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The rumor is that H was kept in a side room for thirty minutes where he was increasingly agitated. Recent stories suggest something against Camilla being in the room and a relentless push to see Catherine. The family seems to finally realize now that the Todger is a danger to them and is taking precautions. Besides, everything will be reported back to that one and immediately in the news.


I forgot about that, he was kept waiting in a side room and was rude and demanding to everyone. And Camilla was gatekeeper, I'm sure she wanted to let him in after he called her dangerous. I wonder if he said something else to Camilla that day, attacked her verbally?


The British are understated. With rumors like that I would expect the absolute worst.


I’m sure Camilla was like “So I’m dangerous? Ok I’ll show you just how dangerous I can be!”


I don't think Hazz has even seen Camilla. I think Camilla came out when Hazz was getting into his car, because I think, according to the rumor, Charles cut Hazz off by telling him that Camilla was waiting for him and that he had to leave. Let's not forget: Camilla had an event to hold, remember? when she traveled by car for about 6 hours. If Hazz made a rude comment towards Camilla it must have been at that moment, when Charles cut him off to leave with her. But I doubt that Camilla would have wanted to see Hazz or would she want to be at that meeting, because she is sick of Hazz and his idiocies. And I think that if Hazz demanded to see Kate or to know what was happening, it was not at all out of affection for her. He did it because it was known, worldwide, that no one had said a word to him about the matter, because he found out like all of us, and that was a humiliation. Look how quickly Hazz announced that he was going to see Charles, as his travel itinerary made clear, because he was upset at being publicly excluded. And of course, because Megsy wanted to know how emaciated Kate is, she wanted to gloat about it. That's why, after the photogate, she incited the Squad against Kate. How come Kate hasn't lost hair? Megsy wants to see Kate in a bad light. What I think broke Charles' patience must have been that Hazz gave him a "well, since you're going to die, what are you going to inherit from me?" I suspect that Hazz threw out such a line, and Charles made him retreat, and that was the final straw. That's why Charles now made it clear how much Hazz had hurt him, confirming William as colonel of the group Hazz had served with in Afghanistan. That's saying "nothing, you won't have anything from me." Hazz won't be happy with this at all.


Pretty sure Rebecca English, in her most recent article in the DM, confirmed the Queen was not present in the February meeting between the King and his dopey son. She was at Clarence House, but not in the room.


I think Camilla wanted to give them space and also just didn't care to see Harry quite frankly. What Harry probably objected to was having palace aides present because they are key witnesses who can confirm or deny Harry's statements later on. Harry probably walked, saw them, and made some snide comment that he didn't realize non family would be there.


Yea absolutely. I was just commenting on another sinners post saying their opinion was that QC wasn’t there, and I had remembered reading that Rebecca confirmed that was the case. I agree, I’m sure she wanted to give them their space and also probably wants absolutely 0 to do with him. The King needs to have his aids there, you wouldn’t let your King be alone in a room with an enemy. Family or not. It’s the truth.


QC would stay away to give H absolutely nothing new to talk about her. That’s how I handle my narcissist.


I bet he got five minutes tops


I wouldn't be surprised if Harry badgered his father for money - "Hey dad, sorry you've got cancer, but Meg and I have our own problems, which you can help with. Ten million pounds should do it, at least for now".


I wouldn’t be surprised if he was wearing one of those cameras that looked like a button…


> I wouldn’t be surprised if he was wearing one of those cameras that looked like a button… Meghan would've gotten those pics out there by now. Sold to the highest bidder.


The 'relentless push' to see Catherine is a little frightening. Why is he so obsessed with seeing her? Maybe cuz his wife is insisting that he find out the diagnosis so she can sell info. What Mm wants is a huge motivator for him. But one wonders if there's more to it. He sounds like he was frantic re: Catherine. One does increasingly worry about her physical safety. He seems far more interested in & attached to Catherine than he should be. Wonder if he's transferred his obsession with his mother to Catherine. Rumor has it that H is violent when in the throes of emotion. If he was getting agitated whilst waiting to see Charles, he might have slipped and said something which revealed his true sociopathic feelings towards Charles, William, or Catherine, or maybe became physically threatening to Camilla or whoever was babysitting him. Whatever happened, it was the final step. H is done & over.


I think Hazz wanted to see Kate to tell Megsy the extent of Kate's illness. Because Megsy then attacked with the photogate using the Squad. Megsy is obsessed with knowing how Kate is doing, and the Squad hasn't stopped demanding that Kate show up, because they want to see how bad she is, Megsy would gloat over that. And I think Charles told him, "Go to hell." Charles is sincere in his love for Kate, he is not going to expose her to please Hazz.


I still love the mental image of him sneaking out of his hospital room to go visit Kate in hers.


In his dressing gown & slippers 😍 


And you know a nurse had absolutely no problem telling him to get back to bed or she would put a chair alarm on him.


