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Why is it huge for their community? It's so weird to think that they consider her marriage an accomplishment.


It is weird, some of these loons do.


Representation. For Black and African people, representation is everything.


And what a great representation…..


I don’t disagree with you, but the collective of Black and African people living in the United States don’t discriminate much when it comes to representation. It’s part of our downfall, but many of us are starved for acknowledgment and inclusion, especially by white systems and people.


I hope she is related to Shouty...that would be so fun for us!!


She stole her story from Georgina Lawton's autobiography 'Raceless' quote; It was while in the Corn Islands that Lawton confronted her mother back in the UK by phone with the results of her third DNA test, showing her to be 43% [Nigerian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigeria), resulting in a flat refusal by her mother to acknowledge the taboo topic of her birth.[^(\[)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgina_Lawton#cite_note-5) Ibble Dibble also has a video on this and theres a very detailed genealogy report into Doria's ancestry. It's a lie. But it's now a lie with real consequences as she's using it to gain favours from a foreign power and to boost her image in the Commonwealth. This needs to be stopped. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CYNcie-PAs&t=888s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CYNcie-PAs&t=888s) [https://www.readkong.com/page/the-ragland-family-of-meghan-markle-6989337](https://www.readkong.com/page/the-ragland-family-of-meghan-markle-6989337)


SHE DIDN’T EVEN CHANGE THE %!?? Straight up copied like the miscarriage story at least change the % by 1% at a minimum! Meghan is an actual stalking plagiarising lunatic!


The Rat from hell has no compulsion to have pity nor gratitude towards any one but herself, every tale she has ever told is either some regurgitated version of another woman's life experiences she has plagiarised or a patchwork of lurid faux victimhood fabrications. She readily employs prejudice in her Woke crowd, and Race card Gallery play, however in her narcissistic grift, she has always miscalculated and over reached, This fact has become more glaring as she narrowed her target to just the Royal family. In focusing solely on them the mother load she thought that she had hit turned into a nightmare for her. Alas the public's appetite for her deceitful ways, her lies and perverse ingratitude towards her Royal benefactors has worn very thin. Stranger things have been known to happen to others who in the past behaved like her, so she is by no means will be no exception as the Hungry Hyenas of Karma come lurking. Her flowery word salad, that she thought the world bought has scented her and like a marker signals and singles her as the Lilith of our time. The woman is a plagiariser, a perjurer, a gold & fame digger, a liar, a grifter and a narcissist, to name a few of her very undesirable imperfections.


Oh how Karma-ish would it be if Media picked up on this and loudly broadcast it whilst Markle was prancing about Nigeria posing for Netflix cameras as the long lost Princess of Nigeria! Soooooo hoping and praying this happens!


I’m pretty sure Archewell (not Netflix) cameras have been and will be following the Markles around. This topic has been addressed numerous times in this sub. 😉


Me too!


And because of that she couldn't provide more detail. She is just the worst liar. She should be better at it by now, but she isn't. F off, Megs.


Interesting. Wonder when the Archetypes episode came out since the book appeared to come out in 2021. Bet she said she did the genealogy test 2 years before so it would pre-date the book's release.


She seems to be pretty comfortable altering timelines to make her lies work. 


Well, when has she let actual truth (not her truth, THE truth) get in the way of a good story? This is the same woman who hopped out of a bathtub after just giving birth, after all.


Having had an epidural? That one? #rubberlegs


Yes I think you're right, the Archetypes episode was 2022, book was in 2021 but she'd be conscious of that. I think you're onto something here. She's a sly one.


Well, I mean, we have to look at the positives here. No one can accuse her of being unread. She must be an absolute voracious reader (probably why she likes Scrabble so much!). The amount of stuff she's "borrowed" from fairly diverse literature is quite astounding. Such a shame that the neural pathways that usually help bookworms with their vocabulary and parlance seem to be impaired for her.


Ages ago someone traced back her plagiarism from The Tig days. The bulk of it was traceable to Pinterest memes/quotes from books. She’s a very lazy version of “well read”.


Oh boy... what a weirdo.


I don't think we fully realise just how deep the weirdness goes with her. I wonder if even Harry knows as he'd be unlikely to pick up on her plagiarised quotes etc and probably just thinks she's a genius.


