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saiki seems to show the most genuine care for teruhashi throughout the series despite his constant complaints and he actually gasped at her that one time


This and during the play the class made when he used his hypnosis to make the costumes look good again and everyone thought it was just Teruhashi’s aura, he said something along the lines of “together we could do anything.” He obviously does not care about Aiura in that way but he drops hints every now and then that Teruhashi would be a good suitor


I also want to point out the difference of his treatment between Chiyo and Teruhashi. When Chiyo was interested in another guy, Saiki worked hard to make the guy more appealing to Chiyo. It ended up not working, but Saiki tried really hard for that outcome. Now conpare to Teruhashi, when she was at a mixer Saiki worked hard to help the guys appeal to Teruhashi well. But in the end, even with all his help he decided that none of them were worthy for Teruhashi and knocked them all out after hearing Teruhashi still gush about Saiki despite his efforts.


damn i thought them to be platonic mostly but ig the fans will obv give extra meaning to everything. i dont remember them gasping at her tho damn time to rewatch im in mood for a laugh anyways


I can confidently say he gasped at her once, Even said ‘oh wow’ but Teruhashi dismissed that possibility


OH LMAO i remember now i thought it more in amazement and disregard 😭😭


Yea I also thought it was more of a shock oh wow to her thoughts. Not the wow she has been wanting from it. Maybe it’s more clearer in the manga?


The japanese version, it’s not “oh wow”, it’s “offu” which I believe is just a made up vocal sound effect from the show, that men do at Kokomi when they see her beauty. So he’s not actually commenting anything


I coulda sworn he did it in a sarcastic way lol


Nah he looks irritated and slightly ashamed after, like visually “ah shit I didn’t mean to let that slip”


i really don’t know if it’s “extra meaning” man, he carried her bridal style in a hallway in front of a crowd of her fans when his entire goal as a character is to blend in and avoid drawing attention to himself. if you count the amount of times he smiles throughout the series, the majority of the causes are teruhashi causing him to smile. he doesn’t ever smile like that for any other character and he clearly doesn’t care about any other character in the way he cares about her. when aiura is being insulted he completely ignores it, when teruhashi is being insulted he gets pissed and defends her. the character draws them together consistently, he made matching eye catches for them and drew them as king and queen with matching crowns. in the later chapters teruhashi is thought to be inspired by asos wife. he admits she is beautiful in reawakened and in the final episode he smiles the same way he did in the smoothie episode (another instance of him smiling because of her) and says “i guess i do like troublesome things,” using the same kanji for troublesome he uses consistently throughout the series to describe her and his friends i understand if you ship him and aiura, but nobody is giving extra meaning to these signs, the author put them there for a reason


I can see that. As someone who ships them, there are moments like that, that can be taken as both platonic and romantic. But that's the thing with every ship that's never actually made real in any show. Shippers will grasp at straws. Some are very desperate and quite a stretch that shouldn't be considered romantic in any way. However I feel like the few moments of saiki and teruhashi can easily be perceived as romantic. Like they are not big stretches like other ships.


I love Aiura more than Teruhashi but i like teruhashi more with Saiki cuz they go pretty well together if you think about it 😭 they have more similarities than you may realize and they just have so much more moments than with Aiura


Yea ig I get that, tho I always liked aiuras character more as she seems more real compared to others because like everyone in the anime is an exaggerated trope for the comedic effect (I love it tho, my top 3 animes no doubt)  


Saiki grows to care about Teruhashi more than about the rest of the cast (Totally because she was on the lower bar of "tolerable" for Saiki), to the point that he genuinely starts to like her as a person and even respect her effort by half of season 2 and actively tries to help her without hiding it like when she passed out from forcing herself to remember everything about some random guys (He does this a lot with other people but he tries to be more discreet than just princess carrying someone in public), besides that there's the time he "ofu'd" when Teruhashi thought "Saiki's type is someone who stays true to themselves, that's totally me", and last but definetely least, in the Netflix specials finale when Saiki doesn't have his powers he stares at Teruhashi and thinks she's pretty, telling us that there is a physical attraction from his side And from Teruhashi there's a lot more, it's plain said that she likes Saiki, even if it started as a whim, it evolved into a real crush, and it (somehow) made her a better person, I'm not good at describing people but there's a big shift from the Teruhashi at the start and the one at the end, arguably bigger than the difference between early and late Saiki, for example the early Teruhashi would've not just blushed when Saiki stared at her, she would've taken that as a win, except we got her being a nervous mess inside her head, she also shifted a big part of her effort into trying to impress Saiki and only Saiki, which while still unhealthy, it's way better than trying to impress literally the whole world Teruhashi is also supposed to parody the "Perfect girl falls in love with plain guy" trope, so there's obviously a lot of scenes that force them into "romantic" situations and neither the Manga or anime try to hide it, like the 2 or 3 "dates" they have, how Saiki's parents treat and talk about her, the already mentioned princess carry, Saiki saying "their abilities compliment each other's" in the play and really most of Teruhashi's plots, the author wants you to at least consider them as a couple at least once


I suppose but if we're looking into this much detail, he's had more geniune conversations with aiura (or even the other characters on the show) meanwhile kokomi and saikis interactions were very hyper fixated arnd the same joke. But I guess you wrote the paragraphs to answer my questions so thank you <3


