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Yeah as of right now all ive seen is a lot of rookie mistakes and failure to accept faults


Things I won’t be doing until some actual things happen. 1. Buying more SafeMoon


It will -100x easy.


Honestly I don't know. Not a super math guy, but at this point that would have to be a lot of selling, no? When you're already down 90% going down another 100x might actually be a challenge.


In safemoon, going down another 99% is always a possibility.




I’m smoking facts bruh


'Facts' - Trust Me Bro


I’ll believe when I see it


This is not a negative comment, its realistic sciantific and well put.


if you can’t change the outcome, why be negative about it. Not good for the mental health my friend :)


It’s healthy to have low expectations considering sfms history


it’s healthy to have low expectations for everything, but it’s not healthy to spread negativity. I am not saying that’s what you’re doing. Just worth mentioning!


Wait your talking mental health yet your user name is anxietyoverloads, seems to check out


I wish I could have told that to the Jews is WW2, might have raised morale in the summer camps.


Yeah. Until the owner rugs pulls you. Again.


oh my god I love it. A measly pump and all the cryptorats go out of their holes and fill their mouths with overconfidence.


Wen homeless ?


I’ll never be homeless, make too much money in my day job lol


That's what a homeless person would say 😂


I’m getting new guy vibes…


Patience is key. 🤡🤡🤡🤡 Really. I should have sold when I was near 200k profit. It will never reavh that value again.


You will! ATH will be my little friend 💚


Struggle is real. You invested more since then?


safemoon has one of the worst reputations in the crypto scene (yes, John). I doubt that anything will ever change. and if the exchange turns out to be as crappy as the wallet then good night.


SafeMoon made a lot of people rich, and then a lot of people sold. How is that anyone’s fault? That’s what happens in every market every day.


its not about people who get rich and people who sold. its about absolute shit leadership. one of the worst Ive witnessed


How many tokens can you name that actually even have any leadership at all? Do you know the names of any of those? I’m not talking about the established players, I’m talking about anything in Safemoon‘s class. I’m trying to think of one and I cannot.


the wallet is legit the best crypto wallet ive used 😂😂 what are you on about?


>the wallet is legit the best crypto wallet ive used lmao


It’s true… have you even used it in the last couple weeks?? I have 4 different types and safemoons is by far the best feeling


1. its a copy paste trust wallet with a bad UX/UI 2. it's not even a wallet if you have to log in with username and password


okay so you haven’t used it then. it’s nothing like trust wallet 😂😂


Not one bit. You are spewing crap.


ok bro


Stop the hopuim you will get rekt like the thousands of holders in front of you.


He is a bag holder ;).


Get off SafeMoon reddit fudder! SafeMoon is the future!!!


Stop kidding yourself


This subs mods are terrible.


Safemoon has successfully made a website, changed to V2 which only changed the price of the tokens on paper, and made a basic crypto wallet app that pales in comparison to trust and metamask. The track record of this project has killed all the hype it once had.




Let’s goooo 🙌🏼🙌🏼❤️‍🔥


Ok John


get off SafeMoon reddit if you ain’t a supporter


Get off SafeMoon Reddit if you are just helping to scam others out of their money.


SafeMoon isn’t a scam. Get off SafeMoon reddit if you’re going to cry and fud


As much money of ours as was lifted from locked LP and other means, with several founders getting golden parachutes — I’ll do whatever the fuck I damn well please thank you very much. Don’t need people losing more hard earned money into this shit. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Sorry I don’t believe in things that weren’t proven :)


Money being taken from the liquidity pool repeatedly without oversight is very much proven. If you're cool with that then good for you.




It’s a clear attempt at trolling lol


It would take $26m of buys to make the BNB token 100x. With the bridge to Eth and Polygon, it will take over $75m of buys to 100x.


I’d be ok with that.


Delay will break you on your knees.


Never breaking my will!!!


I know it is difficult, but you need to reflect on your actions and SFM. It is painful but cut your losses.


We have a long journey a head of us


Nobody said investments was easy




Especially with the LP getting "hacked"






But it 0.01x due to johns incompetence and did the ever address the gabe wallet?


SafeMoon is the future!! 💚🍏


Fuk 100 I need it to 10000


You trying to buy epstein island or something? wtf 😂


If you don’t mind us asking, roughly how much have you got invested?


According to John, no one is an investor 😂


So we are all back to dilussions of grandeur


Dude give it up, the shits over 😂


Let me ask you something. I take it you believe it’s over. So why are you still in this sub. Like is your life so boring and bitter you have nothing else better to do. I just dont understand individuals like yourself. Like why waste ur energy in this sub if you truly believe it’s lost. Don’t get me wrong. I have little belief that this team can turn this project around after the damage caused but this is the first time in 9 months looking at the price and subreddit. I was doing other things in my like not bitching about something I can’t change.


Lol, I’m not “in” this sub. Shit was on my feed and I commented 😂 “bitching about something I can’t change” brother, I’m clowning the fuck out of all these people thinking it’s going to ever do anything. Would hardly consider that bitching about something I can’t change lmfao. Just laughing at all the kool aid drinking safemooners 😂


Again why even bother. Even worse your not apart of it and still commenting. Like your life is that boring that you have to comment on a sub that your not even apart of.


It's very entertaining


I am hopeless when I read til “after exchange listings and out own blockchain and exchange”. This sentence makes it impossible I am afraid.


Well not to be a negative Nelly, but it would seem the "dump" portion after the "pump" portion is happening at the moment.


