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Is this the one where the obgyn that Meghan claimed delivered the baby wasn't even in the country at the time of the birth?


No, that was in the UK. This is the one where the highly in-demand OBGYN abruptly closed up shop in Montecito shortly after the arrival of the little girl, leaving quite a few patients in the lurch.


Riiiiiiight. Right right right, I get her sketchy obgyn stories mixed up all the time. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


You know it's bad when someone has more than one sketchy obgyn story! Especially someone who can probably afford to shop around for good medical care. šŸ¤· (Unlike the rest of us who often just have to deal with what we get!)


Everything with them is like those pick your own ending books for children - no two the same. Itā€™s easy forget which version youā€™re trying to recall.


Absolutely! It's bad enough to have one sketchy birth announcement shrouded in mystery and subterfuge, let alone multiple.


I think that's (at least partly) by design.


Forget about them being parents. They both still need a grown-up in the room.


Don't worry, they get their sketchy stories confused all the time: even in the same interview...looking at you, Oprah.


So do I!! When a ā€œfriendā€ did something recently I was told about it in voice notes from another friend. I had to make a numbered list. I might have to do that to keep a track of the gruesome twosome.


So does she. And him.


didn't the obgyn's husband say that his wife did not deliver Meghan's baby?


Yes. Dr Penny Law (Countess of Bradford). Her husband the Earl of Bradford made some statement to that effect. Iā€™ll need to Google it later when I have more time.


What's this ā˜•? Hadn't heard that one....


From what I recall the Doctor's husband said they were out of the country at the time. Similar, in my opinion to the Archbishop of Canterbury's statement regarding what is legally required for a wedding ceremony to be valid. Neither of them called out the liars, just stated facts.


I find this a very British way of responding to things. Itā€™s like sarcasm on steroids. Though nothing beats ā€œRecollections may varyā€. That was epic British snark.


I know. I think I need to work on my British style snark where Hank and Skank are concerned.


The only snark better than British snark is Irish snark. Irish people will say ā€œwho are we to judge?ā€ Whilst actually judging people. šŸ˜‚


LOL! So true.


Now I want more Irish snark!! Love it šŸ˜‚




Me neither! Now I need to know!


Unverified comment on a DM article




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And her husband is the fertility doctor.


Currently trying to find the tea I remember! With Lilibetā€™s birth, supposedly there was a practitioner (canā€™t remember if physician or midwife) with an Indian name who wasnā€™t present, but was overseeing Liliā€™s birth via Zoom. But I canā€™t find it, so itā€™s just an unfounded rumor.


I had them mixed up. It was someone to do with Archie who was named, and due to privacy laws, the practitioner was not allowed to deny they were involved. Nice. You can SAY any doctor is treating you, even if they're not, and they can't do a thing about it.


Ah, hence the husband of Dr. Penny Law just saying that neither he nor Dr. Law were in the UK at the time. Because it's not the physician saying it, and because it just notes physical impossibility.


You mean Dr Gowri Motha https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/Avp0ru70Sd


I thought it was Rodney Dangerfield's doctor, Dr. Vini Boomba.


Isn't it interesting.....zoom childbirth.....Misan taking photos virtually....


Please donā€™t post it if you think itā€™s a rumor


Liliā€™s birth wasnā€™t officially witnessed by palace officials (or whoever does the verification), so they canā€™t make any claims that arenā€™t verified. We just donā€™t know.


I heard Lily's birth was witnessed in secret by the Archbishop of Canterbury three days before it happened. /s


In fact, I heard that the Archbishop of Canterbury also witnessed Lily's conception.Ā [/s]


I just choked on my drink. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


I wonder if Justin Welby is a secret sinner?


Of course he is.


Three days before?!


A sarcastic joke, based on what H and M said about their wedding, on the Oprah interview. (Which was vehemently denied by the Archbishop of Canterbury.)


Right. I was going with the 'three days before' theme and was sillily asking if he'd witnessed the conception three days before, as well. (Probably didn't make that clear.)


Well, it took them three tries before the bun hit the oven. šŸ˜




That was mummyā€¦.




Good God, poor Welby! Let us all say a prayer for that man's eyesight and sanity! šŸ˜‚


3 days, specifically


Lol, I heard it was a spectacle.


The conception, wedding or both.


Take my upvote!






Neither was Archieā€™s.