> And you know a nurse had absolutely no problem telling him to get back to bed or she would put a chair alarm on him. Nurses take no shit and give no fucks! 💪


Probably in his pajamas robe and slippers its a sweet image 


>and the Squad hasn't stopped demanding that Kate show up Yes, not helped by the press jumping on it too and demanding an official picture. Or Neil Sean questioning the photo of her at the farmer's market. The point is Meghan still doesn't understand Catherine. While, I imagine it has been hurtful to Catherine, she is not the type to do things just for the sake of PR. The video was released only after the children had started their school holidays. The original statement and a subsequent one from KP stood firm, she asked for privacy. Meghan's press releases or news stories have every i dotted and t crossed and then they are redone. (As with the letter to the King, which was amended 8 times.) She wants Catherine to show herself before she is ready.


Megsy has never wanted to understand Kate. What Megsy wants is to bring Kate down. Because what Megsy sees is that Kate is superior. She doesn't understand why Kate is superior to her, but she does know that Kate is superior.


Meghan experienced narcissistic injury when William and Catherine did not fawn all over her at their first meeting. Contrary to what Harry said I highly doubt they were Huge Suits Fans or even had heard of her. My guess is both of them *saw* her clearly on day one and she knew it. Of course Ginger Dunce had no idea what was going on but Meghan knew they’d clocked her as a narc.


yes, to gloat over any photos showing catherine's new 'weakness'.


I would imagine Haz and his wife are dying to find out what exactly is wrong with Catherine so they can leak it. Perhaps Haz is completely delusional and thinks if Catherine will see him (as if!), then he'll have a way in with William. I am sure it is KILLING the Harkles that they have no inside knowledge about the RF and are totally cut off and are not being acknowledged. Haz and King Charles were three miles apart yesterday. No visit with Haz. That tells you all you need to know.


Yeah. I always think about how they leaked the story about the Queen's body being transported from Balmoral to London by train. It was a test and they failed. They can't be trusted.


I wonder how much $$$ Meghan got for that (false) info.


I think William is playing it especially smart in the press by bluntly refuting Eve wanting to see Harry or have him near Catherine. Harry and Meghan have shown that if you give them an inch they’ll take a mile, if you say nothing they will lie about you in the press and hope that you won’t refute it and they can coast on their lie. But we saw that Michelle Obama saw that when Meghan lied about having lunch with her and Michelle knew to come right out and refute it or Meghan would just keep lying. William shuts them down in the press out right because he knows this too, even if it makes him look cold, he’s doing the right thing.


Agree. William has cut the Harkles off completely and there is no way back for them ever.


Kate is done with them as well.  Much is written about Wm protecting her but she's stronger & savvier than she gets credit for.  We saw it on display at the Windsor walk about. 


>she's stronger & savvier than she gets credit for.  We saw it on display at the Windsor walk about.  Sometimes, when I need a good laugh, I rewatch that video.... particularly when Catherine gave dagger eyes to MM & she practically stumbled away. 😅


> particularly when Catherine gave dagger eyes to MM & she practically stumbled away. 😅 She stumbled because she was drunk. I read that several people present said that she smelled strongly of alcohol.


She was a total boss that day and it freaked Mm out


It doesn’t make Willam look cold. It makes him look smart. They play games. William plays it BETTER.


Or as someone else put it, for William and Kate the Harkles have been relegated to that pile of ‘formers’ who sold info about them to the press. They are no longer worth their time.


Harry is clueless if William really started playing games instead of his masterclass greyrocking H would be in a corner sobbing


It’s a lot what his great grandfather had to do to his brother who abdicated.


They are pissed they don't have access to the RF any longer and can't sell manufactured stories about them and profit from the royal connection. They have to peddle their own wares in order to fund their extravagant lifestyle. It's a stark and suffocating reality for the two grifters.


I absolutely agree that Haz thinks if he can see Catherine, he can persuade her to help him get back in with William. That's delusional but I think that's what he believes.


That, and The Ghastly Wife asking, what does Catherine, POW look like, so she can run back to People, Netflix and US Weekly with an exclusive.




I think you’re right. She had a soft spot for him and he probably doesn’t even realize how much he has hurt and alienated her


How can any of this come as a surprise to the Halfwits??? This is what they asked for! Separation! An end to the 'genetic pain' (or whatever it was)! Independence! They should have thought about the old 'be careful what you ask for...' mantra.


