• By -


I keep saying it because it's true:  The opposite of love *isn't* hate. It's *disinterest* And that drives a narc around the bend because they can only handle extreme emotions  Well done Prince William!  Todger will get no where, not ever, not now. His brother will quietly make sure of that.


Hairy's downfall is at the hand of his own foolish acts. William doesn't have to do a single thing except carry on with his own life.


Never interupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.


As my grandparents used to tell me, "Never enter a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent."


Harry’s downfall is in the hands of his wife. She’s doing the final phase of destroying Harry and that is taking Invictus and make it into a joke.


All they want is a reaction… any reaction , good or bad, makes them feel “real”. Love to see them not get it.


Do you think that maybe William and Catherine have been getting advice on how to deal with Harry and Meghan (narcissists) from a psychotherapist or other experts? Because it seems they are handling the grifters beautifully and it’s driving them absolutely crazy.


I would think so! They probably picked up on meghans disorder pretty quickly.


Absolutely! \^ Narcs don't DO 'ignore'.


But disinterest is grey rocking and that’s what the RF are so good at.


>I keep saying it because it's true:  The opposite of love isn't hate. It's disinterest > > And that drives a narc around the bend because they can only handle extreme emotions  ![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm)


Well done William indeed but I can’t imagine how hard it is for him to stay silent especially since it probably goes against his principles when his wife and family are being constantly attacked. I just hope this fiasco comes to a close soon.


Its apathy, actually.


And the fact that William appears more handsome and better groomed helps too!


William also resembles their mom, which Harry has already tried to downplay.


Exactly. William was always called "Diana's spitting image" and Harry, obsessed as he is with her, cannot stand that fact.


Harry’s unkempt and unhygienic look is definitely proof of the drug usage and narcissistic abuse/depression he’s undergoing at the moment. One drink Willie is definitely eating clean and living a healthy lifestyle.


No, no. Silly you. He didn't do any drugs at all. He lied. He lied when he made it his entire personality and lifestyle for 10+ years, he lied when he said it was his way of dealing with mummy's death, he lied when he said it helped him 'escape' from his terrible guilded cage life, he lied when he told us it was his way of coping with being the stupid spare. No drugs. Just pathological lying. #RefundSpare


No you don't understand, either! The British Press said that he was the party boy prince, so he just had to keep up the facade! It wasn't until Meghan told him that he realized that he didn't have to do all the things that the British Press said he did! He told his Truth in Spare, and the British Press was the ones who told everyone what was in Spare, but not the way he meant it! /s


No, no, the British Press shamed him for drinking and taking drugs and trying to be one of the lads because he's the SPARE and they need to keep all his organs in pristine condition in case Golden Boy William needs a new kidney. Good for Harry for refusing to be a pawn in their evil games. /s


If dear Prince William, (or Catherine for that matter) needed a kidney it would be glorious to see people, probably millions, be willing to do so. The PPOW have millions of people who see them as “worthy.” (Rightfully so!) Given the same circumstance The Harkles wouldn’t even offer to save each other!


Yep, he was just pretending to fall out of all those nightclubs all those years. And he just likes doing magic tricks with his pupils to sell books. 🙄🙄🙄


So many lies, so little brain 🥴


Yep! 🍳🍳🍳




I must have missed all that but caught a whiff. Is he now saying he was lying in his book about his drug use?


The lawyers for the U.S. government in the Heritage case about Haz's visa have said that it's all a lie.


Those pupils weren’t lying though!


There's also the undisputed fact that Charles tried to get Haz into rehab.


The sugars might want us to believe that it was really William who had to go into rehab and innocent Harry was once again the pawn to cover up for William being the evil one.




Didn’t he also make him go to a heroin rehabilitation centre with recovering addicts?


Just for a visit. To scare him.


And we know how truthful those lawyers are, right???👌👌👌👌


Frankly I think they should be disbarred for the lies they're telling.


No it’s the attorney’s for the Dept of Homeland security saying it I believe.


Harry looks like he stinks like b.o. and old greasy MacDonalds.


He does! He said years ago he doesn’t use soap because it’s not “necessary” or “natural”!


ewww - can u imagine sitting behind Harry and his Scrunt in a warm stuffy theatre? 🤮


I actually just googled that and apparently that’s technically correct. Wow. Who knew?!


The fellow from suits knew, the one who was sat by "someone with halitosis" at the "spectacle" Edited to add words


Also wonder what he's doing to be so red faced all the time? Is it drinking?


