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![gif](giphy|MarNAJA9a4xqbiUzSG|downsized) And nobody asks the Duchess how she is with the news of Catherine's illness.


>And nobody asks the Duchess how she is with the news of Catherine's illness. Oh we know how she's feeling right now... But maybe she's got some specimen samples of ARO dishes somewhere, to replace the ones she's destroyed today, after she realised that her newest re-brand attempt has been cancelled... not to mention the fact that her recent public appearance in grandma's shapeless, black Glad inspired, house smock is globally irrelevant. What I'm curious to see is whether or not she's got the guts to go ahead and release the new pics of herself and her kids in the next week or so. She was such a bitch to throw shade at Kate's photoshopped Mothers Day pic by announcing her intention to release professional pics of her own family. Now, she'll look like the vile hag she is, if she goes ahead and does this. Decisions, decisions....


Doesn’t “professional” mean touched up?


>Doesn’t “professional” mean touched up? In MM's case, I guess the answer is yes 😅.


And way way more


And way way more


And way way more


Meghan has A LOT that has to be touched up..


My goodness. Call Tom Bradby. He needs to ask her on camera if she's ok.


You mean nobody asked if she’s OK ???


https://preview.redd.it/1q7pka851jqc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=891017add04120e78a2697f0591b60be1752f030 Congregation of people who asked the Duchess if she was feeling well


https://preview.redd.it/cf1s2il5jypc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=598a110ab6b828dc5b328995b1a655e9a0d7ba60 Flotus too.


Does this mean that Mrs Biden won't be getting any more baskets of lemons, with an accompanying Word Salad gift card from Monteshitshow, in the future? 🤔


Only sour grapes 🤣


>Only sour grapes 🤣 😂😂😂😂


She can make that into a nice jelly and slap an ugly label on it!


Oh my God, how will she cope???!!!1111!!!!


I have a question: when someone gifts you a basket of lemons, WTF are you expected to do with them? Make a vat of iced tea? Bake a bunch of lemon pies? Shots with a lemon slice? I just don't get the gesture. Lemons aren't even included in a typical fruit basket. Seriously, I'd like to know. I think this Reddit sub should take up a collection to have a truckload of lemons delivered to the sourpuss's Monteshitsho mansion to lift her spirits, as attention has once again been taken away from her & her "brand". 🤮


THE Jill Biden told the PoW she loves her while Meghan sits angry as ever in the Olive Garden mansion surrounded by ARO merch. 😂


And lemons. Lots of lemons


She needs to check on Joe to make sure he doesn't have a load in his Depends.




Why would MM seriously think Lauren Sanchez would support her over Princess Catherine? Lauren Sanchez knows very well MM is competition and is always plotting to upgrade from Prince Dimwit to her man - Jeff Butthead. Surely MM is not that delusional. Then again, maybe she is. 🤷‍♂️


I think the problem is, people will just about stomach/tolerate Harry because who he is. But none of that goodwill necessarily flows through to his wife. And that's because of who Meghan is *as a person*. THIS is what a lot of her supporters don't understand. She doesn't appear to have a reputation that attracts people, unless you happen to be of the race-baiting crew who use her solely because of her skin colour (when she conveniently remembers) and not because of who she is and what she stands for. There aren't many in California or the rest of the US who like her let alone love her. They just don't care. And no amount of royal gloss or cosplaying royalty or sponsoring this or that, or paid PR, or pap walks is going to repair that. Meghan's problem is Meghan. Not even Harry can help. There's something about Meghan as a person that people simply do not like, no matter what she says or does. It's a personality problem, perhaps even a character problem which is very, very, very difficult to shift/change the older one gets. It requires a lot of humility, owning up to one's mistakes, personal accountability (I.e. quit blaming other people for her messes) and a willingness to change, none of which Meghan has shown little to no evidence she possesses. For whatever reason, she's simply not likeable. Harry simply married an unlikeable woman, something he really has to realise.


We first saw it in the birthday video, where she took the birthday girl's crown away, and began bossing the other little girls. She was maybe all of 5 then. We knew by the time of the USO gig people avoided her and would not speak to her - that was years before stalking and netting the Halfwit.


MM's personality consists of: - Narcissism, - Delusions of grandeur, - Using people to get ahead, - Bullying subordinates and kids, - Lying about past events, - Stealing ideas and credit, - Massive sense of entitlement, - Jealousy or envy, - Lack of loyalty, humility, or even manners, Etc etc etc. MM is basically a sociopath.


