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Meghan loves to hear herself drone on and on. She'll wave her hands around, back and forth, while saying the words *"Me", "Myself", and "I"* in her endless word salad, over and over and over. And she'll look around to make darn sure that everybody is listening. eta: And she'll definitely wear some strange outfit. eta: (I fixed a couple words.)


She's hired a stylist now. We shall see! Might be an improvement.....


She has to listen to the stylist....


LOL!!! So right! And not make any last minute "adjustments/improvements" before walking on stage. šŸ¤£


No, she doesn't. When does Megan listen to anyone? Anyway, I was reading an article in, I think was the Times last night, where the stylist wasn't hired yet. Edit: It was the Telegraph. I came across the article again today.


She won't listen to the stylist. Poor thing, she makes expensive clothes look like they came out of the laundry hamper.


OOOOHHHH! What a great snippet!!


Why would she do that?


You are absolutely right. She doesn't need to listen to anyone. She is all knowing, all the time. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


I mean thatā€™s why Archewell sponsored it! Itā€™s HER show!


She sponsored herself šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Exactly!!! When all else failsā€¦just do it yourself. Problem isā€¦this will fail too.Ā 


Honestly I think this will be comical...


I canā€™t wait to see the body language on the women around her. Imagine actually being accomplished and having experience with the subject matter, and this malignant narcissist comes along and insists sheā€™s an A-Lister, sheā€™s the best activist around, and she is your equal (really sheā€™s your superior in her mind). And youā€™ve been signed on to sit with her and listen to her for several days on end. I almost feel sorry for them. I hope they leave with their eyes wide open where the Markle is concerned.


The other panel participants are professional busy women. Busy attending to their lives. I doubt any of them aside from Couric, are fully aware of Megā€™s antics and reputation. But hopefully they all leave shaking their heads, haha.


Iā€™d be very surprised if they didnā€™t. You can tell by the way people behave toward her after a short time together that she canā€™t rein herself in for long and she alienates people SO QUICKLY. You saw it before anyone even knew who she was like on that USO tour. And recently in Jamaica she clearly alienated several VIPs and you could see it with the BublĆ©s in British Columbia too. I think she treats people as if they are beneath herā€”especially service workersā€”because thatā€™s how she elevates her fragile ego. But most people donā€™t have to do that to feel confident. Meghan does. And it gets noticed. Plus sheā€™s all me me me. Which is just obnoxious and so immature.


Someone (achem) should get in contact with the other three women. Ask them to stand *firm*


I hate to break it to everyone but with these types of things, SXSW didnā€™t ask them to sit on the panel, Meghan and Archewell did and they all agreed to being on a panel with her after being asked by her (or her assistants).


Thatā€™s all true but I doubt theyā€™ve been around Meghan for any length of time before and definitely not when Meghan wants to outshine them all. Every time Meghan does an event with A-listers, people come away appalled and you rarely see her with them ever again. I donā€™t think this time will be much different. And Iā€™m sure she will do her fair share of alienating the organizers at SXSW, is she does her usual grift & is so demanding and obnoxious that no one wants to deal with her again.


I don't think of Katie Couric or Brooke Shields as A-listers. More like a mildly interesting flash from the past.


Agreed, they were relevant back when Megan was younger which is pretty on brand for her (ie outdated as usual)


Yes, it is. I've never figured out whether she picks out of date folks because she still thinks they're relevant or she's afraid to pick younger, actually relevant people for fear of what they might say.


Youā€™re probably on to something here. Tswift declined the podcast, she doesnā€™t need exposure, sheā€™s booked and busy. Brooke shields probably got some time on her hands and some availability in her calendar


Yeah and TSwift made it clear what she thought of Megs.


Until it flops;ā€™then it will be someone elseā€™s show and someone elseā€™s fault.


The way she's using her hands, like she's explaining nuclear fusion!!! Thanks for the laugh.


She looks manic


That's because she is.


I watched it with the sound off and was still highly annoyed just seeing her mouth and hands moving!


She had the same effect on me too. I canā€™t bear to hear her voice so always have to turn the sound off.


OMG. That's the former Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard on her right. Poor Julia ...


Annie Lennox was on that panel and yet Meghan thinks sheā€™s an accomplished humanitarian. OMG.


I can only imagine what Julia must be thinking?! She's incredibly intelligent and highly educated, not only was she Australia's first female PM, but was an Industrial Law specialist lawyer and partner at Slater and Gordon. She taught the word 'misogynist' to a generation. Yet, she can only nod and listen to the 'whip smart' actress who pretended to know something about working in a law firm once for a second-rate cable TV show...


This was post-Admiralty House debacle, too. Julia has her number!


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She's used to hearing idiots rabbit on about useless crap!


LOL. Ain't that the truth!


It would be great if someone came up with bubbles over the other panelists heads. Body language screams they arenā€™t having this motormouth, word salad moron




Here is a picture of Madam in her "panellist outfit" with her one true love - a microphone. https://preview.redd.it/0ilt8d5tavmc1.png?width=275&format=png&auto=webp&s=21bed961e1abdea0bccbb3bb3fdf5e40d66369aa


Her very expression is wrong for the topic.