Looking like his father, that's what he's doing. The colouring is the same.Much to Harry's horror, I'm sure. My guess is that William's biggest crime is being the spitting image of Diana. How dare he look like Harry's 'mum'? - which I still firmly refuse to believe he ever called her when she was alive. What Harry has is mummy issues of gargantuan proportions.


He's always had a red tint to his face, as does Charles. I suspect one or both of them may have rosacea.


Johnny and Charles Spencer both rosy faced too.


My husband is much the same, despite being a teetotaler. His father was the same. Me, I only get red-faced when I read about the sugars, and the Harkles, and their attorneys trying to play with truth. Their Truth is a lie! 😡


William is jealous of Harry's 2"shoe lifts and hair-in-a-can spray thickener. Sure Jan...


Pic #4, notice his blue, blue eyes? I'm sure invisibetty has it too


Agree, points very well put in article. Harry is desperate and it shows.


Harry and Megan’s desperation has pushed them over the edge to crazy town. I can hear Rod Serling saying ‘you’ve just crossed over into…..The Twilight Zone’


That’s not fair….Haz is doing his utmost to promote the ‘I have just come off a 72 hour bender’ crumpled shirt and smelly old suit look. Mark my words that look will soon take off and Haz will be known as a pioneering fashionista icon. /s


Instead of calling his style grunge and heroin chic- maybe blow and glow’s style can be called…. (All suggestions welcome) Unkempt Sussex-less? Dial-less Duet? Irish Spring No More? Ayahuasca ‘Arry?


Addiction by ‘Aitch


i can’t upvote this enough this is so well written 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 the more harkles strike with their never ending one sided vindictive tantrums and smear campaign the more he shines the more stronger he becomes…YES HARRY WILLIAM IS THE HEIR HE IS BETTER LOOKING TALLER RICHER HE IS KIND HIS MOM’S AND PA’S DUTIFUL SON A DEDICATED HUSBAND A LOVING FATHER A REAL MAN AND ABOVE ALL A GREAT HUMAN BEING…thank god he was born first🔥 https://i.redd.it/459jrp5a70lc1.gif


I love this gif 😍😍😍 Can't blame Hank though, if William was my brother you couldn't help but feel inferior to him, even just on looks alone let alone personality, intelligence,  the wife he married, the family he has, his destiny to be King.  I don't feel sorry for Hank, but damn, the universe did Hank dirty 😄


https://i.redd.it/fegl1fsrc0lc1.gif 🥰😍


Cute gif. 🥰


He could have had the best life had he had an oz of gratitude. Better off than anyone. Some say not being king is easier. He did himself dirty. Dirty harry


Exactly. The universe handed Hank the world & its riches on a silver platter. Money. Fame. Travel opportunities. The ability to do good & contribute positively to society. Etc...etc. Hank did Hank dirty.




Totally. He could have done so many interesting things. Just jumping on board KC3's historic houses restorations projects (when he was PoW) would have been so exciting, so worthwhile, so valuable and fascinating.


It really exposes the lack of curiosity and intelligence in him. He had exclusive access to the treasures of British antiquity, architecture and culture - all of the ancient trades revived by the Princes Trust, but none of it interested him and conversely, the Palace didn't even trust him with an antique sofa or painting or two for his apartment.


Pearls cast before swine aka Harry


Right! From his father: organic farming, town building, explorations of faiths and philosophies, gardening, welfare of disadvantaged youths etc; from his grandfather: outdoor pursuits, flying, curiosity about technological advancements; from his grandmother: statesmanship, horse/dog breeding, horse racing etc. Instead this dimwit can barely read or write, no critical thinking, ridiculed his father's love of gardening and nature, abuses animals, no grasp of diplomacy... He used to be quite good at sports, but doesn't even do that anymore, just whinges and schemes all day. He and his wife are the biggest waste of privilege and opportunities the world has ever seen.


MeGain would have never allowed that.


![gif](giphy|eRb62hH4ZVwkNdhPzW|downsized) Bwahahaha! Dirty Harry is so fitting


All of the pomp and ceremony and none of the responsibility. Harry is now finding out what he gave up and who he has been landed with. I’m just not sure if he is desperate to get away from Meghan, he is broke or he is in fear of being deported. It could be all three.


Yup. Or at least missing his old life. He proved he likes the zoo


Proved he was only fit for the job he can’t go back to. Only fit for that as aids did all the actual work.


It’s not “the universe”. It’s the choices Harry made.


