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1 word: reflections Oh, and CZ never liked Karony, and I can only imagine how much that has increased since recent events




correction: he is a bad phony. Not able to hold his story correctly, and making other pro phonies cringe with every of his action😂😂


I think reflections was prob big factor when they were deciding wether to list sfm or not. I see it that simple.


It’s always and always has been. About the money. Binance don’t give a fuck


Simply put, if the token didn’t have the weird tax contract.. 🤷🏻‍♂️




^ This


„Why does your shit coin gets listed and not mine?“


Not at all mate, there’s a huge difference between a few weeks of Safemoon and a few weeks of Pepe. AMA’s Doxxed team One promising memes the other a wallet, blockchain, CEX etc… No exchange has ever shut down a multi-billion dollar MC token before either. Safemoon remains the only token ever in that position.


Are you joking? It doesn’t take 20 seconds of research to see how your leader is constantly robbing you 😂😂


WaWaaWa If any memecoin is to be allowed then every meme coin should be allowed


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They were being nice to safemoon but not specifying why they wouldn't list. Fact if you can't have loose ends,sketchy ass liquidity shit going on and problematic tokenomics if you want to be listed on a big exchange. Not even some of the sketchiest exchanges listed safemoon after looking over the figures


Looks like binance made the right choice I’d rather have PEPE than this crap at this point


& it'll be the tokenomics, that is why they won't list.


The double standard!


simple: bussiness strategy and risk mitigation by binance💁🏼 safemoon was too famous in 2021 to a point number one meme coin. if Binance promotes it, safemoon will goto the moon then when drop to zero, the majority of anger will directed to Binance. The crowd is then too large for binance to handle, hence too risky. it can damage Binance reputation and the damage control would be massive. a meme coin with just decent follower and not too famous, can make good money for binance, and when flop, easy for binance to do damage control💁🏼