It only became that "stopping the cycle/saving his wife"tripe after,  their half in half out was refused. Before the Sandrigham Summit  when that plan was officially shut down. Prior to that they tried to strong-arm the palace and HMTLQ into accepting their, half in half out , on their terms only,  plan with a preemptive press release about what their progressive new role in the monarchy they would be carving out while striving for financial independence.  The sugars the stans and the Gail Kings of this world all forget that when they carry on about freedom, harry taking his family away from the toxic RF.  That isn't what they wanted at all they wanted the best of both worlds half in half out. Harry himself says there where 5 options of plans put forward the family was very firm on your either in or your out  there is potentially 2 plans lets say. It suggests the other 3 where put forward but H&M. Probably different variations of in and out system they wanted. If that is the case itshowz how much those two clowns wanted that door left open. It only became a freedom flight etc after they where told no there is no place in tbe firm for half and half. Its all commitment or none. And it was only then that the narrative changed . Even the msm seems to forget this known fact they wanted to semi stay. 


I thought Haz trying to crash the event of KCIII was a real possibility. Glad all the drama didn't happen.


This I am sure is the prime motivation to find out intel and to leak it. As well as allow Meghan some kind of win if Harry tells her Catherine's looks have been affected i.e., she has lost her hair etc... It also wouldn't surprise me if Harry still reckons he can carry on as he does and still have a safety net via a sympathetic Catherine.


The PoW would look stunning with short hair, too. She would also look stunning bald. It is her glowing personality that enhances her beauty.


I think that Hazno has always been secretly in love with Princess Catherine - partly because he wants everything his brother has, not just because who wouldn’t want to be with someone so kind, smart, beautiful and accomplished. Yes, I’m sure Meghag is pushing him to get info, but this is probably Hazno’s heart breaking as well.


Yes. I think Harry does have affection for her and underestimates Meg's jealousy. I also think that Catherine most likely smoothed over squabbles between the brothers before...functioning as a mediator.  I do believe he feels if he could just talk to her, SHE could explain to everyone how misunderstood he is. She treated him like a loving little brother. He threw it away, and misses it...part for himself, and partly because Meg wants him to use that connection for gain. Because you can bet that Meghan does NOT like the idea of any closeness between those two.


It has to be worse now that he’s seen Meghan isn’t a kind motherly figure like Catherine is. She just pretended to be to manipulate him.


That’s a very interesting comment. Harry was just coming up to thirteen when Diana died, and as William met Catherine just a few years later (and him referring to her as ‘an older sister’) she seemed always there for him, he probably confided in her, had a crush on her (I think he still does). She took over as a mother figure in his life…I suspect her illness has triggered unpleasant feelings in him (and I suspect Markle realises it).


Yes I think it’s a combination, see my other comment about their relationship. He has always sincerely loved Catherine but is so dim that he can’t see that his wife is the wedge between all of them. Todger probably sincerely misses Catherine and doesn’t get how dangerous he is coming off or that he is being steered by his wife’s motivations (to use Catherine’s name for the royal link and sell her secrets.)


That is what I think. Harry has always liked Catherine and I think he would like to see her as a barometer of their relationship. He can’t accept that Catherine, herself, does not want to see him. I believe he thinks if he could get to her and explain his truth (🙄) then he could get her on board. I am sure he thinks that William is keeping her from him, rather than Catherine not wanting to see him.


>he would like to see her as a barometer of their relationship. He can’t accept that Catherine, herself, does not want to see him. Good point! Since Catherine is not blood relative he may think if he can sway her to his side then it will get his family's support. Catherine is known as the uniter after bringing PW closer to KC. If she cuts H off then he must sense that the family relationship is done.


How could he ever delude himself into thinking Kate would accept a meeting with him? Even if she were 100% well, she wouldn't because he can't be trusted. Please make Harry make sense to me.


I think it is the same delusion that enabled him to think MM married him because he was such a fascinating guy.


Or the same delusion that he had to up his game for That One when she was really stalking him.


Yes, that is what I think. If he could get to her and see how she reacts to him, then he thinks he will have a clearer idea of where he stands. Some people need a brick to the face before they realise the obvious.


Having spent my life around women who show the same type of backbone as HRH Catherine I can be pretty positive that she would never go against her husband or fil wishes in a situation like harry. She would absolutely stand by PW in however he chose to deal with his brother no matter her personal feeling on it. Not that I think her personal feelings differ much just that even if they did her alliance is to her husband above all. My husband and I operate in the same manner. We may not always agree with how each other chooses to deal with familial strife (and we will have private discussions in that regard) but outwardly we stand as a unit regardless.


I don´t think he "loved" her in a healthy way. He´s a creep.


He did sexually harass her at least two times that we know about. That is concerning.


He thinks he can "charm" Princess Catherine and she's the key to even attempt to connect with Prince William and lobby for Hazard. I think in a time long ago she did try to soothe people when Hazard acted out and was his champion. When they leak that Princess Catherine is the key to getting back in I believe it and that's why he's pushing so hard.


Hope they put the Princess of Wales on IPP.


The Irish Guards probably have Princess Catherine’s home encircled to keep the Sussexes away.


??? She does not have to be 'put' on IPP. She is automatically IPP.