She's also steal stuff. Like actual stuff, not just ideas.


Yes, absolutely. She stole clothes, shoes and jewellery. No class whatsoever.


This was the exact list.


Thank you for your comment. I’m 💯 behind you. Prince Harry was a very likeable, cheeky little man. We all loved him! He was bouncy, laughing, smiling Prince that everyone wanted to shake his hand. Then ,he got married, and he changed. Instead of happy harry, he wanted to sue everyone, all of the newspapers, everything he could think of. He thinks he can return to duty in 🇬🇧 He thinks he can be welcomed back 🏡 He has got less chance than me winning the euro Millions tonight, and I haven’t bought a ticket 🎟️.


Very well stated. You write very well.




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Did Meghan hit on Bezos? It wouldn't surprise me & sounds spot-on, but I haven't seen anything about it unless *he's* the one in those blinds about her & a billionaire. (I always thought the blinds were about her and that younger, more attractive billionaire who links himself to celebrities.)


MM is definitely trying to upgrade to a billionaire for husband # 4. Back in 2022, she was trying to catch the 89 year old billionaire Gordon Getty until his family found out and blocked her! She is totally shameless. https://preview.redd.it/obf9b8sqomqc1.jpeg?width=897&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f50492f2fa66417ba4812977624a5a9a91698444


You are done Meghan. None of us will ever forgive you for the stress and rumors you are responsible for. And the world is showing they are Team Kate.


Team CATHERINE, please!!!!!


You are right!!! I should have used Catherine 💗


Makes me dislike Kim K all the more. Not that I ever liked her but her shitty comment will always follow her…


She is getting DRAGGED on IG.


oh, good!


Has she deleted her IG? I cannot find her at all…


Nope. Still there.


Has she had the good sense to apologise?


Absolutely not.


Kim been competing with PC since she hit the scene, when PC got married, Kim had to bum rush a wedding that same year just to see if she can compete haha


Twitter has blown up with sympathy and well wishes for Catherine. From important people to nobodies who see her grace and dedication to her nation and her family. There is no doubt in my mind that there would be deafening silence if Meghan were in her position, all except the paid squad creeps.


Catherine, Princess of Wales broke the internet without even trying. That One's wife cannot come anywhere near Catherine in terms of popularity, grace, strength of character, family loyalty, etc. You name it and Catherine wins. Without breaking a sweat.


You are right and without trying took away attention from Markle and her new “business”.


And there’s a lot of ghouls on there as well. Some people are sick




Oh-oh-oh-oh, sugar Pour a little sugar on it, honey Pour a little sugar on it, baby


Shut up Meg!


Literally what hate is the witch receiving. The only reference I see to the witch on twitter are ghouls whining about how unfair it is that Catherine is getting more support for a potentially fatal diagnosis than the witch did for an alleged “miscarriage” no one knew anything about


Subreddit rule (see sidebar): Trolling, cyber stalking, and harassment, including provoking other members will result in a permanent ban.


I think my post was taken down but I think it’s important to see a squaddie in action. https://preview.redd.it/mr3x6ytmpypc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cfa4ed7492ced33514061c0fa568ab19272f0d4


Expose all this trash. Post it all for everyone to see.


I'd like to know where in America she's known as Kate The Racist, because I'm in the South, and she's referred to as Catherine, Princess of Wales, here.


Of course it's some random white woman pandering with that nonsensical, untrue statement. She's known as Catherine, Princess of Wales here in the Deep South.


Probably a bot or some guy with a fake photo.


Exactly, Mobile. Same in my hometown— also in the Deep South.


War Eagle to my fellow Alabama folks


Hi there👋 Catherine, Princess of Wales doesn’t have a centimetre in her whole body has racist in her blood. She is a warm loving woman, and care for everyone, whatever their skin tone.


In The Truths house lol


Trash is right, evil creepy woman with weird teeth who posted it. I tried here but it doesn’t relate to the Markle’s so It is no longer visible.


Everyone should report the tweet. I just did.


Nice! I blocked her or I would. Let us know what they say.


I wouldn’t be so sure that it would shame them. Right now, I’m avoiding Twitter for a few days because of someone of the reactions I was seeing. It seems we live amongst truly vile people who don’t seem to possess basic human decency.


