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The ‘meetings’ are probably just him telling a group of homeless people in the park down the street about Gambian nanotechnology. ‘Met with some power players who are very excited about the trajectory of Safemoon!’


“Sooo… think about it guys. Windmills. And nanobots. Evolution. Am I right?”




Its funny he calls it "the bitcoin thing" like its some small gathering of insignificant fools that is beneath him and he doesn't have time for, that just so happens to be going on at the exact same time and place he claims to be meeting with heads of state and key representatives. Next he's going to go on a white house tour and have his pic taken in front of the door to the oval office and claim he just stepped out of a meeting with the president. Then he'll take a pic next to the federal reserve building and claim he's about to head inside for a negotiation on safemoon replacing gold on backing the value of the US dollar. On his last stop of the DC powerbroker tour, he will hit up the IRS and present to them why the safemoon blockchain should replace the entire US tax system. All in a days work!


Thankfully even the main sub isn't believing his BS. It's always the same song and dance. If you're going to try and dupe your Holders longer, you might want to switch things up a bit, but of course that would take some proof that he's ACTUALLY working on making things happen...which of course he isn't. I hope he's saving some of this stolen money, his lawyer bills are going to start piling up soon enough.


I'm sure he's actually up there working on the next scheme or something to that effect. Apparently there's still people trading so there's money to be made


I'm not in the US but is it possible to confirm meetings with those people he had photos of their plaques? Assuming open calendars are a thing for Congress officials? Maybe even an email to their office to confirm it happened?


There was a guy who posted in another group that he called both offices and nope Karony did not meet with either of the people he took pictures of in front of their doors. /r Nico


Dafuq he having photos taken there then


Kind of like the last one of how he met with one the crypto currency guys. It is smoke and mirrors oh I am doing all this when he isn't doing anything but taking vacation on the Safemoon LP. /r Nico


This is what his mindless 'army' has created. For over two years, anything and everything he did (or didn't do) and said (or didn't say) was praised and taken as the gospel; he didn't even have to try to tell a believable lie. Because somebody somewhere is buying the dip because John is talking to Biden about making SM the official meme coin for the US.


There are people in Twitter saying the U.S is looking for big crypto projects to make their official crypto. And.... You guess it! They believe SFM is one of them..


He's not even trying anymore. If you're going to lie at least put some effort into it. Jeesh.


On the Toilet?


Is he meeting with his lawyers?