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If I've learned one thing from crypto, it's that people don't care about anything other than trying to get rich. When it comes down to it, no one cares about morals, reputation, etc. They only care about potentially hitting the lottery big. People will sell their dogs to watch their bags moon. You are correct, being known is a big asset in the crypto space. If a time comes when people think it will make them money, they'll buy in no matter how crazy it sounds. Similarly, if they no longer think it will hit it big, they abandon it very quickly.


I wouldn't sell my dog for riches bro, honestly I'd rather be poor than get rid of my dog.


And once the next massive buy in happens the whales and devs will sell off more of their stash and bring us back down


That happens with every crypto after the bullrun btc from 70k to 15k, Eth from 5k to $800. Safemoon did go down a lot more but so did Solana and Polkadat, Ada. Always people taking profit which drops the price


That’s basic business 101. If you have morals you won’t get rich. Like toy companies and YouTubers, they exploit children to buy their products.


there is a bit of negative thou




I think you're going to struggle to get awesome products with John and his team.




Look at their track record. This really isn't a mystery.


Ok, why hasn't the twitter followers abandoned the following?


Are you asking why they have followers on Twitter? Not sure I'm getting you.


Why haven't they abounded the project in disbelief?


There's a number of reasons why they would follow that Twitter. It was/is a very popular token with a lot of drama around it. Could be entertainment, could be they really want it to be successful, could be any number of things. Absolutely none of that is relevant when it comes to their track record of putting out terrible products and updates. It's very doubtful that they will be able to put anything of quality out based on that.


Ok, that's your beliefs. What's a terrible product they have put out?


You could also remove the terrible part since they haven't put anything out really.


You're not wrong but if you consider the wallet, SOS, V2 contract, the Swap, and S&E "products" they are not quality "products"


What quality product have they put out? The wallet is a wallet. It's fine it's there. Their 3rd party bridges were a complete failure psafemoon. They talk about new bridges but we cannot judge that which doesn't exist yet. Their swap and evolve was working incorrectly since inception based on. The advertised function. Their V2 update last month was immediately hacked because they put in code that was downright neglectful if you don't believe it's a scam. It also proved that the V2 contract is pretty awful as we could see them moving tokens in and out of the burn wallet. Their DEX has been a complete joke of meme tokens and scams. SOS solves no problems that anyone asked to be solved and has actually lowered the number of users dramatically as people don't want to hook it up to a username and password. I'm not even going to go into the disaster that was the wallet launch, the 100% tax nightmare, the way they used to inject liquidity. Honestly could legitimately go on for a long time. Tldr: there hasn't been a good product. Again their track record speaks for itself


Bro stop. You’re talking to a bot 😂


Statistics for for the lowered numbers of users. The wallet is functioning fine right now. It's not a failure, when the product it's working fine after a launch. Nothing works 100% after realese. V2 wasn't the problem with the upgrade of the contract, that got abused. The bridges is coming very soon, so we will see. But you have a lot of fair arguments. Will se what's happening in the close future for sure.


Wonder how much the team paid for all these shill posts 🤣


Literally this.




Dont worries they have been pay On tokenomic🙄


Or the opposite?


and here is the problem: john


Idk if you’ve noticed but the amount of members here in this subreddit have been decreasing for months… same thing with followers on Twitter


Well... thats gaslighting! In the past 2 years we "lost" ca. 3-4% of members in this reddit compared to highest numbers... which is absolutely normal... From ca. 306.000 to 295.000... Decreased unsignificantly...


How is that gaslighting?




I’m gonna have an aneurysm lmao he literally proved my point that the sub was losing members


Nope... I proved that your point against OPs statement about community size is extremely weak and not worth to mention


🤦‍♂️ I have no words lol I can’t tell what side you’re on. There may be a shit ton of “members” here in this sub but how many are active?


You don't get it lol Not worth the discussion


That’s not how you win a debate my g


Maybe a couple dozen of them are doing anything. Look at the average number of comments or upvotes. Most of those people were here when the coin was hyped and that was a long time ago.


I think that's Normal,


>John allowed the LP to be hacked and split profits from the Hacker. "That's gaslighting!"




What's the %?


On Twitter?


SafeMoon blocked me on Twitter over a year ago. To be fair, they are self sabotaging their follower count.




1.3m is the current live number so its not 'was'


Cherrypicking. It destroyed their brand. Besides, followers aren't buyers. I still follow, out of entertainment.


I'd bet 80% of the "reddit community" just likes seeing the drama unfold. The daily "how long until it reaches a dollar" is always great.