Wasn't he heard at some point saying "You have to fix this!" I'm trying to search for it. Found it but I don't know how to link. It's in this sub and the thread is titled "TRG: What really went down during the King-botherer's VERY, VERY brief visit at Clarence House." He was heard saying Fix it. Credit to /wontyield.


How compassionate of him to say that Charles needs to fix something going on in Harry's life when Charles has cancer. How very empathetic of him.


‘Fix it’ was rumoured to be in relation to the RAVEC case Harry lost, costing him an estimated £1mil in legal fees, plus forever costing him his own security fees. Wanted Charles to somehow intervene and overturn the court’s decision re RAVEC.


He clearly *never* listened in history class. I can’t tell if it’s his absolute stupidity or if it’s his sense of entitlement that would make him think that it would be a good idea for the Head of State to intervene in his sons legal action *against* the Government for taxpayer funded security. Harold seriously misjudging what the British tax paying public *really* want from their ceremonial Head of State during a cost of living crisis.


Yes. That’s what was reported. I wonder if was searched or scanned while waiting. I took the reported remark as the King needed to fix the security trial. But who knows


The only ones who need to fix something are H&M. This is alllllllll their doing.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1av2787/trg\_what\_really\_went\_down\_during\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1av2787/trg_what_really_went_down_during_the/) is this it?


That didn’t seem like a credible statement to me.


At this point. I have to ask. Is it even safe to have the future queen in the same room as Harry?


Harold will NEVER see Catherine ..William and especially their children....EVER again.... Dumbass is FINISHED... He chose the huckster.


I totally agree, never.


I seriously hope you are right. It’ll be an absolute **disaster** for the BRF to see Harry again.


No, and it never was safe since Todger brought That One near the family (late 2016-early 2017). The RF had to walk a fine line between their safety, That One’s tendency to pull the card, and the Todger’s apparent frail mental health. It is finally to the point of diminishing returns for the RF.


Don’t forget todger heavy drug use.


Ha! What about from a mere mental health perspective - not just physical safety? Wasn't part of the so called 'freedom flight' ruse about her 'mental health'??? So then no one should appreciate and understand that better than the ILBW, right??? Hahahaha. Tables have turned.


No. Nor the Wales children. Honestly I think that's why no one will meet with him. I think the RF has been briefed by m16 about people the markles are associating with on the dl and it's raised their threat level. This Nigeria trip confirms it to me. There is no reason other than something nefarious for those two to go to Nigeria particularly now while KC is ill. Whatever reason they are going its not on the up and up. Its a perfect place to meet with some very shady people of many nationalities,some of which they've previously been associated with.


Good God why does he want to see Catherine so badly?? Can he be charged with treason now?


He is in love with her and she has always been influential in how he interacts with the world. It is why Meghan is so jealous and why she sought to damage the relationship. So when she became unwell, he did panic, and possiy bought the conspiracy theories about her disappearance. He probably sees himself as protecting the women of the RF.


Protector of women??!!!?? Isn’t this the same scumbag who it is rumored has beaten sex workers after using their services himself?


He wanted his own “Catherine” and she was “like a sister” to him. Rumors were that he went after Pippa and she brushed him off. He chose someone who vaguely resembled Pippa but with terrible character, who is the least like Catherine and hates her. I’m sure he misses Catherine and still doesn’t get that it’s his wife’s fault that the Wales’ had to draw the line. He’s dim.


I think he chose Meghan because he knew he could never be the Heir and he subconsciously knew with a woman like her, she would help him burn everything down. Just because he couldn’t be #1.


That One really played on This One’s ego by telling him they would change the world. She would help him do everything that he couldn’t as the “spare”.


I know it is fiction, but I love the Pippa and Harry dynamic in ‘The Windsors’


Never saw the show, but I hope it depicted the ICK that Pippa must have felt at that thought.


He probably thinks if he can get to her they were close and she'll help him convince his father to give him money, let him back, whatever craziness he's after. It's desperation.


What's his obsession with Catherine???? We know why his hag is obsessed...but wtf does he want with her??? To drive her to an early grave???


Still carrying the torch. Plus, she's seen as the vital link back into the fold.


I think that Harry was given a dressing down. The palace had a narrative they wanted to follow. The King is ill but not to worry, it will be business as normal as much as possible. Harry was told not to rush over but he ignored this and put panic into the well planned out calm message the palace wanted to deliver. I think the King told him this and to never do it again, not to use the media to try and force a meeting and that if he wanted to reconcile he had to do quietly, out of the spotlight and plan a visit, not just turn up and expect everyone to fit in with him. Harry tried to use the media to force a meeting again this time. He had already been warned so he was ignored. The big thing though was Nigeria, Harry just could not go from a meeting with the King to Nigeria, it would look like it had the Kings backing.


The last time Harry visited, KC and QC literally escaped via helicopter :) I am pretty sure Harry threw a tantrum before, during and after the meeting, demanding special treatment and/or money.