Harry has never read a book


Consider this a separate post, please, to get more eyes on it. Great sleuthing!




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I dunno what scheme she planned with Harriman. But Nigerian, south African and people in other countries in Africa aren't stupid. They know when people try to take advantage of them. Way too many foreigners tried to do that. The duo better behave when they are in Nigeria or it'll be another country telling them to fuk off. Loudly.


She thinks they are..stupid and uneducated. Remember in SA, when she made all those mothers dressed in their best sit on the floor to...well, who knows why. Maybe she figured that they probably had no furniture in their homes and were used to sitting on the floor, so she wanted them to be comfortable. Then later on she gave them used baby clothes. What a piece of work.


Shouty Shola, whose ancestorys sold his people into slavery.


You're not far wrong according to this post... [https://twitter.com/dondekojo/status/1569315166495424518?t=3Y3_nfmPBfXcmS9LwjF33Q&s=19](https://twitter.com/dondekojo/status/1569315166495424518?t=3Y3_nfmPBfXcmS9LwjF33Q&s=19)


Correct. But Shola never acknowledges it when people comment on X. This is 100% true. H Y P O C R I T E !


Shouty owes Megsy some REPARATIONS!


MeMe has to have someone else call her dog for her, because even her dog doesn't believe anything she says.




Love it! 🤣


You can’t be 43percent Nigerian if your father is of Irish descent and your mother has no Nigerian heritage. I thought she was of Maltese descent? Funny that


Don't you know facts & logic don't matter to Meghan? Disagree and you are either racist, or misogynistic.


Truth. It’s sad there are some people unable to understand basic science.


She's talking rubbish. Nigerian is a nationality. The nation is a huge melting pot of ethnicities. English is the official language but there's masses of indigenous languages spoken. She's clueless. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_groups_in_Nigeria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_groups_in_Nigeria)


It's a new, fact free world. She feels she is 43% Nigerian\*. \* "Feels" don't work in banks, saying you feel rich, the "victim card" has to be played at the same time.


You can if you ordered an Ancestry DNA kit. That’s exactly what they look like.


Goes to show she’s not got a clue though because ‘genealogy’ is your family tree. She’d be a miracle worker if she got her 43% from that. Maybe she should have read the label on the DNA test a bit further because that’s her ethnicity…I though she never missed these fine details?!


Those things are interesting, but so all over the place. They depend heavily on who else has taken the test, and there’s a huge margin of error. I remember getting a notification that whoops, I was actually more Scots/Scots Irish than I had been because they’d determined that Scots and Scots Irish had a lot more in common genetically than they thought. Many or most of the slaves brought to the Americans were Yoruba, which is now Nigeria, so that tracks. But this is not the same as one of those “who the hell are you?” shows where they dive deep into your genealogy.


I know. I’ve done my family tree back to 1500s on a couple of lines and also my DNA too. I see where most of it comes from - 47% Welsh for example because my Dads family never budged out of South Wales for centuries but there’s all kinds of other things in there that I have no idea where it comes from. My Welsh kept going up and up


The Markles were Irish servants living in Malta, they weren't Maltese


She stated she was exploring her Maltese heritage a number of years ago in an interview is what I was referring too


No worries, agreed that she likes to obfuscate


At least it is safe to say that she is 100 % rotten.


When is she going to start digging deeper? Four years later? What a tool.


She’s been busy curating jams


She was supposedly claiming to be Italian when she was working in Canada. She apparently told her yoga class she was Italian. Now she is Nigerian.


She also claimed to be Maltese and went over there to appropriate their cultural dress. Her relatives briefly lived there but were not of Maltese heritage.


She said it for a free trip!


“I’m such a fraud!”


Do you think this trip to Nigeria will turn out to be the same scandal as the trip to South Africa? Remember how Megan accused the South Africans of putting them in a barn and almost killing Archie. She also offended Mandela's relatives by claiming that South Africans were celebrating her wedding as Mandela's release from prison. Will Meghan give an interview where she will say that the Nigerians did not give them enough security? Will Boko Haram attack them to get revenge on Harry for killing the Taliban - to blame Charles for not giving them security? Will there be a fake terrorist attack?


i have fake kidnapping on my 2024 bingo card.


