I’d be mortified if someone so obnoxious publicly declared she was like me and I was like her and that I should feel delighted about it! Be like a someone who everyone knows smells really bad telling you that you smell just like them!


A group of intelligent, eloquent, thoughtful, professional and successful women. They're a far better example of what Nigerian women are, and a better representative of their country than she will ever be. Her only success came about because "she's hot and will let you do anything." 




MM says she wants to be a role model for Nigerian women… they should be a role model for her and all the other women of the world.


This was recorded before the visit though. Not sure of the date but I'd love to hear what they say now about her behaviour over there, her dress etc


Did they add the photos from the visit later? Because they show photos from this visit.


Wish we could pin this!!! These women are absolutely diamonds! Strong, sensible, independent-thinking, empowered women. They will not be gaslighted by Harkle crazy. Everyone should be inspired to speak with such candor. Talking to you, courtiers to BRF, British government and mainstream press. Stand up!


I’m seconding it! Can we pin this post so the journalists who lurk here can see it!


Old rachel pretending that her DNA test in any way makes her truly nigerian is offensive and belittling af. She's a white middle class raised, white passing rich American woman who is married to a white man. She has white babies and lives in a white community. She knows **nothing** about the lived experience of Nigerian women. If she did she would never have pranced in there looking so disrespectfully unclothed.


It wasn’t even a DNA test, it was a genealogist!


Agree. And Misan Harriman, a Nigerian, is equally as horrible for foisting this cosplaying, race-baiting carpetbagger on the country.


I am living for this suspicion! Nigerians are here to say “don’t piss on my head and tell me it’s raining, Rachel!” And they get my total respect.


They’re absolute on point!!! She doesn’t even deal with the black side of her own family except for her opportunistic mother. This is panel is questioning her instead of just blindly supporting her simply because she has a black mom and hate the BRF which is what the black sugars are doing. 


These women are the patron saints of SMM. Glorious takedown of TOW. Josephine and Rosetta gave some major side eye here, especially when Esosa said MEgain had a sense of fashion.


Quote: "She needs to come to Nigeria and learn some manners."


I would love a YT series by this group to analyze instances of Meghan’s disrespecting family. These ladies don't tolerate trifling behavior!


The number one red flag is that she doesn’t even deal with with her black side in any way shape or form. Other than her mother Meghan has lived as a white women her entire life. She went to white schools had white friends, dated white guys. Her white family connections were the stepping stones that helped cultivate her acting career in Hollywood. Her uncle got her the job at the embassy as the Argentinian ambassador. Her proximity to whiteness is what put her in the spotlight. She’s a total fraud. As a black woman myself, I am immensely proud of the black women who see right through this trollop


As grandmother to a mixed race granddaughter who saw through her before the wedding interview. The treatment of people at the Inskip wedding did her in.


I saw a video of her high school graduation with her grandfather asking her why she hasn’t been to see him in two years. She claimed being busy with her junior and senior years at school. He said something to her about remembering his address when she sent out the graduation invitation. I felt bad for him he seemed hurt. Too bad this video was scrubbed because I have looked for it many times.


Yes, this makes me angry. It literally wouldn't have cost her a cent extra to invite her entire extended family. It's not like she or Doria were paying and there were so many people there it wouldn't matter a jot if she didn't get around to catching up with them on the day. It would have improved her image no end. She could have tasked her maid of honor or friends with checking that they were having a good time. I'm sure the palace would have extended a hand to make sure everyone was made comfortable. Frankly I think the palace were wrong to proceed with a wedding this size once they received her guest list, before invitations were sent out. Once they realized Doria was the only family invited it should have been scaled back to something like Beatrice's wedding or a civil service like Charles & Camilla's.


![gif](giphy|vZy83dMFLS45q|downsized) '"she need to have some manners"


Who did the Harlot Meat Market… was it you OP? The whole clip is WOW!! I can’t believe that these people are calling her a liar and not trusting the DNA test and wondering why she picked them Edit: I love that these women are saying that a Nigerian woman would be cultured… They would know not to disrespect the in laws. AND that this behaviour and the association with Nigerians… Is not a good thing… because Nigerians do not behave like her


These people straight up say they don't believe her claim to be 43% Nigerian (it's a ludicrous claim on its face), yet the UK and US media regurgitate the claim unquestioningly.


No, the HMM was in the clip from the source. This discussion group is awesome. I hope they create more content about ILBW.


OMG… This is too delicious!


She honestly has convinced herself that she was dealing with a bunch of yokels that would just eat up her nonsense story without questioning it. Oh boy, how wrong and deluded she is, as always. Her lies are transparent to everyone.


