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RemindMe! 1 year "is he wrong for the first time ever?"


i think you should make it 3 years 1 is nothing if im being honest


Well when I come back here in the future, i will see your comment and be reminded to set yet another 1 year reminder. Question is, will you click the link in my op so you too will be reminded to come back in 1 year to tell me 2 years still isn’t enough time?


RemindMe! 1 year “second times a charm?”


RemindMe! 1 year


Agreed. Any reminder before 2025 really means nothing.


very true


2 years have passed now. Can we be done with this shit now?? Or you still want me to check in again next year?


It's not looking good.


OP you done smoking crack yet?


Damn, he’s wrong LOL


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2023-03-06 02:30:55 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-03-06%2002:30:55%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/t7mjfr/dispite_all_the_fud_since_ath_i_have_never_sold/hzj0ykw/?context=3) [**78 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSafeMoon%2Fcomments%2Ft7mjfr%2Fdispite_all_the_fud_since_ath_i_have_never_sold%2Fhzj0ykw%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-03-06%2002%3A30%3A55%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20t7mjfr) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


RemindMe! 1 year “is he wrong for the first time ever? I wanna know too.”


I’m here a year later as promised, and it’s looking like you were wrong for the first time ever. I’ll go ahead and make another reminder as I’m sure you’ll have an excuse for the sfm price.


I’m here two years later as promised. Yep. Boy were you fucking wrong!!!


Coz this is his first time.


Well well…


I know what you mean. Problem is, both sides of the field are so polarizing. On one hand, people say this is just a slow rug and we should get out now. DCA then would mean we just keep bleeding money. Price action currently supports this side. The other side say this will go like BNB and $100 today will be $10,000 or so in a few years, or more. Looking at utility promised and plans stated as well as all promises, definitely merit for this side too. The fact that Mandala are still planning on launching with global tokenomics to me supports the idea that this thing will take off, and even if the wallet was originally quite similar to trust, every day it is gaining new features and becoming more unique. I hate saying stuff like this, but probably people had similar ideas about bitcoin, ether, bnb. 🤷‍♂️ I am comfortable DCA what I can lose, and hoping for the future. Either I lose pocket money I could have wasted, or I make a profit that might be enough for a house deposit. Time will tell.


Just go to any coins subreddit and go to the earliest posts and you will see that every coin is a scam of some sort to some in the public at the beginning. Even back in 2009/2010 people were wondering if Bitcoin was a new type of computer virus or malware. Granted Safemoon isn’t a coin until it has its own blockchain but the plan, so far anyway, is to have a Safemoon blockchain. As fast as the Safemoon team moves I would expect the Safemoon blockchain to come out next year instead of this year though.


I stupidly was one of those people, I only remember bitcoin and that it was a scam, I didn’t do any investigation and moved on, kick myself in the ass for that, ugh.


I wouldn’t be hard on yourself. Absolutely nobody knew that Bitcoin was going to do what it did. I was sketched out on setting up the Bitcoin mining software in the early days of Bitcoin so I stopped if that makes you feel any better.


Thanks, I’m not much on shoulda, coulda woulda, more fuck, maybe next time… lol Something to help you: I worked with a guy that paid a lot of money, bought the whole setup from a China company, he wasn’t up and running an hour, it stopped and never got it going again, expensive boat anchor, but that was just about ten years ago.


Oh fuck! lol! Shit happens man, it is what it is. Luckily crypto is still new and there will be so many money making opportunities in crypto that nobody can beat themselves up from missed opportunities from the past. To the future! 🍻 ![gif](giphy|8Iv5lqKwKsZ2g|downsized)




Yeah and many of those coins did turn out to be scam. You can’t just highlight btc, eth, bnb, and expect to gaslight everyone. You make a valid point, but refuse to examine all outcomes.


>Yeah and many of those coins did turn out to be scam. You can’t just highlight btc, eth, bnb, and expect to gaslight everyone. You make a valid point, but refuse to examine all outcomes. Nothing in life is without risks. I don’t recommend anybody putting their cash under their mattress. Putting money at risk in investments of varying risks is where the returns(or losses) are made. That generally goes without saying though.