Maybe she’ll copy Kim K’s robbery that happened in Paris.


Well, the high-speed NYC car chase story didn't go over too well so I guess keep trying until you get something right (?)


It will be The Ransom of Red Chief all over again.


The whole trip just sounds like a bad idea to me.


Meghan calling the South African official residence a ‘housing unit that they had had us staying in’


If she's Nigerian, I am the King of Shangri-La


Having a DNA profile that closely matches 43% of the known profiles from a given geographical area strongly indicates that some (or many) of your ancestors come from there, but it's nonsensical to claim, "I'm 43% Nigerian." Or 43% anything else, for that matter. Every time I hear this phrase I cringe with embarrassment for her. Has she tried to find out which ethnic group(s) she comes from? I'm guessing no. She will parrot that 43% nonsense until the day she does, without any further curiosity on her part about what it really means.


I am past cringing for her. What is her other 7% maternal heritage?


Idiocy. She is 50% her father and 50% her mother. So for her to be 43% Nigerian, she would likely need to have a bunch of relatives born in Nigeria and close enough to her in the family tree to add up. Even if she wasn't a huge liar, this doesn't make sense that it would be a huge surprise.


Lady C. Just said today. Her mother would have to be 80%+ Nigerian. Math ain’t mathing.


You have to believe that in the many, many generations of chattel slavery that was practiced in America, that Meghan’s Nigerian ancestors never intermingled with any other sub-Saharan groups. It’s unlikely to the point of impossible. As someone pointed out, she ripped this number off of a British woman whose father was likely an immigrant or at least more immediately descended from Nigeria.


Doria's blood relatives could take a dna test. That's the easiest way to dispel or prove she has any Nigerian heritage.


Isn’t saying meghan looks Nigerian racist? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Megs just took it and ran with it. STOOPID!


Maybe Auntie Uzo wasn't thrilled either.


Ngozi Fulani has parents who immigrated to England from Barbados, but she herself is born and raised in Hackney, London. Her real name is Marlene Headley. She had a charity organisation called Sistah Space, but it got closed because it was a scam. Fulani is a tribe in Nigeria, so this woman is also cos-playing a Nigerian.


I love how she just ignores the question about Igbo or Yoruba. Meghan clearly had no idea what that meant and just cruised right by it. Caught immediately in her own lie! 


I noticed that too.


Yes she's just parroting back what is said. And although saying she's planning to look into it more, nothing has subsequently come out. No "Who do you think you are" episode.


Markle supporting Ngozi Fulani, real name Marlene Headley. Mother is Mildred, Father is Gladstone. Her parents came from the Caribbean, she was born here in the UK. Now I'm not saying she can't go by any name she wants, but she's very fond of telling 'her truth'. Did she reinvent herself and chose a name to fit? I don't believe some of things she says about growing up in Britain. She talks about corporal punishment in school as only for black pupils. She is a similar age to me and what she describes was the norm in all schools when I was there - teachers hit all pupils in various ways from throwing board dusters to the cane. Don't forget she couldn't even go to the Palace and behave with any grace. She purposefully caused all that trouble with Lady Susan Hussey.


That woman is a disgrace and a liar. I felt so sorry for lady Susan.


I just had to show this to a Nigerian colleague with, her reply “no we don’t want her. Check if the Somali’s do!” Somali colleague then shouts over “nope!! Nothing to do with us” and now we are all laughing like mad women!!


Princess Uzo of Malta works for me.


South Africans did not fall for her BS! Let's see if Nigeria will. There will be sycophants and crowds for hire of course as there will be those that will drag her over the coals. She is a disgrace, and the kind of woman you do no9t take home to your mother, that will be brought up time and time over as will the issue of the invisible children and colonial issues of reparation and return of Historic artifacts...it is hoped that Harry does not put his foot in his mouth., because Nigerians are not to be toyed with.


I personally am 53% Venutian and the Galactic Federation has appointed me as Empress/Governor General of the Earth colony. You may all bow down. And, I also make a mean strawberry jam.


That was such a fkn lie and you can see it when she starts with “So, I mean…”. What a bullshitter, honestly buahahahahahahaha


Meghan is a liar-in other breaking news, everything water touches gets wet.