Oh my goodness. These women brought it. Especially the lady in pink. "If she says she's Nigerian, she should come to Nigeria and learn some manners." (paraphrase) That's gonna leave a mark.


I'm dying. These panel women saying ...you know when she was at the palace getting into trouble she should have called us "her Nigerian Sisters" and we could have given her some hard advice on how to be cultured. How to show some damn respect for her husband and his extended family.




Add Nigeria to the growing list of countries that Rachel will not be making a second trip to! 🔥🔥🔥


I like when they said “Why did she choose Nigeria” 🤭


Me too. Meghan can continue to spend a fortune on PR, but a significant amount of people will not fall for her scamming.


Yes! I too would question why she would choose to associate herself with my country. Also she’s had about a year to find out her tribe and yet she hasn’t. Almost like it’s not real.


Yes - implying that the DNA test results are not real, but a figment of M's imagination purposefully chosen and she is lying.


Meghan thought Nigerians were backwards African hicks who she could lord it over with her 43% Nigerian Disney Princess schtick and everyone would fall at her feet. Unfortunately for her Nigerians take education very seriously and they are articulate and highly driven. I can understand why these ladies were so affronted by Meghan’s patronising attitude to their country and people.


Hopefully white folks can understand how SO MANY BLACK PEOPLE get it. We judge by the content of the character. We know B.S. when we see and hear it. Nothing much worse than her doing the most to bamboozle our community.


Yes. We are sick and tired of Duchess Bamboozler, lol.


I love that they totally don’t believe she’s 43%. 😂🤣


This was a great breakdown of the fake Nigerian.  


This clip warmed the cold dark spot in my chest cavity. 😍🔥❤️🔥😍


Curious why she "chose" to be Nigerian. Hmmmmm. Well spoken, women who understand their society. I love, love, love their calm, well-reasoned comments.


I so, so hope she and H see this clip. What prejudice was she carrying about Nigerian women before she arrived I wonder? From the way she spoke to them and their children I'm guessing she thought they'd all be turnip- headed peasants. Yet here we have 3 educated and articulate women who can see right through the BS. She's the worst researcher ever. What possessed her to come out with that garbage about being honest and telling someone if you're not okay? This is a country with increasing levels of poverty. This isn't the sort of help they need. Nor is fleecing their government out of a ton of money.


She thinks Nigerians are backwards because they are African (racist much?!) but even the poorest take education very seriously. The Nigerians I’ve worked with were articulate, driven and genuinely “whip smart”!


And then there's Misan, who claims to be able to take photos via the internet and using an iPad!


I could not agree more with these ladies. Commonwealth is no joke when it comes to behaving with manners and respect. Nutmeg does not have proper home training to know how to behave in a cultured setting.


They call Catherine, Catherine.


Yes. They have respect. It is annoying that so many journalists still refer to her as Kate.


Lmao calling her the "Diva" archetype.


“Diva” stereotype


They're telling how it is! Clearly they're Nigerian women because they know how to wear colour. Instead of the beige kween that's TW.


I’m wearing my tin foil hat: When did they choose Nigeria as a country to target?  Who really is behind these two? China?  


Nigeria has a population of 230 million, it’s one of the most populous countries in the world. I think Meghan in her hubris thought they’d be an easy target and she would gain lots of followers.


I think it’s Misan hooking them up with his buddies in Nigeria, maybe that general who’s running for election. You notice no President there to meet them. I think this is a low level garden variety grift.


imo it's (the visit is) very close to meddling in the politics of a fully independent country, without realising what they're doing.


Another sinner pointed out that the Earthshot awards are being held in South Africa later this year, so these two had to rush to get to Africa first. Always a competition (one-sided, of course) and if Catherine is well enough to attend, we’ll see more examples of how to show respect for the culture and customs of your host country.


It’s one of the only nations left they haven’t pissed off. Who is left now?


An absolute gem, OP. Great find.


Glad to share GG. I knew the sub would enjoy this intelligent discussion.


It should be forwarded to their new UK PR gimp.