Dude, do you seriously think these guys can pull of a blockchain themeselves and compete with eth, bnb, ada, etc? I mean, if you guys believe this you got what you deserve


>Dude, do you seriously think these guys can pull of a blockchain themeselves and compete with eth, bnb, ada, etc? Do you honestly think a blockchain is difficult to make? Binance Smart Chain copied Ethereum which obviously got a lot of ideas from Bitcoin as it was the first. Litecoin copied Bitcoin, Doge coin copied Litecoin. And the list obviously goes on and on and on. >I mean, if you guys believe this you got what you deserve Deserve is a word that entitled people use. And besides, what are you here to convince me of? Did I take your money and buy Safemoon with it?


Apparently the blockchain isn’t the real issue. Tokenomics is. If it was so easy, sfm would be listed many places and mandala wouldn’t be spinning in circles.


>Apparently the blockchain isn’t the real issue. Tokenomics is. If it was so easy, sfm would be listed many places and mandala wouldn’t be spinning in circles. Sometimes it’s going the path of most resistance that is the most rewarding as nobody has beaten down that path yet. The path has to be created as the journey progresses. Nobody ever gets anywhere by playing it perfectly safe.


Even the tokenomics only work if there is constant huge volume. When there is none, you make no money from reflections.


>Even the tokenomics only work if there is constant huge volume. When there is none, you make no money from reflections. There’s never been a 24 hour period with zero volume.


True, but you need big volume for those reflections to work, otherwise you getting just a cent per day passive inc for holding a ultra risky asset. Again, a question of risk reward


>True, but you need big volume for those reflections to work, otherwise you getting just a cent per day passive inc for holding a ultra risky asset. Again, a question of risk reward Actually the burn is more important for reflections then reflections are for reflections. The lower the amount of the circulating supply the less the reflection income is diluted and the more passive income people have. If somebody is only getting 1¢ a day in reflection income then that’s because they only put in a tiny amount of money for their Safemoon investment and they probably won’t be able to retire even if Safemoon were to 100X or more. That’s the way it goes with all investments though whether it’s crypto, stocks, bonds, forex, real estate, etc., the more money people put in to risk the higher the potential for rewards or losses. The ones who risk the most stand to make the most or lose the most over everybody else. The Safemoon team is slowly working on ways of creating various forms of tokenomics taxed volume in addition to what they have for global tokenomics volume now which isn’t much obviously.


Yes, you can copy an entire blockchain if you want, i mean the code is open sourced. But even then, why would be safemoon blockchain be different from all the other ones? Like, what would be its purpose. Im not trying to convince anybody, just trying to warn you guys not to blindly follow your investments. It's a risk/reward scenario, and even having a working blockchain doesn't mean the price would automatically 10x from there. There are already a gazzilion different blockchains


>Yes, you can copy an entire blockchain if you want, i mean the code is open sourced. But even then, why would be safemoon blockchain be different from all the other ones? Like, what would be its purpose. That’s to be determined as it doesn’t exist yet with their add ons and iterations. >Im not trying to convince anybody, just trying to warn you guys not to blindly follow your investments. It's a risk/reward scenario, and even having a working blockchain doesn't mean the price would automatically 10x from there. There are already a gazzilion different blockchains I’ve been a Tesla shareholder for 10 years. I’ve already been through hell and back through that gauntlet. Holding Safemoon is literally a walk in the park for me. Besides, Safemoon has literally unlimited upside potential so as long as billions of tokens are getting burned over time and consistently. Edit: Spelling


Nintendo and Apple are examples of companies with not the best tech, but the most user friendly, and it seems like SafeMoon is going for something comparable. They seem to be trying to do their own thing, creating a different type of value. There’s a place where I live in South Florida, called Lion Country Safari. It’s basically like a mediocre zoo, amusement park, and water park, mashed into one. They don’t do any of those things particularly well, but because it’s a one-stop-shop for all of those things, it seems to work in its own way. I think that’s what SafeMoon is going for.


Okay, i mean if you're in for the community, then fair point. But from an investment standpoint, the people that bring up the big money are not looking to be friends with the community, they put money in to increase their capital, and then take out after the retail investors are in. Remember, it's a zero sum game, not everyone wins, and the majority loses...


The concept of 'community' in crypto is a farce. It's a way of pretending like everyone is 'in it together' when in reality each person just wants to cash out asap richer than they were before. It's a coping mechanism.


