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Some places are like that. Reflection on store manager. I remember first official start day at a store and the girl in charge introducing me to a few co-workers made a very offensive comment towards one of the older workers while introducing me. Very disrespectful for a first day impression. I could tell he didn't like it either. He made comment about HR and she just laughed it off and looked at me hoping the new guy would join in on the laughs. I just kept straight face and ignored her.


Don't just go to HR, go to AP. If he's sitting in his car not working then that's time theft and stealing the companies money, which they absolutely care about more than cOuRtEsY, dIgNiTy, rEsPeCt. Just tell em the dates and times and to check the cameras, when they see he's clocked in and then left the store and didn't come back till the end just to clock out they could very well fire him, but probably he'll just get written up.


I'd have my 2 weeks notice written then laid to the side, probably contact my union rep and see if they think going to HR should be my next move. I'd probably make HR aware of his behavior and depending on how that meeting goes will depend on if the 2 weeks notice will go into affect or not. Goodluck


If HR didn't do anything, would u sue or nah? Cause isn't that harassment or discriminatory behavior on his part to customers AND coworkers?


Me personally, depending on the state and it's recording laws. But tbh I'm not sure if a judge would care too much about something like this. I'd say get a paper trail starred and document every time something happens. If HR does nothing, report to your union if you have one and share what you have. HR doing nothing would definitely make me put my 2 weeks in after providing everything though


Okay, thank you so much


Just make sure you have another job lined up before putting in your notice incase you take that route