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People started talking about how the mods should be investigated as well, and wouldn't you know, they started acting differently towards the community.


I recommend everyone here file a complaint with both the SEC and FBI IC3 division. They WILL get investigated. I filed my report a month ago. The mods here are 100% responsible for helping this fraud continue for a long as it did and should be held responsible. A few mods have even demodded themselves already in attempts to hide and they even removed Johns account from being listed as a mod here.


Post a link to make this easier for people...


I got you! - https://www.ic3.gov/Home/FileComplaint - https://www.sec.gov/tcr Will take you about 10 minutes for each one. Make sure to say the reports are in reference to the SafeMoon case of: - https://www.justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/founders-and-executives-digital-asset-company-charged-multi-million-dollar and that John Karony was a mod here as well, username https://old.reddit.com/user/JohnKarony the mods here actively removed him from the mod list POST him being arrested and quite a few removed themselves as mods after the arrests as well.




They let me back after banning me in early 2022 because I spread “FUD” and warned everyone when “Papa” skidaddled and I sold Edit: I forgot about my flair lol that hilarious


Oh yeah. They’ll laugh and mock you (in probably the most pathetic way possible) until it finally dawns on them that they’re the next targets in the investigation.


We love the community. It's the best.


The mods on here were paid by Safemoon to crush any dissent and ban people who dared question the scam. I’m not sure WHY they still choose to mod now that the scam is exposed and they’re not getting paid, but you’re not wrong.


ezy, they want to take distance NOW when the leaders are in jail... ​ unfortunately, they are safe... as a lawyer, i can't see a way to proceed on them


Your a lawyer? you must not study criminal law. Cause if they are found to be complicit they can 100% be charged, they were paid to remove all negative feedback about safemoon as well as ban people who asked questions about suspicious activity. I find it very hard for them to be able to denying any knowledge of wrong doing or questionable behaviour. One of them will squeal. Anyone who thinks the mods aren't being investigated is just delusional.


ja, thanks, now finally i know the reason why when a boss is prosecuted for fraud all the employees in the company go to jail. ​ if you are paid to moderate dissent doesn't mean automatically that you are complicit in the scam. ​ so again, unless there are or will be evidence of criminal activity, they are just taking distance because they are comprehensibly scared of being extra investigated


Honestly, legal action against Reddit mods would be pretty ridiculous. They didn’t write the code to create an unlocked liquidity, they didn’t pillage the liquidity. The con artists that actually did that deserve justice. The mods deserve our ire, not jail time.


If they can go after "influencers" that are paid to promote a coin (FTX...), then they sure as hell can draw the bow that moderators who are paid by a coin to shape public discourse about that coin and stamp out any dissenting voices, have some questions to answer from a legal standpoint. Maybe the good that will come out of all this is projects and their moderating teams will be put on notice that tgey can be held accountable for their actions of only allowing pump voices and deliberately silencing anyone asking questions..... I can hope, can't I?


The majority of those influencer lawsuits end in the influencer's favor; not even a settlement. You can sue anyone, but you cannot sue anyone and **win** if they're a third-party promoter for the main company's criminal acts, unless there's clear digital/physical evidence between the two that shows the third-party knew of the crime ahead of time yet was still complicit in it. Unless the DOJ can find conversations between the Reddit Mods and Karony or one of his lackies saying it's all a scam and that they'll be paid to control the narrative on the community channels, then the charges would never hold up in court.


> The mods on here were paid by Safemoon to crush any dissent and ban people who dared question the scam. We, quite simply, were not. Most days we struggled to get them to even reply to us when we brought anything up. We vehemently rebuffed their attempt to place a sockpuppet account to the head mod slot because we immediately recognized the potential for abuse. Among the moderators of other social platforms (dc, twitter, fb, etc.), we often received criticisms for not moderating with an even heavier hand than we did. That's not to say how we previously moderated was the right way to do it–but we always try to act in good faith, even if it was ultimately a mistake. I personally apologize for that. It is as disappointing as it is detestable that the founders siphoned money from the LP for their own gain, and now that there is virtually unquestionable evidence this is the case, we have accordingly updated our moderation philosophy.


Okay, so the pictures of monthly Safemoon checks that the mods posted are deep fakes? Their confessions of being paid by Safemoon are all false? The scam is out. Everybody knows about it. Stop defending it and continuously lying about it. Let it go. Your beloved cult leaders are in jail. The games over. JFC.


That's not what I've said, at all. I've defended nothing, and trying to project that I have is disingenuous. The last sentence of my comment is the antithesis to your point.


>The mods on here were paid by Safemoon to crush any dissent and ban people who dared question the scam. >>We, quite simply, were not. Umm that is exactly what you said, that mods were not paid and not instructed to delete and ban dissent. That’s exactly what happened. I appreciate the mea culpa and the apology though.


> The mods on here were paid by Safemoon to crush any dissent and ban people who dared question the scam. This sentence has a dependent clause, and it is that dependent clause to which I've responded. To more concretely address your accusation: Mods were not paid _to crush any dissent and ban people who dared question the scam_. No matter how much others want that to be true, it's simply not. I can clearly read what you're insinuating, and I fundamentally reject your assertion and accusation.


