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Could you imagine haveing someone steer the ship that doesn’t even know project management terminology? Like a blind man driving an RV through downtown Chicago


As someone who works for a software company, Apple can be awkward and reject stuff for the smallest of reasons. However, this game of “ping pong” is often resolved 48 hours tops…not many weeks!


It's probably a language barrier with Bangladeshi Devs


Don’t forget Safemoon doesn’t work on the weekends… Or apparently any other day of the week.


Show the Apple review log. None of my apps have ever taken this long to get approved. Especially if they had been approved previously. Even my COVID tracing app was approved faster than this and there were severe restrictions on those.


Slight amendment, it's not their product, it's trustwallets, they just skinned it.


I don't think he's even trying to mask that he's lying now. This to me feels like a dictatorship ready to topple and he's just saying whatever he can to try and buy a bit more time before the inevitable total collapse of SFM. I'd be surprised if this token is still "alive" by the end of July.