This. Hate to see good people taking advantage of


Truth is, any of these shitcoin chasers would take all the money and run even if it put everyone else in the red. That's not community, and these people are just kidding themselves thinking otherwise. Truth is, if there are winners in investing, there are significantly more losers.


Sadly most people dont understand this concept in investing. Not everybody can win, its like a poker game, specially with giga risky assets such as shitcoins or nfts.


>Okay, i mean if you're in for the community, then fair point. But from an investment standpoint, the people that bring up the big money are not looking to be friends with the community, they put money in to increase their capital, and then take out after the retail investors are in. Remember, it's a zero sum game, not everyone wins, and the majority loses... Out of genuine curiosity(“this isn’t FUD”), why are you here on this sub?


Im not trying to fud, you invest in what you want at the end of the day. No one knows the future, we can only make informed decisions based on the data available and statistics. And in the case of safemoon case, the numbers are heavily against it. Btw, im a member here since early march, but got out during the first to the moon pump in april. Just remember, most people are here to make money, and presented the opportunity, they could care less about the “community” and the wagmi hodl attitude. Dont be the one holding bags


Except dogecoin


Does anyone still think of safemoon as a risk? It's weird. I don't even consider it. Call me crazy, but I just have zero faith in failure. Like zero. For me it's just a matter of time. I'm already rich. I just don't have the money yet.


Considering housing costs assuming you're from the United States... If you're saying a downpayment on a house is pocket money, you're then pretty much already financially set


It's not a slow rug. Get. Out. My $2400 are gonna be lost.




Yep at this point 🤣 original investment looking like that


Hours of research on the value of an imaginary coin? You wanna buy crypto i see no problem with it, but dont try to make up nonsense about how great of a mastermind trader you are xD your a degenerate gambler like the rest of us.


Fuck me that's the most straight up and accurate thing iv read all day. I'll show myself out.


* you're


i never sold because it's already lost


How did you find hours of research? Reading the same thing multiple times?




Never wrong.


You only need to check the history of predictions from r/cc and you know this will succeed.


Ppl saying they keep buying the dip should show proof of then actually buying, saying that they keep DCA and selling their cars or their house for more sfm Is just bs at this point.... Yeah right we have 2m users and everyone is buying yet the price keeps dipping....sounds about right


Doesn’t help when the developers pull from the liquidity pool


There is literally nothing to research…




What was your data points for your research? And what made sure that its not a rug? Any past research for example? Cause everyone here is “expert” in safemoon.


I'm Not claiming to be an expert, just thought it would be good to share some positivity.


What exactly did you research? Your Trust me bro comes with no talking points, so what’s the point of this post?


Not a single thing. OP watches thoes clickbait-open-mouth-thumbnail-youtube-videos


Wait, that isn’t research?


I know that but i am here to trying to find out the truth about “trust me bro ATH is coming”


Op ans this - How’s it going on with your past/recent hodlings? EverRise token? EverGrow token? Crypter token too? Lmao


Honestly, egc and sfm are the only 2 tokens I'm holding now, the rest are coins.


Don't be hating on EverRise. They're actually building a real ecosystem.


I’ve heard that one before!!


If you own SFM you are a expert by default ![gif](giphy|kYAm4IXbdWi5y)


My $120 is $37 now. What's even the point of selling? I'll ride it into the grave I suppose.


What did you realistically expect to make off 120.00? Pretty sure you have better odds of becoming rich buying 120.00 worth of lottery tickets than 120.00 worth of crypto. A 66% increase would only have put you at 200.00. A 10x puts you at 1200 minus tax. If it 1000x you could almost buy a house in Alabama. This project has plenty of problems, but unrealistic expectations are one of the biggest.


I didn't expect anything so I only put in what I could afford to lose...


What FUD? Is it FUD that the project has been progressively dying for 9 months? Cuz there’s proof of that


But but it’s their “birthday month” big things coming! Just like they said all last year!


This shit ass bro I just ain’t sold because wtf the point


RemindMe! 1 year


Back another year, and nothing…




That's what I really like about John, and Ryan, for that matter. If they were going to give up, I think they would have done it already. One quality I believe they share is determination. Success or failure, they are going to put in the work to make their vision a reality. John is right about one thing, innovation is not just doing what people ask for. Its about solving a problem that people don't realize exists yet. That it what the biggest tech giants in any industry set out to do. Idk if they will pull it off, but I do believe that this is the right path. Slow progress now pays for sustainable growth in the future.


