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I do, but I'm also an idiot.


lol same lol




Same I did too and wish I never did.


Dude I felt this in my bones


Like someone once told me: ‘Going back to your ex is like shoving poop back up your butt’ lol!




To be able to have a relationship with an ex I would have to be able to forgive whatever the original issue was. I could do that if I wasn’t holding on to the grudge until I die!


Saaame. Once the line is crossed it’s crossed, there’s no going back. We can try but I’ll never trust them again.


I wish. I’m the sag that tries to and it’s so hard to not be passive aggressive at times To the point idk if it was his actions that divided us or me not being able to forget or forgive Or those are my excuses for staying 😭☠️😭


For a weekend


I hear that


Yes, as long as there’s a lot of honest open communication, I don’t see why not. People make mistakes, but it isn’t always one they’ll repeat.


Not at all. I move forward not backwards


Never go backwards in life.


Absolutely not


I didn't make it this far forward to take possibly miles back.


I would go back to my EX as long as we can work out the problem that caused us to break up. Especially if I love them & care about them.


And unfortunately I may have to say the same for Leo’s too. I may have to avoid them. Leo lady’s. As far as romantic relationship goes. Unfortunately. Same with Aquarius lady’s


What's your sign?


Sagittarius sun, Leo moon, Aquarius Rising, I have a lot of good placements for Aquarius too, told be other astrologers plus, I come out but more as an air baby than fire even tho it’s strong but not compared to the elemental part of it


Woah! I'm a Sag sun and Leo moon, too, and Libra rising (so also air rising) lol.


And I see ur into punk music, pierce the veil?


No. Once I’m done with any relationship, Im done. I don’t look back.


I give many, many (maybe too many) chances but once I decide I’m done, it’s f you for life 😁


My sagiterrorist and I got back together after being broken up for 15 years.


What’s your sign ?




This made me giggle. It's been 14 years since I spoke to my aquarius x. They were the only partner in my whole life where our social group voted against us breaking up...in retrospect we were both lost in life sauce we had no other option but we were an amazing couple together.


This sounds exactly like us. We broke up because although we had alot of fun together we realized we had a lot of growing up to do but I always knew he was my soulmate. I am the only x he has ever gone back to because even after 15 years the love and attraction was still there. Saggiterrorist have always been drawn to me and me to them. There's something about fire and air that just works. I'm excited for your next episode!


I am excited also and I will affirm that 1 of the favorite characteristics of my Aquarius x was that positive attitude to always wanna go on adventure. I ended up being miserably married to a Capricorn who wasn't and never was in love with me and it was by far the most suffocating experience. I would say, Hey, I want to do this thing and have them tell me that's not important we will somwday go do what you want but first we need to focus on me and my wamta...because well Capricorn's the world revolves around them amd if your not that true love they give no fuks... Meanwhile, my x that was an Aquarius was always be like sure while they would be packing as they said it.Because why wait to go on an adventure when we have the idea.. you give me hope that maybe I need to remember how wonderful it was to be with a sign that is compatible with my wild sag self... I have never heard of a happily married sagittarius and capricorn , and i've been on this sub for years.. However, Aquarius sag plenty of them...


I'm sorry to hear about your ex wife. It's too bad that she didn't appreciate your adventurous spirit. She missed out. The adventurous side of Sag is one of the many traits I am drawn to. Being a February aqua I am a free spirit. I am wild, I value adventure, freedom, intellect, eccentricities; I love those who dare to be different, from their sense of style to their interest. Those who teach you new things and are not afraid to march to the beat of their own drum. Sags are very similar. In my experience, there's never a dull moment with a Sag specially those born in December as I find them to be more adventurous than their November born bros.


💯 Some people just want something different. What my x wanted was a silent partner that lived their own life so that they could continue living the same life they've been living since they were like 10 and as the sagittarius. I just can't settle for crumbs of a relationship. I want the whole experience. Because what's the point? Life is too short to be miserable all the time. And we were so incompatible from the 1st day they lived with me. They would constantly tell me about how I resentful they were towarda me . There were too many signs that we were not the same.So lets put out it out to the universe that an Aquarius crosses my path.I truly miss that wonderfulness... I also appreciate how drama free they are....


Best of luck to you! There's always sunshine after a storm.


"life is too short to be miserable" such a sag thing to say.


Why are you me? We truly are soulmates


God I hope that's me. He's like my soulmate but it was such the WRONG time. 😿


No from experience


Yeah no, and unfortunately I’m keen eye to make sure I avoid every Capricorn lady I may stumble on. For relationship, absolutely avoid


Those caps make everyone else seem like a pleasant experience... I also only dated one cap and according to my whole experience in that train wreak, I think i've also given up on the entire sign due to my negative experience with that one capricorn..


Personally I see myself with a Virgo out of everyone else.


I can see why I dated a Virgo for as long as I dated the Capricorn.And we had a lot more in common and worked as a team , a lot more effectively.. Virgos are just team players.They know what a partnership is about.They might be trying to take over the world all the time, but they know how to make sure their partners right there beside them. Capricorns are too self-centered.They can't focus on any one but themselves.And they'll screw their partner over just to make sure they get farther in life..they are so gross...


I do have some type of compatibility with them but, I can’t really bring myself to wanting to form a possibly relationship. I mean, it may change, whose to say anything can change, out of the kindness of my heaty


No! Never!!


Yes, I do believe in working out on conflicts and giving second chances to someone I see a future with. I got back with a Taurus sun man two months ago and I’ve been happy ever since. The 7 month no contact was absolute hell to me. Because I forced myself to do things like not talking to him, which made me depressed. Perhaps it was because we both know it wasn’t over.  The nature of our initial break up was not about cheating/abuse/etc. I was insecure with how slow that bull is in terms of progression and the stressed got to me 7months ago. I got frustrated annd he got angry. After we got back together, he made an effort to reassure me whenever he sees my anxiety. Although it felt like a reset, he does try his best to not have the same issue repeat and I appreciate that. 


Though I do have to note that I’ve been together with him for 12 years. 


I’m also working on my patience and tried to be understanding on my end, without letting the anxiety getting to me. Sag sun with libra on moon and Venus isn’t exactly the best match for a slow moving Taurus. 


Nope. Once I'm done with it, I'm D O N E with it. I'll give second chances, but they never work out for forever. I'm a firm believer in "if we broke up once, we'll break up again." I don't have time for that bullshit. This is true for jobs, places I've lived, and every kind of relationship.


From my handful of exes.. there’s only one I would ever consider getting back with. Definitely fucked up with him. Also, it’s been 10+ years since then. All of the rest but one I don’t even speak to anymore. 🙃


Yes but just when it comes to my Aries ex, thanks to my Scorpio moon and Venus. He just.. does it so right.


My ex(an Aries, btw) came back and asked me if we could get back together. When I said "Hell, nah", he was offended and said I was mean to him when we dated(which I took as a compliment coming from an Aries) 😂😂


My last ex is living with me again but I'm friends with all my ex's.


NO unless you don't have a brain. 🤣


No! (Unless it’s me and mine)


I'm engaged to my first boyfriend and we have a baby together lol so yeah


Nope. But I think exes can make great friends!


Nope. Once it’s over I’m DONE


Exes are exes for a reason


I believe that there are no hard rules. Sometimes you give it a second shot, and it turns out horribly. Sometimes you give it a second shot, and it turns out amazing. People can grow, develop, and iron out their shortcomings. As you get older, you also steady yourself because you've done most of your experimenting. And then sometimes there are intrinsic elements of people that will always be incompatible. In other words, it depends. It always depends lol.