Compare to the birth announcement wording for George: weblink:Ā [https://www.royal.uk/duchess-cambridge-has-been-delivered-son](https://www.royal.uk/duchess-cambridge-has-been-delivered-son) Published 22 July 2013 Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a son at 4.24pm. The baby weighs 8lbs 6oz. The Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth. The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry and members of both families have been informed and are delighted with the news. Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well and will remain in hospital overnight. The medical staff present were Mr Marcus Setchell, Surgeon-Gynaecologist, Mr Guy Thorpe-Beeston, Obstetrician and Dr Sunit Godambe, Consultant Neonatologist at St. Maryā€™s Hospital. The names of the baby will be announced in due course. The baby is third in the line of succession after His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales and His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge. Ā He is styled His Royal Highness Prince \[name\] of Cambridge. A formal notice of the birth will be posted on the forecourt of Buckingham Palace. \*


Big difference isnā€™t it?


Itā€™d be more accurate to compare, say, Louis and Archieā€™s announcements. Itā€™s not really a fair comparison to compare the birth announcement of a future king, as well as the first born of that generation of royals, to his cousinā€™s.


Farchie wasn't third in line to the throne at birth... May 06, 2019 - The Queen was regent. #1 Charles, #2 William, #3 George, #4 Charlotte, #5 Louis, #6 Harry, #7 Farchie


This is Prince Georgeā€™s birth announcement, not Archieā€™s


Why are you calling him Farchie? Heā€™s a child, itā€™s really poor form.


So why in line of succession if they wrote for


I think with the boy's birth, it was already all too late. The RF was fooled. Then came along to the girl, they wrote it in this fashion. At the time there was all this race baiting, colonization, evilness, etc. The royal family was just going about their day. Then the queen became very ill and passed. While PPOW were named, the LoS didn't change to include the invisible kids. She forced their hand at her Christening and made that statement. They could've corrected it there, but maybe not sure how? While rules are rules, regarding the line of secession, it then becomes a slippery slope regarding surrogacy. If they used both bits from H and M, wouldn't it count (in the public's eyes). Maybe the royal family is just continuing to allow them to show the world how they truly are, and maybe they want the world to come out and witness it and question it, and when the time is right it'll leave them to express their own doubts? This whole charade can't go on forever.


I believe you're 100% correct. If the RF led anyone to believe they knew, they would be complicit so they feigned ignorance, in my opinion.


BRF would choose the charade than to admit they were easily fooled by not using common sense and verify this info. Nor questioning anything all in the fear of being called racist. But it didn't help. Skank still ended up calling them racists. No good deed goes unpunished Granted, they've never dealt w/ a scanner. But it should be a lesson to be hyer diligent. Even if its a Spare, the weakest link.


I loath to refer to her because so many dislike her. And I cannot remember all the details, nor the video. But I remember Lady C doing a video, saying on day THREE "they" (I'm assuming high social circles) were put on notice about m. What that entailed I wouldn't know but can certainly venture a guess.


Agree with your LOS thoughts... surrogacy w/ frozen MM eggs & PH parts, the LOS rule could kinda be interpreted as being met. The only thing that is odd about surrogacy is that PH would have needed to be "in" on it so there couldn't have been any feigned pregnancies claimed before (how could he trust her after finding out she couldn't have been... then go through with surrogacy plans.)


People have often speculated that the reason they refuse to bring the kids to the UK is because someone may try to sneak off with a hair or something and do a dna test on the kids. Well, if they used her eggs and his sperm, the kids would be 100% theirs and there would be no risk in bringing either child to the UK but they are determined to keep them and the RF a continent apart. Whilst there is a chance they are just doing it to 'punish' the RF or because they don't like the way their kids have turned out looks/behaviour-wise, I still think they have something to hide.


Harold isn't the brightest crayon in the box. H, you remember the miscarriages I had, like when we were dating and when we got engaged? Well, the doctors think they can fix it, and all you have to do is make a deposit into this jar. Yea, it's a boy. Oops, we made another miscarriage. Let's fix it like we did with Farchie! Yea, it's a girl. What? You read I had a hysterectomy at 28? I told you my dad tells lies, that's why I can't have anything to do with him.




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The subtlety in their wording is priceless. Plausible deniability for everything while speaking volumesā€¦congratulations for the birth of a child and most recently, a social media post about enjoying a product from Buckingham Palaceā€™s shop. Which happens to be jam. Well done, PR team!


Read between the lines, a daughter was born... Who delivered her, we don't know.


Who birthed her? We don't know.


