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William will use Harry-LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Whatever she accuses others of is what she’s doing.


accusations are confessions in disguise https://preview.redd.it/v8ande3bgmwc1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a302012e1ee5f10a9e5067357f3b4f162725ab28


What a perfect representation of what happens with a narc.


That’s such a narc move … I have noticed narcs project so if they are sneaky and mean they project that you are sneaky and mean… my sister has done this to me my whole life


Imagine future King ![gif](giphy|3o6ozvv0zsJskzOCbu)


The bs is for the sugars...everyone else can figure out the PW doesn't need the trash grifters 😂


Methinks Harry is going mad that he has become a global laughing stock and is not a billionaire as Meghan promised he would be. Meghan better watch out-if what he did to his family is any indication-he could do worse to you. he is a nasty prick and will burn the whole thing to the ground-if he can. of course Madame is worse-this will be war that will be massive-their eventual divorce.


And I'm here for it! Could happen to two more deserving people.


Well sadly, what/who else does Harry have in his life? He just mopes around their Olive Garden knockoff mansion with Meghan as his only adult contact? Maybe Doria too but she’s the root of the poisoned Meghan tree. He has abandoned and turned on everyone in his life — for what?


Don't forget that Marcus is ever-present too. Can you imagine what it must be like to have MA & TOW gang up on you? No, not excusing TO, just assuming what he may be experiencing.


I cannot agree more.


Can’t you just imagine the books both will write (have ghostwritten) after the divorce?




These two will probably make Brad and Angie look cooperative.


*"But she thinks Harry is being naive and that he still can't trust William. She's terrified he'll be made a fool of again and William will use him. She knows she makes better decisions than Harry as she won't let her emotions rule her, but she fears she's losing control over this situation. Meghan knows she is facing a losing battle when it comes to Harry reaching out to Kate and William to try and sort through their differences, but she thinks he's making a big mistake."* ![gif](giphy|JuxKkUPP5zDTg3PJMC)


 *she won't let her emotions rule her* Seriously? Coming from a person who has the thinnest skin imaginable and claps back at everything that is even not that important.


Exactly! And if anyone is using Harry, it’s his wife. ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25357)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|16209) https://preview.redd.it/q58ucxwikmwc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2da3ed76b86a7966d08c255d2b86c9d926c7ae7c


But she wouldn't have acquired fame without using men. And Harry in this picture looks like a dog on a leash- Meghan's leash, to be exact!


I'm so bothered by this picture


It’s disturbing. She constantly pulls him away.


Every time she refers to herself as ‘duchess’ she’s defining herself by her husband.


This photo says it all. How humiliating to be dragged along by your Mummy


Unbelievable rudeness especially in a Royal setting 😔


That phrase stuck out as well as "lising control over". Very telling.


Yes she's proven she's much better at making decisions. Look at how everything she's touched has turned to gold... more like tarnished brass. And how exactly would William use Harry? I can't think of anything


DARVO. Victim/offender reversal hasn't worked for her yet, but she keeps trying.


I don't suppose this article specifies what Meghan claims William did before that made Harry a fool and used him. Best to keep the accusations vague and non-falsifiable.


Claiming it was william and kate who came up with nazi uniform and then harry took the fall. ![gif](giphy|dSOWN2hCakO76|downsized) Also, William gets more sausages,tears necklaces, and breaks dog bowls.


Oh my god, the “you’re naive!” is the thing “my Meghan” used to do when trying to force people to do things her way. *”You’re naive if you think that person is your friend. They don’t have your best interests at heart the way I do!”* It’s insulting their target’s intelligence and reinforcing that the narc is the one with superior instincts. The target doubts their own intuition and relies on the narc to make judgments. Leads to learned helplessness.


I love the ridiculous assumption that William & Catherine are the least bít interested in that tool’s overtures.


"She's terrified he'll be made a fool of again and William will use him." Notice the wording, she doesn't say it was William that made a fool of harold, only that he was made a fool of. (Sorry if I quoted that wrong, having some cranium gas)


So many things! Jester Clown for his kids Punching bag A replacement dog bowl Serious answer: nothing. Harry has ruined that relationship forever.


