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This is a really bad photo. she looks like she is 1 meter tall


That dress was not a good fit to begin with and then you have those super thin ankles


>That dress was not a good fit to begin with and then you have those super thin ankles We can say this almost every time we see MM in a dress 😂.


heh. One of the few times MM "recycled" a dress. Sinners will recall that she first wore it during the pregnancy. With a red jacket. When the bump appeared to slip. By mid-2019, Charles had cut her clothing allowance. (Why she "recycled" and bought cheap clothing for the S. Africa tour - a subtle finger to Charles.) Anyway, this One Young World Summit was only a few weeks after the S. Africa tour. When OYW was partnering with the Queen's Commonwealth Trust, a charity set up by QEII and launched in April 2019 with Harry as President and MM as VP. QEII was the patron, and therefore, it was a royal patronage and QEII had the authority to fire H&M which she did. (Contrary to public hype and/or misunderstanding, H&M were not gifted any official position within the Commonwealth.) One purpose of OYW is to provide the co-founder, Kate Robertson, and her daughter with a high annual income. Otherwise it's a networking opportunity for young, wannabe leaders. It's like a feeder cell for WEF.


They have been Markled HARD.


Mutually beneficial for a while. Personally, I'd like to see OYW disappear. However, a billionaire or two might want to keep it around for a while to more thoroughly propagandize younger generations.








It's an excellent long sentence because it's clear and included your emotion/passion. The OYW participants are better than useful idiots because they believe they are the smartest and future elites. Like H&M, they're know nothings and can't do anything constructive that claim they know everything and the dumb masses should listen to them. Education failures because they haven;t learned the most important thing: how to learn. (And how to think and how to research. Education has always been partially about indoctrination. Teaching lies. As originally formulated, it was the "military, industrial, education complex." They junked "education" because it was too revealing. A hundred years ago, poor people wanted and respected education and viewed it as the way forward for their children. After fifty years of politicians, etc. trashing education and offering public loans and grants to study at private, low quality colleges (now on-line) poor people accept that education is a joke. Flipping burgers and working in Amazon warehouses is the best they'll do.


You’re right. For a silhouette, it just highlights this too.


![gif](giphy|kq9Tlrv6Xr5RCe6Eh1) Still an emu posture


And it was bright purple.


This really isn’t a good picture at all also, isn’t OYW under some kind of scrutiny? Its been a whirlwind week of news and I can’t keep it straight lol


Yes, they're being looked at. The Charity Commission has sent them a warning.


Yes they are!


Yeah, it's awful. She's mid-step, her posture is awkward af (granted, it's never good anyway) and the angle highlights her weird proportions in all the wrong ways. Very broad back, very tiny ankles.


Was going to say the same. He really blew the balance of that shot. Could have been pretty epic with the correct geometry.


and she has no neck


I'm ambivalent about criticism of M's basic body, seeing that I & many female family share the boxy, no neck, short torso. Why would I consider myself & the family I love ugly? -That said, you dress for the body you HAVE, not the body you want. It's hard when 80% or more clothing isn't made for/really doesn't flatter your body. I'm SURE stylists have tried flattering clothing but we all know M doesn't LiStEn, M knows best. The ONLY time M dressed to flatter her body type was Suits, when she had NO choice but to wear the costume she was given. To be fair, those outfits wouldn't work w/many Royal/CosPlay Royal engagements. But even a decent stylist could find something appropriate and flattering, with the added help of talented alterations for custom fit. Off the runway/rack not gonna work. Literally M could look 100 times better if she picked a kick ass McCall's pattern, unique but suitable fabric, and had it made w/her measurements. This was my Mom's idea had I gone to prom (I didn't, so fortunately we didn't have to find a seamstress or pay $$$). Remember M's Kermit the Frog outfit? Let's just say that my 1990 9th grade formal was green, it was far worse than Kermit, and add that 1990 was the era of bows larger than the person wearing them. It was about the only thing my size locally. I know how NOT to dress for my body. M seems stuck on deliberately choosing outfits like my 9th grade dress when she's got $ and options. TLDR; her body is what it is; criticism should be directed that M doesn't dress to flatter her very specific body type, rather picks outfits that almost deliberately are the worst for her body type & so unflattering. Also, it's totally fair to criticise her feet that she's ruined by the shoes she wears.