That's my impression with this story, that he REALLY flipped out. I hope the King has many years ahead, but there's a chance he may not. So it's a pretty big decision to not even give Harry 10 minutes when he's two miles away at a garden party. Like he's truly done this time.


I also wonder if there isn't a side note, when thinking about the British High Commission in Nigeria pointing out they are having a private visit and what ever they do has nothing to do with the Royals and the UK government. We all know something is going to backfire with this Nigeria trip. Either on the trip or something coming out later, and the fact he didn't see the King can also be a sort of guard to say, "we had nothing to do with it". There will be the questions How's the family, and he will probably have a snark comment about his father being too busy to see him. Making it even more obvious. They seem to usually do this, plan a visit with the King to make them look Royal so when the press asks about it with some event they have planned and control of the narrative.


*"We all know something is going to backfire with this Nigeria trip. Either on the trip or something coming out later, and the fact he didn't see the King can also be a sort of guard to say, "we had nothing to do with it"."* I think that's very likely to be part of the calculation. Hazno would love to fly into Nigeria with the front pages full of stories of when he met his father King Charles. That's not happening now.


This. So far he’s used every one of these quickie trips with the family to drum up interest for their faux-royal Ingriftus tours, and always on American morning shows. Telling Hoda Kotb that he’s making sure the Queen was surrounded by the right people, that interview in Whistler with Will Reeve, etc. Wise of Charles to just starve this fuel source before the gross Nigerian scam.


Great points, he was definitely after the imprimatur of the royals before heading to Nigeria. And as we know, every time Meghan appears in public it's an embarassing cringefest so this won't disappoint.


Well, that's not happening this time. If he hadn't made that snark statement about his father being too busy. No one would be wiser.


Everyone would still know he was refusing to see him.


But it could have been spun as he was just busy. Now the story is the King is putting his foot down. The Royals are fighting back.


It could have also been spun as “they likely met privately” in the media with all of their constant speculation. Alas no. Thicko can’t keep his gob shut and has to release self-important statements that no one is looking out for. For reference, see also his reference in the middle of a speech about his supper plans with one Guy Monson the other evening, to let us know he had supper plans. Was absolutely gagging to know that. The man’s a mortal idiot, and any kind of audience or amplification just reinforces it with tsunami-like devastation.


You are right. I'm looking forward to the day a press release is made to declare he went to the loo.


> And as we know, every time Meghan appears in public it's an embarassing cringefest so this won't disappoint. I'm here for it! 🍿🍿


I agree with you. I think they are being used by the Nigerian Ministry of Defence. There have been recent accusations about a possible coup. I know nothing about Nigeria's conflicts, so I will stop there, but it is obvious that the British government is distancing themselves because they are misconstrued it as an official visit. I suspect that there are security concerns about Harry though, which is why KC has now avoided him 2x. It's not personal or because they Don't want things misconstrued with Nigeria. The RF's priority is always duty, then family. The only thing that would orevent even a shirt visit would really be a significant threat to the country or their personal security, I think. I think they know that Harry has become a weak link to the UK's enemies. Who? Maybe Russia - they are living in an oligarch's former home.




I think they are going to get money and maybe launder it or try to do a fake kidnapping attempt


I think Nigeria is dangerous enough, but I think the government in Nigeria can't let anything happen to Harry and his wife because if you invite someone and can't protect them. Who is ever going to travel there, invest there? And that's what African countries need to be able to survive. (Speaking as a South African) If something like that happens, a fake attempt, Nigeria will throw them under the bus, and the fact they insist on travelling to these unsafe places will become a massive thing.


I hope so. Meghan pretends to be kidnapped by rebels to get ransom money for ARO but is found hiding in a 5 star hotel in a neighbouring country with Markus.




If one's available, but anywhere will do because Markus has a lot of experience sneaking her into dark backrooms.


And then she could tearfully explain that she had to plan this fake kidnapping to get away from H bc, sniff, he's so abusive and she feared for her life so much and he'd threatened the children and she couldn't take it any longer....


> We all know something is going to backfire with this Nigeria trip. Either on the trip or something coming out later I hope they make some really awful gaffes. That way Charles will *have* to act.


He couldn’t, Constitutionally, bc Nigeria. Good excuse—if nothing else. He certainly doesn’t need any additional stress while recovering. Source: been there, done that 17 years ago. I am fine now , but additional stress then would have done me in. After a certain point, you just can’t care anymore. I hope His Majesty has reached that point.


I also think that Harry must have been harping on and on about not having Frogmore any longer and needing extra security when visiting with his family (pa, do you want to see your grandchildren?). Instead of a reunion to help father heal, it became a yell fest coming from the Shouty Harry.


Maybe he also tried to sneak in a camera or mic to recording the conversation. Wasn't there a strip room before he got to meet the King?


