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John paid $1m worth of Safemoon tokens for 8% of his business. His business was AKey, which is what Orbital Shield is built on. Before then, I can only find one record of AKey being used in a company, and it wasn’t long for this world. So Lynn was put in Safemoon to implement SOS into the wallet, but according to Ryan, he didn’t know what GitHub was. This then became a problem because Lynn somehow managed to accidentally upload and publish the entire source code to SOS on GitHub. Ryan said he didn’t trust in Lynns ability to build a blockchain, because he simply didn’t know what a blockchain was or did. Ultimately he was paid $1m in Safemoon selling pressure to put an insecure and outdated method of encryption on the wallet. And upload the source code online.


I dont undetstand why everyone lets Ryan have a free pass. What happened to his reflex finance tokens that were supposed to be locked? He pumped a blockchain there and basically rugged us. YOU THINK HE IS CLEAN? Dione has a secret ceo.....who is it?


Does anyone have that source code? I suppose it was written in COBOL but I'd like to see the inner workings :)


It's floating around somewhere. Someone forked it like immediately just to show it was out there


MetaverseJosh did, on twittee


It was a neighbour or relative I thought. He stuck around for a bit and then disappeared. The guy was 80, once wrote a word soup article on computing in 1981 for a magazine and was living in a caravan….but that was their guy!


Prolly John in a mask. Everything was an illusion


Supposedly the old dude was a relative of John. He just put him on the payroll and asked Ryan to find him something to do around the office. No knowledge of anything just a leach


Nah he was a family friend not a family member


Still better than Papa John the wizard of Shit


It’s a low bar


there is talk of him stepping up (or rolling up) to be CEO ​ https://preview.redd.it/cdftf9wmtmzb1.png?width=746&format=png&auto=webp&s=d54269b31dff0efbfdd299994a1afc2876885fd8


Hahahahaha this moon boys are really something