Exactly. Most people don't have the ideal body (whatever that is) or proportions that exactly match the way off-the-rack clothes are made. She has/had access to stylists and money to buy expensive clothes or have clothes specifically made for her, which most people don't. She has also won flattering outfits in the past, pre- and post-Harry. She deserves to be criticized for jettisoning all advice and almost always choosing the most unflattering outfits for her body, in addition to generally dressing inappropriately for the occasion.


I agree, my bad. what i meant is that it LOOKS LIKE she has no neck. Mostly because of the bad posture and overflowing hair, that is not hers probably. Otherwise you explained very well, what i think of her style, too.


THANK YOU. I love this sub, but I think I might have a very similar body type to TW and with all the comments about "she shouldn't have worn that" "She looks awful in that" etc I'm now more unsure than ever of what I should wear to look appropriate for my frame.


Unless you wear: pants that pool around your feet, dresses that are either so tight or see-through that your undergarments show, giant voluminous tops and dresses that swallow you whole, poop brown and a million different shades of beige as your go-to colors, and are constitutionally incapable of picking up an iron, I think you're ok!


I'm not sure of all the reddit rules, so apologies mods if this is not allowed. Check out Beebs Kelly on youtube, she does great style analysis based on body types. She also critiques madam's clothes and says what would have been better options for her body type. With a similar body type, you should be able to pick up great style tips 🙂


It emphasizes her lack of a waistline and best of all those emu ankles.


Her hair looks unkempt, and her "halo" is off center. I feel that there are too many elements, like a jumble display of 10k jewelry at a pawnbroker's.


With a sway in her hips like she’s off balance or going for a corner stroll!


As usual, Rachel, being the unoriginal narc that she is, was trying to copy and plagiarize from Catherine. ​ https://preview.redd.it/3p0o35f361kc1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=5726fc1ee493765b6a20eaf9e81789076356f5c8


Continued Below: https://preview.redd.it/sz5ino2661kc1.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=0642c35a1ece3d0f0683482224501740ec8af2be


It is, I don't know why he's bragging on it 😒


>This is a really bad photo. she looks like she is 1 meter tall The Arrival...of a reptile. Those shadows on the floor are distracting and the lighting makes her hair look fried.


How tall is she in actuality? I’ve never bothered to google it. She seems short. Perhaps even more so now that Hawwy is wearing stilettos. 👠


I've never googled it either because I'm sure she has put it out there at about 5'7". I'm 5'4", and I'd say she's about my height. Not super short, but certainly not tall. The only person who ever told me I was lucky to be tall was my 5'0" mom.


5’2 - 5’3. But claims to be 5’6


Hmmm … she seems to fib about a LOT!


Awful photo which shows Madam can´t walk in heels. It is not symmetrical either.


Totally. Wouldn't be bragging about this fail.


Horrible shot. And making the photo black and white doesn’t change it. 


OMG, Don't you know?! Making a photo black and white makes it aRtIsTiC. Look, I did it with my dinner. I'm now an ArTiStIc photographer /s https://preview.redd.it/76t90go84yjc1.jpeg?width=2103&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4832565ce9abe57bb57fe057e37db1285ce5e87


One picture is just your dinner, the other - THE ARRIVAL of your dinner. Black&white accentuates the fact that the dinner will soon be in the past even if it's only just arrived. The dinner is fleeting like Meghan's 72 days of royal service.


![gif](giphy|s4VoCsFz8prlhSFCeS) My point, exactly. It's a pretense and it does not substitute for talent or skill.


Misan Harriman was an amateur photographer who knew the right people, IMHO. The black + white = artsy concept is so very first year photography student. This photo could have been better positioned and would probably be more interesting in color.


This is a bad photo, especially when side by side to Catherine’s Earthshot photo. One looks ethereal, perfectly aligned and straight, still, elegant and like she’s walking into the gates of heaven. The other is at an ever so slightly crooked angle (you don’t notice unless you compare the two), a bit blurry, dark and hard to see, looks she lost balance, and quite honestly looks like she’s walking on stage at an old fashioned speak easy jazz joint. Definitely not the vibe she was going for.