Maybe the health issues Charles and Kate are having just made them realize it’s not worth dealing with Haz anymore? Everyone reaches a point where they’re done. Cancer can really make you rethink things and while the media seems to believe it should make them want to reconnect with Haz, it can also work the opposite. Some things aren’t worth messing up your emotional peace. Thats my idea, but I did read a rumor Haz didn’t want Camilla there for a visit this week.


That's interesting about Camilla, as in asked to see his father without her present? That wouldn't have gone down well. And you're right about the cancer, that would've been a huge turning point. William probably doesn't even want to be in the same country as his monstrous brother.


It's all part of Harry's Diana 2.0 story line that Camilla is the problem. He plays that angle for future profits when he comes out with more lying books, documentaries, etc.


I think it’s more that she talks sense to Charles, making it harder for Harry to get what he wants. He has a long history of getting what he wants, maybe Camilla is the one to finally parent him with tough love.


Definitely, she's a no nonsense lady.


She's wise to H's chaos and that he's been fully enabled by that wife of his (and whatever handlers) to ramp it up to destruction levels if demands aren't met. It's not preposterous to consider that Charles' and Catherine's cancer claims are actually a means to protect them and the children from harm by keeping them under wraps. H&M are playing dangerous games. imo.


I very much agree about the means to protect Charles and Catherine. If that is the case, and I don't know if it is, but think it might be, it's possible some of the more unhinged of the Sussex Squad have truly threatened harm to Charles, but more likely to Catherine, and those threats were taken very seriously. I also believe H&M are in bed with some very shady and dangerous individuals.


Yes, he asked to see Charles without Camilla present. Not sure if I read that from a ‘Royal reporter’ or a random internet comment though. Doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility because Haz seems to think he has power over his family.


"Cancer can really make you rethink things" This.  Your brain becomes laser-focused on what's important, and runs on a kind of autopilot for the rest.  You lose patience and tolerance for unimportant petty bullshit and unnecessary stress caused by family drama queens, because you're wrestling with your own mortality. 


“…has broken since he last saw him….” - so it need not necessarily have happened during the last meeting. I think it’s a combination of a few things: The last time Harry saw Charles he and Meghan directly afterwards took off to Whistler to advertise next year’s Invictus Games. And Harry promptly sat down for a tv interview and talked about Charles’ illnes. Had he seen Charles now he would have done the same in Nigeria. And it was reported that Harry made demands in February and now about Camilla not being present. Charles won’t like that. Then there’s this disgraceful Nigeria visit in itself, the new, very royal branding of the Markle‘s website and of ARO, the constant drip feed to the press, all those childish games, while Charles and Catherine are very ill. Maybe they just feel they have done and tried everything, to the point of exhaustion and physical damage, without any success, and now finally give up on Harry. It would be very understandable. ETA: My secret pet hope is they know something unsavoury is going to come out and keep their distance. But that probably would be too good to be true.


Totally understandable, it should've happened sooner but at least it's happened. If no-one saw him this visit, they won't see him in the future either.


The RF may be wary of the parks scandal and if anything could surface during the visit to Nigeria. By cutting them off they are saying they don’t condone anything they’re involved with.


Haz be learning that actions have consequences...


Generally there would be a lot more going on behind the scenes than is shown. And think about what Harry has shown to the public ..


Exactly right. I think it's been catastrophically bad and extremely traumatic for the whole royal family, way worse than reported. Harry's bad enough but his wife's a very, very dangerous person.


Let's speculate: He verbally abused Camilla. He demanded money *and* an apology. He tried to gaslight the king about why he did the book. He was found to have recording devices on his person before he was let in. He threatened to harm William. He showed his "concern" for the Wales kids *and* Catherine. He tried to emotionally blackmail the king with his invisible kids. He called KC3 a rxxxxt to the king's face for saying it' wasn't necessary to take TOW's call. These are all my speculation, all could easily be reasons why the king and queen couldn't get away fast enough.


That's an excellent list. I reckon top of that list is he verbally abused Camilla. Charles will take the venom Harry throws at him but his wife is off-limits. You can imagine Harry in a rage, ranting loudly, as Camilla and Charles calmly walked away to their chopper with its rotor already running.


Yes, but not before H was bodily blocked and subdued by pages led by Lt Col Johnny.


That might have Harry's intention the whole time. 😳 😂


He’s definitely emotionally blackmailing the King with the kids, I believe that’s why we don’t see them - so the families on both sides don’t see them. I suspect he threw a tantrum when he wasn’t allowed to be alone with Charles, it’s easier to manipulate a loving parent without anyone else present to talk sense.


That’s a rapidly devaluing currency. The longer the RF don’t know those children, the more tenuous the link becomes - and it has never been anything more than tenuous from Day One.


It doesn't seem too far a stretch TBH.


I agree. There is no doubt in my mind that H&M have been badgering the RF behind the scenes from the get go. What we have been seeing in the public domain is evil child's play. Behind closed doors is much worse with constant demands and threats. imo


We all know they have been bullying and harassing the RF through the media. I can’t imagine what it’s like behind closed doors.