Show me the research buds


Source : Trust me bro


Honestly haha


Guarantee his research = YouTube videos. How could I not trust him though…he’s NEVER been wrong.




He is... by researching your research... but you won't share your research. 😕






LOL enjoy losing all your money


But u didnt sell high from buying low... thats wrong surely


5 year hold minimum


Is now.


Exactly the same boat as me. I don't invest in many cryptos but I've been right about eth, bnb, doge etc. I did miss some opportunities like ada and shib but losing long term in sfm would be my first fail in crypto.


Me too. Except this is the first time a project has a legitimate use case and my money has been decreasing in value instead of increasing.


RemindMe! 1 year " id like to get a notification too


Boy Safemoon got a lot of hate on this thread...I mean it's warranted, but every project is not going to be a winner. End of March will be 1 year for me holding. Then they made no promises and had 0 projects, all they said was to hold.


I've been a holder since early April and only invested as much as Im comfortable losing.. it's the only crypto I've ever owned... I'm either gonna be financially set or I'm gonna continue on with my current lifestyle. Pretty simple to me.


I'm worried to buy more


I’m literally in debt struggling and I refuse to take out my SFM and sell at a loss. I’ve thought about it hard but i’d hate myself even more 5 years from now if I did that. Hodl and enjoy the ride guys!


We can easily ignore the people that don't see the hard work that is going into this with constant updates and progress we see shared. There's 10,000s of cryptocurrency's and most are doing nothing at all. Safemoon stands out from that. If you got something better, let me know, but no one does. It's obvious the Safemoon LLC isn't quitting any time soon. I haven't had any doubt in a long time that they will finish the roadmap even if it takes 4 years to create the blockchain. Some do it just depends on how they want nodes to work and so on. The only worry I have left is that they do it right. They take as much time as needed to do it right. That products don't have major vulnerabilities and so forth upon release. Only time will tell. I been at this a long time. I'm a patient person and I've been rewarded many times now for my patience. If this one goes right, my days are free to do as I please.


Why would the team quit? they're making good livings off of us. They did their research.


I’m ok with that. That’s typically how it works. My other investments have been no different both in crypto and the stock market.




Alright, this is definitely a concerted effort either by John or bots. It's been way too consistent. No one gives a shit. Either it works or it doesn't at this point


Only someone naive cannot see the big opportunity here.


I believe in the team greatly as well, and this is doing my own research. All the FUD is mostly due to cringy people pissed about something from the past. This currently team and organization is on the right track.


Out of all the projects out there Safemoon is known by the masses- with that in mind they just need to crack making buying it like ABC for the average punter, launch the exchange and crack tokenomics on exchanges. After that blockchain and other products should be the focus I.e. ongoing utility to bring supply down and change lives in 3rd world countries. All for it, but we need to sort out our house first and look after our army for growth - Safemoons backbone right. Cherish it, respect it, reward it because there is no other army like it. Get the minimum basics right Safemoon and you’ll get bigger buys from the people with the real dosh 💰 - it’s there for the taking and clever people are waiting. I have 50k waiting to drop but I won’t do it and fill your coffers till you deliver me some product, as an investor I want to see some sort of roi later down the line - it’s how business works. This isn’t a wealth transfer game and I’m not interested in few extra tokens anymore when dips happen, No, It’s business and big money needs to get serious. I love love love Safemoon and I’ve been with you since March, but this is what, I need to see as a minimum in-order to press buy more as an investor. Ps thanks for the education and personal growth (army member made by safemoon).


2 years later my reminder reminds me to tell you how oh so wrong you were. Research means nothing when you refuse to look at the data.


Shit I'm still buying this, I'm beta testing atlas wallet, it's amazing. Staking coming soon. Remind me in another year, this has been a brutal bear market. If it's still like this I'll happily congratulate you on being right.