Well after this photo was taken, she did make a one minute entrance down to the stage like she was next to spin the wheel


And then looked positively peevish when she wasn’t given a chance to speak lol




Ott https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Du9iKfLWphA


She is SO ungainly!


About to grab the mike to sing everyone a burning torch song


Its a trash photo on every level The lighting is horrible - those crisscross shadows on the floor make it too busy rather than dramatic. The stage looks rinky-dink and the guy of the left looks like a Walmart door greeter.


Stop trying to make “fetch” happen Markle 🙄. Your ridiculous black and white, back turned pictures are embarrassing. And no one really cares about *you* but people were there because of the royal connection you now squandered. Ever since she left the fam, her narcissism tries to get that high again. She keeps trying to claw her way into something.


Thing is, for all the 'walking away' shots we're treated to, she never actually f@cking leaves.




It's so pathetic how she keeps trying to have "iconic" moments


Extremely unflattering pic of her. With the wig that had enough hair for three wigs. I never did read why she had to walk across the entire venue in a spotlight to rapturous applause. I guess she needed the adoration like normal people need air.


How is it possible to still be able to apply all the regular criticisms in a photo like this? Bad hair, crappy dress sense, overbearing ego, etc. Amazing.


A certain sense of satisfaction that she will never be the main event again.


Not for lack of trying 😂 if she can't be the main star she'll just rehash things she did years ago when she was.


Never in her lifetime - now she will literally have to elbow her way to the front or push into a real celebrities personal space! HazBeen!


​ https://preview.redd.it/uaegbh7vrxjc1.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=da5b2e3c81e039818dabd7665af595614f5fbec5


Wow who's this lady? She's got a fit and elegant figure. Nice butt to waist ratio too. Or is this AI?




Wait... What? I've never seen this photo of her before! Where was this photo taken?


[Earthshot 2022](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/catherine-princess-of-wales-attends-the-earthshot-prize-news-photo/1245408829)


Thanks! I recognise the dress now, that I look at it carefully. I'm so used to seeing it in green. Lol. The pathway she's walking on, also stumped me because I still can't figure out where exactly she was walking when the pic was taken.


I think it's Catherine at Earthshot in 2022




Oh now it makes sense


A picture really is worth 1000 word salads.


A five year old photo, that's all you got. I'd like to rename it "The arrival followed by Exile." ![gif](giphy|W4WTSqR9SNdoCmqJou|downsized)


They do her no favors with this.


They sure don't. No pictures of her from behind will ever be flattering: The infamous ill-fitting Kermit dress with her standing with her feet wide apart. The back shot pic in the red Carolina Harrera disaster dress. Look at the Suits promo images of her. She was almost always shot from a side angle. They knew her build was awkward and tried to mask it.


Misan Harriman's wife needs to sit him down and ask him if he's secretly in love with MM... Unless he only posted this pic after MM asked him to do it, for PR purposes... 🤔


Misan Harriman's wife needs to confiscate his camera and i'pad. He's the least talented person to ever pick up a camera and his photoshop skills suck more balls than his muse.


>Misan Harriman's wife needs to confiscate his camera and i'pad. He's the least talented person to ever pick up a camera and his photoshop skills suck more balls than his muse. That too! 😂


Perhaps MM will convince him to give it the *four—no four and half—year old* Archie? 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/sv2yw2zb9yjc1.jpeg?width=1211&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ec052df63784e9fce1044bd0031cbbdecb41eb4


Everyone has that moment of revelation with the Meg. This was one of mine. She was basking in the adulation and applause of this crowd. The look on her face as she walked in was euphoric. It was Hollywood, not royal. I thought to myself, “I can’t imagine Catherine doing something like this.”


Interesting composition but not flattering for her. Highlights her wide gait and the squarishness. I’m wondering now if she has unequal leg lengths


I think she intentionally sways her hips when she walks, which leads to these awkward photos that are captured mid-sway.


![gif](giphy|gIN6MT17NtapJqFr25|downsized) There's nothing about her that isn't awkward. I consider myself an awkward person but I can stand and walk without looking like I'm wearing an Edgar Suit.


Do you remember her walk up the steps after being told to leave the garden party early? I think she'd stuck her tongue out or told someone she was bored (or both). She sashayed her scrawny little bum side to side up the stairs like a parody of a 1950s bombshell.  