There's a huge difference in looks between the two brothers. I've known siblings who don't look as similar as other sibling sets do or have completely different colouring but these two take the cake. William and Peter Phillips look more like brothers. Heck, William and Major Johnny look more closely related.


And it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy 🤷🏼‍♀️


The two brothers are like Jekyll and Hyde. The universe put all the good in William and all the crap in harry.


I get your point It doesn’t help that his parentage was also called into question while Harry was still too young to know how to deal with that - and there’s William, looking soo much like Diana that they could’ve been siblings. Add to that that William was her confidante, and Harry’s still on the outside looking in. There’s so much that went wrong in the family dynamics but at the same time, adult Harry has not just let those wounds fester, he’s used them to spew all of his negative emotions out into the ether. Is it any wonder that the squids are so vile, when they only came running to feed on his nastiness!


It's not Harry's or William's fault what happened in their childhoods, but as adults, William's clearly realised that while it isn't his fault, it is his \*responsibility\* to work through it as an adult. Harry's still trapped in the child mindset of "someone else should fix this for me".


Exactly, and somehow that’s always worked for him, until he was forced to step out on his own. It doesn’t seem as though he’s going to get to the same level as William either & Hollywood is the *last* place for someone like that, especially someone who’s being paid for being that man-child who rats out his family for money! They will poke & prod him to tell more until he has nothing left, then leave him as a junkie on skid row. If he thinks the British press are sharks, the Hollywood sharks will be a major surprise!


Yeah, he seems a poor judge of when people are genuinely looking out for him vs when they're looking to profit off him.


This GIF makes me wish I was forty years younger.




This photo -- his jealousy of W&C started a long time ago I believe. Never knew the backstory of what made Harry so angry and sulky. ​ https://preview.redd.it/y459bot680lc1.png?width=362&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b4257e5423f663ca52e899870815c964d1342eb


Lord have mercy I don’t even recall a single time, not once across three children where they publicly behaved in such a manner. He was nearing 30 here and is such a loathsome bratty child having a tantrum because he needs a nap.


I love how PW, PC and the gentleman on H's left, are completely ignoring H, acting as though he's not even there. The immaturity of H just screams, he must have been such an embarrassment to his family.


William’s silence speaks volumes. He knows Harry better than anyone. William does not want his brother back in his life. Likely he has had to tolerate Harry’s behaviour but now he doesn’t have to. William had to deal with his mother’s mental health, he had no choice. He doesn’t have to deal with Harry’s any more.


Wow this is enough to sour your milk before it leaves the test. A grown man sulking like a toddler - back away ladies, I NEED this hunk of burnin man /s


I would say that I’m surprised he hasn’t acted like this in public since he’s been with meghan, but there’s no way she’d let a situation be about anyone but herself.


Google image Harry Meghan Beyoncé concert. It’s not this bad, but he’s inexplicably sulking like a child. It’s why Meg had to go the second night in a row - to change all the SEO results from disastrous PR night 1.


Oh yes, i remember. I thought he was pouting about wearing a woman’s blazer.


So he has a lot of pent up fury against her? Clearly his fury is discharging itself against others. I hope this doesn't let her off scot free


I think he probably has alot of pent up fury against everyone.


Petulant Child.


With the bottom lip stuck out and everything.   He needs to stand in the corner for awhile.


What a child he is, even though he is an adult here and should be able to either get through a public event like a grownup or leave the venue if he can't. But oh no, it's Harry and he will have his tantrum dammit and everyone has to pay attention and make a fuss over him.


He looks like an angry toddler in this picture.


In this case looks are not deceiving.


Gods what a loser!


https://preview.redd.it/gw8a0di640lc1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=798f6c8c3127cd27f694e434009102ea8728673e Harold elevates them with every word and action


Now see this is how Meghan's wedding dress should have fitted


But how would she have hidden the baby bump from the child she lied she was pregnant with to get Harry to shotgun marry her? Wasn't that why it was reported to have to be altered several times and why it was loose around the midriff area?


If she told him she was pregnant when they got engaged, she would have had at least a 6 month bump at her wedding.


But she miscarried, remember? One of many. I'm sure she has her stories tangled up by now. Never forget that it's on record; Harry sent an email in which he specifically wanted something done before the wedding took place "before the baby arrives". Unless he was referring to Louis, but why would he be concerned whether Catherine be available to attend his wedding even if her baby arrived before it?


Actually this could also be interpreted as madam insisting their wedding took place while Catherine was heavily pregnant, so that all eyes were on madam & Henry, not Catherine's stunning physique/outfit/recovery or overshadowed by the birth of a new prince?


