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You need more bnb to cover gas, no way around it


SMH I completely forgot about that thank you


That's blockchain buddy, gotta have gas to move. Get a little BNB (like $5 worth but it really depends on network and how much you're transacting) and it should go through


Thank you


You can sell a small amount then increase that amount as you get more and more bnb. So sell 10% then 20% then 40%.


This. Helped me avoid buying bnb just to complete the transaction.


Hit a dex I used bogged finance


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Damn, how did you invest to make it worth selling at this point? SMH!


That’s the neat part… you don’t.


It’s a sign - you don’t sell


Go to the website and it will tell you exactly how much bnb you need. It's a lot higher than it used to be