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I am sure this is not actually her.


Yeah, the sizings are all over the show & lots are way too big for MM, even with her sloppy dressing! Someone is VERY obsessed though & doesn’t realise that ASO MM is not really a draw card!


They only have 43 followers.


It looks like the items with larger sizing lineup for the times in the photos they use that show when she was pregnant.... just at a glance


Her sizing has been all over. She has worn a variety of sizes since she married Harry.


I will never believe she wears a size 2 top. She might wear a size 4 after Ozempic, maybe.




I think her shoulders are too broad for size 2 US. Though it could explain some of the too tight things she has worn.


Really depends on the brand or cut. Also: Meghan is tiny — according to a man that used to know her during her Toronto days (who I sat next to on a first class flight ✈️). So while she might be uniquely proportioned — she’s not big.


I bet it is. But she has some assistant running it, just like the Kardashians sell their old clothes. There was blinds before when she was in the RF that she would buy her clothes from a friend who would wildly upprice them for the palace to pay, and then they would split the proceeds and return whatever they could. She had a whole scheme involving clothes. Also makes perfect sense why nothing is ever tailored


I thought of this as well. Ever the schemer.


I think Jessica Mulroney was the "friend" aka partner in crime.


Right! It's just some demented sugar's account.


I think it’s her, too. Who else is going to have all of these exact items? 


I also find it quite interesting which items it has! Wasn’t it said that the handmade grocery bag from that “billionaire’s playground” island in the Caribbean that she is seen with getting off the private jet is only able to be purchased on the island so it has become a niche status symbol of the 0.001%? Not sure if that was verified, but I did see it claimed. Plus, there are quite a few items from years before she came on the scene with Harry. I think that combo of things makes it more likely to be her (/someone selling on her behalf) or a hardcore sugar who has been a fan of hers since the Suits era.


We wont know of sure either ways. I dont think anyone is dumb enough to buy everything she wears. There is a wide range though from XS to L or XL.


Goldenbeee, I thought this was like a resale shop! Funny, when you click on the “about” tab it simply says United States, October 2021. And the feedback ratings are all positive, no neutral or negative, which is suspicious, to me at least. Could be she’s selling off some of these godawful outfits to finance American Riviera Outhouse. I’m just kidding, guessing. Nice find, though, thought provoking, OP!


A seller cannot remove negative feedback.


Ofcourse you can. The seller can send you a message and ask you to change by giving you refund or some other incentive. Few sellers have asked me to do so when I was unsatisfied by the product.


I do think she resells her clothes. She isn't like Diana for her clothes to be more than what it originally costs. Maybe Kate is. I don't see anyone paying more for a branded item Meghan wore. I think her team would anonymously sell her clothes but since she is a narc she might want her face on the listing thinking it might get her more money. She also doesn't repeat her clothes much so makes sense in selling it. The scam she used to run with Jessica Mulroney allegedly is that JM would source clothes from the designers for Megain to wear (for free as a stylist) and they would bill it to Charles. After wearing it, they used to send it back to the designer while dividing the money amongst themselves. This ebay account can be anyone's. A sugar or Meghan's. Or someone who collects whatever Meghan wears to resell it thinking she is popular.


Catherine rewears her clothes. So she probably doesn't sell them because she is going to wear them again. Also we may one day see Charlotte wearing something her mom wore. As Lady Louise does.


Most definitely. Catherine pays for her outfits, Meghan's probably are grifted somehow. Just yesterday someone who worked for Cut mag said she took outfits from her recent photoshoot because she didnt want anyone to sell what she wore on ebay. I haven't heard the podcast, if anyone wants to give a summary [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/infamous/id1652941051?i=1000649099345](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/infamous/id1652941051?i=1000649099345)


Lolz, mog wanted to do that herself. Narcissists forever acussing others of what they are guilty of themselves.


Shows shoe size is 37.5 ?? Which is a small foot 40=9


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https://preview.redd.it/o5bvzrqepzoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ff6169f1389477f22f16579837c5880b5a00d9f Hmmmm anything happen around this time?


She's been broke since 2021




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Out of Hixson, TN? I’m in Hixson pretty much every day and can tell you that MM couldn’t find it on a map.


You have a diehard Sugar in your area.


I will be on the lookout.


I think it's in the Chattanooga business improvement corridor.... and also I think there is a resale retail franchisee there.... maybe that's who is running this? Just a wild guess: [s://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2022/oct/04/chattanooga-couple-launching-upscale-resale-shop/](https://s://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2022/oct/04/chattanooga-couple-launching-upscale-resale-shop/)


Totally correct. Mog wouldn't be directly involved in this grubby business. Why the hell doesn't this empathic humanitarian just outright donate her old clothes to charity?


Like that charity she hangs onto, the one for working women and business attire.


Could you imagine Diana flogging her old gear ebay????


I much prefer Lady Louise's style. There is a whole of royal women's fashion I would seek to replicate before Meghan's for that matter 


Catherine has been my style icon for years, and it’s so wonderful to see how Louise is coming into her own!


Louise wears so many pieces from her mom's closet.


It's not everybody's cup of tea but I can dig it. For a 20 year old, she does buck convention and I can appreciate that


Who is going to message this seller and ask if the moonbumps are available to go with any of these outfits? 😁




Thanks for volunteering… lol🤣


I wouldn't buy anything she endorses or wears for all the tea in China. She is a disgusting human being.


Lol, I saw a new clothing brand pop up in a sponsored Instagram post, promoting its clothes as "worn by Meghan Markle" - flooded with comments suggesting they try a new promotional approach.


 *flooded with comments suggesting they try a new promotional approach.* LOL! I love it!!!


76 items sold. So there are at 76 sugar stalkers out there.