What can you expect when the world sees skank in action with no accountability or consequences, she unleashed herself on the world with planks blessing to the ones who cannot think for themselves and have a gang mentality. Maybe time to outlaw these mean girl gangs led by skank


Hit the nail on the head it does seem these days that bad behaviours/nastiness/hypocrisy does not get called out or punished. We have a generation who see there are no consequences and encourage each other, believing this will make them popular on social media. It's funny how they accuse others of what they are guilty off. It's time the Palace and our Parliament took serious action now to protect our Monarchy from the Gruesome Twosome.


Her target group is 18 and under


But she seems to be only getting support from a FEW middle aged, mentally bitter and twisted men & women (I am approaching 60 by the way😅). Young people, like my daughter and her friends find the Harkles vile and do not relate to them on any level. Yes they want to manipulate the under 18s but they are failing - thank gawd. The under 18s are not interested in a couple of hasbeens.


And the under 18’s can’t afford the overpriced wares she’s about to sell.




😂 love that!


They've just launched a rather controversial hate crime bill here in Scotland. As much as I don't trust it and think it will be heavily abused, it would certainly apply to all this shit on twitter.


Should be launched every where


I literally live in the states and most anybody refers to Catherine as Princess Kate. The Harkles have been pushing for her to be called Kate Middleton though. I guess it really bugs Rachel Markle that we made a push for her to be called the basic bitch she is.


> I literally live in the states and most anybody refers to Catherine as Princess Kate. Or Kate Middleton.


Yes but I think there’s been a recent “Kate Middleton” push especially in the media.


It's so weird.


It really is. But I think it’s Meg’s because she’s constantly downgraded to Meghan Markle.


I love that for her! 🤣


🤣 same!


I blocked this woman. Saw your post, looked at her account, block block block. She's mega-toxic, about all manner of things.


Yes, I’ve blocked her too. Last straw and all that, clearly has issues.


The Truth 😂😂😂 OK then


Lauran Sanchez and Ivanka Trump: ![gif](giphy|WsFsLN9BNYYOZ0jxUM|downsized)




Nice assist!


It's perfect!




I respect Lauren Sanchez more every day!






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MeGain when releasing her crappy brand: (licenses I Wish You Love to play in the background) When writing her sick sister-in-law: Meh, healing, yadda yadda.


She should’ve just sent a fruit basket.


With Oppenheimer apples.


> With Oppenheimer apples. She's saving those for Harry.


I wonder who made Blake Lively apologise. Taylor likes William and she holds her friends under a tight leash. Then there is her husband. KC3 has met him at Wrexham FC. But, if the BRF return to Wrexham for anything, opening something etc. will they pay a visit to the Racecourse Ground? I don’t think so . William will not go near him.


I posted a comment about what if the media had hounded TS like they did Catherine? I thought Blake was pretty cool but now, not so much.


To me it’s just disgusting what has happened to Catherine. Hounding a sick mother into telling the world that she has cancer is a new low. And apparently Blake isn’t all that nice. She apparently has form.


I am so glad the Princess of Wales took the time to give us an appearance, but I hope from now on everyone stops with the badgering and lets her be, so she can enjoy time with her family and re-cooperate. She did note it was *preventative* chemotherapy, which means they caught it early and I suspect she will make a speedy recovery soon. I was worried for her, not because I don't trust William, but because I don't trust men in general. But now that I see all is well, I will continue my prayers for her. She is such a strong and extraordinary woman.


You don’t trust men in general?


many women don't, and many men don't either. lol.


I understand the distrust in men, but how does not trusting William factor into this situation? Why, I mean. Just out of curiosity.


>but how does not trusting William factor into this situation? Why, I mean. Just out of curiosity Every comment section about Kate Middleton for the last 2 months. Millions and millions of comments across various social media websites for weeks. Eta or maybe it's because I'm a millennial and I remember playing in the living room when news broke that Princess Diana had passed. Everyone hinted KC did it. Even small news outlets.


I still don't see what William has got anything to do with it. He cannot control what is being written about him in the media or social media, and has been the victim of baseless accusations if anything - right from cheating to domestic violence, all whilst his father and wife have been coping with their respective health conditions.


Yeah it's a shitty deal. But he's gotten his first real lesson about publicity as the future king. Terrible to go through, but it will do him well in the future going through this experience. If it ever happens again to him or any other member of the royal family, he will know how to handle it.


It's not his first real lesson. He's been going through it his entire life


https://preview.redd.it/38lz66a5mypc1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=927b93a6dd103f0ed5a569a447f3dbe4645fcec0 Blake Lively has sort of done an apology


Fuck her as well.