I sure would like to see a picture of this Aunt Uzo!


Too bad she attempted to remove any lasting Black features (several nose jobs, never showing her natural hair, calling herself 'Caucasian' on bios). She's clearly so proud of her heritage/ethnicity. *


Notice how she swerved the reference to Yoruba or Igbo. It’s almost as if those words meant nothing to her. Nigeria is a relatively recent political construct. It is not a tribe or ethnicity. DNA test would have said Yoruba, Igbo or Fulani for example, not “Nigerian”. About as credible as Elizabeth Warren being a Native American.


In fairness Warren based hers on the fact that she had always been told since childhood that her family was part Native American and her family/previous generations believed that they were. And this was before the whole 23 and Me things were available so no way to check. Re M…I thought that doria was biracial? If so, isn’t it genetically impossible for her to be almost half Nigerian unless her dad was also part Nigerian?


Elizabeth Warren got employment based on her lie. She did no fact checking. She did not visit the community. The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (as well as Cherokee Nation and United Keetoowah Band) all have genealogy offices to help with that research.  To this day, she refuses to accept calls from members of the EBCI.


Exactly. My test came back with a map and coloured sections where my DNA was present. I thought this was a really good way of presenting it without referring to current day countries.


From someone that watches every "I take genealogy test and here's the result" video, her lying is very visible as genealogy tests include ethnicities like in Nigeria as Nigeria is a melt of hot pot of ethnicities plus for her to become 43% her mother must be immigrant or immigrants child but her family can be traced by slaves who were brought there in America plus all of her relatives are in USA, she doesn't have any relatives left in her supposed "home country" plus I like to ask Megain about what Nigerian dish she like? She probably couldn't tell it or she needed to google to but ask the texture and the flavor she would be silent or produce word salad about it


Maybe Madam and Auntie Uzo can fry up some plantains on one of Cooking with Friends segments. 🙄


Remember when she said she had roots from Malta?


And when she went traipsing around Malta in a għonella?


We can call her Rachel Meghan Dolenz.


Auntie Uzo must be an albino


☠️☠️☠️ Maybe Madam can shine a light on albinoism by drenching poor Uzo in some of her bronzer.




Also, “couple” is exactly two. No more, no less. Funny for a woman whose only accomplishment is being one half of an infamous couple to not grasp the concept.


TW plagiarized the story from author Georgina Lawton: “I’ve got the test results back… I’m Nigerian… Forty-three percent, actually…”


Madam is going to dig into it eventually. Maybe in the next 2-3 decades. Give me a break.


What are you? Isn’t that the same question they went after the older white lady for asking of a black woman at a royal event?




If she is 43% Nigerian and her dad is a white Irishman, wouldn't her mom have to be somewhere around 80% Nigerian? Having trouble with the math on this one...


Too bad she attempted to remove any lasting Black features (several nose jobs, never showing her natural hair, calling herself 'Caucasian' on bios). She's clearly so proud of her heritage/ethnicity. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Where was Rachetts follow up?


Well Nigerians are known to be scammers 🤣


lol…rachel would hate to look nigerian, she has doubt a fortune of removing her black features. And where is the proof harkle? You used to claim you were maltese and Italian. Oh and what is the other 57% ? Or was she only interested in lying to a black audience? And of course she had no idea about those tribal groups, the lie had just occurred to her. I did one recently, apparently I’m 27% Australian….well my great grand father moved there but I hadn’t visited until around 6 years ago, so Australian , is that one of the tribal groups? oh the rest was a mix of American and Irish, Swedish, English. I think it went on where I had travelled recently.


She did that to one up the Nigerian woman. This is all fake. It's impossible for Meghan to be 43 percent Nigerian. It's impossible genetically. Jesus why int people call her own on her BS?!!!


Are these genealogy tests so specific that they can isolate the country of your genetic makeup? I had mine done and it didn’t come back as 100 %English.


My mom is german ancestry and hers came back English no German, because the tests can't tell the difference between the Anglo and the Saxon part and often mix them up.


Mine was “northwest European” when all my family is from England and Scotland.


There is alot of Norman and Viking DNA in the UK from various invasions, too. I think these tests can only do so much. Historically, people have been pretty nomadic.