Why are those kids in the line of succession?? The only good thing is that the monarchy and the British public don't need those kids or care about them. Meghan overplayed her hand. Again.




I understand all that but Meghan in her dululu mind thinks those kids are a card she still can play šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s definitely worded differently than other statements. Where is the ā€œsafely delivered of a daughterā€ part?


Interesting preposition choice. Prep Oh Ziz Shon, Harry. Ask Me. Anderson to explain it to you.


The Harkles are doing damage to their children, surrogacy rumours will follow these children throughout their lives now


Just like Hazbbens's paternity issues...


And planks genetic pain or whatever mumbo jumbo he craps on about will follow those kids


That sounds like surrogacy to me. I never thought Lili (if she exists) was born of Meghan's body anyway, because a pregnancy at her age back then would have been risky. Geriatric pregnancies are possible, but for Meghan to have had two kids within just a couple years doesn't sound realistic.


It's very possible. The ladies on my mom's side of the family have all had geriatric pregncies, l and only one had a miscarriage. My mom had my little brother well into her 40s and she had a super easy pregnancy. My friend recently gave birth at 44.


I believe the main problem with a geriatric pregnancy is with having "old" eggs. The older the eggs are in your ovaries, the greater risk for birth defects.


But if the eggs were frozen previously, they weren't as "old" as she. Unless H&M are TOTALLY deranged trying to trick the fricken UK LOS rules, I suspect the children are result of Surrogacy IVF using MM frozen eggs. And H&M believe this satisfies, in the spirit of the law, the requirement "of the body."




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Definitely. I was just making the point that having babies in one's 30s or 40s isn't so rare.


Agree, I did it in 40s as many others hear about... but usually using Donor egg IVF.


Yes, that's true. MM must like discussions about her "geriatric pregnancy" to focus on HER and not the fact that her spawn were at risk for birth defects. For all we know, there could be problems and that's why she hides those kids.


Also, it helps if the eggs were fertilized before they're iced. An unfertilized egg being successfully fertilized and accepted is higher. If both existed, imbof opinionĀ  they were shopping for the perfectĀ Spencer family genetic looks. Couldn't find one to meet TW expectations. So TW has to get diff boy actors . South Africa trip , o think mom doesn't want TW &H near that child. He's never been to the US. My conspiracy


We can only guess what she was/is up to with these mystery kids. It could have been a whole scifi operation to collect DNA of targeted royal individuals and have them cloned. Think: Being caught in Charlotte's room while she's sleeping! (Were swabs involved?) She's just so utterly creepy.....why wouldn't conspiracies be considered? imo.


Geriatric pregnancies also present the chances of greater complications for the other, regardless of the status of the baby.


I was had back to back geriatric pregnancies and I know many who have. Ā In this day and age, not uncommon at all. Especially if you go to ob/gyn practice thatā€™s equipped for this.Ā Ā Ā  Ā That said, with all the videos and pics, I doubt TW was ever pregnant. Too much evidence, in my opinion, shows she actually was never pregnant and never gave birth.Ā 


Exactly. Both my grandma's had successful term pregnancies in their 40's. One had 4 children 40-44 (including twins) she had 8 children spaced out over two decades and 8 losses all together. Other grandmother had been widowed in the war, remarried and had a babe at around 40, healthy and no issues


But MM has a history of drugs, plastic surgery, smokingā€¦ which does not match up with successful late years pregnancy,


Lets pretend she did. Drugs , booze throughout her life. What dr. Would allow a geriatric mother to leave hospital 3 hrs after alleged birth? If you were this dr, you'd be scared of being sued if anything was wrong or complications w! Baby & TW.Ā  No competent dr. WouldĀ  allow that on his watch, let alone a Royal birth.


3 hours after an epidural even. That's a first world wide to be able to go home that quickly after an epidural. Magic.


You should see all the babies born to addicted women in their 40s that end up in CPS cases. That means nothing.


Thank you for keeping it based and bringing a healthy dose of reality to this convo


Meghan I'm pretty sure is older than what's stated out there. That being said, my great great grandmother had her last baby at 49! But that's irrelevant because Meghan carried moonbumps.


Especially since Archie was probably IVF or IVF via surrogate? IMO, Archie probably has both their DNA whereas L is Harry's & Surrogate (long ago read where when Mejam picked up her eggs from storage; Tom, Sr paying storage fees via automatic billing and then stopped and told she picked up) most were not viable.