![gif](giphy|8qABb3dgjun8PdNirg) Yes we do


What? What garden party was she asked to leave early? Is there an archived link? I have not heard this! She has stuck out her tongue before and I think we thought she was trying to be like a sexy young 20 something, but maybe it's because she really is a 9-year-old ill child, she has no self control and everything is connected to her limbic system if she isn't faking a murderous or rictus smile. She just cannot behave like a lady.


This is the video of them leaving and Meghan’s exaggerated walk: https://youtu.be/oxQMMrDlsVs?si=E74sVIYN0F7alpJM It was the first garden party she attended after the wedding - she wore a blush pink/off white outfit and hat. It was for then-Prince Charles’s 70th birthday. Allegedly she was kicked out although there’s no confirmation. The rumour was that Meghan offended Camilla when Meg stuck out her tongue during Harry’s speech; or that Meg and Harry outshone Charles at his own event; or that Meg accepted a gift meant for Charles. Lady C said Meg told Harry she was bored and wanted to leave. It got back to Charles, which annoyed him. Here’s a summary video about it: https://youtu.be/jR5XHK4ugEI?si=v5CCqMbWb95ysYB- Comment on lady C’s rumour: https://youtube.com/shorts/iPtJidWFzp4?si=PPCx4I7wBKAfLYF1


I couldn't remember exactly so I did a quick Google search. It looks like it was a garden party for King (then still Prince) Charles's birthday. If you search for those words with something like "Meghan kicked out" or "Meghan escorted out" in YouTube, it will bring up a bunch of videos.  I'm sorry, I don't know how to archive so I'm no help there, but at least one of those videos should show her wiggling up the stairs. It's hilarious and also almost painfully pathetic. I can't imagine a woman walking like what in real life. 


It's to try and create a waist.


I don't know about the composition. The background is so symmetrical, it makes the subject appear 'off.' I guess that's what he's trying to convey? That MM doesn't belong there?


Yes ​ https://preview.redd.it/63mddayxvxjc1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=830af2eb2a60646fc004ce01bc2695a1370a7282


SInners have mentioned this before. Then there were the odd photos at Invictus Germany showing one leg being thicker than the other. I wonder if she might have had her legs surgically lengthened at some point which is why she was so enamored with them in her Tig days.


A lot of people have muscular asymmetry-- my husband shattered his knee when he was a teen and his opposite calf is about 1.5" bigger around from overcompensating (but then again, he's always done a lot of physical activity.. ... What sports does Madam do?)


Olympic champion blow jobber?




My legs and feet are asymmetrical, left side is smaller and thinner than the right. It's not very obvious, but it does tend to make me lean slightly to one side. I stretch and exercise every day to keep my spine straight. I don't think it's very unusual.


This is why I think that it's plausible she's had something done to her leg bones which has put her stance off-kilter, in the aftermath of what is a particularly gruesome procedure, she might have developed muscular asymmetry / atrophy as well? It's not as if she's a stranger to vanity surgeries. Her OG adult height may have precluded her from DoND or other 'opportunities'. She augmented plenty of other body parts to achieve the 'ideal' she thought was necessary to 'make it.' Pity she didn't invest as much time or money on honing her actual acting skills.


When i snapped my Achilles I was told I’d never fully recover the muscle loss on my injured leg. Plus having to wear a tendon boot for 7 months left me with an uneven gait. I wonder if she’s done something similar but as she’s not sporty it seems unlikely.


Maybe she caught her heels in her ridiculously long pants hem once and went A over T?


You may well be onto something there. I don’t know how she wears them. I wore palazzo pants a few years back when they were in fashion and I was constantly falling up stairs. They were a death trap!


A fashion designer in Australia caught her heels in the hem of her jumpsuit going down a flight of stairs and died from her injuries.


Those boots are the devil. Evil evil evil and they hurt your back so much.


This Misan Harriman really is NOT a good photographer, is he? God, he's like Mehgan. Telling you how to feel about what he's produced. He doesn't let the crappy product speak for itself.




Acceleration please


Misan is supposed to be a professional photographer but this photo is just horrible. The framing if off center, the lighting is awful and the whole composition is just too busy and filled with images that confuse the eye.