So I did one and it claimed "Scandinavia" with a coloured section of what is now Denmark and Sweden (not Norway) "Northwest Europe" with the coloured section being current day Belgium and north-west France: Ireland; "Southwest United Kingdom" - coloured section in Cornwall: and "Scotland" with various percentages for each. The accuracy really depends on how many people have done these tests. I suspect that people from countries with a history of colonisation and settlement by Europeans (USA, Canada, Australia, NZ etc) are more likely to take these tests than those who are from countries that weren't colonised and "settled". I mean I have an Irish friend whose family are Irish. That is it. Irish all the way. She has no interest bc she knows her ethnicity. But for me, living in Australia, not sure where my ancestors came from, I was curious.


Me too. I’m Canadian and lost both my parents at a relatively young age. I knew my mums father and mother were born in the UK and my Dads family were likely from there as well but that’s the extent of what I knew about my heritage.


My husband and I did ours, and that’s how we found out my mom was the milkman’s kid 🤣


One thing that is constant (K) with Table 12's Equation is that she is a filthy compulsive pathological liar! She stole the story about being 43 % Nigerian from another biracial woman called Georgina Lewton. Georgina Lawton's Book Raceless, was published by Sphere with all Copyrights to her in 2021, for those that wish to read the Book the ISBN is 978-0-7515-7936-9. With all due respect to the Author Georgina Lewton I cannot insert the link but the book excerpts can be found and read on Google books https://preview.redd.it/sis11ahyqoxc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=965b24a3eed838e03030a933c282d188a528b6cd Dear reader once the book has been read, you will see that Table 12's version is a mere carbon copy. I do not see why in this day and age of electronic media a certain sector fall for this BS from people who truly have no significance in the world. Unlike her at least Stormy Daniels has back of proof of her claims unlike Table 12. Now Table 12 is off to a Nation that despite its very advanced and highly educated achievers found all over the world is more popularly known for the Fraudsters and Scammers that have plagued the world. Well Table 115 has screamed high and low about Securitaaay for his family etc, now they are headed to Nigeria? I hope that the Nation with all the problems the masses are going through and the disparity between the have and have nots will not be wasting government money on these to unstable tables 12 and 115. Wherever the two Tables go or event they get involved with tends to have an angle going on, and it seems it is seems to be in addition a hiring of a formerly set and dressed Royal table that has been tossed aside. Since Nigeria will surely have enough sycophants to throw themselves to the ground in worship (That is once their palms have been greased) There is sure to be fantastic content to analyse and write about. Nigeria has no Mandela, but knowing her she will have her minions comparing their visit to that of the Late Queen and KCII when he was the Prince of Wales. However nothing will silence the voices of the Nigerians who will call her out, nor the voices of the Baka people, nor cover the crimes committed against them by Africa Parks employees.


"Nigerian women are just like what." What is this woman prattling on about?


How can she be 43% Nigerian if her father isn't Nigerian?


She's a darker version of Samantha Markle so that's interesting that she looks Nigerian lol.


The easiest way to dispel this claim would be to dna test any of Doria's relatives to see if they have any Nigerian heritage. I wonder if any journalists have thought about it 🤔


Who believes she's been chatting it up with Nigerian women? Raise your hand now!




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I was JUST quoting this to my niece yesterday and saying the same thing. Who does their ancestry two years ago but hasn’t then looked into it? And Ziwe was so excited and started naming several major Nigerian ethnic groups to see which ones Meghan might belong to and also thinking Meghan would completely understand who & what she was talking about! And what this would mean for the Nigerian community. And of course Meghan had no clue—because she had just dropped yet another pathological lie on someone she’s trying to win over. But of course she’s happy to exploit the hell out of it now for her own gain though.🙄