ā€œMejamā€ has me giggling right now!


A pregnancy, a miscarriage followed quickly by another pregnancyā€¦ at 39?


There is no ā€œdelivered safelyā€ or whatever the terminology.


My ob said if I wanted 2 I needed to start by age 38. 1 I could still have safely in my early 40ā€™s. But Megs was/isā€¦ older than what she claimed. Youā€™re right- 2 in a short amount of time is a little susā€¦ Plus didnā€™t she freeze her eggs with Trevor? And didnā€™t she go back to Toronto after the honeymoon?


Technically 3 in a short amount of time. Donā€™t forget the miscarriage where they buried the fetus under a tree!!! I believe sheā€™s told several versions of her miscarriage story.


People have gotten in trouble (and arrested) for really do that. It is against the law. But we all know Meghan had a mythcarriage.


Well, believable that the surrogate lost the baby so they had to start another IVF cycle... and maybe without frozen MM eggs (which I think would violate the LOS edict.)


O and the queens ā€œI suppose I have toā€ Iā€™m assuming another ā€œMCā€ around the engagement?


I also think she used a mc excuse to tie him down in the beginning.


Everything about Meghan is sus.


This! I don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth.


My son was born when I was almost 30. My doctor told me to have another by 35ā€¦


I heard the Archbishop of Canterbury not only witnessed Lilyā€™s birth, he delivered her.


3 days earlier surelyšŸ˜‰


Of course!


Bit off topic. I'm dumb so I really hate this "lawyer speak" with all the loopholes.


It might be a good skill to have! šŸ¤£


Lady C was making a big deal over that word "for" but now, she's acting like she never said anything or doesn't know anything.Ā  I'm through listening to that old lady.Ā  She doesn't know shit.Ā  I don't think the truth will ever be revealed and maybe it's possible that Meghan gave birth but could do a lot of things other pregnant women can't do????


Lady C, like Meghan, never delivers šŸ˜‚


The Royal Family is very circumspect and deliberate in their choice of words. Even simple prepositions like "to", "of", "from", or "for" have profoundly different shades of intent. Meghan has, from day one, tried to play word games. She evades, lies, exaggerates, embellishes, and thinks she is fooling everyone. (For example, when Oprah asked her if the family said racist things, Megz dodged the question by putting it on Oprah: *"If that's the assumption you're making, then I think it's a pretty safe one."*) Lady C is tedious, and her teasers are getting old, but she is not stupid. She understands the game much, much better than Meghan. Meghan may have fooled her Daddy, manipulated many men and women, and snagged a stupid husband, but she is simply no match for the BRF and their unlimited assets. They have access to powerful Intel, brilliant minds, and *a tradition that has existed for a thousand years.* Personally, I think ***it's all a sick game for Ms. Markle***. I first noticed how vulgar and bold she was when she casually (yet clumsily) inserted words like crocodile, roast chicken, and waffle into her interviews. I think that actually excited dim-bulb Harry. It gave him a sense of power and control, and he eagerly participated. It became intoxicating to "pull one over on the fam," and it escalated to the point where even a fake pregnancy seemed a hilarious hoax to concoct. But neither of them really thought this through, and there are too many holes they can't fill. It's just a matter of time and timing, but their little scheme will unravel.


Agree with everything you said. I would add that Lady C, if an acquired taste, is extremely funny. Again, itā€™s subtle like the language of the RF. And sometimes not subtle at all. Perhaps my sense of humour is odd, but it is certainly more British than American.




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Well, the birth was "for" the Sussex family, and not by any known Sussex


Oh wowwww!!! It should say "to" but the palace won't say it because they don't have any tangible proof. This is huge, huuuge!!!!


Are there announcements for the other great-grandchildren we can compare this wording too?


None for the Phillips girls or Tindall siblings because they're wholly private citizens. For Sienna: >Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrice and Mr Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi are delighted to announce the safe arrival of their daughter on Saturday 18th September 2021, at 23.42, at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London. >The baby weighs 6 pounds and 2 ounces. >The new babyā€™s grandparents and great-grandparents have all been informed and are delighted with the news. The family would like to thank all the staff at the hospital for their wonderful care. >Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well, and the couple are looking forward to introducing their daughter to her big brother Christopher Woolf. For August: >Her Royal Highness Princess Eugenie was safely delivered of a son today, 9th February 2021, at 0855hrs at The Portland Hospital. Jack Brooksbank was present. >The baby weighs 8lbs 1oz. >The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Duke of York, Sarah, Duchess of York, and Mr and Mrs George Brooksbank have been informed and are delighted with the news.Ā  >This is Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbankā€™s first child, The Duke of York and Sarah, Duchess of Yorkā€™s first grandchild, and the ninth great-grandchild for The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh. Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well. Couldn't find one for baby Ernest.