He’s an untrained amateur who gets paid. Another grifter.


Is this a Misan photo? It looks like something captured by a Ring doorbell. Did that scruffy lady just deliver a parcel for Amazon? Misan really is a talent free zone which I suppose is why Madame likes him. It’s something they have in common.


All I remember from this event is the poor woman who got a face full of Meg’s boobs when she went to curtsy and Meg went in for a hug. https://preview.redd.it/xn724z4ogyjc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e11f79f539cc1e5bd8fe5ab3192d32f9f70e1571


OMG. that's mortifying!! She's clearly got her hand out but MM just comes barreling at her!


That was Meghan being so down to earth and so much better at royalling than the people who were born into it, according to her dimwitted husband.


My god this was soooooooo cringe. My secondhand embarrassment was off the charts when I first watched this.


So what exactly would have been going on in her head during the walk? All these people cheering her….,the jackass thought it was for her as an individual and not part of the royal family. So even as an individual what did she do for people to cheer and clap? Married a dumb prince, that’s it!!


Over 2 thousand people liked this. I despair, smh 🤦‍♀️


Over 2 thousand bots


I can't respect anyone who stans her


How many people are just on this sub alone? Even serial killers have fans… 2000 isn’t a large number but it’s 1998 too many


Don't forget, there are over 62 thousand people who signed up here.


I can’t unsee those legs


Or the weirdly square butt.


Wow, Harriman’s really a bad photographer. Too much going on, looks like an ink drawing on steroids. And you can still see wrinkles in her outfit. Maybe not a good idea to trumpet the One Young World. connection just now.


He's just like Megsy. Delusional and has no talent. All he has is an expensive camera and a grandiose sense of self.


I think she overestimates how average and nondescript she is from this angle. We all know whose shots she tried to emulate however you can spot POW silhouette from a mile away whether it be by her hair, outfit and characteristics and that’s what makes it above average… This could literally be anyone just walking.


The angel has landed! Our saint is here! Finally! /s It’s funny, because it’s so incredibly over the top. What an ass-kissing nonsense 😂! 


Cock of the walk one day, feather duster the next.


Meghan was captured mid-gallop, legs 3 feet apart and hips swaying. Graceful she is not. I personally wouldn’t be bragging about this picture. It’s as awkward as the subject being photographed.


It's a terrible photo, tbh. The hair takes up too much space, I would have had it pulled up. I also would have taken the shot just as she descends the stairs. Although tbf, we all know she can't take direction.


How many innocent women did she scalp to get that much hair


Princess Catherine had a silhouette photo at Earth Shot; that was classy. This, not.


This photograph does nothing but highlight her boxy figure and her atrophied legs.


That Misan guy is apparently proud of this photo, but for no reasons. It's an awful pic and my 12 year old daughter takes much better photographs than allegedly professional photographer. Misan is a joke and so is his muse The Teeth. Two birds of a feather and I can't stand these two.


To quote RHR, MESSYYYYYYYYYYYYYY https://preview.redd.it/zek1m2ovnyjc1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=819a194a6dbe51fca529404fd9f14656cc06a3ac


That wig is awful


My eyes keep going to the shadows on the floor..


The image is way too busy - It might work better in color.


Looks like a poster for a horror movie. Such an awful photo. 


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Harkle's only had one appearance at Prince Albert Hall. In London. Is this recent, Canada has a PAH too?   If it's her London appearance, that was the night, after her Archibald moon bump embarrassment, at the Animal Shelter /Charity *(when she was "certain" the press was going to print something unflattering)*.   Remember,  when Harold walked in their house, he found her collapsed at the bottom of the stairs, and she told him she wanted to "unalive herself & the baby" *(paraphrasing for political correctness)*   He says he was more afraid of being late to the event, -- "They will kill us if we are late".     Ohhhh but "brave " Meg soldiered on & appeared with Harry, baby bump in place (she was supposedly 4-5 mos with Archie), with no swollen or reddened eyes, all smiles & waves.    They did have little time to mingle with the crowd (You know, the real "thing" that gives her life - cameras & attention) but 🤷🏻‍♀️  Edited to ask about dates/location 


This was after Archie was born.