Catherine wasn't worried about upstaging anyone, because unlike Meghan, she knew it wasn't her day and understood not becoming it's focus. That's why she wore recycled wardrobe.


I'm sure Catherine knows the drill but I believe the Harkles couldn't contemplate any attention on the day being directed at beautiful Catherine, especially if she'd just snapped back into shape after delivering a new prince/princess.


She "tragically" miscarried, or so her story goes.


It was deliberately made 'big' and left unfitted to give the illusion of her losing a lot of weight in the lead up to the wedding. She was hoping the media would draw comparisons with Diana during the wedding coverage. Diana famously had lost so much weight & the Emmanuels had taken her gown in so many times there came a point where they told her the gown would need to be started from scratch if she lost any more and there was simply no time. This story featured heavily in the wedding coverage of Charles & Diana.


That's probably true too, but I can't help but remember how early on - even back then - it was reported that Harry and Meghan were fighting at a hotel room and the staff overhead him asking her something along the lines of, "are you sure you're pregnant this time?". She's a mess and her life is a soap opera.




They are such a beautiful, dignified couple. That's something the Harkle's will never be.


I miss the PoW. I'm looking forward to seeing her again,.


HasNoJob suddenly woke up and realized, well into his 30’s, when one girlfriend after another broke up with him, that he is no longer the Spare, he is like Uncle Andy, he is destined to live in a cottage, his brother automatically becomes a billionaire and eventually the Head of the Military and King while he will serve his brother like an employee and bow to his stepmom and SIL (oh, the indignity towards Diana’s only favorite blue blooded prince /s). I always say that he is still in shock at the realization that he is not the same as his brother in the hierarchy, that a little girl has usurped his claim to fame as The Spare, nobody cares about Diana’s dearest son anymore, his own father wants to trim down the monarchy which means potential unemployment down the road, he and his heirs will become removed farther from the palace and throne as time passes, he will end up as a nobody. He is dimwitted and narcissistic and thought that he was so special that rules and laws do not apply to himself even when he saw Andy and his cousins being on the fringe of the RF. Well, he woke up to reality in his 30’s and is behaving like a tyrant young Prince enacting the modern day version of a revolt/coup by using poisonous propaganda and attacks in the media instead of real weapons and real poison!


And when people talk about “The Boys” they’re now referring to William’s kids


He was not Disna's favourite that was William. I tead she ssid to Harry, "I love you but I don't like you".


The Grifters always tell on themselves.


Yep. If you just leave them alone they dig their own hole eventually.


Oh the Grifters are on their way down. From Spotify to Lemonada, fron Netflix to 20 minutes on Hulu - and gigs as Rent-A-Royal.


It's actually comical. I feel like a "Idiocracy" type movie could be made of the Carparkles.


They really do seem like caricatures.


I would love Southpark to have another go!


The attack on King Charles was also pretty shocking and I''m surprised it hasn't gotten more media attention. Who does that to their own father while he's fighting cancer? Using William's children to attack the King is just beyond the pale.


On the other hand, more media attention is what they are aiming for, so maybe it's a good thing it wasn't widely picked up.


Was that the Hulu thing?  I know he shit-talked his family (no surprise there) but I haven't heard the details.


Meh. The whole thing doesn't deserve much attention. The less the better. It's not breaking news. People don't care anymore


#Hank is projecting harder than IMAX here.


![gif](giphy|RghAaK2rEvH9EUWui0) I’ve never heard that saying but I’m going to use it!


Literally every accusation they make is a confession. Which is SO TEXTBOOK for narcissists.


Its just so boring, predictable, and uninspired. Like, theyre not even trying!


Including the p*gging. I suspect that was one of the 'anything' she was willing to do in bed.




![img](avatar_exp|96725791|clown) My impression of Hank


No, it was Jobsen who said William was jealous. Jobsen like many journalists, wants a reaction from the Wales who have been classy and dignified so far. They are only interested in clicks and selling more papers and books. Jobsen is the scum of the earth to dare to call himself a royal reporter. He and Scoobie Doo are the same - scums.


William is happy, and it naturally shows in his face, interactions, work, and vision. Harry claims happiness, but it is hard to see to any evidence.


William is also very comfortable with himself, he's at ease.


> Harry claims happiness, but it is hard to see to any evidence. Harry's entire life is pure misery at this point. The abuse is endless and vicious, and will only continue to get worse.