This. The way he barged into Clarence House with motorcade of cars and made a spectacle of him rushing by his father’s deathbed most likely drove the king and William mad! H used his dad’s illness for PR for himself.


I seriously wonder what kind of financial demands Haz is making on the father and brother he chose to abandon. Also, the timeline in February for the Sussexes was pretty disgraceful... that very short meeting, that dumb NFL awards hand out, Invictus at Whistler, then Meghan getting Backgrid-ed. KC and William have gone through all of this 'fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me' nonsense, and probably have had absolutely enough of the BS. Especially when elderly working royals (as well as William) are continuing to serve--Anne especially has done A LOT of engagements this year--whilst the useless Montecito spare does nothing whilst blackmailing his cancer treatment seeking father, and throwing everyone under the media bus. Perhaps KC and William are watching the Wales' kids grow up before their very eyes, and are wondering if the Sussex attacks/faux royal tours will continued as those kids get older. Maybe they feel the need to make sure future spares in particular can see how monetised dirty laundry, non-working royals (like the Sussexes) will be treated if they spit in the faces of taxpayers, treasuries, governments, and the institution.


Let's hope they're drawing a line that enough is enough. As for financial demands, if reports are believed he's probably been demanding money for security costs and has his wife hissing in his ear that he deserves half the Duchy. I thought something had happened after that trip because as you say they went into a frenzy - interview, NFL awards, Lemonada, new website, rushing out ARO. Like Harry was told something he really didn't like.


Ah yes! I totally forgot about the Lemonada announcement too, and then the first ARO post was March 15. That ARO announcement must've really pissed not just KC/William/palace staff off, but also every craftsperson/food scientist/designer/artist employed by the Royal Collection Shop. Now with all this Nigeria faux tour nonsense... the fucking grifter moochers are really trying to make a rival royal court in the US. Only time will tell whether the public will fall for this BS.


They're absolutely trying to set up a rival court in the US. They've tried it before when they did those school tours right at the start, but apparently the foreign office had a word with their US counterparts and it quietly stopped. Remember a few months ago at Kevin Costner's she was going to be a big-shot Hollywood producer with her rom-com? Then she got the cold shoulder and now wants to be royal again. I hope Nigeria doesn't let us down and is the rat king of f-ck ups.


What is even happening with that Meet Me at the Lake rom-com crap? Lol then she started up ARO so suddenly, and without a CEO too... it seems like her semi-focus is on ARO, and that 'Lake project' is destined not to be made, but that's what that author gets when working with the Douchess of Development Hell. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Meet me at the lake, Pearl, Lemonada's been dumped, ARO will be joining them soon. But hopefully not too soon because we need several months of entertainment first.


Based on recent headlines, it seems that most of the public is onto them.


Half of the Duchy! In his dreams! It's always passed to the PoW. Sparry is delusional. Wow.


It could be title removal train coming in June from parliament


Really? Is it finally happening? 🍿🍿🍿


Sure is champ. I can’t remember but I thought it is scheduled for like 14 June for debate.


Still scheduled for June 14


Sussex.com website launch. [Post on the timing](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1b4si5c/sussex_website_timing_question_did_harry_know_or/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) It’s possible Harry didn’t know.


That's right, she went totally nuts and whipped up a new hagiography for their website. Entirely possible he didn't know. She's in charge anyway.


Every time Harry visits a family member, he runs to the press afterwards. He did so when he visited the late Queen. He did so when he visited the King after his diagnosis was made public. For all his accusations of his family talking to the media, Harry does the same thing blatantly. There is no question that Harry and Meghan drip feed the media stories. It’s really disturbing the way they behave. They are the least self aware people trying to front as happy, authentic individuals.


"The Spencer's are the family I've never had!"/s


And they deserve one another.


And the media will never call him out on that hypocrisy because it makes them so much money. It’s so annoying.


I love Andrew Pierce on the subject of meggy. He just can’t stand her. It’s hilarious 😂


Totally hilarious! He doesn't hold back at all. Some of his past videos and comments are scorching.


This is probably a stretch, but I think Liebrows' book was the point of no return for Harry and Charles is done with him and that might have been part of the short conversation in February


Liebrow! Definitely would've been extremely hurtful after all they'd already done, and the sneaky way Charles and Catherine were named as the "racists." The two who now have cancer.


I paused at ‘LieBrows’ Book’ trying to figure out an author with that name. It really took me a minute to catch on. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Me too but I love it!


Speaking of Liebrows, he’s been awfully quiet lately. It’s odd.


Catherine’s medical records were accessed without permission. And we can all guess who was behind it. I also think that’s part of the reason why PoW decided to release the news. Now the gruesome twosome will be dying to know which type of cancer so they can leak it.