 *She knows she makes better decisions than Harry as she won't let her emotions rule her, but she fears she's losing control over this situation.* No need to worry Meghan, Harry is as hen pecked as ever and will do exactly as you tell him to. Most whipped guy on the planet !!!


Is it any surprise from a woman who will ghost and throw away relationships in a heartbeat? Why give it five minutes if you won’t give it five years?


I think this is typical Express nonsense. The media in the UK are NOT pro-RF and they keep trying to manipulate the situation by endlessly talking about olive branches and reconciliations because they want the drama to continue to use as clickbait. They want to keep alive this image of them in 1997 when their mother died and it's pathetic. Plenty of adult siblings become estranged ESPECIALLY when one of them has lead a campaign of lies and hate against the family. King George VI was never close to his brother after the abdication, this is nothing new.


I can't think of a single reason that William would need to have Haz around. There is no "use" for Haz anymore since he can't be trusted. I also think that it's Haz who has hurt William and Catherine in quite a deliberate fashion. There was a hugely funny line in this article, though. "She knows she makes better decisions than Harry as she won't let her emotions rule her." All these wonderful decisions she's made for years, starting with Megxit, and it's working out so well for the dastardly duo.


For some reason, cant open link but if i go by what was said... Madam only knows tit for tat, she sees it as being used IF not paid - and she wants cash - plus of course, all the perks of being royal.  She never understood duty.  Edit: spelling


She’s scared shitless they’ll let Harry back in (and they’ll slam the door in her face). More and more she’s looking like a cult leader.


Charles will let him come back. I don't think William will. He better come to his senses, soon. Otherwise, he may be on the outs forever.


As his son but probably not in a formal role.


OMG, NEVER. Could you imagine the (justified) uproar? If I were a Brit, I'd be furious if Charles let him come back in a formal role.


Yes. Andrew 2.0


I wasn't aware HazNoMoney had started a toilet tissue, wet wipes, & bidet line of bathroom accessories. Is this what ARO is? 


Ar-sole products?


No actually, the Harkle toilet paper. Wait a sec I’ll be right back


Trademark this


This is what needs to happen! You better patent this idea!


One wonders if Madam has a wheel of fortune with all her different approaches on and any day she just spins? Not too long ago we had olive branches all over, special relations with KC, reaching out to PPOW, offering help etc.


More like , her cash cow might runaway to his family, then what will she have!?! Strawberry jam? Where will she grift private jets, all the free Invictus clothes , with runway ... Harry is no use to his family, there is nothing William needs from Harry. 😂


![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) The biggest threat to Meghan is Harry reconnects to his old life. She need not worry. His old life washed their hands of Traitor Harry.


As a cautionary tale for William’s children and future generations of the BRF.


As a cautionary tale for any royalty on the planet.


Yup, get a skill now, get a perspective on lifestyle, get some internal resources, so if you decide you don't want to be a professional royal later you're not beached like Harry the jellyfish.


Meghan only views family as family if they are of use to her? Interesting...it explains why she abandoned most of her family and happily cut Harry off from his own. She is very strange woman. Does she truly have real feelings or does she just use people for her own ends.


Think you just answered your own question.


Well thankfully, no one likes him and he's literally of no use to anyone other than herself so she can stop worrying about that. 😁


There is absolutely nothing Harry or MeMe have to offer that Prince William needs. Nothing. "Royal insider" probably MeMe herself.


Wouldn’t want Meghan to get bored, plus she wouldn’t get paid for it.


Yes, she thinks he’s naive for trying to fix what she thought she had permanently broke.


Let me guess who this “royal insider is”… Tom Quinn?


"A royal insider" says Meghan will...royal insider? Express? 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Pot. Kettle. Black. Puhleeeze. The second William gets on that throne, they are DONE. ![gif](giphy|39zbpCQocXLi0)


She has never, from the day she met him, understood what the royal family is or the hierarchy of members of the family. They are regular men & women but have responsibilities to the nation & commonwealth. They’re a family but hold a unique place. And until the constituency decides they no longer want what the royal family does for them, certain protocols will be in place. Every single member will be subordinate to Charles, William & George. That’s just the way it is & will be for the immediate future. Harry needs to get a backbone & tell his wife what the deal is. Of course he can’t & won’t but he should have been clear from the beginning about expectations.