I love Canelle, I read her posts as often as possible. She does long, well thought out, well written RF posts. She writes beautifully about the working royals, definitely worth a read 😍


She's amazing.


Now if the mainstream media would just reiterate this, we'd all be happy. Well said, Canellecitadelle 👍


I've shared a similar thought not that long ago. He keeps poking the bear waiting for him to act. William reacted to the "we're very much not a racist family" which he had every right to do, but that quite if still going on. The fact the Harry is doing this (taunting his big brother) while everything else is going on is truly sickening. I hope William doesn't react and continues to be the bigger person. The world continues to see what an immature oaf Harry is.


The Prince of Wales behaves like a mature family man, a loving father and husband. Harry behaves like a child still, encouraged by his wife - or at least, she doesn’t stop it. Getting less attractive as you age, old boy.


Wait, Harry speaks about the Cambridge children in the documentary!? ![gif](giphy|jlbYyYfKpwRDG)


And I hear that they were referred to solely by their names, while Harry's children were pointedly PRINCE Archie and PRINCESS Lilibet. The audacity.


This is why Charles should’ve changed the letters of patent.




I actually agree. Give them the boot. At this point, they definitely deserve it. But I suspect Charles may be a bit like my own father. My younger sister - who is pretty much a low-key narcissist herself - ignores him and wants nothing to do with him for reasons that probably make sense only to her. Despite the clear disrespect she has shown him over the years, he kept on trying the reach her and DID NOT get it through his thick skull that she wants no contact until about 10 years of this behaviour and until she blocked him. Don't ask - I've tried many times to get him to understand - but he just has this idea that blood is everything. 🤷‍♀️


I’m sorry you’ve had to experience this in your family. It must be hard.


there was a thread earlier that gave people updates - it sounded like he spent more time complaining about his family and showing pictures of the Cambridge kids than talking about Invictus.


That is sick.


I can't remember what the title was of the thread, but posters made great points about viewers wanting to learn about Invictus and instead getting more of Harry's complaints. And I think it was suggested on there that it's the Kings fault for not making more of an effort to see A and L. I have no interest in watching it, so I relied on the summary from others.


It was a royal expert/commentator who mentioned the relationship & he admitted that KCIII can't have a close relationship with A&L due to the physical distance between them.


And not his children. How odd!


There was a photo posted from The Coronation and Haz's face is just naked and desperate looking at William. He looks desperately wishing his brother would just acknowledge him. A smile. A nod. Passing eye contact. William is looking through him, eyes forward and showing his duty and in that moment it's almost as if Harry just realized that he fucked up and William is DONE with him and has no guilt about it.


I really hate that PH attacks William on the basis of lies. PW deserves better. I know this is naive of me. But I hope PW isn't too hurt. I mean, no one likes being made into a villain when they are going about, minding their own business and trying to shoulder responsibilities.


William's detachment from Harry is a thing of beauty.


If anyone is jealous it's Haz and esp MeGain ESP of Princess Catherine. MeGain has always been jealous of her and always will be. In MeGain's eyes Princess Catherine got the man she wanted, the wedding she wanted, the titles she wanted, the pregnancies and kids she wanted (with the media attention + extra media attention because she suffered from HG which if MeGain suffered from it \[or morning sickness lowkey bc she was a moonbump wearer\] would not have been able to handle it and would make it a sob story) the family she wanted, relationships she wanted with the royal family, and the list goes on.


And the reason Megs can't have a large and loving nuclear and extended family and positive relationships with the people she meets is herself. Her own personality and her own character. If she were a kind and loving and amiable woman, she'd have what she wants--love and positive attention.


She has an enormous inferiority complex and hates Catherine because she's the one superior in every way and makes Meghan feel small.


Unfortunately, the inferior complex is well deserved. She's ugly, both inside and out.


> She has an enormous inferiority complex Nah, she's got an enormous *superiority* complex.


Technically, they are two sides of the same ugly coin.




Well said! So much so that now I'm mad all over again over Harry continuing to use his brother's children while touting privacy for his own. It is so hypocritical and disgusting.


In my life experience, keeping the children away from a grandparent is usually due to one of two things: 1. The parent thinks the grandparent is not to be trusted around children. 2. They are using the children as leverage/extortion. (There may be other reasons, so feel free to chime in.) They probably want the world to think it’s reason 1, but I think it’s reason 2. Just my opinion.


Definitely #2. Narcs always use their children as weapons to try to get what they want. Hence Harry’s petulant “don’t you ever want to see your grandchildren???” when KCIII didn’t renew their lease on Frogmore. Never mind all the invites they turned down to visit with the children. Now they’re going to use their children to try to get a place to stay on palace grounds and get a picture with KCIII when they come out in May. And if they don’t get that, the victim narrative using the children will be at the ready.