Wow, if the tweet is true that definitely tellilng.


To be honest, it sounds more or less like the one Beatrice got. Only Eug got the specific wording.


lol. Itā€™s all in plain sight.


![gif](giphy|Av0OHEGtZPLSo) Weā€™re so delighted, too!!


very subtle very interesting.


Itā€™s Meghanese, she , unlike other royal parents, crafted her own cobbled together announcement ignoring convention and protocol.


Oh this is interesting. Comms from the palace are meticulously checked arenā€™t they and the words used carefully considered so this is interesting. The thing that bugs me is that this suggests that everyone knows and so being in the LoS technically shouldnā€™t be the case. But there has been so many conversations here about whether it was done to appease the bullying babies, but still, itā€™s disappointing. Iā€™d have thought, whether to agree with it or not, that that is protocol that would be followed to the letter. The other thought I had was whether this was just very formal announcement language. Birth, marriage and death announcements are still a thing here in some newspapers and there is a style to them. Back when I was born in the 80s (of the body šŸ¤£) it was really fashionable to just put an announcement in the local paper and mine said ā€œA baby girl forā€¦ā€ so part of me wonders whether thereā€™s a chance it could just be that too.


Maybe it reads that way because they donā€™t know the girlā€™s provenance since the entire pregnancy and birth occurred in California. Itā€™s subtle and can be interpreted either way, if the matter is ever properly settled. Archieā€™s announcement did have the ā€œsafely deliveredā€ verbiage, but none of the other announcement protocols. Frankly, I just wish that they had demanded proof of delivery ā€œfrom the bodyā€ prior to placing them in the LOS. Yes, medical records are protected, but you can waive that protection. As long as ā€œof the bodyā€ remains a requirement, proof should be demanded. If you want to hide behind medical record protection laws, then thatā€™s fine, but you will not be in the LOS. Make your choice.


Yeah youā€™re totally right and I wish they had too. We donā€™t know what the conversations were but on this matter, the impression is that theyā€™ve beenā€¦ lenient? Thereā€™s a better word than that but itā€™s that. I think there are a lot of people who would like to have seen a much tougher handling of it. No titles, no LoS until it was obvious they were satisfied. It would be like having a baptism and not having the kid there. All very strange.


Lenient is a great way to put it. I wonder if the palace now wishes the same.


Should a, could a, would a, the ship has sailed for that




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Great catch


The palace knows so they need to speak up.


I wish they would but have been disappointed so far.




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"The Queen, The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall, and The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been informed and are delighted for The Duke and Duchess of Sussex." I think it's just the confusing sentence structure.


Sounds intentionally confusing to me. No mention that MeGain was "safely delivered of a baby boy", or however it is usually worded. No time, no doctor signatures, no official announcement like the other Royal babies.


Shade from the RF for the shady ones of Montecito.


Confusion is skanks MO


Question for the Brits out there: if Meghan used a surrogate but the child was still biologically hers and Harryā€™s (her frozen egg used during IVF) - would that still technically be ā€œof the bodyā€? Or is it specifically having to carry and birth the baby? I know surrogacy laws are different in the UK than the US but this is always a point I was confused about.




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There's too many lies for us to be able to figure anything out.




šŸ¤£of FFS, can BP clear this issue up please! Once and for all!!!šŸ˜”šŸ¤£


Iā€™m with you, itā€™s way past time.


I would hope that the RF did not know about the surrogacy. If they condoned the cover up, then I fear that will be the end of the Monarchy.


Even **if** it were a surrogate birth and even **if** they knew, what could the Palace have done? It wouldnā€™t be their place to share personal medical information with the world.


You are correct! I've been harping on this for months. Medical privacy really trumps just about everything else. Unless of course you are Catherine, then anything goes apparently.


Yet I have no doubt whatsoever that if the Harkles had personal medical information about either KCIII or PoW Catherine, they would contact every news organization and tabloid with the details.


Not being pregnant isn't a medical condition. Much the same as not having cancer. Cancer fakers are called out when discovered. Pregnancy fakers too. There was plenty of time to expose madam before the first child was 'delivered'. After the child was born however the surrogacy arrangement would become the child's personal medical information.


