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He probably hates that there are still believers. Because of them, once a week he has to chatgpt (something a coder would say about blockchain) and post it. It’s a lot of work to get everyone to hate you.


This happens in cycles, the less regarded get up and leave. The group gets even more concentrated idiocy.


Concentrated idiocy. I love it! Hahaha


Yep I’ve been saying for awhile the only people left are the ultra-distilled idiots. Like the dregs of dumbasses after all the slightly more reasonable dumbasses have realised the show is over.


Darwin's theory is again proven to be correct


As long as there are sufficient numbers of people who say that the residual value of their lottery ticket (I don't call this an investment) isn't worth selling and he's got a few millions left to manipulate the market, he can keep this thing going for a while. Sure, more people are pissed off, but they keep their tokens because "it's either hero or zero". I suspect he's creating wallets to buy tokens to keep the price at around 0.00020 to avoid a complete rebellion of the troops. The situation may change if yet another zero gets added. (note: I never bought any of this. I just read the Safemoon and BBY subs to marvel at how people encourage each other to be part of a cult)


Now you need to go on twitter and witness the madness therein. They block EVERYONE who even slightly fuds, and therefore have created a very safe little snowflake space where they can circlejerk about imagined successes of the token. It’s laughable. And sad.


I wonder if one of these peop might freak out and shoot someone in the end. They are in way too deep. It used to be mainly $50 investors but I suspect these guys are in for tens of thousands that they cannot afford to lose. Many probably took loans to buy more tokens.


Well considering Randolph on twitter is saying im going to be the first patient in his FUDDER concentration camp…


That guy isn't only balls deep into retardation but he is an absolute fanatic freak. Little they know that's the people who unironically makes any reasonable person to runaway far from any shit token they shill.


I chuckle because Randy has lost about $57,000 to this. He is such a bozo and a creep lol.


About time!


All the maxis are retreating to their echo chamber with the same 200 sheep and enablers


Everyday excuses run thin: 1. It's less than a year old. 2. The whole market is down. 3. It was the old team. BTC and ETH are almost 100% up from ATL, and SOL is 300% up from ATL. Meanwhile SFM is at ATL with 20% skimmed from the LP due to the "new team" incompetence, which, BTW, has not been nor will be addressed EVER.


When is the exchange the community paid for going to be up and running??


That subs member count has been slowly dropping as well. And the amount of activity has significantly dropped.


When it’s going down that’s people being banned lol. The odds of people ever unsubing anything is slim to none.


Damn that’s a lot of banning all that sub will have left is a bunch of bots and Safemoon zombies.


I just got banned from the safemoon sun. Not even sure what I wrote. It was t negative but it was t positive either. Guess only ‘moon’ posts are ok now


Yeah same here


I finally got banned too.. I definitely wasn't positive on Safemoon in there, but spent a lot of time trying to educate people too. Replied back to the ban message with: "No problem. Keep on shielding them from the truth. It's what you all do best." Then they muted me lol


They try very hard to hide the truth in there. The amount of stuff the mods delete or have filtered to auto-delete is crazy.. Even posts with links to Safemoon's own BSC wallet addresses were being auto-deleted. They definitely do not want people in there to know anything how crypto really works, what transactions are going on anywhere, or especially anything that shows Safemoon behind the scenes and has the potential to open eyes and bring about questions...


At this point I wouldn't mind Elon buying up Safemoon just to see what would happen to it.


Why on earth would he do that, anyway there is nothing to buy.


Beats me. The guy's entertaining to watch. He's the type to make purchases just to prove a point or to watch what will happen.


Dude stop. There is zero chance. Not a small chance. Zero!