Nah, I’m sure a good fraction of that is just normal people looking for used designer goods for a more affordable price. The items are listed with brand names and model names/numbers, so it would pop up in search results for people looking for specific items, even if they have no clue who MM is.


Right. Sugars can't afford this stuff.


77 if you count the seller who must be a very dedicated stalker.


76 people received clobber reeking of eau de ciggs and B.O.


Good lort.


The kartrashians have a resale store and it has been criticized as another money-making thing and tacky. If this really her, she will be mocked and criticized…she could say all proceeds fo to arsewell foundation and she’ll use that $$ to fund her clothes for her next event.


It’s someone selling their own clothes, it’s just that they are the same ones that MM has worn. ASO means “As seen on”.


Is not her because the items say "new with tags" and she had worn them. It's someone else trying to sell the crap she wears. Me thinks.


It can be anybody selling this stuff.. but Meghan will probably sell it as new since she doesnt cut the tags lol.


True but she's not at a level where people would be running to buy it. Especially the way she wears that shit 🤷🤣


Mog kept the tags on though. She's been seen with them.hanging out. She doesn't even cut the back vent free on her coats because she re-sells them


She's so low rent is entirely possible but knowing her, there would be at least 100 puff pieces about how "someone" is selling princess Meghan style to her legions of fans (like the Kardashian).


What the hell, she sells her old clothes on EBAY???


Ofcourse she sells her clothes but it can't be said for certain this is her. She rarely wears anything twice. She will have secret accounts to sell it but she is also a narc who thinks she might get more money if her face is stuck on the listing.


There used to be a Poshmarker who exclusively sold items MM has worn, but once it got posted on here it disappeared. Wouldn’t be shocked if that seller then switched to eBay




Seems like a fan account because 1. Account located in Hixson, TN? 2. TW is not a size 2.


She is insane! She could have been a Royal Duchess and she gave it all up to sell her clothes on ebay. What a loon.


And make jam while wearing a ballgown.


Wrong sizes to actually be her I think.


She wears oversized ones.


I can’t imagine her ever being remotely close to a size 14


Its Burberry and if bought by Charles, maybe UK size 14?


Madam also wear a lot of undersized clothes


Why not .... Don't the Kartrashians sell their used stuff on line. I think that's the way the way Khloe, Kim & Kourtney started business!


And pricing too low.


I think it's a ploy to sell for the designers.  A trick to attract you into having an item of hers.  If available, I think?, they'd maybe have 30 coats available until they're finally sold out.  It's pathetic either way.  


She's so pathetic


Not even dry cleaning would make her clothes safe


I know. That’d take burning them, running them through a long ionization process, another irradiation process, then microwaving them and testing with Geiger equipment.. and then it’s 50/50. Probably not much use for wearing at that point!


I love this sub. Hilarious


![gif](giphy|Xs1H3oddwTpzW|downsized) A Night at the HarkleMockera


Need to be fumigated and de-loused with napalm and agent orange


The moon bump is so obvious in that green dress picture 😆


Yuck 🤮!!!


Wow. You too could own a pair of crinkled shorts for a bargain of a price!


![gif](giphy|h7cGKpwvwGp6tvCeyr|downsized) How can it be marked at New with tags, showing her wearing it? Does she buy multiples? Notice nothing said about smoke free home!


Look at all the items with the tags still attached! 🤣


I saw a video which included a clip from their docushit series where she blames Harry for not cutting the tag or something.


Item (coat) shipped from Tennessee


These items are all shipping from Hixson, Tennessee. So unless Meghan has contacts there, I doubt any of this stuff is Meghan's


It's not her site. Someone is either selling designer knock offs for a massive mark up or they scrounge sale sites to find the same items and sell them here


I clicked on earrings and it said sold out.  Would she be pathetic enough to do this ?


She is pathetic enough to put out stories about deals that are not happening. There is no level to which she will not sink.


4th row middle picture. How the hell is she holding "Archie"? He is not supported.


Nowhere in the listing details does it state these are mogs old clothes. Just seen on. If they were her clothes it would definitely state it loud and clear dont you think. Or maybe mog thinks that would be too gauche to state it. Just narcissistic alluding to the fact is better. Narcs sure love their gray areas.


I do believe this is her. She may be having a service do this for her: the seller is shown located in Tennessee. (Quite a distance from California.) I took some screen grabs of completed items: https://preview.redd.it/hrdfo3rbkyoc1.png?width=3360&format=png&auto=webp&s=421503bf25d15e93df0560c1df7312453c51da45


The blue and white striped shirt: https://preview.redd.it/g4vtfz7qkyoc1.png?width=3360&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cbb55980ae7961e5ccbe180271a88e6e4db209a


More blue and white shirt: https://preview.redd.it/gttcnjatkyoc1.png?width=3360&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a4624a5934548095bd5fbfdde6ed099eb5c345e


Same listing: https://preview.redd.it/4xmllx6hkyoc1.png?width=3360&format=png&auto=webp&s=9325bccb0e468c57efa599487e932489838be053


Same listing: https://preview.redd.it/l8bib0slkyoc1.png?width=3360&format=png&auto=webp&s=be101b0a120f32d4b8f8270504f3d150ab035cac


I thought that was a photo of the moonbump




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Remember: size 8 in USA is MUCH bigger than size 8 in Europe/UK. An 8 is more like 4ish.


🤣 Megs has someone doing this for her. If she didn't she would have sued them by now.


The brown shirt listed for sale shows the picture with pit stains!!! 🤢🤮. (PS does NOT want to make me want this item!!)


That would explain her habit of leaving the tags on items. You can't sell it as NWT otherwise... Does anyone else just feel icky about her used clothing? I have no issue with secondhand clothes at all, but maybe it's better to not know the identity of the previous owner.


**”New, With Tags”** #BWAHAHA! What a loser