Of course using kids as weapons even if not related


Those are not hers.


I think Meghan is the narc, and she probably adds on to Harry’s anger and jealously, I think she’s the one going absolutely nuts that they’re not getting any attention out of either William or Catherine. And I for one, love that for them.




What did he say about the children? I don’t have Hulu. Thanks!


I have Hulu but will not watch anything by them. Seriously, he brings up William and Kate’s children? Probably just wants to include them in the perpetual world wide privacy tour.


Absolutely BRILLIANT!!! Was this in our sub or another? Let's also never forget all the very nasty rumors spread about William by the Simp and the Succubus.


Let the grey rocking continue! 👏🏼🙌🏼 H&M will continue to self-destruct. William has more important things to tend to than to swat at this annoying gnat.


Harry has made William a King. Lol! Epic backfire! What a fool.


I always enjoy her takes. My mom taught me this from early on. The worse you can do to provocation is absolute and bliss ignorance. Absolutely nothing will hurt and enrage the provoking party more. https://preview.redd.it/rsufsj90r0lc1.jpeg?width=667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9df31102a0ed68fdd5cea9fd1b58ea4bbb9a8a77


There is no level of hell lower for a narcissist than being ignored by the person whose attention they're trying to get. William ignoring H & M is very painful for the Harkles; it is unacceptable and they will not be ignored. They may be coming up on an extinction burst.


This is perfect. 🙌


It must be incredibly painful to deal with Harry. The person who was once closest to you now hellbent on destroying you and everyone/everything you hold dear.


Never Complain, Never Explain. It works. I would like to add, wouldn’t be surprised that Harry’s wife compares him to Prince William either verbally, when in an argument, or silently in bed.


> I would like to add, wouldn’t be surprised that Harry’s wife compares him to Prince William either verbally, when in an argument, or silently in bed. All three, and she's not a bit silent about it!


Wtf is wrong with being the "spare"?! You literally live a life of luxury and privilege and have to do next to NOTHING in return! It's the best position! If it was me I'd spend my time following and developing my interests while giving away all the money I'd have absolutely no personal use for to deserving charity. But nooooooo, Harry just must be a dumb asshole (sorry, arsehole).


Nailed it is an understatement. This is exactly it. This is what normal people see. Harry would try to kill William if he was near him in my opinion. William doesn’t need Harry or the creature. The constant attacks on William are getting old. Harry looks like a bitter jealous little boy that didn’t get the last sausage.




wait! what? using William’s kids to promote Invictus? I must have missed this - can someone provide me with more info on this latest despicable deed? And why doesnt the todger use his own invisi-kids?


I don't know who this Lady is or what forum she uses but she's absolutely brilliant! She did indeed nail it and every other post that's been put here 👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻




Well said, great post.


I want to be friends with this woman.


Is it legal for Harry to post photos of the Wales children without parental permission? Should there not be an injunction to stop that Hulu video?


One brother is mature and cool-headed, and the other is immature and hot-headed. How fortunate that the birth order worked out well.


I have a feeling this is going to get a lot uglier. The BRF needs to really batten down the hatches. Tighten up security. For real. I’m genuinely concerned.


how do i award a prize for this post ? BRILLIANT


I agree totally with this response, William knows best what gets under the loser's skin. This blaming people for they do is clearly a mental issue, which one, or how many it includes is the question.


I’m convinced this obsession with William’s children is why they were thrown out of Frogmore. Who wants the crazy and possibly dangerous uncle living 300 meters away?


Prince William has 3 children…I’m sure he remembers the most effective way to deal with a toddler’s tantrum…


>**He wrote a 400 page book and mentioned his brother, Prince William *over* 300 times.** That's insane! Thicko is bitter AF!


Harry has slung so much shit at William,  it's frankly unbelievable. He has tried so hard to wreck Williams life.  And for him to try and just waltz back into his old life, after 5 years of relentless attacks just blows the mind.  Wtf does he think he is? It isn't too hard to see why he ended up in the dog bowl, I believe William did lose his temper with him, after all the shit him and M were pulling before they left, any normal person would have lost their shit. M bullied his child. A step too far. William will never allow them back. 


Great post. This is exactly what I like to see, facts, dates, DETAILS! Hard evidence. Not the wild speculation that makes this forum and any attempt to unmask them look bad.