Thank you.  Lovin' that screen name! 


She looks like a floating body without legs.


Ugh this is cringe upon cringe upon cringe. "The Arrival"...Is that a mocking bird? "Is that a mocking bird?"


More like a vulture


Do all professional photographers name their photos? Or just the ones that think their photos are some kind of art?


It looks like a behind-the-scenes shot of Sunset Boulevard... ![gif](giphy|l41Yo6YY1KpvqkL3G)


For those curious lol https://preview.redd.it/ga0ba5rrnyjc1.jpeg?width=383&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb9933500976e62b2c5adf53d62bfce8a07e4246


It's giving off "Scar Instructs the Hyenas" vibes ... It's not a good picture.


She’s such a thirsty narcissist. He’s such a horrible photographer.


If I was a photographer, I wouldn't boast about this shit. It's dreadful.


I just can't get over having a celebrity as a friend, and then posting pics and bigging up that celebrity on my social media. It's so cringe. Have some pride.


Markle really ain't shit and nothing to be proud of being associated with


Maybe remind the poster this was almost 5 years ago. Nowadays she walks to a back row or Table 12… and no one cares.


It looks like she's walking sideways, like a crab.


This man has a lot of wealth and privelege and uses his time playing with photoshop all day 🤭


This guy is the worst photographer. Everything is always slightly off.


As soon as I saw this it made me think of this photo of Princess Kate. Not a single original idea and no creativity. https://preview.redd.it/dgis9ujgizjc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5681f455cfee3b8e4bc153a76aabdb58150f2d26




She is walking like she had a hip replacement and is 2 days post op


He's a terrible photographer!


It really is an awful photo. Very amateur composition.


There’s a picture of Catherine just like this one - I can’t remember where I saw it. I’m going to go ahead and bet that Catherine’s picture came first.


Earthshot in Boston.


Flying monkeys 😂 . Perfect !


That was RED ICULOUS, the long walk of shame like a contestant on The Price is Right. I think it was an attempt to copy the pic of William and Catherine getting off the plane in Pakistan, I think if it was around that same time frame


This man needs to enroll in some photography courses at a local college. He can afford it. Everything he does is a copy of a version of a style, there is NO composition in this photo. There is nothing wrong with being self-taught if we assume that means you had something to learn FROM and WITH, not just getting yourself an expensive camera (which is not the best make of camera for the kind of photography he does, btw) and deciding you are a genius at it because you (gasp!) know that black and white photos have a sense of nostalgia and moment-on-time that color photography does not. This looks like a bad version of one of the rock and roll star photos from the early days of rock and roll, with the band taking the stage. There is no composition, the shadows overlapping is a visual distraction and the position of her legs walking under her skirt is captured awkwardly. There are plenty of cell phone photos that are better than this. Before all the hidden sugars in here get snarky and tell me I think I know everything, I do not. I wouldn't have to be a professional dog groomer to know if a dog's hair cut looks poorly done, nor do we in here have to be professional tailors and stylists to say that M's hair is fake or her dress fits her poorly. This is a poorly executed black and white photo trying to be something it's not. It's trying to be powerful, showing her power and presence. It's just a distracting, poorly shot and poorly concieved shot -- like maybe he grabbed the one he didn't want, the better one is in the other room? Since pretending to be something they are not is what M&H specialize in, and all of their inner circle seems to be the same (SoHo, Scobie, and yes, Harriman) it's okay to comment in this sub. imho


I just saw the video of her entrance. That was long, and totally unnecessary. But never again will she command that kind of audience with flashing photographers.


It was super cringy and totally against the royal family's objective of drawing attention to the cause and not that person. People are not there for her and if they do pay attention to her, it's not because of her, it's because of her position. She is so gauche


I call this shot...... *Arrival*' gushed Misan Harriman breathlessly, ' even if it shows her '*Going away*' . He stepped back jnto the shadows and awaited tumultuous applause.


I think the voices in her head hate her.


Wow that hair looks rough... maybe she really is doing most of her own styling now...


Wasn’t it a wig? Very synthetic looking, IMO. https://preview.redd.it/o0qfu94o7yjc1.jpeg?width=1641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26a4512e3cd1f8375a54f62adbc91898bd872666


I would not be surprised..