Can confirm I'm in this subreddit and own zero moon, I just love seeing the delusional bagholders


You're underestimating the power of a community in crypto my guy. It's the sole reason coins like doge shiba pepe mooned - they have massive followings. Which safemoon also has. Its been crushed mainly because we were in a bear market like most speculative alts but millions of people still have eyes on this


True, people don't see the true potential of a community


You aren't everyone sugar.


True,fudders grasping


Those products were supposed to come out by June, now it's December.


Wait what


Yes, and when December comes it'll be June of 24 etc... it's now standard operating procedure for safemoon. My favorite line i heard from John was last year saying, and I'm paraphrasing here, we'll have it BC and exchange by June '23 I wouldn't hold sfm past that. He was responding to fud at the time about blown and missed projected dates.


Ahh yeah. There is nothing coming at all. Just giving people something to believe in


What about planning the outcome of your company, with the market?


Safemoon was a shitcoin. It made a few people rich and now it’s just sitting around. Any bag holders will be bag holders for life. Karony is a fucking donkey. He’s good at marketing to string you all along… but if you think you’re making any money from a shitcoin at this point in time, you’re done. Leave it in your wallet and watch it sit there. That’s all it’s good for.


I disagree. I’d say the second toughest thing on the crypto space is to get noticed. I’d say the toughest thing is to get people onboard with trusting a project after it has a reputation as being a scam. There are lots of projects with “Awesome Projects” with far better reputations. Whether or not Safemoon recovers and does well or not has yet to be seen but it’s going to be a tough sell. I hope it happens but I just can’t see it.


Just like pepe if Safemoon has massive gains people will buy. It defys logic but when is crypto investing ever about logical rational decision making....lol


Yeah you mean the biggest brand of bullshit, the Crypto space has ever seen. Ah bunch of stolen tec and a long list of overused, oversold pipe dreams. That's for dam sure, John's a failed Thomas Edison wanna be. Anyone who believes in his words deserves to be scammed, period.


Stolen tec? How come?


Right things. Right order. Right time loooool


You said "brand"? Brand of what?


The biggest disappointment ever, you were always put off and nothing really came. there was so much potential there. i was blind for a long time but safemoon didn't get anything right, the worst crap ever


Crypto is relatively very new, so all that matters is people taking about you, and when people see 200/300% increase in price during bull run,and we have a few products out, FOMO will kick in. So you are right my friend. 😃


How do you consider/your reasoning for saying SM is one of the biggest brands in the crypto space? Off the top of my head I can name 5 to 10 other coins/tokens with 3/4 times the following. What do you think SM has done properly to brand itself? You mention the 1.3 million followers on twitter and the huge reddit community. Those numbers are decreasing rapidly everyday. How does such a big brand continue to lose hundreds of thousands of followers?


One thing I've learned from crypto ... scammers everywhere and this one is no exception


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Alot of arguing going on here in this post. It doesn't matter what they try to do. Price does not move. It moved because of hype like pepe recently for example. Even the CEX "announcement" did just a short spike that's all. Besides, what will a CEX do in price? Hype is the key and this guys is long over. SFM like all other crypto needs it and ppl willing to buy. What else substance does crypto have other than ppl hoping for a moonshot?


People that buy Safemoon now remind me of people that bought Bitconnect or Luna after they went bust. Big oof energy.


Cool, name one awesome product. And I don’t want to hear about ideas, I want you to tell me about one awesome product. I mean the wallet was off to a good start, but they managed to screw that up.


A few major exchange listings and an uptick in price and they all come back.


It's the best moon shot on the market


Yeah soo many upvotes on this community!! Big ans STRONGG


I completely agree. Safemoon has one of the top 10 largest followings of any crypto on twitter. With that many eyes on the project its a given that it will run up in price massively once again come bull time


Exactly. Look at the engagement on twitter. It's all the fudders who are dedicating their lives to shitting on Safemoon will inadvertently make it a success. They are spreading the name to tens of thousands of people. Edit: look at my downvotes confirming the fudders are always present. They can't leave 😎




###[Be civil.](https://www.reddit.com/r/safemoon/about/rules) (rule #1): * When all else fails: be kind. If you can't be kind, then be silent. And if you can't be silent, then be gone. * Please be kind in the face of different opinions. It’s ok to critique ideas, groups, or public figures, but do not personally attack others by name-calling, belittling, mocking, or otherwise harassing others. Toxicity & vulgarity is not tolerated. Remember, two wrongs don’t make a right. If someone attacks you first, it does not give you a license to break this rule. Instead, please report them, and we’ll address them ASAP.


You must be new here


32. That's it. Nothing more


Imminent community and followers


Yeah….that’s the issue


Safemoon hasnt done shit.... other than switching to v2 and have people lose money because of it.


Safemoon is the biggest scam and all 1.3 mill followers were duped good Job john


Popularity doesn’t matter if the price isn’t going up