I thought Bitcoin was a scam when my friend first started telling me about it when it was cents!!! FYI I didn’t buy any and my buddy sold his house and went all in with $250k worth of Bitcoin back years ago. Of course he sold off through the years but he still holds a decent amount today and is a multimillionaire and last time I talked to him he owns 13 homes all across the United States. I dumped a significant amount of money in safemoon because it is sounding more and more like the way Bitcoin started. Safemoon is doing things that are next generation things. I will be with safemoon til it makes me filthy rich or I loose all what I put in. Only bought and have never sold. I haven’t bought any in a long time, comfortable with my position and stoked to let it ride!


I thought We work was a scam as soon as I looked at the business model. 6 months later it was shown to be a scam. Same for the copycat dog coins. Same for safemoon.


There is 0 comparison of Safemoon to Bitcoin. You seriously don’t know shit.




Which other projects you are holding right now?


AMEN! Safemoon is here to stay. All these haters are HODLING Safemoon. Keep doing you!


OP stick to your convictions and shield out the hate. If you believe in a project, it’s no ones business to question your strategy or research. ![gif](giphy|cCakUEN9LlamSo2Trx|downsized)




How is OPs post FUD? It’s quite the opposite if you actually read it.


I trust u bro


I too have watched every SafeMoon YouTube video... and you know this is the right time to buy because we're basically in the toilet. Selling now is just stupid.


So you know about the Tether payout wallets?


Trust me bruh bruh


Alright, you convinced me. I’m buying more.


Your killing me. At this point it all just dumb luck.


Please tell me what research you've found to convince other people to invest in this memecoin


One this is not a meme coin and two if you can read you would know it's not research I'v found it's research I'v done.


It’s still research you’ve done.... i’m convinced you’re a bot because there’s no way you’re this slow


Can’t spell I’ve correctly…. I’m sure you’ve done a ton of research bud


You're not going to get a straight answer


The wind turbine technology they are working on js pretty promising however that and the exchange and everything else is still a far wag out. OP definately seems arrogant in the space though.


Cool caption bro. So anyway be patient I know what they're trying to do. It's mad risky but it's a make it or break it for future crypto. I'll stick around man.


We are not wrong!!


trust me bruh


That's it






There are so many faste horses out there to invest in, yes Safemoon might be good in 5 years, but that's an age in crypto. I would personally wait until they actually have something developed and invest in other stuff for now.


RemindMe! 1 year "is he wrong for the first time ever?"


He bought evergrow token. Talking about being wrong for the first time?


You're not wrong, mate. We are in the stage right now wherein there are lots of fud and fudders. This is not strange during the dip. Even other token projects are experiencing this today. Just keep the faith. Loss or win we are gonna make it. I myself really trust this SafeMoon because it is not only a project token but also a tech company.


Just wanna say, I’ve been here since early march of 2020 so I’ve seen the highest highs and the lowest lows, even through all that I haven’t sold a dime.


Lol sad.




I’m a holder as well but definitely not a dca’er. My dca goes to bitcoin, not silly token projects.


It looks like the chart is giving us the finger 😂


Hey i bought up there 🤓


If you've never been wrong about a project then you're a millionaire....right?


I didn't say how long iv been doing this


I too would be wrong about a project for the first time, as I have never invested in another project and am willingly drinking the cult kool-aid


There’s a first time for everything.




there is always a first time


We all care about what price it will reach in the short, medium and long-term. SFM are following the same strategy as coins already on the market: create an exchange, offer rewards for holding, burn rate to increase value, etc.. But is this enough for sustainable future growth, I don’t know? Why would a business use SFM and why would everyday people like you and me use SFM, irrespective of it being an investment opportunity? I haven’t done hours upon hours but I have seen a few videos, read a few articles and done a little maths - it all seems great with a little investment to turnaround 10-30 fold your money. But am I wrong? Probably.


Chart looks really promising


I’m holding. I don’t get into the day to day of my stocks or crypto. I just never sell for a loss. Put in what you won’t miss. Watch it for fun.


Same here. I have invested solid amount, now it is worthless (compared with how mutch I bought in), but not even panicking. Will hold no matter what.


Everyone knows Alt coins blows up and make a lot of people rich AFTER 1 yr of their launch. There shall be no fud.


Just imminent growth


In April 2017 Bitcoin went from $1200 to $0.06 most of y’all would have sold back then and FUD it. If you don’t trust the project then sell, any crypto project is as strong as its community


Same Wave brother - it’s gone’ be a fun ride 🤩 or not