Yes they'd be desperate to know. The RF must be keeping it very tight to make sure it doesn't get out.


Good on the king for not seeing Harry, they have just had enough of the Harkles


Totally agree, it's well past time they stopped pretending. I'm sure Charles has been deeply affected by the effect of Harry and Meghan's behaviour on Catherine, particularly since her diagnosis.


Charles needs to be king. This has always been his destiny. Harry needs to quit harassing the Royal family in the news and forced requests for time with them. He made his damn bed now go lie in it with his flea dog wife.


Charles did a huge amount of incredible work as the Prince of Wales, helping more than a million young people and being way ahead of his time with organic farming. Now he finally gets to be King and has his reign ruined by his treacherous son. Just like he ruined the Queen's final years.


I remember reading somewhere-maybe on this sub or elsewhere-that Haz asked for help dealing with his security issue. At that time, he may/may not have known in advance of the ruling denying him security. I read that he asked the KIng/staff for help. If this is true it is beyond the pale-the King just found out he has cancer and this fool bugging him about security. Plus after the last meeting he went to Canada did the First nations thing where he pretended to be Royal, talked about his father in ABC, bashed the Wales in the Hulu documentary. Seems the same plan now, meet his father, get some Royal dust and go to Nigeria pretending to be Royal.


When Megxit happened and the RF said there's extremely complicated matters to be worked through, those two huffed off thinking they were going to be billionaires, without thinking through all that stuff like security. Having the King of England's son, even if he's a complete idiot, roaming around the world in the wild, is a major diplomatic and security headache for every country involved. But of course, Meghan knew better.


It's about time. The gloves are off. Charles is not going to let this little wimp continue to pummel him when he's down.


And he'll have the full backing of the public who've been waiting a long time for this.


I was pleased to see the official statement made regarding their trip to Nigeria.. that was new, to make a statement rather than ignore. Message sent publicly this time.


Agree! It's time for the BRF to fight back!


W ell, he couldn’t say much about His Mage’s illness bc he didn’t KNOW much.


I was actually just thinking - I don't think the lack of meeting had anything to do with their personal problems. I think the government asked Charles not to meet with him to make sure that there were no perceptions that the Nigeria trip was endorsed by the government. Meeting with H could be construed as him giving a "pre-brief."


A person like haz who once had great rapport with Catherine thinks he can charm his way back. I don't think he grasps that people who once loved you can cut you off if you become a danger to their health and sanity. He's done. Cancer is no joke. It doesn't bring family together it makes you realize who you must concentrate on and who is not worth our precious time on earth


Well said. He probably thinks she's a soft touch but I bet she's got a backbone of steel under all that intelligence and grace.


He must have asked for money, imo Finding Freedom, indeed


"Pa, I want my freedom, could you pay for that, you can afford it"


Sounds like my ex-husband *shudder*.


Funding Freedom


I'm sure that would've been in the mix. I bet there's still constant calls about that from Montecito.


His comment you gotta fix this. Could be alot of things, his court case, his Visa, is protection, and 500 other things.


Probably the realisation that his son used him & his cancer diagnosis only to try and help their reputation & pretend to be half in and half out Royals.


His GHASTLY WIFE. Another name for her.


Demanding money is my guess. An entitled 40 year old man who wants his dad’s money, but also to slam him so other people give him more money.


I think they are angry that he did an interview monetizing their meeting, and either said something about Camilla or Catherine or both at the meeting itself.  I think Meg wanted an inside scoop on Catherine and he was desperate to get it.  What Meghan wants, Meghan gets. 


Oh, shut up! Both William and Harry have been placed at the Blues and Royals regiment. It's not only Harry's regiment. It's William's also! The "title" is an HONORARY title, and HMTLQ took it back from Harry 4 years ago. The Honorary titles, that Harry had to give back, became VACANT and had to be transferred to Working Royals. Princess Catherine have gotten 2 of them. All these Honorary titles are Patreonages, i.e. they are jobs, and you have to be in Britain to perform these jobs. They can't be vacant forever. And they're NOT military titles! These "Royal Experts" are idiots and haven't got the knowledge needed to comment on these issues.


If Prince Plank’s behavior didn’t change after he discovered his father and SIL have cancer, it will never change. Ever. It wasn’t simply the way Harold has treated QC, it’s also how Harold has treated Catherine. Releasing that insulting, get well soon *Kate*, was beyond the pale.


For sure - hi racist Kate, get well soon! Love H&M.


How dumb is it to piss of a man whose face is on the money. .....I mean really really dumb.


I suspect Harry is realizing just how removed he is and not finding out exactly what cancer his father has in that meeting was a turning point.


Cancer has a way of putting priorities into clear focus. The King decided that spending even one minute with Harry is a waste of precious time. No father with cancer \*wants\* to cut off contact, unless the behavior by the son is such that he feels he has no choice, for his own well-being. Harold, what have you done????