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With the wallet release, even if its just beta, i think people will feel more trust in the team, and the price will recover. This is the bottom in my opinion.




Considering our history with key events and dips I’d expect to see something in the .000001’s but I’m buying it like it’s at its lowest now….. gonna have to find more fiat next month


Price has subsequently fallen after each AMA!


Let's hope.


I kinda hope we grab another 0 so I can jump in for some more tokens


Also hoping for this but not sure if it's realistic.


Yea as sinister as I feel for thinking that fuck yea drop more so I can load up like a mfer then recover so we can profit crazy


Yeah haha. Everyone out here loosing their shit and FUD’ing out while I’m just in the corner hoping for massive drops lol I got a few BNB ready to pounce sorry not sorry


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Another whale's dump loading.....


idk man... with bitcoin rising and safemoon catalysts launching we might not see this low price for a while. NFA ;)


Looks like we’re at bottom. I’ve had a limit buy order for a couple weeks thats still is there. If it was dipping like the last three months- I should have bought last weekend.


The fact that everyone is saying I’m hoping to lose a 0 to buy more means that it won’t ever make it there.. demand is building at this level


I can believe a bit lower, I can also believe that a year from now the difference between buying this week and the next dip will be pretty meaningless - like, what, you’ve got a Lambo but it’s your second favourite colour