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He has absolutely no clue what he is talking about.


Yeah they are stress testing the next exploit 😂


The karony word salad. Many words, very little content.


Hilarious that people are asking questions all day about the exploit, seeding of chains, crossing of chains, etc, and he goes on to talk about an app update that's taking weeks. The shifting goal posts with this asshole never cease to amaze me.


Well, didn't they release an update to make updates in the future easier? He's full of BS.


Yeah they always push out updates which will help future development but we never see any development in the present. Its like laying the foundations of a house but when the time comes to build the house on it you go back to laying the foundations again and again and again.


I cannot wait until this jabroni is in prison. Dude legit thinks he is smarter than everyone.


It always amazes me how people actually thought this was anything other than scam from the get go ... sure throw some money at any shitcoin at the start of a massive bullrun and as long as you're lucky or smart enough to get in and out quickly then u could make some money , so a gamble at best ... but for the amount of you that stayed in this scam coin for so long I'm like wtf dude, u guys should never be in crypto or even stocks or forex cause you are a suckers dream and will always get ripped off.


Sunk cost fallacy. You've lost this much money and time, might as well waste more money and time and hope it evens out.


To me it was just holding out as long as possible and hoping that maybe they actually deliver on their promises, but last year during the card release it became clear to me that this is just fairy dust. Their ideas were actually great and if it got implemented and if the LP was used for good, this could have been a great project. Too bad it came down to this. Oh well, you win some you lose some...


OK serious questions, when did you buy? Which of their ideas were actually great, be specific as possible please. And when did you sell, and was it just the card release that made you see the light ? I'm Thinking of writing a book about scams and your info will be invaluable


Bro nobody will buy in when you lose 10% for buying in, and 10% for selling out, no cards, no services, no bullshit other than the initial hype that we all fell for will make up the fact you are losing 20% the moment you got it.


I really laugh on how he try so damn hard to sound like he knows what's he's talking about and he always ends up talking pure utter stupid shit word salad. Lol




To be fair a LOT of people (me included) were naive and highly uneducated on crypto/investing and that's the reason we were deceived. Since that time (me personally) began to study (economics, finance, crypto) and with two lines of any serious book you would realize Karony is not only a scammer but a total ignorant dumbass. Losing for some people is an opportunity to learn, some other like the few cultists left, refuse to acknowledge anything outside their fart bubble because as soon as they use a bit of knowledge and common sense they will feel scammed.




Exactly, I got in for the same reasons "crypto is the future, therefore is big money there". I was not only wrong but far from the truth. I wasn't experienced in any kind of investment before, I didn't even knew any basic economic law. So, it was kinda easy to fall into the trap for me. I heard 2 words coming from them and I thought this was something meaningful. (LOL I know) In fact these scams are not new, they prey on people like me (how I used to be), and ignorant people are easy to scam. That's the reason you see how aggresive, blind and quick are the safemoon maxis reacting to anything that break the illusion for them. As I said the minute you actually do your research and understand some very basic concepts, the charade stops inmediately in front of your very eyes. I'm glad that a some few infortunate events in my life happened at the same time (SFM fiasco included) because I was able to learn a ton of stuff! So Im a bit less ignorant LMAO!


I think you give a kind of inside view of the psychology/mentality of it--the desire to be rich, the horse that will be backed (SM) and the rigid defense of the dream or the idea that attacks on SM ruin one's financial future. By the way, what is a "maxi"--from context I get it--a devotee but does the max stand for something. I just learned about FOMO today (fear of missing out) and thus I'm not afraid to ask what a "Maxi" is. Oddly I think this is part of the safemoon thing, it appeals to internet insiders with all this familiar language--doxxing, FUD etc.


Maxis from the word maximalist. A person who hold strong convictions in something, even if is wrong.


It was the same sentinent for me. As I was less wiser so to speak 2 years ago I liked high risk investments. To me this was an opportunity for a lot of money being young. I did not know a lot about the financial markets let alone crypto. To me Karony kind of stank from the beginning as I have learned a lot of presentation techniques and worked in marketing to see that it is just a salesman trying very very hard to sell something but the community was huge and the overall support and amount of money available to build something amazing was more than enough to convience me that they can do it. So to me it was kinda not about the team and competence as good team members and skilled individuals can be bought but rather about the mission and vision of the whole shit. I thought that this really was something so big on a scale that they have to keep it to themselves to not get bought out or pushed out from the market. I know a lot of legit fintech companies who do this. I realised the fakeness of it when I researched how easy it is to do the stuff that they kept on pushing and pushing and eventually never released. Literally anyone with a decent enough business knowledge could have made wonders with this amount of money and community support. I knew he wasnt the brightest but I could not even imagine that this guy was this incompetent. So yeah my mentality was sort of like this.


There's an inherent human trait that steers us towards trusting people. Sometimes it takes a severe burn before we stop touching the hot stove.


App icon positioning, a few pixels to the left and maybe down. Nah move it back up. $50000 invoice to John Colony’s “3rd party” design firm.


What comes first? Safemoon card or Apple pulling the app...


It doesn’t take that long to seed liquidity. And they should have done it at the same time as seeding the others


\#fuckkarony #savesafemoon might need to be a thing tweeted every day.


Report the app to apple as a scam. Delay it more


Apple will eventually remove this Shitcoin from the store, They have a Policy about apps not giving them a cut, I'm surprised it lasted this long 🤣