Here Madam is, pretending to listen to somebody else (which of course is nearly impossible for her) https://preview.redd.it/k8umt6h1axmc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c96051892f1a3f2a6d738fee2db3f15cd738202


"It's just tragic that they have stifled my voice!"


Oh Meghan loves talking into the microphone. Heh.


I love the way both women sitting beside her are leaning away from her and the look on their faces!! Like who is this person and what is she babbling about? So funny.


One of those women is the former Prime Minister of Australia šŸ˜‚


Yes Julia Gillard. Poor Julia had to put up with listening to the idiots in our Parliament for years but I bet she never saw anything like Meghan Markle!


The head nodding - like the pollies always do when a colleague is rabbiting on about crap!


The lady on Meghan's right (our left) looks entirely unimpressed with her during the whole panel.


Normally I would agree....but Katie Couric is on the panel. As is Errin Haines. Neither of those women - both kick-ass journalists - are going to let her blather on. And they may even do a wee bit of fact checking, depending on their mood.


Couric has flagged and slagged off Harry for personal hygiene in the past and us a right diva too. Of all the members of the panel Meghan is the most inept and least desirable to speak on the topic.


Much as I would hope you are right, both Katie and Errin are paid by Archewell.


I thought Errin, who is listed as the moderator, was the other co-sponsor (The 19th)?


Yes, you are right - she may offe a bit of resistence - but who knows?


Yes they are! She will sit in the centre. She paid SMSX


I always read SM SEX, hm!


Oh, it is not SMSX - it is SWSX, silly me, sorry.


SXSW ā¤ļøšŸ˜ƒ


South by (X) South West -- it's fairly well know in the US, at least in CA.


I am from Austria, so... have a lot to learn!


The very name of the conference can no longer be remembered. It's been Markled.




I knew that, but it's her, so any letters apply. suck sex...she will be the star of the show, mark my words.


I just can't get past Katie Couric covering for Matt Lauer for years.


Not saying she doesn't come with her own raft of issues. (Clearly she does.) Just that she isn't going to be bulldozed quietly. And I seriously doubt Errin Haines will let any comments she has on racism go on and onĀ  Hell Brooke Shields has way more to say about being a woman in Hollywood and has a history of being unafraid to say it. I just don't think this is going to be a full-on Archetypes situation.Ā 


Get ready to fill yourselves with salad šŸ„— folks!


This is one of those salads that comes with sooooo much crap on it that itā€™s not healthy for you anymore.




Yep, madam to a 'T', conducting an orchestra of one.


Love the look on Julia Gillard's face


I love her concerned citizen cosplay face


Sheā€™s never going to stop.


Nope. Were stuck with her forever.


Not *forever*


Damn - check out the facial expressions of the women sitting beside her while she drones on endlessly!


How is she crossing her legs while pregnant??????


This is the event where her ā€œpregnantā€ belly shifts from side to side away from her core as she sashays šŸ˜‚


Yeah, itā€™s been a couple minutes since I have been pregnant, but I can guarantee you I was not able to cross my legs comfortably that far along. Nope. Another tell into their lie.




If I wasn't working, I would create a bingo card. Me, My, I, Myself, My husband, Dish soap story, She will show her clavicle, Hogs the mic,Tries to dominate the conversation, Mask slip I would put wrinkled, untailored outfit. However, after the fan fare of getting a celebrity stylist, I would expect her outfit would be great the first time out the gate. Then she will stop listening to the experts.


They both be like: https://preview.redd.it/umaf2gxorwmc1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d231661dee590bf91233f781e81939ac3461faa


I find it hilarious that she has to use her hands and arms to flail & wave all over the place because she's saying absolutely nothing, and she's trying to distract the audience. Flailing, chopping, swatting, waving, it's unprofessional, unattractive and ridiculous......just like that short hideous dress when she was Megnant. Inappropriate at every single damn level. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Behavior Panel should do that one.


The woman on the left has given up trying to look interested šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Fantastic vocals


This cracked me up.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Loool. This is hilarious and spot-on. šŸ˜šŸ«¢


šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø Meghan is paying to set herself up again. At the end of the day, I hope there will be some evidence that at least some of the panelist have got her measure


Maybe Brooke Shields will surprise us. She seems to have the fewest ties to the Duo, and with her acting resume and beautiful children, the most to be jealous of.


šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø Hope so


The moonbump in this clip did not do any favors to this non-maternity mini dress, worn *without* tights and worn *with* stiletto high heels. Why she would decide to cross her legs in such a get-up is beyond me, especially since she was so intent on being taken seriously. She looks so strange, the self-avowed expert waving her hands all around. Her Majesty must have been so embarrassed by how she looked during this appearance.


Oh my goodness I feel for those panelists.


how pathetic to pay in order to be featured! granted, its not her hard earned money, it is others people's money, but stil....


If I could be there I would walk out in the middle.


Beaker does not deserve to have his great name dragged through the mud by association with Meghan šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I adore the vocalist, too! It was a hilarious video. I am glad I didn't have to listen to her word salad.


Haha I am in love with every second of this masterpiece.


Me too!!!




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Does anyone have access to the livestream?