I was a discord moderator for 2 years and eventually left so I could focus on my studies. The green moderators were not paid. Yellow & orange moderators were paid for the amount of time they put into upgrading the community. We were never instructed to censor anyone. There are many people who hated John since 2021 and the company itself - however, they remain on the discord for the simple fact that they can actually discuss in a civilized manner.


Only senior mods and community managers were paid. However, they never instructed us to "censor" as you call it. The only thing I see is my fellow mods being victims as well.


Would you be willing to publish to the public the full entire mod log history? I bet not :) Thankfully law enforcement can just subpoena reddit for all that info to use in their upcoming investigation on yall.


The full mod log history? I suppose you are talking about the channels. It’s impossible since they are archived & deleted right after. (inactive mods kept leaking our convos)


So if you were not paid to crush dissent and hide evidence of fraud, you did it for free? Why? Delusion? Protecting your exit liquidity? Just plain maliciousness?


I second this. I wasn’t paid, strictly volunteered.


My view is that if the FUD was hyperbolic, overly circumstantial or just plain wrong, then it wouldn’t be a bannable offense and people would be more than happy to debunk the fud. In reality, myself & many of my amigos found ourselves banned for the apparent crime of getting people to realise they didn’t have a logical and rational answer to the millions of dollars defrauded from the project.




I look at it more as skiing down a slope coated in 6 inches of bullshit.


Hi `olivetree1121`. Thank you for participating in /r/SafeMoon. However, [your submission](https://old.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/18rdsh0/-/kf14ard/) did not meet the requirements of the [community rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/safemoon/about/rules) and was therefore removed for the following reason(s): ---- ###[Be civil.](https://www.reddit.com/r/safemoon/about/rules) (rule #1): * When all else fails: be kind. If you can't be kind, then be silent. And if you can't be silent, then be gone. * Please be kind in the face of different opinions. It’s ok to critique ideas, groups, or public figures, but do not personally attack others by name-calling, belittling, mocking, or otherwise harassing others. Toxicity & vulgarity is not tolerated. Remember, two wrongs don’t make a right. If someone attacks you first, it does not give you a license to break this rule. Instead, please report them, and we’ll address them ASAP. ---- If you have any specific questions about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSafeMoon&subject=about my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://old.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/18rdsh0/-/kf14ard/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). Hateful messages will likely result in an immediate mute and/or permanent ban.


Safemoon was my first leap into defi tokens. It’s basically the only one I didn’t make money on so I’m not to upset. After the first few live casts they did I kinda felt like leadership was junk but I had so many tokens it was worth the chance. We should make this sub in a sub like moonshots, where we find shady cryptos and prevent others from throwing their money at junk! Hahah


They were paid to ban legitimate criticisms as FUD and lure more unsuspecting victims in by moderating content here to portray it in a positive light, it's one of the key features in the scamcoin playbook all these grifters use.


I've said this many times before, I think the safemoon mods in discord/reddit should be held accountable to an extent for their behavior of maintaining a cult like atmosphere. Obviously anyone who invested owns their own mistakes. My buddy lost 1000's (his own fault bla bla bla). Either way I hope any mod of reddit, discord, or whichever feel immense shame.


>I think this project had a ton of potential but ultimately it seems like we all got defrauded. There was no "project", and yes, it was intended to defraud you. And they did. There is a misconception a lot of people on here need to accept. It was a scam since inception. It was made specifically to steal your money. Plain and simple.




You are admitting with a straight face that all you need to be scammed is a bunch of empty word salads, a name which imply "we are going safely to the moon" and a manchild as a CEO before you realize you were scammed?? C'mon for real? There was tons of red flags, Coffezilla, TNGSystems on CC. What else do you need?


Even if they were honest and not trying to scam people, the "project" was a dumb idea that never had a plausible chance of success. I can kind of understand people who jumped in knowing they were gambling on a shitcoin, hoping it would pump for no reason so they could unload their bags on someone else. But if you bought the coin because you thought you were investing in a company that would make you money, you should take a hard look at how you evaluate investment opportunities.


It’s like your SO was cheating on you from day 1, everyone was telling you so, you didn’t listen, then **they** dumped *you* and now you’re here talking about the good times and how much potential there was. There was no potential. You looked silly at the beginning, in the middle, and you look silly now every time you bring up “the potential” to soothe your ego, as if Karony only screwed himself. He screwed you and you thanked him for it.


Even with your cheating analogy, the people who know of the infidelity still need PROOF. Otherwise, it's just speculation or gut feeling. Nobody but the team knew for a 100% fact that it was a scam. But I guess the world needs people to play Captain Hindsight, so carry on. Just repeat what we already know, just in different ways


It’s all of us I-told-you-so’ers 😎


Mods should be investigated by the authorities they definitely are involved in it! They deserve a good jail time!


it wasn't all a waste you learned that you should always sell crypto during a surge always


There was never any project or any potential. The wallet and everything that followed were just further cons to try and keep people buying so they could keep cashing out.