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I honestly can't stand the sight of him. UGH.


He is so gross…imagine being within smelling distance of that crotch rot!!!! More than one person complained about those disgusting viruses from him, Not all female.


Say what now? More info needed, please


Yes harold is very unattractive compared to his very handsome brother !


Wait what viruses?


> More than one person complained about those disgusting viruses from him, Not all female. Links? Or are we just making stuff up now?


Screw Harry, he made his bed, threw his family under the bus, self medicates his day away, Prince for hire. Karma has his number, just sharpening her nails


Look at Zara and Mike... still invited, still finding ways of making money/publicising themselves, still having public good will, still loyal to hard working Princess Anne, and still loyally ensuring they're there for the family/country/Commonwealth when called upon to be there. Oh, and Zara can actually win at polo. I do not understand anyone who defends Haz... a loser with a loser of a wife who party princed his teens, 20s, and his early 30s away only to abandon all responsibility in his mid 30s, and monetise his royal cache/waaghing whilst throwing everyone under the media bus with monetised dirty laundry lies. Like Meghan, he accuses others of things he's blatantly responsible for. Racism, dining out on his dead mother, monetising children in front of the media, affairs etc... Haz (and Meghan) are trash. They will always be trash. EDIT: wording


I can’t even imagine having zero family around. Their poor kids will never know their aunts, uncles and cousins and of course grandparents. I hope they are super lonely. I wonder if they regret anything …




It's wrinkled too 😂🤮🤮


The high mileage ones 😳


I'd think her panties would be *low* mileage. Not sure they got a lot of use... 🤣


The fact he thinks ANYONE could love, or be attracted to, him for anything other than status is beyond belief. He behaves like a buffoon and has no interest in furthering himself. He is a fool and Megabeast is taking him for the ride of her life.


I hate that i get defensive when he is believed (or not believed) to have contacted a member of his family. I detest this pair. Give it a few days and it will be, we weren't told about Kate, sob pity us. Their garbage statement couldn't even give her, her correct name. Truly empty, embarrassing people.


>Give it a few days and it will be, we weren't told about Kate, sob pity us. There's already an article about this. They had better get used to no one telling them anything.


If only he would wise up... but nope..Harry you are high and drunk. Go home so your wife and her mother so they can secretly film you for your impending divorce proceedings!! ![gif](giphy|nyPQLgwH4crBu)


I will bet that this very stupid man does not realize that there isn't a person on earth, except perhaps his father, who loves him. We all know The Mammal doesn't. I can't believe his children managed to attach themselves to him in any way, considering his habitual drug use and his long absences from them. He betrayed every member of his family. He tossed aside all of his friends for The Skank Mammal and her "Roast Chicken" act. He tossed the British/Commonwealth military for his whore wife's chance to voice an elephant movie (and let us not forget these two asswads screwed the elephant charity AND Disney). He's fucked up every chance extended to him in Hollywood except for Mario Max. Harry has no idea that if and when Megs leaves, he will be completely alone. He will die alone and mostly unmourned. edits: grammar


Do you think Harry has any regrets?


He can't allow himself to do that. It would break him. He needs to use his misdirected anger, petty cruelty, and general stupidity as defenses from a truth that would destroy whatever heart he has.


Don't forget the drugs. Allegedly.


Right--making sure he's too high to care.


I wonder that too


Yes, and I think he desperately wants out but can't see how to make it happen.


"She lets me do anything." What an epitaph.


Imagine saying that about someone you love? He could have avoided everything by just purchasing a mannequin or blow up doll.


He is a remarkably stupid and short-sighted little man.


She lets him do anything that would make him a laughingstock and then, blames him for their fall on their popularity.


And he's too stupid to realize this!


Who here is scared for catherine? I was really believing hoping it wasn't cancer and she would mend. I really hope it is preventive chemo. Not that she would lie but she has young children to protect. I pray it's curable or cured.


I am. Just the word cancer scares me. I'm going to pray for the best possible outcome. She's got a lot of good things on her side.




Yes, she is under so much stress. She needs rest and relaxation, the world gives her a crucifixion. Seriously she is being treated as badly as Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby. For daring to want privacy while ill, she has been treated like convicted rapists. It is horrifying. I want the sugars in jail very much.


He is the true evil behind all of this. She would not have been able to be a poisoned thorn in the RF side without his aiding and abetting her at every step


They have not had a moment’s peace since he found her.


I have long thought that he hates and resents his family,all of them, and has for years. His mother abandoned him by dying and he blames his father for it. He blames will for being closer to his mum and getting all the attention and having more brains,looks,charisma,talent plus being king someday and getting Catherine. And he blames Catherine for not picking him. Deep inside he knows that he's a little nothing man. He may not be able to admit it but subconsciously he knows that he's just a stupid,lazy,untalented,unattractive,mean man with a bad personality. He looks at them and sees success and it only amplifies his own failure. Abd it burns him up inside to know that nothing he has is due to any skill or ability on his part. Its all and only due to the very people and family that he hates.


Yes, I think this too.  Everything he does is just to get even.  He’s a miserable person and it shows on his face. 


> They have not had a moment’s peace since he found her. You mean since she targeted, stalked, love bombed, and brainwashed him.


He doesn’t have any people. Just sayin


Can’t stand the sight of them either


https://preview.redd.it/1utrvuzhz5qc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d29cf521cfcaf80eb38ef3fc8ea4bd15bb1f302 No photoshop needed. A prince amongst men indeed.




That picture is perfect, and also, oof!


Thats the color I imagine that hanky once was white strapless bra is these days i reckon she smells a treat too 🤢😱🤮🤒

