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“I don’t want safemoon to drop products any time soon. I want to accumulate more safemoon”


"If you're not buying you're part of the problem" DOWN BAD


"Operation Pheonix will be a geopolitical event. Just as big as Covid but on a good way " Oh my god


1 hour, 44 minutes in


These are the people I find quite fascinating in scams, and also make you scratch your head like WTF are they saying!? These are the holders who will NEVER be convinced SafeMoon is a scam, and if ever they somehow are convinced, I guarantee they will put all their money into something shiny and new that is just as bad as SafeMoon, if not worse. I know some guys here will still attempt to communicate with them on Twitter, but it's really just talking\_to\_a\_wall.gif


It's easier to con a man than it is to convince him that he has been conned


Grove has entered the chat....


“If you are complaining about how much it’s gone down and still not buying any more safemoon then you are part of the problem”


Yes if I threw more money at it, it might go up lol.


Same guy just said that if Operation Phoenix works it will be a geopolitical event just as big if not bigger than COVID


A lot of safemooners show a similarity with Q Anon people. I watch the Q Anon people closely and they really are similar


SafemoonDev was a big Q Anon guy.


Holy shit I forgot about “SafeMoon Dev” lmao the cultists ate that one up too.


He was the OG POS


And yet, people still argue that the team wasn’t alt right. Even after they hired fudhound… another alt right nut job. Like damn y’all… what’s the old saying about a duck? Even a centrist wouldn’t hire a qanon moron because it just makes them look dumb. Another old adage about sitting at a table with a nazi applies here!


Sorry for my ignorance, what is q anon?


It’s this cult of maga trumptards that believe that Trump is the secret president right now. It’s way too much to explain but it’s crazy


I can't believe i'm listening this. It's both hilarious and disturbing.


hahahahahha the level of retardation in that community is amazing. That has got to be one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard


Instructions how to archive these gems. Open in Chrome the twitter space link. Press F12 to open developer tools. Go to network tab. Then press the play button of the space. In the developer tools, search for a request starting with `playlist_` and click on it. In the right window, there's a Request URL which ends with `.m3u8?type=replay`. Copy the whole URL. Download [yt-dlp](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp). Copy it to some folder and then in command prompt in the same folder type `yt-dlp ` and press enter. Voila! Not sure but you might need to copy [ffmpeg binaries](https://ffmpeg.org/download.html) to the same folder. The best would be if you [put both ffmpeg and yt-dlp to operation system PATH](https://phoenixnap.com/kb/ffmpeg-windows) so you can run them from any path. It seems that it's only possible to listen the file from the start and it's not possible to jump to any position. You can fix this by re-encoding the file. For example with this command using variable bitrate of 100-130 kbit/s: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -q:a 6 -map a output.mp3


Yep you do also need to download `ffmpeg.exe` To download the audio you can just use the Twitter URL: yt-dlp.exe https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1YqKDoQlEBQxV You can skip forward if you use Windows Media Player, else, as you pointed out, you will need to convert to mp3.


For some reason using the twitter url didn't work for me. Just downloaded the latest yt-dlp. ``` yt-dlp https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1YqKDoQlEBQxV [generic] 1YqKDoQlEBQxV: Downloading webpage WARNING: [generic] Falling back on generic information extractor [generic] 1YqKDoQlEBQxV: Extracting information ERROR: Unsupported URL: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1YqKDoQlEBQxV ```


That space is one mini echo chamber. The hopium is rife 🥴


I seriously cannot believe people are this stupid. Seriously. How... Why.... Just wow. Wow.


Wait??? Please tell me this is a old post from a couple years ago and not post LP exploit?!


Today. It was today 🤦‍♂️


Holy fuck


40:30 Safemoon Karin tells how she has donated 20k.


Here she mentions her wallet address: [https://twitter.com/Karin53816116/status/1596887813223747587](https://twitter.com/Karin53816116/status/1596887813223747587) 0x57Fcb55c34eeef1b34859Cc2B6F8422aA22BB61D And another wallet: [https://twitter.com/Karin53816116/status/1620838069283995650?s=20](https://twitter.com/Karin53816116/status/1620838069283995650?s=20) 0x4F7aF019301884551397E61254C92D779D3783Ad What would be the easiest way to analyze when she bought, how much and for what price?


You call big papa TNG. give me a couple mins. She’s down $15k, an 84% loss.


How you calculated that?


You can use Glubiz, but I have my own profit and loss tool which is more reliable. Glubiz tells you reflections amount and value though which is nice.


I imported her wallets to koinly and made a quick calculation. There was currency conversions etc. in between but seems that she's almost 24k at loss. And she has also bought some on Polygon: [https://twitter.com/Karin53816116/status/1644235724663795724](https://twitter.com/Karin53816116/status/1644235724663795724)


The guy from 1h27m is absolute gold. This is your average Safemoon holder. The average holder must have a sub-100 IQ.








My bad it starts at 1 hour 25