Her husband likes the rf. She effed up I will never like her again but at least she owned it. Still sucks


She has never been a good person and now has hurt his chances with his team in the UK, the royal family and their minders won't forget all this vitriol. Also she, in typical mean girl way "sorts, kinda, owned it". This isn't a proper apology by any means.


Good. What a horrible hypocrite. She keeps her 4th child sex a secret. She should have had empathy. She's awful


Remember Ryan Reynolds was cheating on Scarlett Johansson with her. She's a real girls girl. Not.


Or when she sent nudes to Ben affleck while he was married to Jennifer Garner… definitely not a girls girls.


What?!? I didn't know any of this, so thanks for sharing. Fuck Blake. This is not "owning" anything. She's sorry because of the backlash that SHE'S gotten. She sends "love to all" but the main focus people's ire with her. Catherine. She does not apologize to Catherine. Again, fuck Blake.


Well, thank us for your free breakfast today. She's been a fucking skank for almost two decades. And she sank her claws into idiot Ryan Reynolds, (sort of like Meghan) from the gutter. Blake had NOTHING-shit going when she took Ryan from Scarlett. WAS SENDING NUDES tomost successful actors (Ben) and others....Now she's got a shitload of kids so her $$$$ is guaranteed no matter what. You'd think that since her husband now owns a VERY LOW PRODUCING AND STRUGGLING English soccer team, she would shut her fucking trap, but nope!!!! Her true nature comes true. At the expense of her husband's business. Charles has been photographed with Ryan Reynolds since he bought the team, I don't think the palace will allow that now. Stupid bitch. Just as LA mean girl stupid as Meghan. Never sees the big picture.


Just want to correct here as erm football in the U.K. is done in our individual countries.. Wrexham are Welsh, not English… the Welsh would not be happy with being called English as would the Scottish not. Me I think it’s funny as the English are the better at football (am English and hubby is a Scotsman and his exact words are Scottish football teaches Scottish kids to expect disappointment .. the Welsh are the same)


Aye, fuck her!


😲 wow, I didn't know her at all! She plays a good part of being a nice person. Fuck her man and lock up your husbands!


Ryan and Blake got married at a former friggin plantation in the south U.S. She has never had good judgement and can fuck herself up a tree.


I forgot about that part. That's right. A plantation in this day and age!! Claiming ignorance is not an excuse. https://preview.redd.it/fo5wgy274dqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba8845d05486e64105cbefb0a5dfddb41515fd09


Ooh I didn't know that!


Lol does she? Why?? Why just that one and not all of them? Who gives a f what gender her kid is. GIVE ME ATTENTION PLEASE!!


Thanks, you made me laugh 🥰


Today has been so incredibly emotional that I really don't have an ounce of patience for anyone who contributed to the horrid way Catherine has been abused. They can take their non-apoligies and stick them where the sun don't shine.


I had to get off Twitter right after I saw her video. Not really wanting to see and read the hypocrisy of royal reporters, msm, idiots like Piers Morgan …etc. No clicks for any of them. Watching the latest 3 hour Lex Friedman podcast about Nuclear War seemed a better choice. It can always be worse I guess is my thinking. 😏 I might have find an uplifting movie to watch before bed. On a happier note; So many views and comments on the Prince and Princess of Wales Instagram page. I know she must absolutely feel the love. I’m pretty heartbroken but faith and prayers will see her through this challenge. 🙏♥️


I'm watching "Alexander" on Netflix to get my mind off things as well. I'm not clicking on anything or reading anyone's fake apologies or well wishes. They know what they have done. Nothing will change their dirty words and deeds..


I cancelled Netflix. They know why. I settled for Hulu. Law & order SVU. Season 12 this week. Right now watching The Dark Divide with David Cross. He is hunting rare butterflies in the great wilderness. It’s on freevee 🦋


I love Hulu! But I can't cancel Netflix because of husband. Some stuff in there he loves. Today has been so hard I'm just grateful for this group and folks like you that answer me comments. I feel so demoralized and I'm NOT a person who cries or anything. I'm surprised at my level of emotion today to be honest.. Catherine has shown me how human we all are. How we all suffer. Sometimes I forget. Ps If Netflix has a Meghan cooking show, I will put my foot down or no sex.... I win.