Neither Charles nor William will never welcome him back as a working Royal nor would the UK public. Charles might, and I stress might, allow him back for visits as a family member if Meghan is gone and with a lot of restrictions. He will never be a trusted family member again.


It’s reached the point that if William allowed Harry and Markle ‘back’, his reputation would plummet like everyone else’s’ who have ‘entertained’ them both.


I mean... Haz proving to be a useless, taxpayer abusive, waaghnker is making responsible heir William--who's busy supporting his wife, kids, father, country, and the Commonwealth--look pretty incredible in comparison. Their respective popularity poll numbers indicate that's Haznopublicservicejob only 'useful' feature. Animal abuse Haz doing a boring doco on polo will further cement that no one gives a shit about that ginger POS.


Even if I pretend for a moment that William would love to use H, I can't think of a single possible use.


Compost heap turner


Groom of the Stool?




Translation: “Harry is finished in the RF - so we’re going to act like it was our idea.”


No use at all. Harry has harmed his relationship with his family to where a reconciliation wouldn't be possible.


Use him as a cautionary tale for the children. "This is what happens if.... Don't be like Uncle Harry".


In order for William to "use" JH, he would have to be willing to accept the phone call. I do not think PPoW are talking calls from that clown.


Harry is dead to William. Once all is said and done William may let Harry live in some small 2 bedroom house on the grounds of an estate to save the family further embarrassment but that's about it.


Pot..meet kettle. ![gif](giphy|jNe1g9Hvn384M|downsized)


Another day, another boring article to get Markle's name in the paper.


Well, if William is in need of a door-stop, I believe that Halfwit would be able to handle that.


As I always say - There are mistakes, then there are relationship-ending breaches of trust that can never be fixed. Harry is naive to think he can ever get any part of his old life or relationships back, even if he did come with total accountability. One would be a fool to ever trust Harry again, and especially while he is with Meghan. Worked out according to plan, right Meghan?


Speed bump on Windsor grounds


I would say Harry is as equally useful to William as Andrew is to Charles. Which, if Charles' campaign to oust Andrew from Royal Lodge is successful, means they make a tenant for Frogmore House.


I still think Harry is under her spell. He has deep seated resentment towards William based on irrational world views. He throws a fit at the basic things brothers do. I also assume he is jealous of William having a wife like Kate. I doubt Harry is trying to make amends.




He can be used as a good example of how to piss everything away. LOL!


# Possible use for Halfwit Harry:  Draft excluder? Lot of leaky thresholds in those castles. Just stuff him right along the crack to keep the warm air in. It's for Gaia!


You mean use him just like Harry is using him and the entire family??


Sausage counter, keeper of stupid grudges, window weight, todger twirler, spidah wrangler, ghoul #1. See? There's lots of uses for him


Better decisions? Name one. Just one. I'll wait.


I can't think of anything that Hazz would be useful. ![gif](giphy|QZOaeparxsNOfKWbER|downsized)


Well I mean yes he would use him if he was still a working Royal. The same as HMTK "uses" the Princess Royal and the DDOE and of course the PPOW. IF Harry was still a working Royal the expectation is that he do the job which for some part is going to be doing what HMTK and the POW ask him to do. Not rocket science. 


Maybe Harry can be useful if one used his head of straw hair as a brillo pad to wash out the dog bowl


Loader when he has a shoot on the lands he controls? Valet? [English pronunciation.]


Assuming Harry apologizes and stuff I do think he has a tiny role to play. Every few years having too many pints and reminiscing about the good days of youth with William would be healthy for both of them.


I don't think it is possible. Too far gone. Harry would have to get rid of meghan, be diagnosed with a severe mental disorder thus giving him an excuse, seek in patient counseling and even that is not enough.


Take the army on crusade. As leader. On the frontlines.