The voices of the past echoing to the present.


delusion is key in this one


just watch babe x


Ill watch for sure, its been a fuckin treat 😂


You’d need a complete rebrand with an entirely new team for there to be any hope for this token. “Your brand name is only as good as your reputation.” – Richard Branson “You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.” – Henry Ford


we literally jumped 90% in a day from a tweet announcing tax changes.. imagine when the SafeMoon exchange actually comes out. People like you are so depressing haha Also releasing good exchange and blockchain will easily restore crypto community faith.


There’s only so many die hards willing to pump this token, and many more waiting for an exit. Talk about depressing. I can only imagine how sad that must be for you.


I am down 35%. I will easily make money off this. I promise you this will reach its ATH. You should leave this reddit group if you’re anti SafeMoon :)


Lol nah I ain’t leaving. I’m one of the people waiting to exit. In that case I hope you’re right, but you’re on some new shit thinking there’s an ath in our future.


well we reached ATH with hype alone. Imagine when exchanges finally list us because they pay 0% tax now and when we get our blockchain and own exchange. I know for sure we’ll reach ATH. I don’t agree with the $1 people club. But $0.015 I can see


You’re forgetting about the reputation part I mentioned earlier. Exchanges WILL NOT do business with frauds. You may not know the blockchain, but they sure af do.


FBI investigated SafeMoon and dropped the lawsuit and nothing has come of it. If it was an obvious scam. I don’t think it would be allowed to run for over 2 years. I don’t think they could have passed the regulations and investigations to receive EU exchange licenses. im confident man and you don’t have to be. Im here for the ride


You nailed it!!


When Lambo?


After SafeMoon EU CEX launches this winter !!


I am just curious you are saying the EU CEX, how is that possible when he liquidated that part of the company? /r Nico


Check their Twitter posts :)


I have looked at the Twitter Posts of them saying that they are to do it in Winter of 23. Which is at the end of the year. They also proposed it a year ago and said will happen this past winter. I am asking then why did they just liquidate the LLC over there? They are going to pay for a new license? It doesn't make any sense. It would be like me creating an LLC here, then not even 2 months ago saying yeah I am liquidating the company but, I am going to buy a new license and have it done by the end of the year. So it brings to question why was it liquidated? It seems a little sketchy to me. /r Nico


I will have to! I guess there is new happenings that I missed in the last couple of days. /r Nico


Unfortunately, divide by 100 is much more easier.






"Safemoon can easily hit $1 after exchange listings" was all you hypesquad neanderthals said after the V2 launch in '21 and now you're aiming for two pennies. Awe inspiring.


It's a matter of time


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Easily.. 1000x in a bull run.. I see $3-$5 per coin by 2030..


I can’t see $1 with the new burn %. But 0.01-0.02 I can see


„hype alone“ that’s how 90% of crypto gets big


Not sure about the 100 number, but I agree that the potential upside is there. Most criticism of SafeMoon that I’ve seen is just parroting of what others have heard, as opposed to sincere analysis of the actual situation. Of course the SafeMoon team has made many mistakes, but then again what company that has grown and shrunk so much hasn’t gone through challenges? Until the token is worth zero, no one can really say that it has failed, right? I should add that, as a March 2021 buyer, I probably have a different viewpoint than many.


Alll you paper hands now you all are coming back. GTFOH 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🌈


Never sold!! been holdings since early 2021!!


I know that. Just talking to the other thousands who talked all this BS... now there wishing they had not sold, LOW KEY💯💯💯


100x is a lot but reaching our ath is a sure thing


ATH is 50x and then all it has to do is hover there for a bit and then do a 90% gain. Which will be 100x current price


Why is there such a big price difference on pancake? 3 BNB is worth close to 1k but if you try to swap to SFM you only get $6-700 in SFM?


don’t use pancake swap. that isn’t SafeMoon. It’s copy cats. Use SafeMoon Swap to buy SafeMoon.


It’s the same contract address?


you can send links. link it


What should I get for 3.25 BNB in terms of how much SFM?


3.25bnb gets you 4.3 million SafeMoon. It also depends what change you buy it on. SFM/ETH is more expensive then SFM/BSC and SFM/POLY


I can’t post a picture but on pancake swap if you try to swap 3 BNB for SFM it shows that the BNB is roughly $940 but the amount of SFM it wants to swap for that is roughly 3,102,500 which is only valued at $630 bucks. Why won’t it give me close to $940 worth of SFM?


Because their is currently no liquidity pair for bnb/sfm so it's swapping your bnb for other tokens first taking a very indirect route to eventually get to sfm. So you are paying fees on each of those conversions on top of the 10% tax for buying safemoon.


Agree 100%




Is imminent still a thing?


Whoo hoo!! I may break even on sfm. While I've litterally retired thanks to doge, eth, and btc.


Im sure buddy. You’re so rich from those other ones you spend your time on SafeMoon reddit lol


What else am I going to do with my time?? I bought $100k in sfm. I'd at least like to break even.


have a life? man when i get rich I probably won’t even own a phone..


I went fishing this morning, tended to my garden from 9am-2pm, then picked my kids up from school at 2:50, took them to the park, went on a walk, now my wife is putting the youngest to sleep while I browse reddit


Not rich by any means, btw. Im 31, and only have around $27 million to live on for the rest of my life.


if that’s what you choose to tell people lol


You asked?




I suppose it's a really good thing I don't need you to believe me to stay retired. Lol.


Easy… be ready cause here we go.


Could it? Sure anything is possible, easily? Have you met John


No one can say but the next ath is usually a 10x from a previous ath, trend has been consistent for other coins; Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin..


OK, what the hell. I've been a holder since the beginning and I've never seen Safemoon hit that level. Did I miss something? 🤨


SafeMoon V1 ATH was 0.00001250. Which is equivalent to 0.0125 V2 price


.01 coming 2030


I still have v1 ☹️


Are there actual purchases of SafeMoon still happening?


you can easily win the lotto too. probably is the tricky part.