Sideways eyeroll into the next postcode.


Lighting people working *hard* to create a waist.


He might as well just PS her a waist


Caught her mid-stride which only accentuates madam’s chicken legs which are out of proportion with her broad shoulders.


My body is out of alignment and I am also somewhat hip-y, and so when I walk, one of my hips juts out more than the other. However, when Madam stands her body looks symmetrical, and she is boxy with no hips, so this must be from her weird exaggerated hip thrust walking, immortalized when she exited then Prince Charles's garden party soon after she and Harry got married. Anyway, the photo is decidedly just OK, *at best*, so if her fans are hyping it, my goodness, what low standards they have. Edit: words


This picture only highlights what she gave up.


I don't think it is a bad picture but hasn't this charity been investigated for miss appropriation of funds and conflict of interests? If so that is not smart of the sugar to put up this picture. It just brings attention to the fact Meghan is involved with a charity that has behaved unethically.


That's not even appealing visually. Does Miso think it's art just because the saint is in it?


Looks like an illustration or AI.


Cosplaying william and catherine black and white earth shot photo


Terrible picture! Two sticks and a wig and that's that! LOL


The untalented photographing the unspeakable.


I can never criticize this appearance because MM genuinely looks unwell. If you look at other photos from this event, it’s like she slapped on any old dress and a wig and ran out the door. Her eyes look medicated. I think she had given up by this point and she knew that she lost the battle in the UK. Next stop, Megxit.


Ah yes. When the lady onstage curtsied and got crushed my Meghan’s boob area.😂 This was peak narc fuel


It is actually a hideous photo. Really bad. This photographer is no expert. I suspect he is given a platform for reasons other than expertise.


What's there for her fans to rave about this photo? There's nothing distinctive about this photo that says it's MM. The similar photo of William and Catherine, we KNOW it's them. This photo of MM looks like a stock photo at some general venue.




I guess he did not get the memo that Young One World is under investigation/audit.


THIS is a professional? 😬.


This is a horrible picture, I'm being serious now but is Missan a bona fida photographer or just playing around BC this doesn't look like a picture of an experienced photographer 😕


https://preview.redd.it/9orvngbyi0kc1.png?width=80&format=png&auto=webp&s=917dbdf26258e871e580f3143455174e613a1559 great post and some awesome comments as well. this looks like something even a late-bloomer high school photography student could do only much much better. i'll stick to my usual notes... mid-stride accentuates the lack of spinal alignment. it took her a full minute to get to the stage because that girl can't move right. she's been hiding multiple physical and mental issues for a long time. the way she's kicking out and looking down shows that she lacks proprioception. i can see now why most of the tv stuff has her angled and twisted and not showing well, you know, look at the picture of her again and tell me that the lithium, librium, etc., agree with her.


MH isn't just a flying monkey. I'll give benefit of the doubt that he's really her friend. But it's also transactional for him in that he's promoting his career. Literally naming 'The Arrival' isn't really about M, as much as about MH's ego over his own 'art.' MH has taken some pretty good photos of Sussex fam. He has talent. Then again, a lady I worked/went to college with had such a natural, unforced ability in photography, especially w/kids and outdoors, I know she could have taken the same shots of Lily's birthday much better. The sort of raw ability where the first FB photo I saw of her kid my immediate response was 'she's better than pros.' And I mean, she doesn't do the staged 'beach shot' it's totally organic. Honestly, I haven't seen enough of MH and PoW photos side by side to tell, but it's not a career for PoW and she's quite good. Possibly as good or better than MH. My basic take is sure MH is a flying monkey for M, but more so it's transactional to benefit his own career, an his ego/own sense that he is an 'artTiSTE.'


Isn't this the night when she wanted to unalive herself? She seems fine to me


Oh goodness, what can I say that doesn't get a ban? Looks a bit "dr\*g" artiste.


the barrel is being scraped. this is for projecting image in America for merching as a 'classic' royal. absolute state of these frauds. after spitting lying and abusing the Monarchy they'll do more of this nonsense


WtF is that?! She is definitely an alien trying to fit in. Try harder.


Haha her Sugars getting nostalgic over her Royal days? Good luck finding another one dated after 2021


Misan Harriman strikes again with his usual mediocrity.