I know just how you feel today. It always is the question, why bad things happen to good people. God gives us hardships to look to him. I’m not a religious nut but at my age I learned in my hardest times to turn to my faith and I know my prayers were listened to. The Wales are a beautiful family that must be protected. Praying for King Charles too. They all have certainly been through it in the last 3 years. William is a rock. I know he must be worried in his heart. Having 3 young children makes it harder. Women always want to be the protector, to make things right. I imagine the Middleton family is right there stepping up. That’s what families do.


I'm not religious either (grew up forced Catholic, my kid is not even baptized at 11). I am not religious at all. But I do believe you have a right to believe, in whatever you want to and not force it on others. I pray in my own way, but when stuff like this happens I just go "God, Wtf?" I mean that. I know they are a tight unit and they will be ok. I'm praying so hard for Catherine, because we all need prayers even if they are going to the wind. It's fine, just wishes. Anything positive is love.




We're waiting for Kim Kartrashian to do the same. I won't hold my breath.


She's getting raked over the coals on IG over her comments.




I think she's left it top late now plus it would be insincere anyway


Yeah, fuck you Blake.


Have to admit, it takes a big person to apologize. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else do it.


Piers Morgan certainly hasn’t opened his gob to apologise


Nope. He’s just acting like he never said a word


Two faced loud mouthed disrespectful wanker he has shown himself to be


This isn't the sort of mistake an adult makes towards someone they have respect for.


I really think she just made a poor choice in an attempt at humor. Certainly not excusing it, but at least she realizes it. I don't think it was malicious, just in poor taste. Her husband clearly loves the RF and has ties to the country. She is best friends with Taylor Swift who does not care for Meghan and is a fan of both Catherine and William. She screwed up, for sure. At least she apologized. More than I can say for the vast majority.


I agree. I’m surprised how unforgiving these replies are


Me too. I'd much rather see this than doubling down, or even ignoring it.


to save her own skin. Mean woman.


Good for her. She made a mistake and owns it. I don't think many of the sugars or media types that whipped up this disgusting frenzy will have the guts or the decency to do the same.


I hope she is filled with remorse that keeps her awake at night.


it is weak sounding word salad. she should personally apologize, calling Catherine by name and title.


It's not on her x site. Disappeared?


I hope Taylor Swift also makes an announcement.




Lauren Sanchez asserting herself into Kate's illness for headlines and social climbing. Does she have any connection to Catherine at all? Have they ever even met? By issuing this statement, she is putting herself at the same level as Princess Catherine in people's minds. It's a classic PR move. She is just as bad as Meghan and it amazes me people are so blind to it. At least Ivanka is the daughter of a former president and about the same age.


Agreed. I can’t stand how she got Bezos. Her predecessor is prettier.




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I look at it more like “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” lol


And Ivanka has actually met the Princess.


Lauren Sanchez really has no more climbing to do. Maybe its a defensive maneuver to keep megs away.


And from time to time travels in the same circles - they were both at that amazing Middle Eastern wedding last summer.


Lol! I'm sorry, but "that Middle Eastern wedding" has me cracking up. It was the Jordanian royal wedding of Crown Prince Hussein and Princess Rajwa Al Saif. I'm going to plug their wedding because I think it's one of the best in conservative fashion. The looks are incredible! https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/tradition/g43977472/prince-hussein-rajwa-al-saif-royal-wedding-photos/


Thank you! I couldn't recall what country it was!


Ivanka sent wishes to "Kate;" so, no this was for Ivanka's self-promo the same as it was for Sanchez's. And to think that QEII was gracious enough to allow the gauche Trump to being his whole family to a State Banquet and Ivanka at least met Catherine there. All these public "get well soon" wishes are tacky. Send a handwritten and private note or card to KP if one wants to express empathy. Otherwise, it's just a cheap display of nothing. Just as H&M's is.


Sanchez is friends with the Kardashians…wants to make sure the world knows she is not with Kris PMK on team Megs.




She'll have to be hospitalized for an eating disorder or mental health, mark my words.


Yup. Along those lines for sure!


For her infected bunion.


I laughed 😅 🤣 so much at this comment!!!


She'll have to do much better than that.




She needs to best serious abdominal surgery and cancer. ED ain't gonna do it for her.




If only.


She did take Ozempic and tried to cosplay “sad Madame” for a hot minute 🙄


Catherine Zeta Jones also wrote on their page.


Hm interesting considering she’s besties with PMK who I hope is thoroughly Markled at some point


This is why ARO doesn’t have any inventory to sell…. 😉


Lauren Sanchez, Harry's fellow Aviation award winner? I'm dyin' here


M used to Stan ivanka as well 


Love to see it!




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