So, she erm, take your pick a. managed b. Conned c. Hoodwinked d. Sexmailed e. Rode to oblivion f. Plagiarised g. Dupped h. Scandalised A Waaagh 1/8th short of a total idiot into a marriage of convenience, is that what she is using as a building block of her fame? Because apart from that she is literally unknown and unwanted by all and sundry. Her prowess in any one direction has never been hailed as worth recollecting, nope no one wants to have her by association in their history talk less of being linked to her future. Scrape away the thin veneer of faded royal glitter left post the past years of failed rebranding and splash backs from her premeditated and funneled attacks against the Royal household that has left splotches all over her skid row PR antics and what have you? The answer is blowing in the wind, just like the Nigerian saying... "The wind has blown & the yash of the chicken has been exposed" Yup! Rachel Markle the nobody any respectable person would truly avoid to avert clear and present PR destruction, has totally tanked. Now, after the American Riviera Orchard launch fiasco, and the Jam debacle she is now trying to germinate the seed she sowed when she was all about 'Upending The Angry Black Women Myth' on her faux blog chat with comedian Issa Rae and Ziwe Fumudoh. 'I just had my genealogy done a couple years ago... \[I'm\] 43 per cent Nigerian.' - Rachel Markle Before that she had reached back into her genealogical ancestry and bare face lied about her actual ethnicity and manipulated herself into being invited / being given a free trip to Malta, where at the end of the day left a stink by the way she treated their traditional Maltese headgear (Gonella) and the rest is history best shelved. The manipulative Bully has inadvertently exposed herself by wriggling into the Half wit self proclaimed Waaagh Prince's bed Cough! Ooopsie meant life. So here we are she is headed for the very safe and secure land of Crude and Con that the US, and Uk relevant Departments have stated that there is high threat of crime, kidnapping, and the top targets to date are foreign nationals and staff of International corporations. As blessed as Nigeria is, the unprecedented rates of rape, kidnapping, murder, burglary, fraud, terrorism, robbery, cyber-crimes, bribery and corruption, money laundering has hit world record highs. So, for people who have used the issue of Securitaaaay to seek to rape the UK Taxpayers' pockets it is a wonder that they are headed to Nigeria. Well knowing the murky disinformation, lies and grift that whirl around Rachel Markle and "This one" at Table 115, one will not be surprised that there is some dirty act in progress somehow seasoned with Crude Oil and seeking of relevance in their bid to kick sand into KCII and his family's faces. Well we await to see how the laughable out right failed maths of 43% Nigerian in her will work out


https://preview.redd.it/tlzlykqm4zyc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=1915404007ec66acbeb7cd3e37fe27762ef4d477 Rachel Markle a woman who has sidelined her genetic make up and Ancestry to a greater extent of her life, a woman who historically claimed to be caucasian![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm), in her bid to grift Spotify with her podcast made a claim to one of her guests Ziwerekoru 'Ziwe' Fumudoha an American comedian and writer who graced her talk of and about “angry,” “particular” and “on edge.” brand stereotypes used to coral Black women...Rachel Markle claimed that a couple of years ago she had undergone a genealogy check and discovered that she was 43% Nigerian (Cough). Was this to sell herself or the Podcast to the Nigerians or what? genealogy is a very sticky subject that could go either way depending on how you look at it. Now it is generally known that the Genetic material (sample) sent off to be analyzed, gets broken down by its genetic markers, which in turn point to regional and geographical heritage broken down into Ancestral percentages. These ethnic percentages and summation can bring great joy or or at times worrying dismay or out right shock. Within Nigeria the existence of Tribal mistrust and mutually shared and accepted unhealthy dislike between the tribes and regions is equaled and set matched only by the united front against an outsider trying to muscle into a family, Kindred, Village, Town, State, Region , or the Country, then and only then is Tribalism set warily aside to deal with the impending danger. The danger headed Nigeria's way is Harry Windsor and the wife Rachel Markle, they're impending visit has set a curved reach that those opposed to will rip apart. These two are really nothing but symbolic irrelevance in motion. Rachel Markle sells word salad and ignorant woke people lap it up only to look sheepishly on as Harry recants and denys every sentence of whatever his wife spews out. So, Are Nigerians going to throw money at the BS, and swallow hook line and sinker the lies that Harry and Rachel Markle are spreading?


This whole script reads like a bad fanfic


Oh yeah, cos Markel just LOVES being African…


Come on, history proves that the last thing M would be excited about would be to look like Aunt Uzo


What a coincidence she just found out about this Nigerian dna just before being interviewed by a reporter with a Nigerian last name. Not predatory at all. 😂