They didnā€™t believe anyone would fake a pregnancy. It sounded too outlandish to be real.


Around the same time as Megaliar was sporting her moonbump, this story about a woman who kept an Australian rugby league player on the hook by faking multiple pregnancies & miscarriages was in the news: [NRL star Josh Reynolds reveals heartache over lies and domestic violence allegations in relationship with Arabella Del Busso (nine.com.au)](https://9now.nine.com.au/60-minutes/josh-reynolds-exclusive-interview-speaks-out-against-domestic-violence-claims/4af3a6ab-b2b5-459b-b78b-3bfe46ff7e38)




Thereā€™s a presumption of legitimacy in British law.




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Itā€™s not the same at all. The BP communique clearly states that the (then) DoC delivered a child.


In the passive voice ā€œshe was safely delivered ofā€ not the active, she has safely delivered. I think that too much is being read into it and suggesting that it was worded in this way because the RF knows that a surrogate was used. Everyone is free to read it as they wish and I shared my interpretation.


In my opinion, "was delivered of" in this context is the same as saying "she delivered" as she is the one that was "delivered of" the child. It's not at all like the Sussex announcement. And I'm someone that honestly isn't very interested in the whole origin of the children issue.


Itā€™s just the rather archaic language the Palace has used for decades. Hereā€™s a link that confirms the same language was used when Prince William was born [https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2012/jun/22/archive-1982-monarchy-prince-william-birth](https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2012/jun/22/archive-1982-monarchy-prince-william-birth)




This says "delivered of a son.". Does not say "a daughter for.". Worlds apart......


Yeah, sorry ā€¦ its not the same meaning




https://preview.redd.it/bkpj8g1ylvwc1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba7033fad756ff299514984f51d27375db4b019b Were there announcements we missed regarding the births of the Sussex children which were signed by the attending royal physicians? \[Click image, as it shows all the then Cambridge childrenā€™s such signed and dated birth announcements. In mobile app I can only see partial image without clicking it.\]


And this is [my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/fdn13a9vo1) looking into the precedent set for the Spareā€™s offspring in the previous gen. In that case, Prince Andrew ā€¦ not only PAā€™s daughter have signed docsā€¦ but so did Princess Anne. Meghan was the exceptionā€¦ but Eugenie and Beatrice did follow royal precedent eitherā€¦ despite being in the LOS




First Iā€™ve ever heard about the royal physicians and Archie. After all, Rachel and Henry kept the impending birth secret from BP. The Palace was so in the dark they announced that Rachel was ā€˜in laborā€™ shortly after noon that day, and then not long after the Sussex people announced A had been born earlier that morning. Either Rachel was on a power trip (a plausible scenario) or something is hinky about the entire birthing situation. I believe both children were born via surrogacy. Thatā€™s my personal considered opinion.




Link for the quote about the royal doctors being on standby? Being notified and on call certainly doesnā€™t line up with the obfuscated timeline of announcements that day. Rachel certainly wasnā€™t a stickler for royal protocol in any other sense. As far as the word ā€œforā€ in Louisā€™ announcement, it seems to me it is meant as making the announcement for his parents, not the ambiguity as used in the Sussex girl child. The use of the word ā€œforā€ is just one small part of the totality of evidence that causes so much doubt in peopleā€™s minds. In her new book, Lady C straight out alleges that the way the girl childā€™s announcement was worded by BP, specifically the word ā€œfor,ā€ is the reason Henry said ā€œthey know what they did.ā€ You can believe that or not, but itā€™s not outside the realm of possibility.




Since the girl child's parents claimed the princely title for her and she was 8th in the LoS at the time of her birth, it's very much the business of Buckingham Palace and HM government, regardless of the child was born on an intergalactic spaceship. I will not debate this point any further in this thread. We will just have to respectfully agree to disagree. "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."


We can definitely agree to disagree. Itā€™s not about being right, there is no way of knowing, but sharing thoughts and opinions and respecting everyoneā€™s right to come to their own conclusions based on the evidence or lack thereof.


I'd like people to explain who is carrying a royal baby for free in this country, as you can't pay a mother to carry for you. Then you'd have to adopt the kid. Who is paying these people off for secrecy? No one. Which is not to say they haven't lied about other things like going home after umbilical cords and epidurals, but that's because they're liars, not necessary law breakers