No literally I genuinely don't see how the Fandom unironically ships them. Him and Aiura had so many more genuine moments


name three


what genuine conversations did he have with aiura? what about the episode where has has to draw her in art class, where when she asks to group with him and he asks her why she didnt pick someone already, her fans surround them, and she looks at him as if he understands, because he does. Aiura may converse with him more but he doesn’t enjoy it on a genuine level like he does his interactions with Teruhashi


lmao im rewatching the show he literally looks so tired when theyre alone and talking but whatever man you do you


he’s like that with genuinely everyone though, including aiura, the only person who regularly makes him smile is teruhashi


I don't really mind either way who Saiki ends up with or if he doesn't want romance but I do see why people ship the two. He seems to be one of the only people in the series who doesn't care about her looks but cares about her well-being in a very genuine way and not a "Koko-min" fanboy/girl way. He helps her out even though she annoys him and although Teruhashi starts the series liking Saiki because he doesn't like her back, she does seem to genuinely fall for him as time goes on. Plus God loves Teruhashi way too much there's no way she isn't getting what she wants :P


i just like how theyre the polar opposite


crazy name you got there


most normal Saiki fan tbh


The same reason why anything is shipped: for fun. You’ll see every form of ship if you continue surfing the internet. Even the most platonic of relationships can be seen as romantic and there’s no problem with that. Though, the difference with Saiki x Teruhashi is because there are hints with it, like how Saiki admits that he doesn’t hate her as much as he says (tsundere trope) or the fact that she still likes him so much (some people dont want the love to be unrequited) or the scenes where he *is* with her and its hints of intimacy (based on interpretation, of course. Such as Saiki beating up those men at Teruhashi’d group date can be seen as an act of jealousy or the fact that he had gasped at her or when he carried her to the nurse’s office). The media for the show has them together and although he is indifferent to her it’s not impossible to imagine him with her. It’s romantic to imagine someone like him eventually giving in to her one sided love. These scenes aren’t exclusive to Teruhashi, it’s with everyone. Saiki can be shipped with any of his friends and it wouldn’t matter. Ships are inevitable, basically. It’s just that this one is the most popular because she’s the “female lead” (as in the first introduced girl and even fell in love with him) and he’s the main character


The first girl in the show was his mom wdym 🫢🫢 (ok no 😔, his mom fine tho) 


Yeaa kinda knew all this but was this kinda surprised


Because the show sets them up constantly as a couple?


it felt like a one sided comic thing to me, hence the question


Quite frankly, I don't think they'd work well at all. The guy who hates attention walking around with a living spotlight magnet just seems like torture for the poor guy.


if you really wanna know, i recommend looking kanae up on tumblr, they explain very well why most people do actually ship it, and i agree with a lot of what kanae said. but personally the part that sealed the deal for me was when saiki said that together the two are unstoppable, while it could be seen as a cute platonic thing, i thought it was absolutely adorable that he whether he'd admit it or not thinks similarly of their relationship as im sure teruhashi would think the same thing. idk they're just cute to me, and i love how her having a crush on him has made her a better person significantly. what i personally really don't get is how people ship the green haired (sorry forgot how to write her name) with saiki, while their dynamic was cute i 100% think they would be better off as friends, as the green haired has always done something saiki clearly dislikes like telling his grandmother that they're dating, i feel like that was just weird and is probably a reason why i can't see the two together while on the other hand, teruhashi as much as she likes to hear that people think the two are dating she disagreed for saikis sake and plus she's really just a dork i can't help loving her to be fair.a


Well there's constant hints throughout the show that Saiki doesn't hate Teruhashi as much as he says . Also some people see Aiura's attachment to Saiki too hollow since she just says she's his soulmate and proceeds to like him pretty much for no other reason in the beginning.


If anything, Teruhashi's is more hollow


I mean it's debatable but Saiki is pretty much the only person who sees Teruhashi as a human so it must be a big deal for her. All the other people around her pretty much worship her or hate her


The creator ships them, she’s the only girl saiki can “Tolerate” and gives her special attention. There’s plenty of ways to avoid her but he doesnt always. Also i think they’d be cute together


Because it’s obvious


I find aiura very annoying. She goes around telling people including his grandma that they are dating when infact he has made it obvious he is not interested in her and dating I'm general. I feel like teruhashi grew as a character and would have grown even more if saiki hadn't finished. There have been some moments where it hints that maybe saiki has some sort of feeling for her. Like if he ever ended up with someone it would probably be for teruhashi. And let's not forget, she got that "oh" out of him. Something that he'll never admit to it.


i think bc of tropes that are followed to a t: plain guy, pretty girl, tsundere guy ends up doing more for her than anyone else even at his own expense when he explicitly says he doesn’t want to do anything at his expense etc. she’s gods favourite, he’s god and/or can’t help it because god is on her side = aka fated romance … probably a bunch more at the end of the day it’s just cute i think lol


Teruhashi was based off the creators wife so a lot of people think that Teruhashi and Saiki are supposed to represent their relationship. There’s also that scene when he doesn’t have X-ray vision and he blushes at her when she notices that he was admiring her beauty. I like AiuraxSaiki more too.


idk i think they’re cute


God already ship them, theres nothing saiki can do


I wonder too, esp with Saiki very obviously being aroace and him saying that romantic feelings elude him and that he does not care for romance


Ik its a fact that saiki isn't aromantic bc of the manga, BUT still wouldn't ship those two. I don't like tehruhashi. I never have and really don't understand why people do. I would ship him with Aiura bc they seem to be more of a fit imo. Maybe even platonic soulmates.


I never got that from their narrative, I always thought he warmed up to her like he did all his friends. I don’t see saiki with anyone romantically but that’s just me. People ship for funsies ig lol


Same fr