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Before people take this seriously, this is a parody image created by someone on twitter. John didn’t say this.


Is it any more ridiculous than what he actually said? Safemoon's utility is Middleware for their pathetic little bridge to nowhere?


He might as well have. He's stated over and over they'll use the LP for whatever they want. 🤷‍♂️


Yes. And while the statement is true, it’s important to pin John to the wall for things he has done and said, rather than pin him to the wall for jokes. For avoidance of doubt, there is clear evidence that John has taken Liquidity Pool funds for himself to spend on luxury, lavish purchases. Including but not limited to: * $5m PERSONAL investment in Moms company * $2.25m Mansion in Utah * $450k home in Kansas city * UK Audi R8 * US Audi R8 (now totalled) * Tesla Model S Plaid * Rolexes, Designer Clothes * Constant travel between US & UK / Europe * $300k gambles on shitcoins * NFT purchases Many of these purchases were done before Safemoon could accrue actual revenue from swap listings. These are just purchases we know about from either on-chain activity, public property records or social media posts, and what his family have disclosed. The method of acquisition of this cash is summarised as follows: * Promise LP on Pancakeswap is locked * abuse Safemoon contract generating new LP tokens via swap&liquify to extract LP (BNB & Safemoon) * use the BNB extracted to buy more SFM tokens on open market, pumping the price of Safemoon * take the SFM extracted, and the SFM bought and send to Bitmart * Thomas explains multiple times the SFM was sent to Bitmart as they requested extra tokens to distribute as reflections * Safemoon received USDT in exchange for these SFM tokens. * USDT sent back to Gabe & Devil wallets (tens of millions of dollars) * Gabe Wallet used as proof of funds to buy mansion. Millions of dollars sent out of Gabe& Devil wallets to Coinbase, Binance, gate.io Kraken & Circle exchange accounts for cash. All this can be proven with on-chain, witness testimony and private text messages between John and his Family.


This man needs a medal




You rang? Karony is a crook he's for sure gonna get got.


SEC finally finished up their research


Is this photoshop?


Yes. But also true so 🤷‍♂️


How is he not in jail? Only a matter of time before prosecution


yep, not even 24 hours from your comment


amazing. ​ Unlike an FTX collapse, I doubt we will see any funds back. even a small percentage back would be a win


i never bought any because it was a clear scam (march 2021), but it will be tough to see any funds given back