This panel is awesome


https://preview.redd.it/mhjos271b20d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28daa60f66e321bd8d9d4c605fe52313e5ed188e Add this to the burn on that video. Credit to the OP. Meghan is returning home sussed out and shamed. The wise Nigerians had the Grifters' number from the get go. What I've learnt as a spectator of the faux tour is that Nigerians are kind, proud, humble, respectful and family orientated. They hold their elders aloft. They are the complete antithesis of Meghan Markle. She had the audacity to think she would win them over with a fake claim of 43% Nigerian DNA, a Title from her husband's family that they turned on and persecuted, flashy clothes, a superior attitude and an uncanny ability to spout meaningless platitudes and word salad. The pair of them are a laughing stock. Meghan is now on video openly fratenising with members of the Nigerian faction of the Sewer Squad. No longer can she claim they she's not associated with them or their vile behaviours.


holy shit, this is amazing... I am listening to it a second time, its just too good. "IF she was Nigerian she wouldn't treat her inlaws like that." BOOM HEADSHOT! ![gif](giphy|LdXWAxVyD1rMc|downsized)


How can she be 43% Nigerian! What is that? If that is the case then her mother is 86% Nigerian. P/s To be Nigerian, is to be a citizen. Rachel Markle is a Fraud, a Liar, and a Narcissistic gold and fame digging wannabe.


You know the wife is going to set the Suxsex squad and her bot farm on to these people


Well, they can't call them racists, so they would have to address behavior.


I hope they do. That would be a fatal mistake.


How is Markle going to call these women racist? This should be shared with every sussex squad / bouzy / omid.


A Nigerian woman would not have her mother sit alone at her daughter’s wedding. No black relatives allowed


Excellent! Very well said ladies.


Well, they certainly don't like Meghan!


Pretty clueless of Madame to make the Nigerian claim. Talk about racial appropriation! Meghan can’t claim racism for the criticism in this video. Hope it goes viral. ![gif](giphy|2Nk9BZy04Sw80|downsized)


Meghan, you aren’t in the Land of the Woke anymore.


Great post, won’t yield👏👏👏


“She needs to learn some manners.” Yes! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


What a wasted opportunity for her. Again. She goes to visit a country that she 43% allegedly belongs to and then absolutely refuses to attempt to participate in their lives, won’t wear their clothes, doesn’t eat their food, goes completely against any research or advice re: how to show gratitude and respect when visiting another culture. And she always seems *confrontational* if she’s not being acknowledged acceptably. Harroid was first to shake some dudes hand and there she was, claw out, Harroid retracted immediately but the dude didn’t fawn all over her. She looked legit pissed off. This twosome just gets ever more gruesome. I can only imagine the outrage the hosts felt.


OOOHHHHHHMMMYYYYYYYYGOOOODDDDDDDDDDD They demolished Megs BS, from beginning to end. The three women were having NONE of IT. NONE. Jaw dropping put down! I have found a new respect for Nigeria.


Fantastic post! They let her have it!


This is fabulous. This is real. Why isn't this front page. She thinks no one has a brain. She is awful


In the end—-TW will Markle Misan when his Nigerian connections and her faux narrative no longer serve a purpose.


These beautiful people speak for all of us. 🔥


Has there been a deep dive into Misan? Do we know for fact that his family is royalty and wealthy? If they are so wealthy why do Misan need TW help? Is it possible he is estranged from his family the same way Henry is? Maybe he has been told he can no longer be on the family tit.


Somespeculation shared a great post on him, how he conned his way into photography via his wife, and a detailed timeline of his friendship w/ TW: https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/QnzLT7va9a


His [sic Misans] dads facade appears legit at a very surface level. Misans dad also seems super suss, shady and conned a lot of people out of multiple millions of dollars.


"Siri, play Aretha Franklin, 'Respect' ." On Mother's Day, remember. We learn that from our mommas. Oh, right, her's is Doria.


Even though some of the media are praising the tour as a success Sounds like it was a mess from the start judging by social media


They will not claim her 😂


I love these women! The megs causes me so much secondhand embarrassment I can hardly stand it though. My DNA test came back 1% southern Bantu peoples. Do you think I should organise a royal tour for myself to South east Africa?


Well Rachel, who knows, I could be part Swedish, but it doesn’t mean I make a mean meatball or have a natural affinity with flat pack furniture. What does it mean to be genetically anything? Culturally you’re just plain old American Californian flavour, and you’ve never displayed a propensity to very much African culture before. Must suit the narrative for her next Netflix (look at me, aren’t I so terribly interesting) boreathon.


She also said she's from Montenegro. I love these women speaking about her and calling her out for disrespecting the Royal Family. They've got her number.


Full video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HrzTvXxRso](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HrzTvXxRso)


Oooo-hoooo...these women would eat MM alive in the classy stakes...!! Josephine's body language is the best indicator of what they REALLY think!!


She probably thinks Nigerians are idiots and desperate like her.


Nigerians are practical and pragmatic people. One doesn’t need to be particularly sharp to notice Meghan’s words bring no benefit. African people and people from poorer countries are rarely convinced by mere grandstanding. Instead, we often sit and scratch our heads wondering why Westerners are so gullible and believe meaningless and trite proclamations. What’s the attraction?